10- Deconstructing Zionist time – What is time?

10- Deconstructing Zionist time - What is time?


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Before getting into the topic…there are three important notes that were supposed to be written in the previous article in which we talked about the first time, but due to the length of the article, we postponed writing them to this article, and they are:

● First observation: After we finished talking about the first time, we discovered the existence of three times within the first time, and this forces us to redraw the final plan for the times of the region, which now exists in the imagination of the residents of the region, along the path of the general date line of the region (white arrow). And shown in the picture.

● The second observation… When we talked about the second and third times, we came to this conclusion:

– The Second Time…is a Greco-Roman historical novel about a people called the Phoenicians, extending from Spain and North Africa to the Levant and coming from beyond the Red Sea, but you do not know anything clear whether they had one language or one belief…… ….And in this time, we do not have any other historical narrative except the Greek narrative, which confirms the existence of this time. The only document that we have… is the Roman Greek narrative and our absolute confidence in Greece as a historical, moral and scientific source.

– The third era… has documents but does not have strong legitimacy for several reasons, including… We cannot rely on the Old Testament book to prove the existence of a Persian king named Cyrus who freed the Al-Yahoud from captivity, because it cannot be ruled out that the presence of the name Cyrus in The Old Testament came from the influence of the historical narrative of Greece, because as everyone knows, the writing of the Old Testament came by political order of a Greek ruler. Indeed, the first copy of the Old Testament was written in a Greek language… and therefore the book of the Old Testament is still a Greek document and is included in It is included in the original Greek novel and not the novel of another party.

● The third observation… As we said in the previous article in which we talked about the course of the first time… that we are in the fifth time, and specifically in the fifth time period that extends from 1798 AD – 2018 AD… a new time has been formed in our imagination that has not been We did not know it before. During this period, the West depicted in our imagination a new time that no one knew and that our ancestors did not know. Before we entered this period of the fifth time… neither we nor any human being on earth knew or understood anything about time. The first one written by the West.

What does this mean ?

This means very important points:

1- If we assume… that the West did not decipher our ancient inscriptions:

Today we do not know anything at all about the first time, about the history of Karib-el-Watar, Thutmose, Tutankhamun, Gilgamesh, Sargon, Ugarit, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, etc.

2- If we assume… that the West did not decipher our ancient inscriptions:

● This means that the first time does not exist at all today in our imagination, because the first time will be connected to the second time… meaning that the first time will be the same as the second time, meaning that the first time is specific to a people called the Phoenix… and finally it will be Regional time consists of only four tenses.

3- If we assume…….that the West did not decipher our ancient inscriptions:

● And because the second time seems to be intertwined with the third time… because we cannot find very clear dividing lines between the two, especially because Herodotus’s historical Greek account of 400 BC talks about them at the same time… This means that The sum of the two times is almost one time, since the Greek novel that talks about these two times is a historical novel that appeared in a specific and relatively small time. Then the sum of the two times can be considered only one time, and the sum of the two times will be the time that precedes the fourth time (time religious).

● Then we resorted to a logical and scientific rule, which is that we cannot write a specific history and prove it based on the historical narrative of one party. We must take the narrative of each party and then write the history.

Meaning…….. If we assume that there is a person and he builds a house for him, then his neighbor writes a book and states that he is the real owner of the house, then after 300 years do the descendants of this neighbor have the right to claim the descendants of that person for their house based on the book? Written by their grandfather as a legal document proving their ownership of the house.

In other words… if you are a court judge… then you must listen to both parties in order to make a fair ruling, and if you listen to one party and then make the ruling… then you are unjust… .. correct ?

I will give a final example… If we assume that we went to the jungles of Africa and saw an isolated tribe living according to its laws, beliefs and customs that were passed down from ancient times… then what if we wrote a false history about them… and gave them some name through… Their shape or colour……And we said that they are not the owners of the land, but rather us……and that they worship ghosts and eat human flesh. This would be the height of opportunism, thievery, vileness, and filth….So imagine if you were Court judge………… Will you rely on that false history and rely solely on it?! …. It will be a great injustice… because the just and intelligent judge will not issue any ruling at all… until that tribe presents its historical narrative that is contemporary with our historical narrative that we wrote about them, so that he can issue his just ruling.

