6- Deconstructing the Zionist time – the time of gaps

6- Deconstructing the Zionist time - the time of gaps


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In this article (Part Two), we will continue talking about the fourth time (religious time), but before that we need to re-mention a summary of the points we reached in Part One.

■ The fourth time contains three time gaps, and the time of the gaps begins with the date of the beginning of the appearance of a prophet, and ends with the date of writing the religious book or controversy over the religious book.

● The Al-Yahoud have three gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the appearance of Cyrus, the Persian king, who saved them from captivity, and ends at the time of the beginning of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, which is approximately 300 years.

2- The second gap is the same as the Christian gap. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Christianity and the time from the birth of Christ until the Conference of Nicaea.

3- The third gap is the same as the gap in Islam. The Al-Yahoud do not have a complete historical narrative that talks about the beginnings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

● As for Al-Nasarah, they have two gaps:

1- The first foundational gap, which begins with the birth of Christ, ends at the time of the writing of the New Testament

2- The second gap: Al-Nasarah do not have a complete historical account of the beginnings of Islam and even the event of the creation of the Qur’an.

● As for Muslims, they have one gap:

1- The foundational gap that begins from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad until the event of the creation of the Qur’an, which is approximately 300 years.

■ There are also…. strange things in this time

– The period of time between Cyrus and Christ is approximately 550 years

The period of time between Christ and the Prophet Muhammad is approximately 550 years

The period of time between the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament and the birth of Christ is approximately 250 years.

The time period between the Nicene Conference and the adoption of the official Bibles until the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is approximately 250 years.

– Every gap begins with destruction, fire, or the demolition of a place. The Al-Yahoud’ gap begins with the destruction of Babylon at the hands of Cyrus, the Al-Nasarah’ gap begins almost with the destruction of the Temple, and the Muslims’ gap begins with the incident of the attempt to demolish the Kaaba by Abraha.

■ We said that we will not be able to explain the strangeness of this time and these repeated and similar gaps until we find the correct definition of time and then know the concept and image of time in our cultural and religious awareness.

■ We said that the image of time in everyone’s imagination is completely similar to the model drawn in the picture, and this model of time is completely wrong, for a logical reason, which is that the image of time in our imagination is linked to the concept of the prophets.


We finished at this point, and now we will continue our conversation about the fourth time and its extreme strangeness.


At this time, we also face another Christian religious movement called the Arians, which is similar to the rest of the religions in the gaps, and you cannot find any trace of it today.

Of course, we do not have any historical document about them except from Christian and Roman sources only, and we do not have any trace of them. On the other hand, we are inside a purely Greek space and world… so the name seems to be a purely Greek name (Arius).

Am I also Al-Arision?

It was stated in the book Encyclopedia of Easy Religions:

Arius, one of the men of the church in the fourth century AD, was of Libyan origin. He lived in Misr, where he tried to resist the idea of the divinity of Christ, and that the son is equal to the father, which some churchmen began to circulate. Arius showed his positions and opinions during the reign of the Patriarch of Alexandria, Alexander, who tried to resist what he proposed. Arius.

John Lorimer says: It is clear that Arius’s motive was to preserve the perfection, eternity, and divinity of Allah the Father, and at the same time he attributed an important role to Christ the Son, which sets him apart from others, although Arius could not accept the existence of a change or division from the Father, who was the final essence. The texts of the collection of canon law convey that Arius denied the divinity of Christ, and claimed that he was created from nothing and not equal to the Father in essence, and that he was not eternal and was below the rank of divinity, and he is metaphorically called the Son of Allah and his wisdom and power. According to Arius, Christ and the Father are not of one essence, and for him the Holy Spirit was born from the Word, and is less divine than the Word (Christ the Son) itself.

It was stated in the free encyclopedia (Wikipedia):

Arius was born in Cyrene (present-day Libya) in 270 AD, to a father named Ammonius. He studied his theological education at the Alexandria Theological School, and was influenced by the thought of its Dean, Origen, influenced by Platonic thought. Then he also studied at the School of Antioch, influenced by the Aristotelian logic of Lucian, in Antioch, where he was a study colleague of some people who later rose to the ranks of the priestly presidency. They were the ones who supported him and pushed him to continue on the path of struggle to spread his ideas. Arius had a talent for public speaking, eloquent and able to communicate his ideas smoothly among the public and thinkers.

