3- Deconstructing the Zionist time – the time of the Phoenicians

3- Deconstructing the Zionist time - the time of the Phoenicians


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The second time – the time of the Phoenix

This time has a starting point and an end point… and each point is supposed to have a legal proof document… and by document I mean… the real evidence… so that we can enter this time with reliability. And get out of it reliably.

Approximately……..the duration of this time that exists in the imagination of the residents of the region, drawn by the history books that exist now and that the West wrote for us, is 1,200 years long….The image of the Phoenix that we have now begins approximately 1,200 years before Christ. …And this time was drawn for us by a Greek historical novel only…. And from the reality of that Greek novel, all the history that was written about the Phoenicians and their time came out for us.

But the question that imposes itself…on what basis was the length of this time determined, approximately 1200 years?

Because when we search in historical sources…we will find that the first official appearance of the word phoenix in history…came from the history of Herodotus in approximately 450 BC…and Herodotus’s book does not talk about the phoenix in a narration. A complete and detailed history…but rather excerpted hadiths, not large ones, and here questions arise:

What are the sources of the history of the Phoenix before Herodotus’s novel? ….. Because you are surprised by the scarcity of Phoenician inscriptions and writings found in the region, most of which talk about offerings and vows.

How is it possible that Herodotus passed this simple conversation over the Phoenix…despite the size and quantity of huge Western literature written about the Phoenix…these Phoenix who live in that large geographical space?

It is logical…that the beginning of the time of the Phoenix was determined in a relatively recent period of time, specifically in our modern time…..and it was adopted as a measure of the time of the Phoenix.

Who are these Phoenix people?

At the beginning, an important note must be mentioned: Nearly a century ago, no one in our region knew anything about the phoenix…yes, it already existed…but this name did not enter our imagination until after reading translations of Western Greek writings… ……. After reading, a new name for the people of ………….. was formed in our imagination, and this is the reason for the difficulty of understanding this name ……. and the difficulty of understanding this history. And our time. Today, we are trying to draw a new picture of this people and time in our imagination… and this is normal because it is a new world.

We will try to answer the previous question

Suddenly a Greek historical novel appeared…and it started talking about a people called the Phoenicians…and talking about the Phoenician coast. The novel talks about the Phoenicians in the Levant, North Africa, and Spain as well… and it talks about the Mediterranean Sea in general… as a Phoenician lake… This large geographical area appears to be a Phoenician world.

This novel has reached us…and it portrayed the Phoenix as their original homeland, the Levant…perhaps for the reason that the word Phoenician Coast appears, as evidenced by the fact that the name of the Phoenix tickles the emotions of some in the Levant, especially with the wave of the Phoenix in the Levant…and we have the poet. The Syrian Adonis who chose this name for himself as evidence of that emotion.

Yes, that historical novel was depicted for us in this way…. and it appears clear in the West’s research on the phoenixes as it heads towards Lebanon and Syria to search for the phoenixes.

That history depicted the story for us as follows:

From the original homeland, the Phoenicians came out and settled in North Africa and Spain and turned the White Sea into a Phoenician lake… except for Misr, the Phoenicians did not enter it… Misr is completely different from the Phoenicians… The power of the Phoenicians’ influence was able to transform the entire Mediterranean Sea into a world. Phoenician…except Misr…Misr maintained its special Pharaonic character…and the Phoenicians never approached Misr…Misr is a special case despite the proximity of the Levant to Misr…Misr is very stubborn… The phoenix.

This image that reached us……… made us exclude Misr from the world of the Phoenix… and made us, when studying the history of ancient Misr… adhere to a basic rule, which is: Misr is not from the world of the Phoenix.

Because if Misr were within the world of the Phoenix…this would force us to believe…….that the ancient religious belief of Misr is the same as the religious belief of the Phoenix…or vice versa, the beliefs of the Phoenix are the same. Beliefs of ancient Misr………….. Rather, it imposes on us that the entire Mediterranean speaks a Phoenician language… while Misr speaks a different language… and we must not confuse the issue of languages. .

The Phoenicians were famous for worshiping a goddess named Baal…while Misr was different because it knew a different form of worship…the worship of Amun, Ra, Isis…etc.