Accordingly, and through that rule and those examples… we can completely abolish the second and third tenses from the time of the region… and with very complete confidence… a very fair, logical and scientific ruling… because Greece… They were the only ones who wrote that time, and we do not have any historical document about that time…that is, we do not have a document that lived through Greece’s historical narrative.

We never doubt Greece… and we do not harm that beautiful image in our imagination of Greece in any way… We do not harm the image of science, reason, logic, accuracy, scientific honesty, and philosophy… We have resorted to a scientific rule. And only logical and fair.

Our previous ruling does not mean at all that the Greek story is false and fake… not at all… I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty… we are only in a court… and it has its own law… and the ruling must be just and not unjust. ….And this does not mean that those beautiful and charming times do not exist…at all….because our previous ruling logically means…that we are entitled to freedom in a second choice, which is the non-existence of those times and the incorrectness of those times. The historical novel…. The previous ruling gives us a second option and gives us the freedom to choose between the two only.

And so that the lovers of Greece and Western scientific honesty can be more reassured, we will be more scientifically honest and more accurate with them… and we tell them that this choice does not mean that tomorrow we will start writing a history according to our hypothesis and cancel that history and those times… Although we have the right to do so with the utmost scientific honesty….but we will build on this option our research in deconstructing the current time of the region until we reach the true time of the region, and when we arrive at discovering the true time, we will say to the court judge whether the Greek story is true or a novel. It is a fake and a story of thieves… and then we will write the real history and everyone must submit to the real time.

So…the second fair option is: the non-existence of this history, and this means logically that the second and third times do not exist at all in the general time course of the region………..and this means that the time course of the region will be composed of Three tenses.

1 – The first time: from the beginning of civilization – 260 BC

From the beginning of civilization until the writing of the Old Testament, the book of the Al-Yahoud.

Logically, we will make the end of time the first in the history of writing the Old Testament, because the time gap for the Al-Yahoud contains the historical Greek narrative about the Persians.

2 – The second time: 260 BC – 860 AD (religious time)

From the writing of the Old Testament until the end of the creation of the Qur’an. We will call this time the religious time…the time in which the three religions appeared.

3 – The third time: 860 AD – 2018

From after the creation of the Qur’an until the present day


Important questions that I would love to see answered in the comments:

-Does this new path of regional time seem to you less complicated than the first path consisting of five tenses?

– Did some people seem to feel a sense of comfort when we arrived at this new plan for the course of the region’s time, which consists of three tenses?

– Did some people begin to feel that time had become realistic, as if they were trying to connect and relate to time today (the moment now)?


Although we have the right to adopt this option, and base our writing of history on it with scientific honesty… we will be more generous to Greece and Greek lovers… and we will not take this option… and we will return to those previous times that… Greece drew it with our will and we adopt it.

The three notes are over


And now….. after we have finished talking about all five times of the region, we will move on our journey to a new place and an important chapter, which is addressing the time that was drawn for us many centuries ago and redrawing the plan of the true time of the region.

But there is a question that arises:

How can we deconstruct this time without knowing what time is and what time looks like in our cultural consciousness?! .

Time must be defined…..first

What is time?

Time is a three-letter word, and every person must have a definition according to his personal perception… Even if a person is unable or finds it difficult to define this abstract concept, time must have a picture drawn in the mind.

Time has many definitions

For some philosophers, time is defined by the number of movement according to what comes before and after, while others define time by the kinetic image of eternal time.

There are those who define time as movement. We cannot understand time unless there is sequential movement.

Recently, according to what physicists say after Einstein’s theory of relativity, they distinguish between two types of time:

The first time is external time, which is independent of man and is only linked to place. This time is relative and not absolute, meaning there is not a single time that pervades space, but rather there are several times that differ according to the reference of measurement.

The other time is the internal time that a person feels as a result of the changes that take place in the person and in what is around him and that he notices.

I am not here on a scientific or philosophical topic for a real treatment of time until the correct definition is reached…..but I will try to distinguish between two types of time in our consciousness…….which are: ordinary time and religious time.

Ordinary time

When you ask the average person about the meaning of time, the natural and quick answer will be past, present, and future.

