1- Deconstructing the Zionist time – the nature of the journey

1- Deconstructing the Zionist time - the nature of the journey


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“Gas in gas in talisman..I’m tired of all this.”

I could not help but laugh as I read this sentence by someone who wrote it as a comment on a long historical article published in a historical group on one of the social networking sites on the Internet. The article was about the city of Babylon and its connection to the pyramids, supported by religious texts. I followed the responses of the author of the article, who did not There is no answer except: inevitable boredom.

I laughed because I felt the situation he reached without a convincing result, and it is the same situation that prevails in the entire region……and I found in his comment as if he was revealing the truth without reservation………and summarizing the truth that I see before me. With a sharp, sarcastic sentence.

Do the region’s societies suffer from a fragmented memory?

This question was echoing within me as I read historical topics and watched the historical dialogues taking place on Internet sites and watched the nature of the comments and their starting points in constructing the historical novel……and most of them revolved around the same angle……… ..And you claim history and attribute it to a specific geography or a specific people in a sharp way, so I was asking why? . But after reading many pages of history on social media sites from Yemen to Iraq to Syria to Misr and others… I realized that it is a general phenomenon… Those pages emerged from a single environment, mentality and psychology that pervades the region… ..And you make matters worse. It contributes to creating an unhealthy and extremist awareness of history, and it does not make history an educational and cognitive subject…….. It does not create a reader who can understand the religious, cultural, social and linguistic context, and it cannot create readings. New according to a new scientific method as an attempt to re-read history… so the pages are limited to the phenomenon of copying and pasting from Western references… almost… most of these pages create a sick awareness in understanding history and inflated, swollen, haunted selves. The illusion of uniqueness.

My interests are different…and I never thought…that the day would come when I would seriously research the subject of history…because my greatest interest is limited to intellectual aspects…and history for me… I have something from the past…but as we entered into the so-called Arab Spring, I found myself confronted with a problem and a puzzle at the same time, as I watched the chaos going on in our region at all levels and without practical solutions…and Among this chaos that is taking place… a wave of historical absurdity is sweeping the region… History has become a necessity for many for the sake of political entitlement… and I find myself absorbing some of its aspects and at the same time there is an inability to stop it. ……There is a tendency to keep them as they are and make them political slogans among groups in the region for the sake of political entitlements on the ground. It is natural that these slogans receive support from external projects to have them as a political bearer through which they can put a foot forward, exploiting them. The structure of the historical mind of the peoples of the region… which is incapable of dismantling the huge amount of historical narratives and theories… most of which were written by European Orientalists and issued to us.

Therefore, I began to deal with the subject of history in a somewhat different way and with more seriousness. I learned this after I found myself drawn to reading articles and books on history and writing on history in small articles in an attempt to stop some extremist, unconvincing, and forged historical writings that do not… It has material and logical evidence. I did not imagine that the matter would require a historical mission as old as the beginnings of civilization, so that pleasure in reading history turned into a serious search for solutions to the problems in reading history. Then I was faced with a number of puzzles and I had to find final answers to them.

My entry into history seriously is not because history concerns me personally, but because history has become, in my view, a problem and a puzzle at the same time, and it needs treatment and solution… It is true that history, in my view, lies in the joy of imagination and in understanding the context of people’s social knowledge, but The importance of history, in my view, lies in another aspect.

There is another new phenomenon that has become clearly evident, the phenomenon of waves that made history a basic rule in the present, and groups began to grow with a discourse based on reading ancient history for political entitlements on the ground, and when you read those historical readings among those groups, you find them readings. Utilitarianism is false, extreme, unstable, unclear, and does not have a clear, connected context. Many readings constitute a state of chaos.

This situation made me ask myself about the reasons for this

Because these numerous, extremist, and wrong readings of history have created a chaos of historical perceptions in the consciousness of peoples, and produced conflicting collective imaginations within each country…and we will not get out of this historical chaos…unless we We know our historical context properly, and we know who we are and how we arrived at this stage… and no reconciliation will occur in our imagination towards our history until we bring history down from the mythical and false space to the real space… by stopping the legendary movement of history. In our imagination and transforming it into a natural, realistic, understandable movement.

This is a problem that our societies are suffering from now…. But I cannot see the matter as a phenomenon inherent and inherent to peoples. I understand the reasons behind this phenomenon and what led to its emergence… and among its most important causes… .. The entry of the Israeli occupation entity’s project into the region, carrying with it a false religious historical narrative that is more than 3,000 years old… as legitimacy for its presence in the region before the world, and therefore it is natural.. that the awareness behind this project will be reflected in the awareness of the entire region. As a general phenomenon, history is taken seriously…because it will be the legitimacy that refutes the legitimacy of the existence of the Israeli entity, and this awareness will also be reflected when reading history in general.