And here…….you are surprised by the perception of many researchers when they read Greek books that describe the Mediterranean Sea as a Phoenician lake, but researchers believe that Misr is not Phoenician? In their consciousness, Misr is Pharaonic. Ok, and Misr is on the Mediterranean?! Although Herodotus talks about the Egyptians, their conversations, and their holiness of the Phoenix.

The novel The Phoenicians prevented us from this matter… and predetermined the image and rules that we must adhere to in imagining the Phoenician time and the world surrounding it… despite the fact that Herodotus, who wrote the first historical novel about the Phoenicians …….. The phoenix, which is the bird attributed to the phoenixes and associated with them, is only mentioned in Misr… He talks about the fact that the Egyptians sanctify the phoenix and are waiting for the return of the bird, which comes every 500 years.

And here you are surprised… If the ancient Egyptians had sanctified this bird and were waiting for its return… And if the first novel in history mentioned the phoenix bird in Misr… then it is assumed that Misr in ancient times was within the Phoenician world, which the Greek historical novel also means. .

So it is logical that the world of the Phoenix… is the Levant, Misr, North Africa and even Spain… according to the Greek narrative.

But when we read the history of Herodotus… he mentions that the origins of the Phoenicians came from beyond the Red Sea… so if the origins of the Phoenicians came from beyond the Red Sea… this logically means that beyond the Red Sea is also within the Phoenician world that the Greek historical novel describes. .

And here…another geography enters with us into the world of the Phoenix…the world beyond the Red Sea.

Likewise……. When we search in the Latin dictionary for the meaning of the word phoenix……. the dictionary says that the phoenix is a bird that lives in the Arabian Peninsula…and that is what it also says. Herodotus in his history, he talks about the phoenix bird in Misr… and he says that it comes from Arabia and carries its father with it after covering it with myrrh… He makes an egg from myrrh, empties it, and places his father inside it. He carries the egg and places it in the Temple of the Sun in Misr. …This also roughly agrees with what was mentioned in the first Arabic texts that talk about the phoenix…and that it lives in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and guards the dawn of frankincense (myrrh).

The important question: Why do the phoenixes sanctify a bird that does not live in their local environment? If the phoenixes had set out from the Levant, it would have been assumed that the phoenix would live in the Levant and guard the olive trees, for example?

The important thing is… if the bird… which has been attributed to the Phoenix and is considered the mark that distinguishes them and which the Phoenix sanctify lives in the south of the Arabian Peninsula… then this indicates that the south of the Arabian Peninsula is… Also within the Phoenician world, which is the subject of the Greek historical novel.

So…..this large geographical area….from the south of the peninsula to the Levant, Misr, North Africa, and even Spain…within the Phoenician world…is it possible that this space does not Does he have one language and belief at that time?

It is logically assumed that they have one language and one belief… since the Greeks call them Phoenix… they are one world… but you cannot find a topic that details this matter… Misr worships Amun, Ra, and Isis and their language. Egyptians, the Levant, and North Africa worship Baal, and their language is Phoenician… And the south of the peninsula worships Am, Sin, and Makkah, and their language is Sabaean.

This makes us ask an important question:

Is “Phoenix” a name for a people, is it a religious name, or is it just an adjective? ……And did the Phoenicians give themselves this name? Or is it the name given to them by the Greeks? Where did this name come from?

Of course, there are many theories about the origin of the name. Local historians say that it comes from the origin of feng, which means comfort and enjoyment. However, the official version found in the Greek dictionary says that the meaning of the word feng is the red-purple color, due to a red dye that they used to extract. I think this novel seems the closest to me… Why?

I believe that this name…was given by others to the residents of the region due to a characteristic that distinguishes them…and not a name given by the residents to themselves.

Because I start from the fact that when a white European always looks at another, he sees him through appearance… and the first characteristic that appears in him when seeing another is the color of the skin… We still, in the view of Europeans today, have red or brown skin… …….You will find this observation still present among them to this day…when comparing the skin color of the Palestinians to the skin color of the Al-Yahoud coming from Europe and occupying Palestine…it is neither black nor white…but rather Brown or red.

The biggest evidence is… when the European entered the American continent as an invader… the first meeting with its inhabitants, their first observation was the color of the skin, and he made them call them the Red Indians… the Red Indian.

