11- Deconstructing Zionist time – a diagram of the current time

11- Deconstructing Zionist time - a diagram of the current time


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After we finished talking about all five times of the region, we must draw the final shape and diagram of the times of the region above the path of the general date line of the region (white arrow), which is shown in the picture.

Almost….this is the shape of time currently and drawn in the imagination of the residents of the region…..meaning…..that any individual of the residents of the region present today and at this hour…he imagines time exactly like this plan.

First of all… I hope everyone… looks at this model carefully so we can remember it. Before explaining this figure, an important note must be made:

● This final plan… we would not have reached it, had we not postponed talking about the first time… because, as we said before… that we postponed talking about the first time until we finished talking about the rest of the times, and The reason for this step:

Because the first time did not appear until the fifth time, and this means that as we walked over the general time line of the region in a sequential manner, over all the points of the time line, we never knew at that time what the first time looked like, until we entered the fifth time, specifically in modern time. Contemporary after the West decoded our inscriptions and produced for us a picture of the first time, and this thing forced us to postpone talking about the first time until after we left the fifth time.

Because logically….we are not certain of the existence of the first time throughout our walk over the line of time until we entered the fifth time……confirmation came to us specifically in the fifth period (1798 – 2018) of the fifth time.

In other words….no one in the region and the world knew of the existence of that time throughout the time line….and it has not been drawn yet….and this forces us…to maintain the path of time that existed before the appearance The first time….and maintaining the first plan……then after we exit the fifth time….we will draw a picture and the course of the first time on the plan.

Now…we will explain this model fully.

● We previously divided all the times that passed through the region into five times, and we projected those times onto the diagram, where we placed each time under five horizontal black rectangles located at the top of the model, and written in the middle of each rectangle is its time number, which is five. The times we talked about.

1- The first time: It is from the beginning of the first civilization in the region and the subsequent civilizations until the emergence of the Greek novel on the region’s scene.

2- The second time: the time of the Phoenix

3- The third time: the time of Persia

4- The fourth time: It is the time of religions, and by it I mean the time in which the three religions appeared… and it is from the beginning of the narrative of the Jewish religion, 560 BC – until the year 860 AD.

5- The fifth time: from approximately 860 AD until today.

● In this new diagram we see…….that the first time emerges from it three rectangles…….and these rectangles are specific to the first time for each of Misr, the Fertile Crescent, and Yemen…and it is assumed that These rectangles should end at the end of the first time period of the region…but we find that they extend further and exit from the first time period of the region and enter other times.

Why ?

We said previously in our talk about the first time, that we relied in drawing a picture and the path of the first time based on the form of writing inscriptions in the region……. which are hieroglyphics, cuneiform, and Musnad. These inscriptions are the ones who automatically painted the picture and path of the first time, not us.

The end of the first time for Misr and the Fertile Crescent ends at the beginning of the Jewish gap… while the end of the first time for Yemen ends at the beginning of the Islam gap.

Why ?

As we talked about in the previous article in which we talked about the first time as:

1- The emergence of the first time occurred in Misr at an unclear point in time…and the universe that this time created stopped with the emergence of (Greece, Persia, and Judaism). Because in the case of Misr, we found that the time of the end of writing occurred with the emergence of Greece, Persia, and Judaism. The Rosetta Stone, written in hieroglyphics, which mentions a Greek king named Ptolemy, indicated this, as well as the Torah’s account of King Corus.

This means that the end point is (Jewish Greek Knight Course)

2 – As for the emergence of the time of the Fertile Crescent at a point in time close to the time of the Flood, according to the reference to the time of the Old Testament… and the cosmos created by this time stopped with the emergence of (Greece, Persia, and Judaism). Because in the case of the Fertile Crescent, we found that the time of the end of writing was with the emergence of Persia, the elimination of the Babylonian state, the burning of Babylon, and the liberation of the Al-Yahoud from Babylonian captivity, and we used as evidence the Torah’s narration about the story of King Chorus, as well as the cylinder written in cuneiform script that mentions King Chorus, which It’s called a chorus drum.

