The mystery of Tutankhamun, the true story – Part Three

The mystery of Tutankhamun, the true story - Part Three

6/30/2021 0:00:01

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In our previous article, we talked about the illogicality of the story written by the West about the identity of the owner of the cemetery that the West discovered in 1924 in Misr, and the illogicality of his family’s story.

At the end of our article, we asked a question: Why did that tomb contain items related to that king (the estate), including slippers, a chair, a dagger, etc.?

Indeed, a question arises for any person: what is the meaning of the presence of that person’s belongings in his grave?

The truth is that the first thought that comes to any person, according to the West’s interpretations of Egyptian history, is that there is a high probability that that person wants to use those things after he is resurrected in the afterlife, according to the belief of the ancient Egyptians.

However, I think that this interpretation is not convincing for several logical reasons, but before we talk about those reasons, we will try to ask a question that imposes itself: Isn’t it logical for us to try to approach the meanings of the writing found in his tomb according to Western translations? Perhaps it will bring us closer to that meaning that We are looking for an explanation of the reasons for the presence of these things in his grave.

If we try to read the written texts in that person’s tomb, we will find that the first thing that confronts us is the name of that person.

I have placed in the image of the article the royal frame in which the symbols of his name are written, and according to the Western translation, the frame reads (Tutankhamun).

Knowing the meanings of people’s names will bring us closer to understanding the culture from which the owners of these tombs emerged.

If we go to find out the meaning of his name according to Western translations, we will find that this person’s name means (the living manifestation of Lamun).

What is the meaning of (berries)?

1- Rectangle number (1) in the picture

If we go to Champollion’s dictionary, we will find that there is a word from his name in Champollion’s dictionary (semicircle – bird – semicircle) and it is read as (mulberry), and when searching for the meaning of the word mulberry, we found that it means (complete – complete – complete).

If we search for another word in Champollion’s dictionary that reads (Tut), we will find something very striking, which is the presence of one symbol in ancient Egyptian inscriptions that also reads (Tut), exactly with the same pronunciation of the word consisting of three symbols (semicircle – bird – semicircle). This symbol is a symbol that appears to be a person’s coffin, in the same shape as the ancient coffins that are currently being discovered in Misr, which bear the form of a human being. This symbol means in Champollion’s dictionary (state – appearance – form).

It’s strange.

Why ?

According to Champollion’s dictionary, the name (Tutankhamun) is supposed to mean (the living completion of Lamun), but the strange thing is that the West made the meaning of his name (the living manifestation of Lamun).

Although the symbol (the coffin of a person), which means (manifestation), is not written in the name (Tutankhamun), so we believe that the meaning of his name is (the living manifestation of Amun).

Does this mean that the symbol (a person’s coffin) reads (semicircle – plane – semicircle symbol)?

1- Rectangle number (2) in the picture

If we search Champollion’s dictionary, we will find another interesting thing.

We will find that there is a word that contains a symbol (a person’s coffin) and the same symbols as the name Tut (semicircle – bird – semicircle). This word is also read as (Tut) and has two meanings [(complete) – (appearance)].

If we continue searching, we will find another word that contains the symbol (a person’s coffin) and the same symbols as the name Tut, but without the bird symbol (semicircle – knot – semicircle). This word is also read (Tut) and has two meanings [(complete) – (appearance). ) ] .


So can I… if I write Tutankhamun’s name in a different way, so instead of the symbols (semicircle – bird – circle) write his name with the symbols (semicircle – knot – circle)?

Or in other words…. Is the symbol (bird) the same as the symbol (knot) and read in the same way?

If we search Champollion’s dictionary, we will also encounter another case similar to the previous case. We will find that there are two words with the same pronunciation and carrying the same meaning, and the first word contains the same symbol for bird, and the second word does not have the symbol (bird), but rather with the symbol (knot).

The first word is symbols (gecko – bird – rope – another symbol)

It reads (Jahu), which means (disease).

The second word and its symbols (leprous – knot – rope – another symbol)

It reads (Jahu), which means (disease).


Let us assume… What if I told you that these words are read in Arabic, then the logical question is: Is there a disease known to us that is related to an animal (gecko)?

A leper…..(ab ras)?

The word (bird – rope – another symbol) is read as (ab ras) if we assume that it is the correct reading, but the strange thing is that all the sounds in the word are not present in the word (semicircle – bird – semicircle), even though the two words contain a symbol ( the bird ) ?

Is there a common relationship between the word (leper) and the symbol (a person’s coffin)?

Is there a relationship between (ab ras) —- (t ab wt)?

Something really striking

Yes……the clip (ab)

Does the bird symbol read (ab)?

If he was reading (up), it would be really amazing.

Why ?

Because if the symbol for the bird reads (ab)… then the symbols for the word (semicircle – bird – semicircle) read (t ab t).

Indeed, (tabtt) is the symbol for (a person’s coffin).

Then we will know the reason and secret behind the existence of a word that contains symbols (coffin – semicircle – bird – semicircle).

Then we can solve the previous question, which is: Does the symbol (a person’s coffin) read (semicircle – plane – semicircle symbol)?

The answer: Yes.

3- Rectangle number (3) in the picture

If we examine the method that Champollion developed for the names of the kings of Misr, we will find that the Egyptian king bears approximately five names: the personal name, the royal name, the golden name, and the name of Horus, and we do not know the reasons why the kings of Misr bore these many names.

But if we agree with this matter, we will find that there is something really striking in the name of King Tutankhamun and another king, Sheshenak III.

how ?

If we go to look at the symbols of the name Horus for King (Tutankhamun) and King (Sheshnak III), we will find that they are completely identical, and the difference between them is the same, the same difference found in the rectangle (1).

So the name Horus for Tutankhamun contains (a semicircle – a bird – a semicircle), while the name Horus for Sheshnak contains (a person’s coffin – a knot – a semicircle)?

It is really interesting… This confirms that:

Symbols (semicircle – bird – semicircle) = symbol (coffin).

As long as we are inside a cemetery and there is a coffin in it, and in the cemetery there is a word that contains symbols (semicircle – bird – semicircle), the word seems to have nothing to do with the name of a person, but rather to a word that has something to do with something (coffin).

The word (semicircle – bird – semicircle) found in the name of Tutankhamun, which the West claimed, reads (tut)… it reads (coffin), not (tut).

Was the name of the person inside the tomb “Tut” or “Tabot”?

Al-Hawab: (coffin)

But is it possible that a person’s name was (coffin), or is that word within the royal framework in the tomb of that person whose legacy was found in his tomb not the name of a person but rather words related to something else?

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

(And their prophet said to them, “Indeed, the sign of your kingdom is that the ark will come to you, in which is a tranquility from your Allah, and a remnant of what he left behind.” The family of Musa and the family of Haroun will be carried by the angels. Indeed, in that is a sign for you if you are believers.)

He follows …….

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