5- Deconstructing the Zionist era – the time of the emergence of religions

5- Deconstructing the Zionist era - the time of the emergence of religions


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There is a need for a simple summary of the previous articles, for those who missed reading them. In previous articles, we divided the region’s time into five times: 1- The first time: It is from the beginning of the first civilization in the region and the subsequent civilizations until the emergence of the Greek novel on the region’s stage. 2- The second time: is the time of the Phoenix. 3- The third time: is the time of Persia. 4- The fourth time: It is the time of religions, and by it I mean the time in which the three religions appeared, which is from the beginning of the narrative of the Jewish religion, 550 BC – until the year 860 AD. 5- The fifth time: from approximately 860 AD until today. ■ We postponed talking about the first time for a logical reason, which is that on this journey to dismantle the time of the region, we set off walking along the line of time in a sequential and orderly manner, and during our walk from the second time to the third to the fourth, we never knew at that time what the first time looked like until we entered. The fifth time, specifically in the contemporary modern time, after the West decoded our inscriptions and brought out for us the image of the first time, and this thing forces us to postpone talking about the first time until after we leave the fifth time. ■ We talked about the second time briefly, about Greece’s historical narrative about a people called the Phoenix, extending from Spain and North Africa to the Levant and coming from beyond the Red Sea, but you do not know anything clear whether they had one language or one belief, and in this time we do not have any. A historical novel other than the Greek novel confirms this time, and there is no other historical novel other than the Greeks that talks about a people named Phoenicians. Likewise, we do not know what the nature of the relationship between the Phoenicians and Persia is and what is the position of the Phoenicians regarding the conflict between Persia and Athens. This time cannot be confirmed, because it begins at the end of the first time and ends with the Greek narrative about the wars of Persia and Athens, but we do not have any historical document from the inscriptions of the region in which the name of the Phoenicians is mentioned, nor do we have a historical document from the Persian civilization or any other civilization other than Greece talks about the Phoenix. In this era, we read only a Greek historical narrative. ■ As for the third time, we talked about it, and we said that we entered this time from its end and not from its beginning, because this time does not have the legitimacy of its existence at its beginning. We do not have any historical document other than the Greek narrative linking the Phoenicians and Persia, while the end of this time appeared. Documents other than the Greek documents confirm the legitimacy of this time, but from its end: – The presence of the name of the Persian king (Cyrus), which the Greek historical narrative talks about in the book of the Old Testament, where the Al-Yahoud consider Cyrus as a king and prophet who saved them from Babylonian captivity. – The West discovered one inscription written in cuneiform script in the Akkadian language that talks about a person named Cyrus. This inscription is found in Britain under the name of the Cyrus Cylinder. – The discovery of an inscription in Iran in cuneiform script that talks about Darius, who came after Cyrus and whose name appears in the historical Greek novel. But these documents also do not have strong legitimacy for several reasons: 1- It cannot be excluded that the presence of the name Cyrus in the Old Testament came from the influence of Greece’s historical narrative, because as everyone knows, the writing of the Old Testament came by political order of a Greek ruler, and in fact the first copy of the Testament It was written in ancient Greek. 2- Herodotus’s account of Persia with Athens does not contain any talk about the religion of the Al-Yahoud or the incident of Cyrus saving the Al-Yahoud from captivity. 2- As for the discovered inscriptions, they raise very great doubt about their authenticity due to their lack of logic, because is it possible that during that long and eventful period, only a cylinder the size of a water bottle with the name of Cyrus was produced, and the inscription does not speak at all about the Al-Yahoud or their liberation from captivity? Rather, he talks about different topics, even the inscription of Darius is written in cuneiform, but he does not talk about something called the Al-Yahoud. ————————— Today we will talk about the fourth time – which I will call the religious time. In the first article, we talked about the fourth time (time Religious) briefly as an introduction, but we said… that this time needs a long discussion about it because of its strangeness, because this time is full of similar and identical events and there are several strange historical gaps in its path, and by gap we mean a period of time for which there is no document confirming it. Rather, what is strange is that the gaps are identical in their length of time, amounting to approximately 300 years. The time of gaps begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a prophet, and ends with the date of writing the religious book or controversy over the religious book. ● The Al-Yahoud have three gaps: 1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the appearance of Cyrus, the Persian king, who saved them from captivity, and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years. 