It is very true…. We do not understand time except through three things, which are….past, present, and future. Because time is only sensed by the three previous words. Time turns the future into the present, and turns The present to the past…… Without these words, we cannot notice time in our daily lives, as time is like a river of successive events starting from the past to the present until the future.

Religious time (sealed time)

Time in ordinary consciousness is like a river of sequential events starting from the past to the present to the future…….. But time in religious consciousness is like a river of events, but it has a starting point and a final arrival point, so it does not continue moving indefinitely.

I read a topic the other day that talked about a book by a German thinker that talked about the roots of the problems of the Muslim mind that prevent Muslims from keeping up with civilization. He listed four reasons, including sealed time. He posits that time in the Muslim’s imagination is like a sweeping torrent that ends at a point, and what is correct in his opinion is that it continues. By moving without an access point.

Of course, I do not agree at all… with everything that was written and I am not in the arena of refuting it, nor am I in the arena of talking about these writings, but I will refute a hadith about time, because the truth is that this perception of time is not exclusive to the Muslim…. ……… It is the same time that exists in the Jewish and Christian consciousness…… And I do not think that this perception of time is a problem at all, because it came from an ancient, well-established culture and should not be compared with modern perceptions of time or… The perceptions of any other society, especially since this perception of time is the reason for the emergence of the first civilizations on Earth.

Yes, this is the truth .

So, time in religious consciousness… is like a sweeping torrent… starting from a point and ending at a point. This is the course of time in religious consciousness.

But there is a problem with time in the religious conception… especially in the three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam… and it relates to the points of the general course of time.

this ?

The problem is related to the concept of prophets.

how ?

Because, very simply……….. The concept of time in the mind of the believer is also linked and united to the concept of the prophets and messengers. When a religious person imagines time, he draws it, as we said, as a sweeping torrent that begins at a point and ends at a point… But he places the prophets above the course of this time… The prophets in his imagination are successive eras of time according to a fixed plan for the prophets… from Adam then Nouh and so on…

And here is the problem…. Why?

● The first problem…. If the concept of prophets is different from our current perception… this means that we are drawing a wrong picture of time… because this perception imposes on us the question……. What is the standard of prophecy in ancient times?

In other words, if we assume that we live before the fourth era, what will the concept of prophecy be like? And what is the reference or measurement by which we can rely on the prophet and verify that he is a prophet?

● The second problem……… If we assume that the order in which the prophets appeared was played…. this means that we are playing with the course of time.


Searching for time in popular culture.

In our popular culture, there are women we call prostitutes. The plural of frivolous women is a very pure woman. She finds no place for hatred or malice in her heart. She is also characterized by extreme cleanliness and loves to wear white colors. She lives alone, and people look at her in a way that has a kind of respect and love.

The wanderer has unnatural abilities, and some people summon her because of those unnatural abilities that she possesses. When a person wants to know the past of a dead person in order to pay off debts, or to know a place where he hid money or important documents, or to know anything about the life of the dead person, she is then summoned. She retreats to a place and returns with news of the dead person. The promiscuous woman does not take money for this work, as she does this work for the sake of reward, and she does not use her ability to do any bad work or harm to anyone. Rather, she does not reveal bad things. In the life of the dead to his relatives and can cause problems for them.

It is certain that the word “Mustafalah” comes from the word “down” as if it were an indication that she visits the underworld, the world of graves…… It is said that these women reached this state because of the death of a dear one whom she loved very much, which made her extremely sad for him and made her withdraw away from people. And live alone.

I did not believe this phenomenon. I thought it was just stories from folklore and had no truth to it, until I found a person who assured me that one day he summoned one of them and she told him the location of important documents for his mother that were related to an old friend of his father who lived in another city, and I also specified his name.

What is the definition of time in our culture?

The truth is that I was very confused about explaining the phenomenon of the trivial, using the current methods of thinking that we study and learn, and this phenomenon always preoccupied me, for many reasons, the most important of which is that I was and still am busy searching for the concept of time in our popular culture, and for the image and concept of time in Our awareness…so I asked several questions, trying to understand this phenomenon and understand many aspects of our popular culture related to it, and its ancient origins and roots.

I asked myself a question:

Does this phenomenon confirm that our popular culture has reached a fixed definition of the past and the present and that the definition has become an established fact in our culture… as evidence that we have reached a successful experience in learning and revealing the past?!

