12- Deconstructing the Zionist time – a river with three streams

12- Deconstructing the Zionist time - a river with three streams


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After we explained in the previous article this time plan drawn in the imagination of the residents of the region. Our journey will move to a new chapter, which is searching for problems and errors in this model and asking logical questions that have not been asked before. But before that… important notes must be made: ● We must remember the new time periods that we dropped from the diagram onto the course of the blue river of time… because from now on we will rely on the time periods (the river) and not on history (the arrow) in… Our journey to dismantle the Zionist era. The first time —— F1 The second time —— F2 The third time —— F3 The Judaism gap —— F4 The emergence of the time of Judaism —— F5 The Christian gap —— F6 The emergence The time of Christianity —— F7 The Islam gap —— F8 The fifth time —— F9 ● We must consider ourselves as an external observer with no relationship between him and the plan or the Blue River, and within us there is great confidence in ourselves and our ability. On discovery and logical subtraction, then intense focus on all the logical points and questions that will confront us as we watch someone on a boat and rowing in the blue river. We will have a boat found in the time period (F5). The reason we chose that period as a starting point is because, as we said previously, the time period (F5) represents the zero point and is the beginning of the time zone, because the imagination of the time zone began from approximately that period… because it is the first time period that is still connected. Today, due to the fact that Judaism still exists today, and because time in the religious imagination is linked to the prophets… the prophets represent in our consciousness eras of time… according to a sequential and fixed sequence… Musa Issa Muhammad… and this means that all A religious time as a result of the religious time that preceded it…so the time of Christianity was born as a result of the time of Judaism…then the time of Islam was born as a result of the time of Christianity…and these are times that continue to this day… …….. And because the first appearance in history was during the time of Judaism…. logically, that period will be the beginning of the region’s time that continues until today. The start will then be from (F5), and we will watch the boat’s progress in the time period (F1). This means that the boat will start from (F5) in reverse until the beginning of (F1). Why in reverse? Because our imagination of time in general begins as a flowing river starting from scratch. But time in our imagination before the zero point appears as a regressive process and not an impulsive process. We find it difficult to imagine time before the zero point as a rush… Rather, time in our imagination before the zero point appears as a torrent that is swallowed before the zero point… At the zero point, time collapses completely. …For a new river to emerge from it (a new time). Whoever studies time before the zero point (swallowing) as if they were on a boat on a river and rowing against the direction of the river. Where we find the history of time before the zero point (the swallowing point)… it is a history of successive collapses and not a history of a surge… a history of decay… a history of successive disappearances… a history of successive disappearances… the course of the river appears inverted, and It is as if the present is the one drawing the past and not the other way around… In the reversed river… the present is the one dragging the past and the movement of the past is the result of the movement of the present or the future… The present is the one who determines the shape and movement of the past… And the negative numbers on it. ——————-Three river courses in (F1) The period (F1) is the time period from which the three rectangles related to the first period of Misr, the Fertile Crescent, and Yemen emerged. That is why we have drawn the Blue River (Time) in this way. Throughout the period (F1), we will find that the river is composed of three streams, and each stream is specific to Misr, the Fertile Crescent, and Yemen, respectively, and are separate from each other and there is no intersection between them. Why ? Because throughout this period of time……. there is no material evidence confirming a meeting that took place between those times based on the inscriptions of the region… even if the history books written by the West talked about this period of time, about the control of an Egyptian king over… The Levant and Iraq…or about the control of a Babylonian king or an Akkadian king over Misr or Yemen. Because we are very surprised… during this very long period of time… which amounts to five thousand years and perhaps more… but we do not find a cuneiform inscription in Misr or Yemen written on the walls of temples, nor We find hieroglyphic inscriptions written in temples in Iraq and the Levant, and we do not find an inscription in the Musnad script in Misr or Iraq and the Levant… We do not find the pattern of sculptures and inscriptions of the Fertile Crescent entering Misr. Likewise, we do not find the pattern of Egyptian sculptures entering the Fertile Crescent or