2- The second gap is the same as the Christian gap. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Christianity and the time from the birth of Christ until the Conference of Nicaea. 3- The third gap is the same as the gap in Islam. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an. ● As for Al-Nasarah, they have two gaps: 1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the birth of Christ and ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament. 2- The second gap: Al-Nasarah do not have a complete historical account of the beginnings of Islam and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an. ● As for Muslims, they have one gap: 1- The foundational gap that begins from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years. What is strange about the fourth time (religious time)? The time of gaps begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a prophet, and ends with the date of writing the religious book or the occurrence of a controversy over the religious book. ● The Jewish gap begins with the appearance of Cyrus and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years. ● As for the Christian gap, it begins with the birth of Christ and ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament. It is approximately 300 years old. ● As for the gap among Muslims, it begins from the birth of the Prophet until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years. Something that does not enter the mind. Almost 300 years without recording a complete historical narrative, then another 300 years, then another 300 years, for a total of approximately 900 years during 1,300 years without recording. Something that the brain of a rational person can never accept. There is also…. another strange thing in this time: the period of time between the appearance of one prophet and another prophet ● The period of time between Cyrus and Christ is approximately 550 years ● The period of time between Christ and the Prophet Muhammad is approximately 550 years And there is something else that is even more strange in this Time: The time period between the writing of a religious book and the appearance of a prophet. ● The time period between the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament and the birth of Christ is approximately 250 years. ● The time period between the Nicene Conference and the adoption of the official Bibles until the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is approximately 250 years. It is a strange and strange thing… Indeed, is it a coincidence, or are we facing a phenomenon that represents an established tradition that falls within the treatment of the concept of time in a certain culture, meaning, has the region proceeded in this way since ancient times, or is there a malicious game with time? For me: I do not think it is a coincidence at all. I am certain, but I am certain that there is a missing link, and our search for that link requires us to present all possible possibilities…….and those possibilities must be analyzed logically. There are three possibilities from my personal perspective, which are: ● The first possibility… is that it is a natural thing that falls within a religious treatment of time, and we are faced with a similar temporal awareness, as if it were an established culture… that has one way of dealing with the concept of time. ● The second possibility……….is that the three religions split and separated at the same time…meaning, according to the plan drawn in the picture, we will compress the three times into only one time and it has one gap, So we get rid of those similar gaps that have approximately the same length of time. ● The third possibility…..that time is reversed….yes, time is reversed. But why only these three possibilities? Before explaining and discussing these possibilities and answering the question, we must first get to know our current conception of the fourth time (religious time), and then we must get to know the meaning of time in general, and then we must know the definition of time in Our culture, by researching our heritage from ancient times until today. How do we imagine this fourth time? I will try to describe only the perception of this time in the public consciousness: In this time we entered it with the legitimacy of the Torah narrative, which speaks of a Persian king who liberated them from Babylonian captivity. As long as Judaism remembers it, it is natural that it lived through it, and the legitimacy of this thing confirms that the Greek narrative confirms this time, which speaks About Cyrus, King of Persia, and the conflict of Greece with the Persians, although Herodotus did not speak at all in his history about the Al-Yahoud and did not mention the incident of captivity. The legitimacy of our entry into this time has increased recently with the arrival of Western men who deciphered inscriptions in Iraq and extracted the name of Cyrus from among the inscriptions as evidence that further confirms this time in our awareness. Let us enter this time with steady and blind steps. Note: My discussion on this point makes me forced to go out to a side topic, but it is related, because the time has become appropriate, to explain a point to everyone about the starting points and reasons that made me alert the reader to an important and dangerous point that I talked about in a previous article, about the coin issued by the Zionist occupation entity. Which has a picture of Trump and a picture of the Persian King Cyrus on it, which many may not have understood and comprehended. Why did they choose the picture of King Cyrus next to Trump? Because the story began from that time. Yes… the Zionist time began