If we accept the reality of this phenomenon as an element within this culture, trying to understand the meaning of time among all elements within the culture, this will force us to depart from the current methods of thinking, but our departure does not prevent us from thinking logically from the standpoint of this phenomenon.

Suppose that there are people who actually possess unnatural abilities, through which they can learn about a person’s past, then the question is:

Is it because the matter is related to things that happened, is it because the past happened, and it is logical that the thing that happened exists and can be searched for and found, and these people are picking up from a record of events that we do not know what they are, or is the issue related to communication between souls only? And it is another topic that is difficult for us to understand as well?

But if our culture has come to define the past as a record of events that have occurred, and there is someone who can reveal the past and the present, was there or is there still someone in our culture who can reveal the future with the same superior abilities, despite our knowledge that the future has not happened yet? !

The truth is that by researching our popular culture… we find it full of this aspect related to the future. We often find stories, news, and anecdotes that talk about prophecies that will come true in the future, regardless of belief in them or their relationship to religion. For example, there is a local prophecy that tells that… The one-eyed person is the one who will obtain the treasure found in a certain area. There is a traditional story that tells of a person from a poor family who had the prophecy of a man who visited his house come true. There are prophecies that talk about the end of a ruler. There is also a story like the story of the Prophet Youssef, peace be upon him. There are Many stories revolve around prophecies.

This great heritage that revolves around the topics of prophecies confirms that there is a culture that also believes in the possibility of revealing the future, and it also confirms that the structure of this culture believes and believes that the future has also actually happened.

Therefore, it is natural that the future, in the consciousness of the elements within this culture, has actually happened, but in the knowledge of the ideal of the culture, which is Allah, and the people within this culture will be merely a scenario prepared in advance, but they do not know.

Historically…this concept has been subjected to great debate and debate between scientists and philosophers over time and has caused the emergence of multiple intellectual and religious sects. At present, this concept of time has received criticism from many thinkers, most of whom see the necessity of reforming this time, believing that this concept does not motivate a person to move. Because I do not want to enter into a philosophical and intellectual debate now about the concept of time and its reflection on reality, as it is not my main topic, I will end this point with a question:

Isn’t this concept of time consistent with modern science, which confirms that time travel is theoretically possible? Aren’t some stars that are very far from our galaxy, according to modern theories in physics, and whose light reaches the Earth, in fact stars that died a long time ago and we are now watching? Just her past?!

I think that the culture of revealing the past in general within our culture is small, and it is limited to such as the phenomenon of the wanderer, which seems to me the most prominent. This phenomenon is limited to the person, as if the experience only requires a dead person, but can this phenomenon reveal a general history and reveal… The events and how they happened in real?

As for the phenomenon of revealing the future, it seems to be the most clear, prominent, and widespread within our culture, from stories revolving around general events or around personalities, and from people’s interests in reading horoscopes, to sciences revolving around this phenomenon, etc… and prophecies of the future seem like the supernatural in Within our culture, when events conform to the utterance of the prophecy.

These questions, ideas, and research processes can be discussed for a long time, but I have summarized them in the previous way, because what interests me about them is that they lead us to ask an important question:

Can it be said that the prophets are a phenomenon born from within this culture, and they are among those who had contact with the ideal of the culture, which is Allah, according to the believers’ belief in the phenomenon of prophecy and His revelation of the future? Are prophets the ones who can witness future events and reveal them? About them, and were they a very old and well-known phenomenon, and did they have a recurring reflection on reality since ancient times?


Searching for time in past heritage.

It is not possible to better understand the image of time in our culture except by searching for time and its perceptions in the consciousness of the region’s civilizations from ancient times until today.

And to be honest… I have not yet found any book or study that talks about the concept and meaning of time among the civilizations of the region. It may be there and I did not notice, but I only found scattered crumbs and not comprehensive research. Perhaps The reason may be that there are not enough texts from the inscriptions of the region on this side.

Here a logical question arises:

Assuming the accuracy of the West’s translations of the region’s inscriptions, and assuming the accuracy of the West’s theories that talk about the development of religions, you are truly surprised……..All these multiple religions and tens of hundreds of deities have been in the region since ancient times and are specialized in many aspects of Life, and you do not find gods representing time in the religions of the region. The concept of time is absent in those who write about ancient history… because it is impossible for religions to appear without thinking about the issue of death and time.