Yemen. Forget the story of the discovery of tablets with these scripts in different places… like those five cuneiform clay tablets discovered in Misr or the Egyptian inscriptions discovered in Yemen… because they may have been transferred at a different time, which is logical… I am talking about inscriptions in temples. By virtue of the presence of a Babylonian or Akkadian king who ruled Misr, or an Egyptian king who ruled Iraq, the Levant and Yemen… or a Yemeni king who ruled Iraq. There is absolutely no… any clear landmark or prominent monument… such as a large temple or large building, or an inscription depicting a Babylonian or Sumerian king with the image of an Egyptian king in distinctive Egyptian clothing… which conclusively confirms the existence of a meeting and communication between… Those times are in the time period (F1). Not only that, but we do not find that small sign that we are looking for that confirms the existence of a meeting between those times, through even a small inscription in which those lines meet inside a stone, clay, or wooden tablet, as happened with the story of the Rosetta Stone and the recorder in three languages and three. Lines. We do not find any ancient trace (stone tablet or clay tablet) throughout the region throughout the time period (F1) and it is written in two different scripts and talks about one topic like the Rosetta Stone? In other words……. We do not find, for example, a clay tablet written in cuneiform script and underneath it written in hieroglyphic script, and it talks about one topic, by virtue of the fact that kings from the Fertile Crescent ruled Misr, or kings in Misr ruled the Fertile Crescent in this period of time, as you say. history books? Even the wooden coffin discovered in Misr near the Saqqara pyramid in one of the temples of the Egyptian Allah Osiris, which, as it was said, contained a mummy, but it was stolen. It belonged to a merchant from Yemen named Zaid, who died in Misr and was an agent for supplying sacred materials and plants that were used in rituals. Temples… The wooden coffin is engraved with inscriptions in Musnad script only. So you wonder how this honor was given to a man to be buried in the temples of the Allah Osiris, but his coffin does not contain hieroglyphic inscriptions. It is logical for the man’s name to be written in the Musnad script, assuming that the man is from Yemen, and Yemen was written in this way as a tradition that obligates others to bury him in his country’s script or building. On his will…but it is logical for the man’s name to be written in hieroglyphic script also next to the Musnad script, given the way he was buried in the tomb of the Allah Osiris. There is no objection to writing in hieroglyphic script, especially since his burial in the tomb of the Allah Osiris is a tribute to the Allah Osiris, and it must His coffin will also be honored by having hieroglyphs engraved on it… Indeed, his burial in the Osiris cemetery means the existence of a common faith. It means more….. It does not make sense at all….. Five thousand years ago, not a traveler, person, merchant, sailor, king, ruler, or envoy from Iraq, Misr, or Yemen thought of writing on a stone or clay tablet or Wooden, and he collects two different lines during his visit or travel to another place…..as a document, a treaty, a tribute, a souvenir, or even for entertainment and knowledge. Do you understand the meaning of 5 thousand years without such a thing happening?! So why did the coincidence happen with the Greek language in the Rosetta Stone, which contained Greek writing with hieroglyphic writing and spoke of one subject… and it is a distant and modern language whose contact with the region is very short compared to the languages and writings of the region that is very close to Misr and is in contact with Misr over thousands of years? The topic is not logical at all ————– As for the level of the river’s courses in the period (F1) in Misr’s time…we will find that Misr throughout this period of time and its course Its river is level and stable… The language, calligraphy, worship, and state are one. It seems logical in the case of Misr. As for the course of the river in Iraq and the Levant, it slopes in steps and is uneven. We find in Iraq and the Levant the appearance and disappearance of things in succession…the disappearance of languages, worship, and the state… Likewise, the course of the river in Yemen slopes in steps and It is not equal. We also find in Yemen the appearance and disappearance of things sequentially…the disappearance of languages, worship, and the state. It is illogical…why? When we tried to draw the path and image of the first time… we relied on the written script… and the cuneiform script in the Fertile Crescent is one throughout the period of time (F1), and likewise the datum line is one throughout this period of time. As long as there is one line throughout this period of time, this makes us believe that we are in one world… with one language, one worship, and one origin… just like the case of Misr. But the matter is different in the Fertile Crescent. Sumerian suddenly appears to us in a language, religion and script, then suddenly disappears and another civilization rises on its ruins, which is Akkadian… with a different language and religion. But with the same cuneiform script in