What further confirms this observation is that in the era of what is called the Abbasid Golden Age, which is the era of huge translations of Greek works into the Arabic language, the Greek word phoenix was translated into the word al-himayrin (red) in Arabic… and it was Transferring the word phoenix as it is and changing it slightly to the word phoenix… knowing that the color of this bird is red.

Many do not want to comprehend this point… because the issue has actually become indicative of the existence of a chronic disability in thinking. The Greeks gave the inhabitants of the region their own name according to their linguistic system… and it does not express the existence of an external and independent reality that was called phenin. …….. Because the Greek novel is free to give its name, but it does not have the right or the right of some to impose its names as a fixed and independent fact that actually existed.

in another meaning

● We call the people of China the Chinese, but the Chinese never call themselves by that name. When a Chinese reads his history from Arab sources, will he believe that there are people called the Chinese who lived in China other than them?

● We call the inhabitants of Hungary Hungarians……….but the inhabitants of the Hungarians call themselves by another name…so when the Hungarians read their name from Arab sources, will they believe that there is a people who lived in their homeland and suddenly became extinct, and their name was Hungarians?

● The Europeans called the indigenous people of the American continent the name Red Indians……. But do the indigenous people of America call themselves by this name? … Of course not ………… Rather, they are very disturbed by this name.

Note: Notice how when the Latin Spaniards entered South America, they called the people Inca, which is similar to the word Anqa. This is the same name given by the Latins to the inhabitants of the region.

This conclusion may be logical…to solve the answer to the previous question about the reasons for the lack of a common faith or a common language in this large geographical space in which the Phoenicians lived. The word is just a name for a color and not a name for a people or a religion…but this logical conclusion does not solve the dilemma of the fact that they sanctify a bird located in a geographical area far from theirs…because the presence of this bird means that they have something in common. ….. It gives them a common religious bond and a common origin.

But there is a note

The definite article in the Arabic language is (the), but in the ancient Greek language it is the letter (f), so the letter (f) in Phoenician is only a definite article……………And as for the Latin language The definite article in it is the letter (b)…and this caused the Latin to pronounce the word phoenix as the word “bunic” (brown color). The letters fa and b are extras and are not from the root of the word.

We find this observation clearly in the Hebrew language… There is an expression in Hebrew (Hay Vikiam), which means in Arabic (Hay Qayyum).

(Vakiam = Al-Qayyum), notice how the letter (F) at the beginning of the word (Vakiam) is the same as the letter (F) that begins in the word Phoenix…. And as we know that the first copy of the Old Testament was written in Greek, this thing confirms We know that the letter (F) was a definite article in the Greek language, and Hebrew took that device due to the fact that Greek was the language of the Old Testament writers.

And on it:

Phenq = Phenq

When this word was translated into Arabic, the word (yaq) changed to (neck)

Yinq = neck

And because the letter eye does not exist in Greek, the word will be anq, which is the phoenix… In other words… Imagine that you asked a Greek to pronounce the word phoenix or anqan. He would pronounce it in the following form: enican, enica……. … Now add the letter F to the beginning of the previous word, and the (F) as we know is a definite article in ancient Greek, as in Philosophy, its origin is Sophia, but the F is a definite article, then the word will become:

enica = phenica

enican = phenican

Therefore… the Phoenicians are the Himyarites, and they are all the peoples that sanctified the legendary phoenix…and the phoenix was a sacred bird to the inhabitants of the region in ancient times…and this Assuming that this historical narrative is true and not a false, fictitious narrative…and assuming that its author calls himself Greek.

Because the old proverb says: Three things are impossible… the ogre, the phoenix, and loyal vinegar.

The most important question remains… Where did this people suddenly disappear from history… Or how did this name suddenly disappear from history?

The narration of history… places the emergence of the Phoenicians around 1200 BC, and they set off from the Levant… and in approximately 900 BC, they set out for North Africa… and continued until approximately 100 years BC. Specifically, until the fall of Carthage… after which the name disappears.

But what is strange… is that the Phoenicians suddenly disappear and a new name for another new people takes their place… And the strangest thing is that all that geographical space that the Phoenicians occupied… has been occupied in a completely different way. Surprised by a new name….and this new name is (Canaan).

