These are the West’s translations of the symbols and words in ancient Egyptian writing, which they falsely called hieroglyphics, with the meanings assigned by the West.

These are the West's translations of the symbols and words in ancient Egyptian writing, which they falsely called hieroglyphics, with the meanings assigned by the West.

6/11/2021 0:00:01

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Are these the West’s translations of the symbols and words in ancient Egyptian writing, which they falsely called hieroglyphs, with the meanings assigned by the West?

In the beginning, why did you choose these words from the dictionary that the West created to write about ancient Misr?

My choice of these words is not random, because it is not right to choose random words and try to create an argument using them. Rather, it is an organized, ordered, and logical choice that imposes itself.

In the beginning, I chose the first symbol randomly, and I found that the Western reading of this symbol is (ka), and this symbol means (spirit), so I placed next to the symbol the reading in English letters, then I put the meaning in Arabic letters (spirit), and so I did the same thing. With the rest of the words, reading in English letters and meaning in Arabic letters.

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another word that had the same first symbol (soul) and another symbol, and I found a word consisting of the symbol (soul) and the symbol (human leg), and I found that the West translated it (kb) and said that it means (soil, dirt). .

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another, third word that contains two symbols (soul and leg), which together means dust. I found a word that contains four symbols [an ordinary woman, spirit, leg, and stick]. The West translated this word as (sbka) and Make the meaning (to fertilize or fertilize).

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another, third word that contains two symbols (soul and leg), which together means dust. I found another second word that contains four symbols [a woman with three lines underneath, a spirit, a leg, and a half-moon], and the West made the translation of this word It is (bkat) and the meaning is made (pregnant).

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another, third word that contains two symbols (soul and leg), which together means dust. I found another third word that contains four symbols [a woman with a swollen stomach, a soul, a leg, and a half-moon], and the West made the translation of this word as (bkat) and make the meaning (pregnant).

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another word that contains the symbol (a woman with a swollen stomach), and I found a word that contains five symbols [a woman with a swollen stomach, two feathers, a pen, and a stick]. The West translated this word as (say) and made the meaning ( Birth pains).

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for another word that reads (say) and contains the symbol (mirror), and I found a word that contains five symbols [a woman with a boy underneath, two feathers, a symbol, and an arm]. The West translated this word as (say) and made Meaning (labor).

Here I realized as if I was inside a story, and it needed me to arrange a logical arrangement in order to reach an end and what would emerge from this woman and what the birth would be like.

So I decided to search in the Western dictionary for a word that contains a symbol (a woman has a boy underneath it), and I found a word that contains four symbols [a woman with a boy underneath her, a stick, three dangling ropes, and a half moon], and the West made the translation of this word (mst) and made the meaning ( the mom ) .

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for a word that contains a symbol (the woman has a boy underneath her and the symbols for the word mother), and I found a word that contains three symbols [a woman with a boy underneath her and a stick and the three ropes dangling], and the West made the translation of this word (msi) and made Meaning: (she gives birth).

Then I searched in the Western dictionary for a word that contains a symbol (the woman has a boy underneath her and the symbols for the word mother), and I found a word that contains three symbols [a woman with a boy underneath her, two feathers, a stick, and three ropes dangling], and the West made the translation of this word as (ms) and Make the meaning (son).

Here the story seems logical and has ended, but it still needs to be arranged in order to find out the identity of this (son).

If we think logically… it is as if the mother, when she gave birth, was carrying a word in her womb, so she gave birth to a word, and this word is made up of two symbols (a stick and three ropes), because it appeared with us in the birth story and she always carries with her two symbols (a stick). And three ropes), so the identity of this son will carry with him these two symbols.

So I decided to search for another word that contains two symbols (a stick and three ropes) and contains (a symbol for a child)…and I actually found a word that contains three symbols [a child, a stick and three ropes], and he made The West read this word (ms) and made the meaning (son).

I decided to search for another word that contained two symbols (a stick and three ropes)… but what was strange was that I found a word that contained three symbols [a man, a stick, and three ropes]. The West made this word read (ms) and made Meaning (the Creator).


These are the reasons for choosing these words, a logical and ordered choice, and this logical choice according to the symbols, produced for us a story that carries meanings that are logically arranged, according to the meanings that the West has placed on the words.

So the story is that (the mother) gave birth to (a son)… from spirit and dust.. and no one touched her.

The story of a woman as if she received spirit and dust, then a son came out of her.

The spirit was blown into the woman, and the woman bore a word, and the woman gave birth to a son who bore his name.


Now look at the north side of the picture, I have placed the three words, which are the words that the West assigned their meanings to (Mother, Son, Creator).