from that point, and this entity. The Zionist and the Western power that stands behind him are not naive. They know where the shoulder comes from. The real purpose of that currency is to establish and confirm more of that time only in the consciousness, and to give legitimacy to everyone’s entry into that time, and it is the same legitimacy that they extracted by force and force. From the inscriptions of Iraq to prove and confirm the existence of a king named (Cyrus). I tried to draw attention to this point, so that everyone understands how the Western Zionist project moves and how it thinks. We are facing a wise and intelligent mind that moves on issues that many do not pay attention to, and they may seem formal and unimportant details to some, while they are actually fundamental issues in his calculations. Because he is well aware that the origin of the story began there… He is well aware of the story. We will leave this detail in another article and return to the image of this time in the public consciousness. ■ We entered this time from the starting point and with the legitimacy of those previous points, and we passed through those gaps until we reached the end of the gap. Why is it a gap? Because the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament did not appear until 300 years after the appearance of Cyrus, and there is no other document that confirms it other than the account of the Greeks, and when you read the account of Greece by Herodotus, who came almost a hundred years after Cyrus, you do not find any mention of the subject of the Al-Yahoud or any talk about it. Babylonian captivity forever. ■ We are in the year 250 BC…on the line of history…and before that we do not know anything about the region, and it has a connection to today, such as religion, languages, etc., and as we entered this date, we began to learn about a new religion. A new religion suddenly appeared. ……and without introductions or historical context and without the existence of a previous basis that gives its emergence a logical and objective dimension…. But according to our prevailing perception, it is a religion specific to a nation or people… completely separate from the region, and therefore it is a religion Other than the religions of the region… but at that time we did not know the religions of the region before Judaism, and time began to pass until we read an article about the Septuagint writing of the Old Testament, and then we began to learn about a new language called Aramaic, and it is said that Hebrew developed from it….. Before Judaism, we do not have information about the languages of the region. But the question is: What is the importance of this event when a Greek ruler asked approximately seventy clerics to write the Old Testament in order to include it in the Library of Alexandria? Why seventy? Is the topic that difficult?! Does writing a religious text that belongs to them and belong to them require all this large number? Then, does it not make sense for the prophets to write their books themselves? Why did Cyrus not write the book or order it to be written or any Persian king since they were credited with liberating the Al-Yahoud from captivity at that time? But the strange thing is that the Greeks, enemies of Persia, were the ones entrusted with the task of writing the Old Testament. Why does the Greek ruler only care about Judaism, and where are the rest of the languages and religions? Even the Coptic language, according to what they say is the language of Misr at that time, did not receive the attention of the King of Greece, and he did not think about collecting it while he lived among them, and he did not even think about collecting the Coptic faith at that time or care about it? At this point, time was trying to say that Judaism and its language were dominant throughout time. Even though we are in a geographical space limited to Misr. There is another point…….. According to history books, one of the reasons for the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament is that the Al-Yahoud had difficulty learning Hebrew…… It is strange and strange….. How can they have a language when they do not know it? ? So, at that time, they were also speaking a different language other than the language of the book, the Old Testament. Why? And there is a more important point. If Judaism was truly a religion specific to a group that had their own religion and their own language, then is it reasonable that their Holy Book would be the first copy of it in the language of other people? Greek), but is it possible that their Holy Book appeared as a result of a political decision?! Is it possible that a religious book specific to a people appears as a result of a translation process… that is, from the Greek language into their original language and not the other way around? Is it possible that they did not have a holy book and then discovered their book through another language?! In this time, we learned about the Aramaic language, which is the language of that time and that environment. It appeared as a result of an order from a Greek ruler, and it emerged as a result of translating a holy book from the Greek language into the original language, Aramaic. In this era, we find it has a more Greek flavor than local flavors. ■ Then we pass through time for 250 years, and we enter a new gap when Jesus Christ is born and Christianity emerges from the core of Jewish time, based on the legitimacy of the story of Jesus Christ as a savior for the children of Israel, as he is their messenger for their salvation, but Jesus Christ is crucified by the Romans at the instigation of From the Al-Yahoud according to the Christian faith. Then we continue to walk until the end