2- Deconstructing the Zionist era – Note by the President of China

2- Deconstructing the Zionist era - Note by the President of China


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In the news… about the visit of America’s gang leader Trump to China and the anecdotes that accompanied his visit, there was a precise observation… presented to us by the Chinese President, and this observation did not receive any attention, but rather was dealt with as usual from the angle of an inflated and pathological mentality.

The observation was made when Trump commented while watching an aspect of Chinese history while visiting a Chinese museum:

“I believe that the Egyptian civilization is the oldest, eight thousand years old.”

The Chinese President’s response to him was:

“Yes, it is a little older, but Chinese civilization is the only one that has been continuous for all these years. We have three thousand years of history written in the Chinese language.”

Frankly speaking, I really liked the Chinese President’s response, first because it was a very wise and insightful response that indicates a deep awareness of history and time and its relationship with peoples, and secondly because it presents to us a fundamental observation that is clear to those who read the history of the region since ancient times, and that observation does not apply. On the history of Misr, but rather on the history of the entire region. Whoever reads the history of the region will find many interruptions in history and will not understand their cause. You cannot set a logical and accurate time frame for the history of events. This makes it logical that many frequently ask the question about the reasons for the extinction of civilizations in the past and their lack of connection with today, and why they did not continue. . In my opinion, it represents a problem for people in the region who cannot imagine a clear chronological picture, which makes them understand the context of history well.

For example… When I read the history of the region in general, the time that appears in my imagination is like a line, but not a straight and continuous line. There is extreme silence in many stages of the region’s history, and I do not understand what the reasons are, as if it were a moving quantitative time. Through quantum transitions and jumps and it does not proceed continuously, there are frequent interruptions in the time line, and there is chaos in the path at some points in the time line.

Do you see me like me or not?

When I think a lot about this observation, I find myself asking many questions looking for logical answers. Is there a missing link that we have not yet discovered? Or is the problem we have in understanding the reason resulting from a deficiency in our sciences that study history? Or… The matter is not spontaneous, but rather it is a nature that falls within the treatment of time in the consciousness of ancient peoples?!

We have to search for logical answers to questions. The answers will be the key to solving many puzzles.

I have a special approach that I follow in reading history, and according to this approach I believe that we will not be able to reach logical answers to the previous questions except after dismantling the concepts of religion, language, and myth in the minds of the people of the region, and resolving many of the misconceptions associated with those concepts, because those concepts They share a fundamental point, which is time. Time in consciousness is linked to these three concepts. Without that thing, I believe that we will never be able to dismantle the structure of the time in which we live.

Temporal consciousness or historical mind?

I was confused about the name: Should I call it temporal consciousness, or the name of the historical mind, but I decided on the first name so that there would be no confusion between the concept of time and history, because history in our awareness is time, while I have that the concept of time that I mean is different from history, even though There is a relationship between them. For example, we will not be able to read history well unless we have a correct path of time. We cannot project the events of history onto an incorrect time line. The nature of the subject requires us to develop a specific approach, principles to which we adhere, and concepts that we employ. By concepts we mean all the raw materials that do not contain meaning and we combine them with an understandable framework to give them meaning.

Time gaps

Several years ago, a strange incident happened to me for which I could not find an explanation. I wrote about it in a five-part article on my blog. The article talks about how I lost my memory for one day… and then how my memory came back again. And how it was followed by new changes for me and for a year in which I searched for the meanings I had lost.

That incident made me feel well about time and its importance.

Is erasing memory a new birth, and is phantom memory real life?

The recent years, which were accompanied by chaos and external interference in the region, made me recall the events of that incident to help me reread history well as part of resisting this attack on the region, because I trust my ability to solve the mysteries, after I recently noticed a large wave sweeping the region in reading history that supports Projects of external forces, although they are readings full of chaos and fallacies, but I decided to think seriously and search for the real time of the region.

Is time the same as it is now or is it a different time?!

When I began my study of history, the first thing I tried to do was to walk along the historical time line of the region, but while walking, I found it to be a time that was completely illogical. Many gaps and chaos in other areas.

What if people’s memories were suddenly erased? Is it a new birth? Where does memory come from? Is memory history? What if history was falsified by an actor and we discovered a new, different history, would a people be born again?!

Nations and peoples are just like humans. If their true memory is erased, they will live in disarray and chaos. If such a thing happens, then their historical memory must be restored, and this will not be done except by repairing the time line in their imagination and repairing all the gaps in it and the chaos on it.

Can the history of peoples be easily erased?

Of course, it is an imaginary and devilish idea, but for me it is possible. The temporal memory of a people or nation can be obliterated in one step and very easily, if the historical time line is manipulated, and the direction of time is changed at points within it.