which the Sumerians wrote, the Akkadians are supposed to change the script as well… and invent a writing script for themselves that is completely different from the written script of the Sumerians, just like their sudden appearance in the riverbed that brought a language, religion and belief completely different from the time. Sumerian. As long as the Sumerian civilization is responsible and primarily responsible for the emergence of the first time in Iraq and the Levant… and causing the emergence of language, religion and calligraphy… it is assumed that this time will rule the course of the river throughout the period (F1), but it will disappear completely. Suddenly, in the same period (F1), the time that comes after it does not inherit anything from its time except the type of written script only. As for the language and worship, they completely disappear from Iraq after that. The Sumerian language became extinct. As for Yemen, the Sabaean state suddenly appears to us with a language, religion, and script. Then suddenly after a period of time, several other countries appear next to Saba with somewhat different languages and different religions… but with the same cursive script in which the Sabaeans were written…. These countries are supposed to invent their own script as well, just as they have a language. And different religions….and because we are in the period (F1) and the Himyarite state had not yet appeared in Yemen………but our discussion is related to the rectangle related to the first period of Yemen that comes out of the period….. …….. We will say that until the Himyarite state comes and eliminates all those languages and religions… and brings a new language and a new religion based on monotheism (Dhu Heavenly, Most Merciful)… but it maintains the same Sabaean line. As long as the Sabaean state is responsible and the primary cause of the emergence of the first time in Yemen…and the cause of the emergence of language, religion and calligraphy…it is assumed that this time will rule the course of the river throughout the period (F1 ), but it suddenly disappears in the same period (F1), and the time that comes after it does not inherit anything from its time except only the type of written script… As for the language and worship, they disappear completely. Example: We have been in the same language, religion and script for almost 1,100 years, and Allah knows how long this situation will continue… and our situation in which we are today makes us believe logically… that our situation must apply to the same situation in the period. Temporal (F1), and the change of government or state has nothing to do with religion or language… How many countries and regimes have we witnessed, but they have one religion and language. ● Therefore, it is assumed that the course of the river in Iraq and the Levant, and the course of the river in Yemen… are exactly similar to the same river course in Misr… level, stable, and not sloping. Here we ask a logical question: why? ————————The speed of the river courses in the period (F1) We said in a previous article…….. that the West made the beginning of the river course The Fertile Crescent begins from a very distant time… with the discovery of Chinese cuneiform tablets that talk about the great flood… by linking it to the contemporary events of the flood… as if it began from the starting point of the first time… when Allah created time… Connecting the flood with the beginning of the religious story found in the Old Testament. But at the same time, he linked the end of the Fertile Crescent era to the discovery of the Cyrus Cylinder written in cuneiform script. Totally illogical…how this time that the West has drawn for the Fertile Crescent…seems very old and at the same time very modern. Because the script that talks about his contemporaneity with the great flood is completely similar to the script that talks about a relatively recent time existing at the end of the time period (F3). The time difference between (F1) and (F3) is very large. The same illogical thing… in the case of Misr… the beginning of ancient Misr’s time, which starts from A1, completely applies to the end of this time, A4… so the time difference between the two periods is very large. And the same illogical thing… in the case of Yemen. Why? The time difference between the beginning of the first time of Misr, the Crescent, and Yemen and the end of these times is very large. And it makes you ask a logical question: Is it possible that civilization throughout this time has never thought about developing the quality and form of its own writing?! I mean…. if time throughout the course of the river in the period (F1) witnessed a change and transformation in languages and worship And politics and governance….but there was no development of the written scripts…instead of those complex and difficult scripts. Not only that, throughout this period of time (F1)… we witnessed the emergence of three writing lines in the region… and by virtue of the trade exchange, communication, wars, and political expansion that took place in this period, and over a period of 5 thousand years, But there has never been any cultural exchange between civilizations that contributes to improving and developing the quality of written scripts. To be continued..

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