This means that the end point is (Jewish Greek Knight Course)

3 – As for the time pertaining to Yemen, it appeared at an unclear point in time, but it is determined to be approximately 1300 BC….and the universe that this time created stopped with the emergence of (Rome, Persia, and Islam)… because it is in a state… Yemen We found that the time of the end of writing with the emergence of Rome and the occupation of Yemen, Persia and Islam by the Ethiopians, and we used as evidence the story of Saif bin Dhi Yazan, which is present in the heritage, and who was met by the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad when he went to him… to congratulate him on expelling the Ethiopians with the help of the Persians and their king Chosroes.. ……and the fact that the Persian rulers were ruling Yemen during the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad…..we also cited as evidence the inscription of Abraha, written in Musnad script, which confirms this historical narrative about the story of the demolition of the Kaaba.

This means that the end point is (Khosrau, Knight of Rome of Islam)

Conclusion… The end of the rectangles that come out of the first time is linked to the end of the writing with those three inscriptions.

Accordingly, the first time for Misr… begins from the first time and passes through the second and third times and ends at the beginning of the fourth time (religious time)… As for the first time for the Fertile Crescent, it begins from the first time and passes through the second time and The third and ends at the beginning of the fourth time (religious time)… As for the first time related to Yemen, it starts from the middle of the first time and passes through the second, third, and fourth time (religious time) and ends within the fourth time, specifically at the beginning of the gap related to Islam. .

● In the fourth time…we represented the time of each religion with a different color in the form. Judaism is orange, Christianity is blue, and Islam is green.

These colors are the true beginning of the emergence of the time specific to each religion. It is true that all religions talk about an earlier time… but we have excluded it for a logical reason… because at the time of the true appearance of each religion in history, a novel came after it that talked about 300 years preceding its appearance… and there is nothing to confirm that period… and we called that period… Period by time gap. The time of gaps begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a prophet, and ends with the date of writing the religious book or controversy over the religious book.

And the colors that we drew in the diagram of religions, we made them in the image of birth… a color that is born from a color, so orange is the first color because Judaism is the first appearance in history, and we made the blue color born from the orange color, and we made the green color born from the blue color.

Why ?

Because the concept of time in the mind of the believer is linked and united to the concept of the prophets and messengers. When a religious person imagines time, he draws it, as we said, as a sweeping torrent that begins at a point and ends at a point…but he places the prophets above the course of this time……The prophets in the imagination are a single time that passes through successive temporal and religious eras according to a fixed plan. To follow the prophets. One time, according to the known order of the prophets, is Musa, Issa, Muhammad… Accordingly, the order of appearance of each religion is the same as the order of the prophets.

We notice that there are three black vertical rectangles in the fourth time, and these rectangles represent the time gaps around the emergence of religions that we talked about in our previous article. There are three gaps in number and the length of each gap is approximately 300 years… and each gap precedes the direct appearance. For every religion.

The Judaism Gap

The Christianity Gap

The gap in Islam

But according to plan

– The time of Islam (green) begins with a time gap and is not interrupted by any black rectangle…. This means that it has one time gap.

– As for Christian time (blue), it begins with a gap and is interrupted by one black rectangle… This means that it has two time gaps.

– As for the Jewish time (orange), it begins with a gap and is interrupted by two black rectangles….. This means that it has three time gaps.

Why ?

Because Judaism was the first to appear in history, it has three gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the appearance of Cyrus, the Persian king, who saved them from captivity, and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years. There is no document confirming it other than the Old Testament narrative and the Greek narrative.

2- The second gap is the same as the Christian gap. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Christianity and the time from the birth of Christ until the Conference of Nicaea.