The most important beliefs in the Arian doctrine:

Arius’s doctrine states that (Allah is one, individual, unborn, with nothing in common with Him, the Almighty. Everything that is outside of the One Allah is created from nothing, and by the will and will of Allah). This means that Christ, within this definition, is a created human being. This doctrine does not believe in the divinity of Christ and says that the Son, the Word (Christ), is not Allah, and that his relationship with the Father is a relationship of sonship and not equality or participation in the same divine nature. Accordingly, the Word is not eternal but a created being subject to Allah.

Arius and his followers believe that there can only be one Allah, and therefore Christ must have been created at some point in time, and he, like all created beings, must be vulnerable to change and sin. In order to confront his opponents, Arius used some verses from the Bible to prove the validity of his ideas. Among them: (The Allah at first made me direct His way before His works from ancient times) [Proverbs 8:22] Arius was considered, from the Orthodox point of view, a heretic who posed a threat to the Christian faith throughout the first ten centuries of Christian history. His doctrine has been rejected since the Council of Nicaea, where they formulated the first section of the Creed, which states the divinity of Christ and his equality with the Father. They declared the excommunication of Arius and all his followers, and declared that the doctrine approved by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicaea is the official doctrine of the entire empire.

But this did not stop the spread of Arianism among the Al-Nasarah of that time. This doctrine found many supporters in Alexandria and elsewhere. The Byzantine Emperor Constantius, son of Constantine, declared that he was an Arian. With the advent of the year 359 AD, Arianism replaced Roman Christianity. Although it was denounced at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD, this doctrine continued to spread, even when in the fifth century every bishopric in the Christian world was either Arian or vacant.

Did the doctrine of the Arians continue?

No…it completely disappeared.


What is strange in the story of this religious movement?

● There is no intellectual or religious impact or product of this religious movement, even though their faith became, within approximately 40 years, the official religion of Byzantium. This means that it shaped the form of Christianity of that time according to its doctrinal conception, because as we know, Christianity in its current form was founded at the Conference of Nicea and In which the pillars of the Christian faith were established and the final form of the book of the New Testament emerged……But even after the political authority abandoned the Arian doctrine and fought it, it continued until the tenth century AD. However, despite its continuation, the strange thing is that it has no remaining effect to this day.

● The Jewish archives do not have any detailed mention of this religious movement, and even the Muslim historical archives do not have any detailed mention of this movement.

● The areas of presence of this movement are the same as the areas of the sudden appearance of Muslims in the historical narrative that appeared after the year 860 AD. Although this movement was concentrated in Andalusia according to the historical narrative, the Arabic documents that were written in Andalusia do not contain any mention of this doctrine.

Something that doesn’t make sense at all… as if we were just inside a fictional novel.

● The story may seem normal and not strange to some, but there is something very strange in that story, which is the repeated appearance of the 300-year gap in an amazing, confusing and illogical way… and the gap between this religious movement and the narrative of Islam.

1- Arius was born in 270 AD… and the Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 AD… and the difference between the two times is 300 years.

2- Arius began preaching the Arian faith in the year 313 AD… and the Prophet Muhammad began preaching Islam in the year 610… and the difference between the two times is approximately 300 years!!

3- The Conference of Nicaea and the exile of Arius when his claims were rejected, 325 AD.. The Quraysh conference to kill Muhammad with the blow of one man, followed by his migration in 622.. The difference between the two times is approximately 300 years!!

4- Arius made peace with Alexander and allowed Arius to return to him in 331 AD… The peace of Hudaybiyyah between the Prophet Muhammad and Quraysh occurred in the year 628 AD…and the difference between the two times is approximately 300 years.

5- The strangeness reaches its peak when we know that the death of Arius occurred in 336 AD and the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632… and the difference between the two times is approximately 300 years!!!!

Is it a coincidence?

Not at all… the coincidence is repeated once or twice… but if the coincidence is repeated more than twice, the matter is unnatural and illogical. Not only that, but there is a clear and clear agreement in the quality and nature of the events between the two novels.

Has the strangeness and coincidence between the two novels ended?

No…there is something more strange.

The strangeness is in the personality of Arius and the personality of the Prophet Muhammad according to the Prophet’s biography. Rather, there is a greater strangeness in the personality of some of Arius’s followers and some of the Prophet’s companions and the events that followed their deaths.

1- Arius means (the ram) in Latin, and there are narrations in the Prophet’s biography that the polytheists used to call the Prophet Muhammad the title of Ibn Abi Kabsha.

Arius (ram) = Ibn Abi Kabsha

2- Arius, his father’s name is (Amun), and the Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name is (Amna).