Especially since the concept of time does not pay attention to its seriousness, many researchers in history, and I do not know why many cannot comprehend and understand it. How can history be written or read without fixing time?! It will produce chaos and baseless illusions.

What does the flow of time look like in the region’s consciousness?

When I look at history in general, from the beginning of the emergence of the region’s civilizations until today, I can divide it into five times.

1- The first time: It is from the beginning of the first civilization in the region and the subsequent civilizations until the emergence of the Greek narrative on the region’s stage, which is the narrative on which the West was based until the present day. The West begins time in its imagination from the beginning of the appearance of the Greek novel.

2- The second time: It is from the beginning of the emergence of the Greek narrative and their narrative about the Phoenix

3- The third time: from the time of the Phoenicians until their account of the wars of Persia and Greece.

3- The fourth time: It is the time of religions, and by it I mean the time from the beginning of the narrative of the Jewish religion in 550 BC – until the year 850 AD, which is depicted in the picture.

4- The fifth time: from the year 850 AD until today

We will leave the first tense and postpone talking about it… because I find it linked to important points related to the rest of the tenses, and I will not be able to enter it until I correct the tenses that follow it. Therefore, I will try to start talking about the second tense.

■ The second time

When we look at the second time, we will find that we are now inside the Greek narrative, and we do not doubt it at all and it is not subject to criticism. It is like the Bible. The Greeks said something, so we must believe them with our eyes closed.

In the beginning, Greece suddenly appeared with its time, then it began to talk about phenqin, this name that tickles the emotions of many in the region, a name that makes many in the region proud of its claim, especially with the wave of phenqin in the Levant, and we have the Syrian poet Adonis who chose this Greek name for himself to express The extent of some people’s admiration for others’ narrations about him.

My main topic is not in this aspect, but in time, but I wanted to attach some brief important notes about Greece’s account of the Phoenicians, and I will not elaborate on them.

Who are these Phoenix people?

We call the people of China the Chinese, but the Chinese never call themselves by that name. When a Chinese reads his history from Arab sources, will he believe that there are a people called the Chinese who lived in China and suddenly disappeared?

We call the residents of Hungary Hungarians, but the residents of Hungary call themselves by another name. When the Hungarians read their name from Arab sources, will they believe that there is a people who lived in their homeland and suddenly became extinct, and their name was Hungarians?

Many people do not want to comprehend this point, because the issue has actually become indicative of the presence of a chronic disability in thinking. The Greeks gave the inhabitants of the region their own name according to their linguistic system, and it does not express the existence of an external and independent reality called only phenqin. They are free to give their name, but not It is their right, or the right of some, to impose their names as a fixed and independent fact.

There is a sensitivity that some people have and you do not understand the reason for it. When they talk about the Phoenicians, they think that it is a name given to them by the Greeks, and you tell them that it is not true at all, because when you read the Greek description of the Phoenicians, they are talking about the Levant and they are talking about North Africa as well. They talk about their origins coming from the Red Sea, and you are surprised when you read the awareness of some of today’s historians who talk about the Levant only that they are the Phoenix, okay, and North Africa? .. They tell you that they migrated from the Levant, but are their origins from the Red Sea? .

Then you are surprised by the perception of many researchers when they read Greek books that describe the Mediterranean Sea as a Phoenician lake, but the researchers believe that Misr is not Phoenician? In their consciousness, Misr is Pharaonic. Ok, and Misr is on the Mediterranean?! Although Herodotus talks about the Egyptians, their conversations, and their holiness of the Phoenix.

So this large geographical space….and whose inhabitants bear one name according to the Greek narration (Phenicine). Is it possible that this space did not bear a single language and belief at that time?

It is logically assumed that they have the same language and creed… since the Greeks call them Phoenicians, but you cannot find a topic that details this matter.

So we are in this time…….. We do not have a temporal document that proves and confirms this time…. that is, proves the starting point of this time and its ending point.

They just told us and we accepted it.

Let’s agree it’s true


The beginning of time is not documented at all, and the end of time is not documented either.

■ The third time

What is the relationship between the Phoenix and Persia?

You never know what the relationship is… You find huge descriptions and huge volumes published by the West about the Phoenicians, but then suddenly the third era comes about the Persians and the conflict with Greece…. Ok, and where are the Phoenicians in the conflict between Persia and Greece? you do not know . The relationship is only between Persia and Greece.

There is no document linking the end of the second time to the beginning of the third time. So we can enter the third time logically.

We believe in this time based on two centers. The centrality of the historical narrative of the Greeks and Romans, and the centrality of the historical narrative of the Torah, of which the fourth time was the master.

The story of the two phoenixes disappears and suddenly the Persian narrative appears. When we look at it, we will find that it does not carry any religious character. It appears before us as the narrative of only an observer and a documenter, and it is central to the narrative of the Greeks and Romans. As for the centrality of the second narrative, it carries a sacred religious aspect, and it is the narrative of the Torah, which It should not be denied because it is linked to belief, as it is an absolute truth.