If we contemplate the story, we will find that there is something strange that the final result of that story was represented for us by two people with the same name, the first a child and the second a man.

What is the explanation?

There must be a logical explanation for the matter, and the West wanted to hide the logical explanation, in order to hide the word of this son.

how ?

The West has composed two imaginary magical stories that contain logical errors, and these two magical stories, in order to hide the Word of Allah that will unravel all the ancient books found in Misr.

The first story was made of a new religion for the people on paper, and the second story was made by the West in the writing of ancient Misr and claimed that it was an ancient religion in Misr.

how ?

Watch this woman who became a mother and carried two symbols (a stick and three ropes). She placed two symbols, and these two symbols were carried by a child and a man (a stick and three ropes).

Logical question:

Which one of them is the woman’s son? Is it the child or the man?

Logic says that the result that will emerge from the woman is a young child and not an old man, so it is certain that the son is the young child and not the man.

So the question that imposes itself: So what does it mean for an old man to have the same name as a young child?

– The first western story

Someone might say that it was the man who bore the child’s name, not the woman, and the little child came out of this big man.

So the Son, even though He is great…is the Creator Allah, who bore the name…and who bestowed His spirit and His word on the woman, so the woman carried that word, then that woman gave birth to the word, with a small child, and he became the Son of Allah.

Because a woman was not conceived by the word in the form of marriage to a man, as in the symbols of words, but rather in the form of a spirit and of dust without a human marriage process, the West decided to create a story consisting of three symbols.

The Story of (Jehovah, the Spirit, and the Massih)

Father Allah…..Yahweh……(The Son is great)


Allah is the son of…..the Massih…..(the son is young)

Allah the Son….is the Massih….he was killed and crucified

He made the story of the three hypostases and made it a religion, and he spread it throughout the earth.

The second western story

Someone might say that the child emerged from a mating process between an older man and a woman, because the two carried the same symbols of the child, and naturally the mating process would produce a child.

So the son, even though he is great… is the Allah, who bears the same name… who married the woman (his mother) in an intercourse marriage, so the woman became pregnant from his soul, then that woman gave birth to the soul, a small child, and he became the son of Allah.

The story of (Osiris, Isis, and Horus)

Father Allah…..Osiris…(the son is great)

Mother Allah……Isis…..(the woman)

Allah of the son of ….. Horus ….. (the soul)

The Father Allah….is Osiris….he was killed and died.

He created the story of the three goddesses and claimed that it was an ancient religion in Misr, and he published it in printer’s books.


So what is the true story, which the West tried to hide, and which one of them is the woman’s son? Is it the child or the man?

What if the baby and the man are twins?

But how can a young person and an old person come out when they both left that woman?

What if the child and the man are one person, but the symbol of the child is his image when he is small, and the symbol of the man is his image when he is old, that is, his image as he has grown up.

in another meaning

Does it make sense….. If I put a picture of me when I was young, five years old, and wrote my name (Ahmed) next to it, then I also put my current picture when I was old, 37 years old, and wrote my name (Ahmed) next to it.

Did my mother give birth to two people or one person?

One person, but he has two pictures with two different ages, and I am not my stepfather, and I am not my own father, and my mother is my mother when I am young and she is my mother when I am old.

Rather, it is logical: the child and the man carry the same symbols, and the two words are identical in pronunciation (ms), so they are one person, but that person was cradle-age and middle-aged age.

The mother placed her son in the cradle and he grew up and bore the same name

Is the whole story clear, and the reasons for choosing these words?

The West designed these two stories, for the sake of one word in a book that exposes the entire history that the West’s printer wrote of the land and man.

{When the angels said, O Maryam, Allah is giving you good news of a word from Him, whose name is the Massih, Issa son of Maryam, distinguished in this world and the hereafter and among those brought near. (45) And He speaks to people in the cradle and in old age and among the righteous.}

{And Al-Yahoud said Uzair, son of Allah, and Al-Nasarah said Christ, son of Allah. That is what they say with their mouths, they imitate the words of those who disbelieved before. Allah killed them. How can they be fooled?

{Those who say that Allah is the Massih, son of Maryam, have certainly disbelieved}

{Those who say that Allah is the third of three have disbelieved, and there is no Allah but one Allah}

{O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion, and do not say about Allah anything but the truth. Indeed, the Massih, Issa, son of Maryam, is the Messenger of Allah, and His word which He delivered to Maryam, and a spirit from Him, so believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say three things: “Desist is better for you.” Allah is but one Allah. Glory be to Him to have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the heavens. on earth, and Allah is sufficient as a disposer of affairs.}

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt is suspicious

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