Where is the time?

Was time the work of specialized gods alone…or was it specific to the chief Allah, or was time hiding around something and we did not pay attention to it?

If the ancient religions and civilizations of the region had reached the annual calendar, the division of days, and the calculation of the day…this means that it is natural and logical that the meaning of time was strongly present in their awareness, and it means that time is an issue that occupies their awareness.

But was time one of the tasks of the greatest gods, or separate and related to other gods, or not related to the gods? Was time sacred or unholy?

But who was it for? .

● I almost found a case that talks about time in Egyptian civilization, in the Allah called (Thoth).

Although the West’s translations and interpretations of the region’s inscriptions raise a kind of reservation in me, I will try to avoid raising an issue about the accuracy of the West’s translations and interpretations…..And I will quote to you excerpts from a book by a foreign author who talks about Thoth, keeping in mind that we are quoting based on Assuming the accuracy of Western translations and interpretations:


Thoth is the Allah of time, the one who counts the years. He is the light of Ra in her nocturnal appearance, that is, the hidden light in the path and the secrets, because Thoth is essentially a prompter and guide, and therefore he embodies knowledge.

Thoth did not receive his due importance, because he belongs to the field of spiritual awareness. He represents purified knowledge: “I am Thoth, Allah of truth. I have erased impurity, embodied ritual secrets, inspired poets, and all who find inspiration in the night. I am Thoth.” “Who crystallizes the word of Horus into reality.”

Thoth was identical to the Greek Allah Hermes, and they attributed to him some of the characteristics of Anubis.

Note: Hermes was considered the messenger of the gods who conveyed the messages of the gods to humans.


Note in the previous excerpts… We will find that (Thoth) is specialized in time and counting the years, and he is the messenger of the gods who conveys the messages of the gods to humans.

But assuming that the West’s theories that current religions evolved from ancient previous religions are correct, the very important question is:

Where did Thoth disappear within the structure of current culture? Has he taken on a new symbol in our current religious consciousness?

Is it possible that Thoth took on the symbolism of the Prophet, or was he actually and still is the Prophet? Do you not find any relationship between (Thoth), the messenger of the gods who specializes in calculating the years, and the prophets in the fourth time, which with every appearance of each of them… a new time, a new calculation, and a new calendar begins? !

● Also, if we search in the books of the textual heritage, we will find that there is talk about the phoenix, although I have a reservation that it is a local heritage and not the product of translations of Greek books, but according to this textual heritage and not the oral heritage, the phoenix is born every 500 years, and in some The novels say every 1000 years. Every 500 years or 1000 years, it returns to its nest and burns to be born again, and another phoenix emerges from under the ashes.

Where do we find the phoenix hidden within our culture today?

– Don’t you find a similarity between the story of the phoenix and the story of the appearance of the prophets in the fourth time?

– Don’t you find a connection between the story of the Phoenix and his burning himself to be born again from the ashes, and the connection between the appearance of a prophet in the fourth time and the destruction and ruin of a place…the fire of Babylon, the destruction of the Temple, and the demolition of the Kaaba?

– Don’t you find a relationship between the age of the phoenix and the period of time between the birth of a prophet and another prophet, which is approximately 500 years in the fourth time… Rather, do you not find that the length of time between the first prophet and the last prophet in the fourth time is Almost 1000 years?

It is as if the fourth time was drawn by the legendary phoenix, and as if the fourth time… was drawn carefully by a Greek legend, and as if the fourth time was drawn precisely on a piece of paper by a mathematical law and was not drawn by chance, spontaneity, or randomness.

If we assume the validity of the fourth time chart… this will pose an important question to us:

Has the time of the region, since ancient times, been proceeding in the same way as the fourth time… leaving a point and then returning to it to begin another new time?!


We will not be able to understand the real time of the region… and verify the validity of this timeline… except by returning to the starting point from which time was born, and leaving the starting point will correct all the times that have passed. Region .

It must start from the first time.

The first time is the true beginning.

The image and course of the first time must be corrected.

He follows

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