A process of marriage occurred between the two novels that established the birth of a new time, which is the third and fourth time, and that marriage began from the common point between the two novels.

What is the common point?

The common point between the two novels…is the character of Cyrus…the meeting of Greece with the East…the wars of Athens and Rome with Persia…the liberator of the Al-Yahoud from Babylonian captivity.

Yes…. The Greek novel mentions that character Cyrus, and the Torah narrative mentions him as well, and this participation is what established the true legitimacy of that novel. Another legitimacy is our entry into the third time.

Our entry into the third time was not an entry from the starting point, but rather we entered it with the legitimacy of the end point, with the legitimacy of the Torah narrative as a religious source that confirms the event.

In this time, it has a beginning and an end point…. The beginning point we do not have a document of our own to confirm, but the end point of time, we have a document that confirms it, which is the document of the Jewish book of the Old Testament… and everyone recognizes it as a heavenly religion.

■ Fourth time

This time requires great detail.

In general, for a Muslim, time begins from the beginning of Islam, and he cannot imagine the time before Islam. Rather, he feels inside himself that the era before Islam is as if it were dark and he cannot understand it. He calls it the period of pre-Islamic times, but it is linked to the geography of the beginning in which it appeared. Islam, as for the history of its geography, looks at it somewhat as a period of disbelief in terms of belief, but it is proud of its narratives that do not touch on belief. It preserves historical narratives and poetry about the form of life around the pre-Islamic period, but it is a simple picture of a specific geographical history linked to the geography of a distant region and It is Mecca and the Arabian Peninsula, and it does not represent the history of events in the geography it inhabits, knowing that that history was written long after Islam, approximately 300 years. Therefore, it is natural to hear many people complaining about this matter and the reasons for its confinement to a specific geographical space. At the same time, the history and geography of the region in which he lives is excluded.

I remember that a friend of mine who loves history was complaining about this matter, and he alerted me to the point that this matter was from the middle school period. When he was reading the history of Yemen, he found it difficult to imagine the history before Islam, even if it was the history that preceded Islam by a short period. There is difficulty in the process of organizing and projecting it with the place in which I live, and trying to find links between that era and the present.

This observation was inherent to me in the past, and I did not know the reason, and over time I assumed many explanations for this. For example, I assumed that a catastrophe occurred that created the current form, or that it was the power of religion that imposed its awareness and committed many to it, so a historical rupture occurred for us. The Islamic narrative says that the people of Yemen entered in droves, and when I wanted to research the matter further, I encountered another difficulty, another dark period, which is the period between the emergence of Islam and the beginning of the era of mini-states in Yemen. There are no texts written during that period, something ambiguous and Can’t find an explanation for it.

That observation and my search for an explanation for it led me to the conclusion that the history of Yemen is full of gaps and must be filled in. There is a period before Islam and there is a period after Islam by approximately 250 years.

This matter is not a specific case for my friend, but rather a general case for every Muslim in the region, and this problem is not limited to the history of a particular country, but rather includes the history of the region. Accordingly, we believe that the Muslim has a dark break in time before Islam and has a less dark time gap. After Islam for 300 years, the beginning of the era of writing and the emergence of writing.

But the matter is not limited to Muslims, but even to Al-Nasarah themselves. They have almost the same situation. Their awareness of time begins with the birth of Christ, and as for the time before Christ, it is discontinued, but they preserve the Old Testament, which is an expression similar to the expression Muslims express about the pre-Islamic period, and they sanctify it. They also have a problem with the period between Christ and the appearance of the first sacred texts, which were said to have been written a hundred years after Christ, but the truth is that Christianity in its current form began from the Conference of Nicea, 320 years after Christ, and this means that there is another gap of approximately For a Muslim, its duration is the period between the appearance of Christ and the beginning of awareness about the doctrine.

But the strange and puzzling thing about the matter is that the Christian has another gap, which is the same gap as the Muslim. There are no clear historical texts among Al-Nasarah about the era that talks about the beginnings of Islam or the events of Islam and its personalities. If a Muslim tries to search for an explanation for that gap and tries If he fills it based on the narration of Christian texts, he will not find any complete narration, except a few fragmented lines from books, consisting of five sentences or more, whose titles are strange and unclear, and they are interpreted and dismissed as talking about the beginnings of the appearance of a prophet and bearing a different history of events. .

But what is most strange is that the Al-Yahoud also have the same problem. They have a time break, and the strange thing is that it is also linked to a prophet. The lapse in time before the narration of Cyrus, who in their view is a prophet and a king, so the Jew suffers from imagining a picture of time, and from the appearance of Cyrus and even the Septuagint translation, it represents a dark gap as well, as they do not find texts that mentioned the name of the Al-Yahoud before that period in their language or in inscriptions in the region. Or in the writings of the Greeks, they have a gap between the Septuagint translation and Cyrus, who liberated them from captivity, as they say.