of the gap……..Then the Bible is adopted in the Syriac language based on the order of a Roman ruler and the Old Testament is adopted within the Bible, and it is said that Syriac was born from the womb of Aramaic, and until this point we have Two religions are in consciousness and no other is known, and two languages and no other is known in this time. ..and they have an effect to this day…other than that, there is no effect. Why is it a gap? Because there is no document confirming this time in the writings of the Al-Yahoud, neither the story of Christ nor the events of the story of Christ, and there is no copy of the Gospels of the age of that time. Also in this gap (1 AD – 320)… Although the official version says that Jesus Christ’s language was Aramaic, he also spoke Hebrew in private and religious discussions. So, you wonder why Christ spoke two languages. Was there a general language and a language? religion . So, during the time of the birth of Christ, the Hebrew language would have suddenly appeared and become the language of the Old Testament, and then there would not be two languages, but rather three languages, no other languages known at this time. This gap is explained by a brief statement that says that Hebrew emerged from the womb of Aramaic. As for the New Testament, it was written in the Syriac language, and here it is very surprising how a holy book must preserve the original pronunciation and its original language, the language of Christ, and then after almost 250 years it becomes in a new, different language. But this illogical gap is explained by a brief saying that says that Syriac was born from the womb of Aramaic. But is it possible that a language would separate and split from another language within only 250 years?! Especially since the issue is large and dangerous, linked to the language of the Holy Book, and must continue in the same language of Jesus Christ, Aramaic. We have living examples now. Today, we still read texts that are more than 1,000 years old and understand them easily, and we are still committed to the original language. Its rules. There is another gap… which is the spread of Judaism throughout the region. After Cyrus liberated them from Babylonian captivity, according to the Zionist narrative, they returned to Palestine, but they left it again and spread throughout the entire region during this period of 300 years in a sudden manner. You find Al-Yahoud in Ethiopia, Spain, Misr, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen…. But this gap is explained according to the novel with a brief saying that says that the Romans destroyed their temple and overthrew their state approximately in the year 90 AD, after which they migrated to the entire region… And here…you imagine, in this time, human groups of men, along with women, children, the elderly, furniture, and animals, leaving the point of Palestine and crossing these great distances on their feet and on top of animals in search of new lands other than their own in which to settle. At this point…we are now in a small space revolving around a specific geographical area, which is Jerusalem. We do not know of any other space… but this space expresses the Levant and Iraq in particular. Because according to the perception of many today, in this era… Syriac is the language of the Levant and Iraq. It is linked to Misr because Aramaic and Hebrew were written in Misr. Up to this point, the Aramaic language has almost disappeared, and Hebrew, Syriac, and Coptic appear. There are two religions, Judaism and Christianity. In this gap, we notice that time has a more Roman flavor in the Greek language than the local flavors. ■ Then we enter the third gap (570 AD to 860 AD). A new religion emerges suddenly… although it carries concepts in common with previous religions, it is different from previous religions in its language, its different historical narrative, its different geographical space, its different names for Allah, and its different religious book. Which does not completely resemble the style followed in the previous books. Then it spreads across the region from Spain to the borders of China. It makes no sense at all. Why is it a gap? Because all the first Arabic texts appeared after this gap.. There is no document written during that gap that recorded the events of that time directly, and there is no integrated official narrative among the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah about it. There is also a gap about the reasons for the spread of Islam in this large and vast geographical space, and it is similar to the gap among the Al-Yahoud, who tried to explain the reasons for the spread of the Al-Yahoud in the region with a brief explanation about the destruction of the Temple and the destruction of their state at the hands of the Romans. The same thing applies to the Islamic novel about the reasons for the spread of Muslims, which tried to explain it in an epic novel of Islamic conquests…and here you imagine a fighting group that crosses very large and vast geographical distances. But this epic novel, with its characters and huge events, does not find any official document to support it in its time. Rather, the novel came ready and complete after the time of the gap… Then you do not find any integrated novel among the Al-Yahoud or Al-Nasarah about this epic novel with its characters and events, which… It took place over a very, very vast geographical area. In fact, it cannot be found in the Roman archives. And as soon as you leave this era with a small step…you will find the Arabic language spread throughout this large geographical area, and you will find many and huge works on many and many topics. Was this huge production the result of only 300 