And with (Canaan)… the exact same story of (Phoenix) is repeated with us.

The Canaanites appear in the Levant… and after a period of time they migrate to North Africa and even Spain… but they never pass through Misr, which is close to them… Misr is not Canaanite.

Then a new history appears that says…the Canaanites are the Hyksos and they entered Misr and settled there for a period of time…and their entry into Misr was in 1200 BC, which is the same date as the appearance of the Phoenicians. But their entry into Misr this time was in the form of occupation and not in the form of trade, as is the nature of the Phoenix… and it was as if it were one story… with different decorations.

Then a new theory appears… saying that the Canaanites came from Yemen.

The same story as the two phoenixes…exactly.

Therefore, this correspondence… is the real reason… which created difficulty in separating these two peoples and created a historical controversy in the Levant and North Africa between choosing to name Finqin or Canaanin… There Some prefer to be called Feninqin, and some prefer to be called Canaanin.

This is an Algerian researcher who cites Saint Augustine’s saying as evidence, which says: When he asked the inhabitants of those regions, they said that they were Canaanites. To emphasize the history of the Canaan era in North Africa and that they came from the Levant… but this researcher was unable to differentiate between the Phoenicians and the Canaanites and confused the times.

However, I see that the saying of this saint was not said in this way and in this form except in order to confirm this term and confirm its existence in a certain period of time only.

Approximately……. The name Canaan appeared to us with the appearance of the fourth religious time present in the chart…….. And the previous saying that came from Saint Augustine is evidence of the truth of this… Therefore, this is the tooth in our imagination. It is linked to a religious image because it is a name found in the texts of the Old Testament… because the first appearance of this name came in the book of the Old Testament… while the name Phoenix is linked in our imagination to a magical image from a magical, mythical world… and this is natural because it is a name we find in writings. Historical Greece and in a world not connected to current religions… a world far from current religion.

Are you Phoenician or Canaanite?

If we ask some people, especially in the Levant and North Africa… to choose between the two names, some will prefer Canaan, who are almost religious, and others, Phoenix, who are the non-religious group.

But the truth… which some people do not realize or no one wants to understand is… the Canaanites are themselves the Phoenicians… but the reason for the difference in nomenclature is… only the distorted translation.

In a previous article, I talked about a phenomenon that many people do not pay attention to, especially history enthusiasts and researchers. This phenomenon can be found strikingly in ancient Western history novels written by Rome. Herodotus talked about it in his history…when he mentioned that the Egyptians wrote from right to left…and that the Egyptians were amazed at the Greeks who wrote from left to right.

You find this phenomenon clearly in the names of places, peoples, and characters in Greek and Roman sources when compared to what is found in the first Arabic texts that appeared after the massive Greek translations into Arabic…so you find them written in reverse ( Inverted from left to right).

You can verify this for yourself. Try to read the names of many of the names and places that appear in Greek sources from left to right. You will find that they are names similar to names found in heritage texts, or some of them are similar to names found in other historical novels written in Greek or Latin.

We will give an example:

The word Canaan is nothing but an inverse reading of the word Phoenix.

We said previously that the letter (f) is the ancient definite article in the Greek language, and therefore the origin of the word fenix is (yanq).

Phenq = Phenq

This Greek word was transferred to the Arabic language with the word neck, and from it came to us the word phoenix, which is the well-known legendary bird that was associated with the Phoenicians.

Anq = neck (because the letter eye does not exist in Greek)

Al-Finqin = Al-Anqin = Al-Finqin

But there are those who transferred the word (neck) in Greek in a reversed way from right to left…and not as it is written in the Greek text from left to right. So we transferred it to the word kana’ because the letter (q) coincides with the letter (k) in The audio director…..and it is certain that those who transferred it in this way…are the seventy men who translated the Septuagint texts of the Old Testament from Greek to Hebrew…they are the reason behind this reverse transfer…and This explains to us the reasons why the word Canaan is associated in our imagination with a religious awareness.

So the word Canaan was introduced into the texts of the Old Testament book, so we had a new people suddenly born after the Phoenicians… As we know, the book of the Old Testament was written in the second century BC… which is almost the beginning of the time in which the Phoenicians disappeared.