3- The third gap is the same as the gap in Islam. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

As for Christianity, by virtue of being the second religion to appear in history, it has two gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the birth of Christ, ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament

2- The second gap: Al-Nasarah do not have a complete historical account of the beginnings of Islam, the era of the caliphs, and the stories of conquests until the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

As for Islam, by virtue of being the last religion to appear in history, it has one gap:

1- The foundational gap that begins from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years.

● In the fourth time… we will find that there is a white line emerging from the date of the birth of Jesus, as the Western narrative says, and it divides the time of the region into two parts… and we will call it the dividing line of time.

● When we set for the third time, which is the meeting of Persia and Greece, a place in this plan… This is the period in which the Greek narrative talks about Persia, and according to the Old Testament narrative that talks about a Persian king who liberated the Al-Yahoud from captivity and destroyed Babylon, on the basis of the existence of A period of time in Persia that precedes this historical novel and gives this sudden appearance of the time of Persia its logic.

Because it was possible to erase this part of the plan, and be satisfied with the time gap from which the fourth time begins, which is the gap specific to Judaism… because this gap is specific to Judaism, which is approximately 300 years, and which begins from the year 550 BC, which is the date The emergence of a Persian king named Cyrus (Korus), and it ends at approximately 250 BC, which is approximately the date of the Greeks entering Misr and writing the Old Testament…… It is the same time period for the emergence of the Persian Empire and its fall at the hands of Alexander the Great in 333 BC. M.

For this reason

We placed a white, transparent, horizontal rectangle along the Jewish time gap, and we also called this rectangle the time of Persia, according to the Greek narrative and the book of the Old Testament.

We also placed…another transparent white rectangle representing the time of Persia and along the time gap of Islam, because the novel of the Persian Empire reappears again and along the time gap of Islam, because the novel talks about the arrival of Persia to Yemen and its liberation. From the Abyssinians at the request of King Saif bin Dhi Yazan, which is almost the same date as the birth of the Prophet…. Then the letter of the Prophet Muhammad to the King of the Persians (Khosrau) and until the fall of the Persian Empire during the Islamic conquests.

We connected the two rectangles belonging to Fares in the two gaps… using a white, transparent rectangle that is narrow and not wide, resembling a tube… for a logical reason… first, in order to connect time… second, we made it narrow because in our imagination we find wide clarity. For the narration of Persia in those time gaps… while outside of those two gaps… the time of Persia is almost narrow because there are no other narrations as broad and clear as the previous two narrations that preceded the emergence of the time of Judaism (orange) and preceded the emergence of the time of Islam (green). ).

● The white arrow in the diagram, with the date of events written on it, represents history in our imagination.

Because, as we mentioned in our previous articles, we have to distinguish between two things… between history and time… It is true that there is an intertwined relationship that is difficult to separate…but we knew history as a line with only numbers written on it.

● As for the blue rectangle located below the white arrow, with negative and positive numbers written on it and the letter (F) below it, it represents the river of time and its course in the imagination.

Because we arrived in the previous article that there are two types of time in the imagination. The first is ordinary awareness, and it appears like a river of successive events that starts from the past to the present until the future… a river in which the past pushes events to the present, which in turn pushes them into the future to infinity. As for time in religious consciousness, it is like the previous description of the river, but it does not continue to move indefinitely, but rather stops at a point.

As shown in the plan… the river is divided into several sections, nine in number… and each of these sections represents a period of time present in the plan.

In other words…we have dropped some of the five times of the region and the time periods belonging to some of the times that are present in the diagram…on the course of the Blue River…so we have 9 time periods…because we are from this… The article will begin to deconstruct the region’s time based on time and time periods (the river) and not on history (the arrow).

Because we will move to a new stage… in our journey of dismantling the time of the region… relying on time and the time periods found on (the river) and not on history (the arrow).

This imposes many things on us:

The numbers of the history of events will have no significance.

In other words… when we study the time of the region with the reference of this Blue River… we will study long periods of time……. and it will not matter after that the difference in the history of events recorded in history books… those details will disappear… they are not important. For example……..in the presence of a difference regarding the birth of a person either in the year 500 AD or in the year 530 AD.