The strangeness reaches its peak when we learn that the Al-Yahoud have the same gap as the Al-Nasarah and share it with them regarding the story of Jesus Christ and Christian history 300 years after his birth.

Rather, the matter reaches the point of absurdity, that the Al-Yahoud have the same gap that Muslims have and share it with them, as they do not have a historical narrative about the period of Islam and Islamic history 300 years after Islam.

Even if Nabil Fayyad tried to publish a large book with a long and celebratory introduction…about his scientific efforts in verifying a Jewish manuscript of 15 lines, which he translated and edited, and in which there was a dialogue between Jewish clerics about… A prophet emerged from a people with a strange name and came atop a war chariot carrying a sword and holding the keys to Paradise. Nabil Fayyad is trying to summarize a huge period of time… with a ten-line dialogue that revolves around a misinterpretation and distorted translation of the texts of an image found in all the inscriptions in the region about the man riding a war chariot and carrying a sword, and he wants to convince the reading that it is able to explain that gap. .

What is strange about this?

The time of gaps begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a Prophet, and ends with the date of the hadith on the topic of writing the religious book.

1- The Jewish gap begins with the appearance of Cyrus and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years.

2- As for the Christian gap, it begins with the birth of Christ and ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament. It is approximately 300 years old.

3- As for the gap among Muslims, it begins from the birth of the Prophet until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years.

Something that never enters the mind. Almost 300 years without recording a complete historical narrative, then another 300 years, then another 300 years approximately, for a total of approximately 900 years in 1300 years without writing down, is something that is unbelievable to the human mind. Are we facing a phenomenon and a cultural tradition that falls within… Addressing the concept of time, is there a malicious game with time?

I do not think it is a coincidence, I am certain, but I am certain that there is a missing link…and our search for that link requires us to present all possible possibilities, and those possibilities must be analyzed logically.

Why do religions share gaps, and why is there a gap at all?

We are faced with three possibilities:

● The first possibility is that it is a natural matter that falls within a religious treatment of time, and we are faced with a similar temporal awareness, as if it were an established culture, with one way of dealing with the concept of time. But if this is the case, then what is the relationship between the birth of one religion’s time and the time of another religion? If the gap concerns a specific religion based on an internal treatment, then it is assumed that this treatment will not have an impact on the rest of the religions. For example, at the moment of the emergence of Islam, the rest will have an integrated official narrative. Around him.. but there is no.

This observation……….indicates that we live in one time, and that our time is not separated from the time of the West at all. The time of the region is linked to the time of the West and is not separate from the time of the West……… Evidence that we still rely on the Gregorian calendar as a documented time reference.

This is the great disaster that many will find difficult to understand.

Why ?

Because we have become a historical moment that came and was born after the time of the West… The West has become ahead of us in time, and we are now only subordinate to their time… They are the foundation of time and we are a branch of time… after we had our time. Independent from the West…..and now the West has become in control of the region’s time.

● As for the second possibility…which may seem a bit strange, it is that the three religions split and separated at the same time.

how ?

Meaning…….. According to the diagram drawn in the picture, we will compress the three times into only one time that has one gap, so that we get rid of those similar gaps that have approximately the same time length.

Doing this will solve the problem of the existence of those gaps that a healthy and normal mind cannot accept because there are no complete accounts of religions.

– Is it reasonable…to combine the birth of Cyrus, the birth of Christ, and the birth of Muhammad into one moment in time?

An unreasonable idea…and the mind that believes in religion, the stories of the prophets, and the order of their times will not accept it.

But can we achieve this thing?

Yes……..we can easily achieve this thing, if everyone knew a truth that was hidden for many centuries, and I will talk about it later.

But even if the operation is completed successfully, we will face a new problem resulting from the operation… which is explaining the existence of this resulting gap.

This is true……..but we can explain this resulting gap with many logical concepts.

● The third possibility…… We can get rid of those gaps and the interpretations resulting from them if we do a unique and different method, so that it does not result in any gap or any interpretation, and this method will be by reversing the direction of time.

Yes…..we will reverse time

how ?!

I will tell you…how…simply and very frankly:

The region’s time will not be fixed unless a very, very, very important question is asked, even if many oppose it.

The question is: Is there one of the three religions that is correct and the rest are fake?!

Yes… I am speaking with utmost frankness.

But I do not mean by correct… from a doctrinal standpoint, who is the correct belief, or from the standpoint of who will ever enter Paradise or Hell, or from the idea of disbelief and faith?

No…this is not what I mean

I mean by correct…. something completely different.

He follows



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