The truth is, when I think about history in general… I actually find it like hieroglyphs. Despite my love for reading time periods of history, in which I practice the hobby of imagining what life and consciousness looked like in the past and comparing it to the current form of life and consciousness, I find the picture of history in general in my imagination different. It is a mess, an unorganized mess, and full of dark gaps… I had not previously paid attention to this matter until recently due to the wave of historical absurdity, and my search for a novel that organizes all the novels that I read from time to time… I actually found history. It is disorganized, and it causes me annoyance……I am not alone. I think that many have begun to feel this way……It is as if history is like the beads of a rosary scattered in a dark room and requires us to pick them up and then arrange them inside a thread so that it is organized within it.

You find many books in history containing different narratives and new names for peoples and peoples, and there are articles on the Internet and social networking sites that have different readings and new interpretations. Every day you find a new perception about those names and peoples… and you do not have a clear and consistent perception. around it, and when you form a new perception, you soon find a new reading that refutes what you have, and so on.

Reading history………….. will remain a problem that we suffer from today and has not been resolved yet. Even contemporary events lack complete documentation… For example, events that are close to us, we find that they have more than one narration. And they all contradict each other. When we go to past history, we find that the difficulty increases and the narratives contradict each other. If we think a little and search for solutions, we find ourselves faced with a historical saying that says that history is relative and not absolute… so the difficulty of the problem increases.

A logical question……Is there one fixed answer in the human sciences, as in arithmetic?

A difficult question, as if it is trying to make us surrender to all these historical readings around us, and accept this chaos as a natural matter.

But I have complete conviction… that there is a decisive answer in history… and this conviction stems from my vision of the origin of the problem when reading history… because I believe… that if we were able to… We understand the roots of the problem of our historical consciousness… then we will find a decisive and final answer.

I have worked for a fair amount of time in the past about unaddressed time within our culture, and through my knowledge of our problem of time, I believe that the causes of many historical misreadings have come from basic root points related to time.

Yes….time is the problem.

This is the most important reason for writing this topic… which will be in the form of a journey consisting of several parts… in deconstructing the time of the region.

Before starting… I would like to inform you about the nature of the trip

Our journey… is linked to time… and to thinking about history… more than it is linked to writing history… this is the nature of the journey… so that we can… get out With results on reality… and these results are the evidence that we will find and discover… On our journey, we will address the concept of time in our imagination and culture… and we will connect it to the official historical narrative… and we will By analyzing it only…and asking logical questions…and making logical comparisons…and trying to create new logical images…and discovering angles that no one had thought of…until we create the groundwork… Until we have the complete picture, and this matter, in my opinion, will open the door for us to see certain evidence, which will resolve a long historical controversy that has been going on for centuries… which Western scientific institutions have tried to hide up to this day… which we will see at the end of the journey.

Without this journey……. many will find it difficult to comprehend the evidence… because when we decided to talk about this topic… we knew where the problem lies… and it is in the thinking methods currently on the market… In general… and history curricula in particular… it is the truth.

Let us all board the flight…so that we can, all of us, together, and finally… extract the evidence… from between the hyena’s fangs.


In the previous article… we talked about the five times that passed through the region… which are:

1- The first time: It is from the beginning of the first civilization in the region and the subsequent civilizations until the appearance of the Phoenix era on the region’s scene.

2- The second time: It is the time of the Phoenix.

3- The third time: It is the time of Persia.

4- The fourth time: It is the time of religions, and by it I mean the time in which the three religions appeared, and it is from the beginning of the narrative of the Jewish religion in 560 BC…. until the end of the strife of the creation of the Holy Qur’an in 860 AD.

5- The fifth time: from approximately 860 AD until today.

And in the next article……. we will talk in detail about each time, its image, and its path on the timeline until we then draw a new diagram on which we project the image and path of each time….. and the beginning will be from the second time.

Note: We will postpone talking about the first time until after we leave the fifth time…… Why? …… Because we will walk over the general date line of the region in a sequential manner, and while walking… we did not know anything at that time about the first time… until we entered the fifth time, specifically in the modern contemporary time after it rose. The West decoded our inscriptions and brought out for us a picture of the first time.

In other words….no one in the region and the world knew of the existence of that time throughout the line of history….and it had not been established yet….and this forces us..to maintain the path of time that existed before the appearance of the first time. …and maintaining the plan……. Then after we leave the fifth time….we will talk about the first time so that we can draw the picture and path of the first time correctly.

He follows …..

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