Because these differences and differences……… will become like decimal fractions of numbers in arithmetic… which requires us to round those decimal fractions to the nearest integer… because when we study time… ..Based on the historical numbers, the percentage of error therein will be large, for several reasons:

– Because the history of events is not accurate, the date in the past was approximate, and book records are also not accurate.

– Because when we deal with numbers, it becomes as if we were in a mathematics test that requires a calculator to give us the correct result… while we are dealing with long periods of time, and we want to understand what, how, and why happened, and there is no importance for accuracy in numbers. the date .

– We will deal with events that took place over time periods, and our reference is the events, not the numbers.

What does zero represent?

Zero represents……the period of time in which the time of the Jewish religion appeared.

What does zero mean and why did we make zero specific to the period of the emergence of the Jewish religion?

Zero means the beginning of the appearance of time associated with today’s time, and logically it will be precisely the beginning of time associated with today’s time from that period.

Because the imagination of the time zone began from that period…. It is almost the first period of time that is still linked to today, by virtue of the fact that Judaism still exists to this day, and because time in the religious imagination is linked to the prophets, according to a sequential and fixed sequence….. This is It means that every religious time is born from the religious time that preceded it… so the time of Christianity was born from the time of Judaism… then the time of Islam was born from the time of Christianity… and these are the times that are still continuing to this day… and because the first appearance in… History was from the time of Judaism…. Logically, that period would be the beginning of the region’s time, which continues until today.

This logical perception… is completely consistent with a historical narration by Al-Tabari in which he talks about the calendar in use among the Romans at the time of his writing of his book Al-Histarihi… when he said that the Roman calendar begins from the time of Alexander’s victory over Persia and not from the time of the birth of Christ, and in fact The beginning of the period in which the era of Judaism appeared is approximately on the same date with Alexander’s victory over the King of Persia, which is mentioned in history books as 330 BC.

What is the meaning of negative and positive numbers?

These numbers represent the movement of the river’s course.

how ?

Our imagination of time in general begins as a rushing torrent of a river starting from zero point, but time before zero point appears as a regressive process and not an impulsive process. We find it difficult to imagine time before zero point as a rush… Rather, time in our imagination before zero point appears as a torrent being swallowed. Before the zero point… At the zero point, time collapses completely… and a new river emerges from it (a new time).

This perception of time is very clear to all those who study history. They study the history of time before the point of swallowing, as if they were on a boat on a river and rowing against the direction of the river. Therefore, we find the history of time before the zero point (the swallowing point) is a history of successive collapses, not a history of a surge… a history of decay… a history of successive disappearances… a history of successive disappearances… …. so the course of the river appears inverted. It was the present that painted the past and not the other way around… in contrast to the natural river, which emerges from the point of being swallowed and continues to this day.

In an ordinary river… the past is the cause of the present and the present is the cause of the future… In other words… the past is what drove the present and the movement of the present is a result of the movement of the past… the past is what determines the shape and movement of the present.

As for the inverted river… the present is the one that drags the past, and the movement of the past is the result of the movement of the present or the future… The present is the one that determines the form and movement of the past.

What is the meaning of the letter (F) located at the bottom of the river?

The letter (F) followed by a number will be the name of the time period that represents the part of the river’s movement, and we have developed this method of naming, to facilitate the discussion in the upcoming articles, because we will begin dealing with time periods and the talk about them will be repeated a lot.. They are as follows:

The first time —— F1

The second time —— F2

The third time ——F3

The Judaism Gap ——F4

The emergence of the time of Judaism —— F5

The Christianity Gap ——F6

The emergence of Christianity —— F7

The Islam Gap ——F8

The fifth time —— F9


This is the plan… Now… Is this model free of errors and what are those errors… Is this model logical, and can the events above the riverbed result in this plan? ….Can this model in the imagination result in problems in reality?

He follows

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