An entire people disappeared after the writing of the Old Testament…and turned into a people carrying a different and new historical narrative of a religious nature, because this people now had a tree of origin and lineage written in the sacred text…and a people disappeared from history. His name was Al-Phenaqin, and he worshiped Baal…and now we have two peoples, and each people has a historical narrative, a different time, and a different image in the imagination, and many people find it difficult to combine them, because the Canaanites are a people linked in our consciousness when the religious narrative appeared, while the Al-Faenqin are linked. With our awareness of a magical mythological narrative that carries a different mythological religion.

Aqq = mask (reverse reading)

Phoenix = Qinaa

Two necks = two masks

Anqan = Canaan

Qena = Qanaan = Canaan (letter K = letter Q)

And because our societies view language as if it is an eternal state… and do not imagine a universe that began except through language… and view language as existing outside of man and he is the one who learned it… perhaps because they are the languages of sacred books, and perhaps It is an ancient culture firmly established in our Arab region because this region emerged from the first letter, and from it emerged the first texts recorded by history for man.

This is because we have a culture that believes that language is a process of evoking independent entities… When we pronounce the name of an entity… we are carrying out a process of evoking this entity… and we believe in its existence as an independent entity outside the self… ………. But when the pronunciation of the name differs in a distorted way, even by one letter… then we will think that we are facing two completely different and independent entities… and there is no relationship between them.

Now imagine… how the inverted, distorted translation produced for us the name of a new people and a historical narrative different from the first narrative and made us enter into many analyses, interpretations and complexities… in fact, it made us believe in the existence of a new people that came after another people. ……while the truth is that it is just a distorted translation.

And imagine… how our imaginations were crowded with a name for a new people because of a distorted translation. And how a people disappeared from existence due to a process of distorting the name, and turned into another people with a different name, we do not know.

Conclusion .

■ The Second Time is a Greek and Roman historical novel about a people called the Phoenicians, extending from Spain and North Africa to the Levant and coming from beyond the Red Sea, but nothing is clear about whether they had one language or one belief…….. ..And in this time, we do not have any historical narrative except the Greek narrative, which confirms the existence of this time, and there is no other historical narrative other than the Greek historical narrative that talks about a people named Phoenix.

■ Because the time of the Phoenicians ends with the beginning of the time of Persia.. but we do not know what the nature of the relationship between the Phoenicians and Persia is, and there is no document about a meeting that took place between the Phoenicians and Persia, and we do not know what the position of the Phoenicians was regarding the conflict between Persia and Athens.

This time cannot be confirmed

Because it begins at the end of the first time and ends with the Greek narrative about the wars of Persia and Athens, and at the beginning and end points we do not have physical evidence that they appeared at that point in time, as we do not have any historical document from the inscriptions of the region in which the name of the Phoenicians is mentioned or We have a historical document from the Persian civilization or any civilization other than Greece that talks about the Phoenix.

The only document that we have… is our absolute confidence in Greece as a historical and moral source that possesses scientific integrity. Greece, in our imagination, is an ideal, sophisticated, democratic world that glorifies reason and science and has power and intellectual authority over us. ….And we can only surrender to what any Greek source says on any subject with our eyes closed.

But what is strange and strange… is that this people… with that great history written by the Greeks and Romans… could not identify themselves at all. Rather, they needed another intermediary to introduce themselves, namely the Greeks or the Romans. . Although this people invented writing and taught the Greeks how to write, throughout this era they left us very simple texts and lived in silence, revealing all their secrets to the Romans alone…………. …Then he suddenly disappeared with his language, religions, and writing……And there is no catastrophe for us to believe that it is the reason behind their extinction.

Rather, the strangest thing is that no one in the region knows anything about this people if it were not for the Romans, even though they have existed in our region for a long period of time and were able to influence the world. All of it until it reached America and was unable to influence our region and leave in it an ancient memory to be inherited… except a language, a religion, a large text library, a temple, or a large and clear urban landmark… Only the Romans would return. Credit to them for introducing us to this people.

In other words… In this era, we are only reading a Roman historical narrative and we are not sure of its authenticity… There is no other document written by any people or any civilization… that was from the civilizations of the region or from civilizations outside the region… And you talk about these Phoenix.

He follows …



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