years of the emergence of a religion, or is it possible that it is the inheritance and legacy of a very small environment? Or was there a previous archive and it was just taken out?! How do we explain this language in this simple time? There are those who say that it is because of the language of the Qur’an that Arabized people…..but you have people who read the Qur’an and did not Arabize, and there are those who say that it is the same as the previous situation among the Syriacs, so the story of Arabic is similar to the story of Syriac. …..And that Arabic split from Syriac, but why did it split in the first place? Why does it not preserve its previous language? If it split from Syriac, this assumes that before the split, the people had the same religious orientation, so they are supposed to preserve it… But the narrative of Islam speaks of a world that has nothing to do with monotheism… a world of idols, not a world of prophets. In this time, a religion is born with the same birth as Judaism, suddenly, without introductions and logical context…… The birth of the Christian era may seem logical because it was born from the womb of the same earth, with the evidence that Christ is from the children of Israel.. and with the evidence of the fact that the book of the Old Testament is within the book. Sacred for Christianity, meaning that there is a previous ground. But the birth of Islam is completely illogical…according to a Muslim’s narrative, it was born from an environment that does not know such religions, a world that only knows strange idols and deities. And if Islam was truly influenced by previous religions or emerged from them, then why is its language completely different? And the names of the Allah are different: Allah Almighty, Most Merciful, Most Merciful, etc., and even strict on this point, while Judaism is Yahweh, etc. Islam could have taken all the names of the previous religions and kept its language in order to give it meaning. But despite the difference… the general image among everyone is that Islam was born from the womb of Judaism and Christianity… and therefore time is born from… The mercy of the past religions……. Many even make Judaism a reference in understanding Islam. ■ There is also an important note in the fourth time. Almost every gap begins with an incident of destruction and destruction of a place or city. Cyrus burned and destroyed Babylon, and years after the appearance of Christ, the Temple was destroyed and the Jewish state was destroyed, and in the year of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, an attempt was made to destroy the Kaaba. Now let us discuss new angles in this time. ● Because Judaism was the first to appear, and according to our mistaken perception about the Al-Yahoud that they are a nation and a people, this forces us to believe that the Al-Yahoud were wandering around in the previous time, the first, second, and third alone only. This time made us believe that before this time and until we entered Until the fourth era, the Al-Yahoud roamed the entire region and had a mark on all of history. This means that the Al-Yahoud were supposed to be mentioned in the inscriptions of the region, because the awareness now is religious, as it believes in the stories of the ancient prophets…the ancient time, and accordingly, it is not possible to find a people related to them. In the first, second, and third times, except for the Al-Yahoud, because before the Al-Yahoud there was no Christianity, Islam, Arabs, Syriacs, etc. And because Judaism had the first religious narrative, this gives them the right to wander through history freely. Accordingly, do not be surprised, for example, if you find A researcher from the region searches for them in the inscriptions of Iraq, Misr, and Yemen, or you find a historian narrating a history of them in the first, second, and third times. And I believe that this… is one of the most important roots of the Zionist penetration into the minds of the people of the region. They impose themselves in history… and you are very surprised by the talk of many when they believe such history… when they made themselves a homeland. In all the events of history across the time line in the history of Iraq, Misr and Yemen… while everyone surrenders and believes or does not have an argument… and many do not realize that they are facing a breakthrough. And how many we find, historians! ….They talk and write about Jewish kingdoms that existed in the past…a dangerous topic. And this problem….. is mainly caused by the wrong perception towards the Al-Yahoud. Some still believe that the Al-Yahoud are a people, while the truth is that they are just a religious association… a religion only….. The first appearance of Judaism in history came with the appearance of the book of the Old Testament only. Only, and there is no Jewish name before the fourth era, and if it exists, then be sure that it is a forgery…..The first appearance of Judaism in history came from the first day of writing the Old Testament by order of a Greek Roman ruler……It is the first reason for the manufacture of Judaism, how could it not, and the first copy of the Old Testament in Greek. So where did this religion suddenly come from? It is natural that it has original roots in the region and has no connection to a nation or people… because its sudden appearance, and the situation of one region in general, force us to believe and assert that there was a prevailing doctrine in the entire region and it is not very different from the phenomenon of current religions. …..And this religion was dominant in the second time and before we entered this time, beyond any room for doubt…..And it is certain that we will search for it and learn about it when we dismantle this time. ● If Aramaic was the first language in the region that appeared in historical records and was the language of Christ according to some accounts, and then Syriac appeared after it and also became dominant at the time of the emergence of Christianity, then this forces us to ask a question: Why then…. .. Are Aramaic or Syriac not used in translating the inscriptions of the Levant and Iraq? ………. Yes, I call for doing this and I demand that Al-Nasarah do this, because the inscriptions of Iraq and Syria are supposed to be identical to Aramaic and Syriac, because unfortunately none of the languages of the inscriptions are close to Syriac or Aramaic. Even if the West licks the brains of some people that the inscriptions were translated based on the Syriac language, as in the case of the ancient Egyptian language, which is said to have been deciphered based on the Coptic language, while in reality there is absolutely no similarity between the so-called Coptic language and the ancient Egyptian language. From near or far. ■ If we assume that the Syriac language was born from the womb of the Aramaic language, and split from it and became a new language…but the question is if Syriac was born from the womb of Aramaic, and as we know that the language of the Old Testament, as it is said, was Aramaic, then it is logical that Aramaic was dominant. Judaism was dominant, but the question is why this language did not continue and the language of the Bible was not written in it. Syriac has preserved itself until today, and this long period raises the question: Why was the Aramaic language not preserved… It is not reasonable for a language to split from Language and separated from it within 250 years only, which is the approximate period with the increase between the first copy of the Old Testament and the birth of Christ, peace be upon him? Why did the languages split in this way at that time… Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac? …..Because… if there is a religious text…. then it is assumed that the religious text remains preserving the original pronunciation until today. We have an example from reality… how we are still reading texts today that are more than 1000 years old and no other language has emerged from them. ● What is the true language of Jesus Christ? Did Jesus Christ specialize in languages? Because the truth…you cannot be sure of the language of the Master of the Christ of Truth in this time…is it Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, or Coptic? …Because this history says that it is Aramaic… and Hebrew was the language of Christ in religious discussions… and Syriac says that it is the language of Christ… and Coptic says that it is the language of Christ. And this diversity of languages in relation to history represents a problem… because the differences between languages and our faith in Christ and his time make these languages create different worlds…. Every place has a different language for Christ, and every language imposes its names on the world… There must be only one language… so that it can be our standard ● And because Islam emerged after these religions, this means the opposite of the Al-Yahoud, a recent birth, and the Arabs. Arabic is a new state in the region, and the narrative of the conquests further confirms this matter, which in the first place, as it seems to me, only existed for the sake of this idea………and therefore they were forbidden from being present or wandering around the space of the region before the emergence of Islam. The past time of the entire region is not related to them… because they are only a new case… unlike the Al-Yahoud, who you will find that many believe that they had a presence in the entire region in the past time. And here is the basis of the disaster because you find… The general situation prevailing in the region is Arabic, but Arabic does not belong to the past and time of every geographical area, because of that previous equation.. What causes a state of alienation. The residents of the region no longer belong to the geography in which they live and have no connection to the past of their geography… meaning… they have been taken out of time. Therefore.. I believe that the purpose of this time. It seems to me…it is precisely this fundamental point and nothing else, imprisoning the region within an imaginary time and separating it from its historical roots. In other words, the picture of religious time drawn in the imagination of all residents of the region is exactly the same as the outline in the picture. Every time is born from the previous time… The Jewish time is a major reason for the birth of the Christian time, and the Christian time is a major reason for the birth of the Islamic time. This perception is actually a problem… because it is a completely wrong perception of time and completely incorrect, because everyone believes that it is one time, and the truth is that it is not one time, but rather three separate times and there is no relationship between them at all… every time has its own path. The special is separate from the other and has a separate extension as well. So where did this misconception come from? It came from the concept of prophets. It is the main cause of this problem. Because, very simply… the image of time in the mind of the believer is linked and united to the concept of prophets and messengers… The prophet in the mind of the believer represents an era of time and a new time that cancels the previous time. The first part has ended, and in the next article (Part Two) we will continue talking about the fourth time (religious time) because of its importance and extreme strangeness.

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