Amun = safe

3- Arius was born in (Cyrene), and the Prophet Muhammad was born in (Quresh).

Cyrene = Cyrene

4 – Four clerics assumed the presidency of the church when Arianism became the religion of Byzantium, and in Islam, four people assumed the caliphate after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

Four heads of the church = four adult successors

5- The period of time during which the four clerics assumed the presidency of the church is approximately 40 years, and the date of the end of the state of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs is 40 AH.

40 years = 40 Hijri

6- Arianism was divided into three sects, and Islam was divided into three sects (Sunni Shiite Kharijites).

Three sects = three doctrines

7- Germanic tribes (Vandals or Berbers) adopted the Arian faith after the death of Arius and after the end of the time of the bishops. They migrated to North Africa and formed a state and ruled for approximately 100 years. In Islam, the Umayyad state ruled after the end of the time of the caliphs and fought conquests. Islamic rule in North Africa and its rule lasted for approximately 100 years. According to historical accounts, the Umayyads were called the Yellow Banu.

Germanic tribes = brown yellow

Vandals = Andalusia

Invasion of North Africa by German tribes = Islamic conquests of North Africa during the Umayyad era

Berber (Vandal) = Berber (North Africa)

8- The Byzantines eliminated the Vandal state and they were pursued and they fled to Andalusia and took refuge there. In Islam, the Abbasid state eliminated the Umayyad state and they were pursued and fled to Andalusia and formed the Umayyad state in Andalusia.

Byzantium = Bani Abbas

The pursuit of the Vandals = the pursuit of the Umayyads

The flight of the Vandals to Andalusia = the flight of the Umayyads to Andalusia

The Vandals took refuge in Andalusia = the establishment of the Umayyad state in Andalusia


There are other strange things in this time, which are the correspondence between historical figures and pivotal historical events.

The presence of similarities between personalities and events in history may be normal and natural in the eyes of some, but the matter becomes unnatural in our case for logical reasons:

– When this similarity and similarity is repeated many times in a certain period of time, and not in other periods of time.


– The emergence of a time gap of approximately 300 years separating these similar characters and identical events.

Among these similar and identical things are:

– The similarity between the character of Constantine and the character of Harun al-Rashid

– The similarity between the position of Arius and the position of Ahmed ibn Hanbal, but in reverse

– The similarity between the Council of Nicaea and the incident of the creation of the Qur’an.

how ?

■ Constantine’s personality is very similar to Harun al-Rashid’s personality

1- Approximately the period of Constantine’s rule = the period of Harun al-Rashid’s rule

2- Constantine had sons, two of whom had conflict and war between them. Likewise, Harun al-Rashid had several sons, including Al-Amin and Al-Mamun, between whom conflict and war occurred.

3- One of Constantine’s sons adopted the Arian doctrine, which believes that Christ was born, as the official religion of the state and fought those who say otherwise, and Al-Mamun Ibn al-Rashid imposed the idea that the Qur’an was created as an official state belief and fought those who say that the Qur’an was not created.

■ The intellectual and philosophical correspondence between the Council of Nicaea, which established the Christian doctrine in its current form, and the sedition of the creation of the Qur’an, which established the Islamic doctrine in its current form.

1- The Council of Nicaea was… more like a court in which a debate took place at the Council of Nicaea between Arianism and Christianity in its current form.

While in the incident of the creation of the Qur’an, it was more like a court held by Al-Mamun, in which scholars were summoned and asked for an answer to the question: Is the Qur’an created? The debate was between the Mu’tazila movement and the Islam movement in its current form.

The Council of Nicaea, called for by Constantine = the trial of Al-Mamun

Arianism = Mu’tazila

Christianity today = Islam today

2- The doctrine of Arianism said that the Word is not Allah, and since He is born of Allah the Father, He does not share His nature, but rather an edifying relationship exists between them. While the Mu’tazilites in Islam denied the attributes of the Divine Essence, so they invalidated the idea that it shared in antiquity, and from this denial, they considered the Qur’an to be created, that is, created.

The Word is born of Allah the Father = the word of Allah is created, i.e. created

The newborn does not share his nature with the father. Speech is not an attribute and does not share the Creator. The Qur’an is not eternal – ancient

3- The Council of Nicaea discussed the nature of Yasouaa, whether he had a divine nature or a human nature, while the sedition about the creation of the Qur’an also revolved around the nature of the Qur’an, whether it was created or uncreated.

Yasouaa is human or divine = the Qur’an is created or not created?

4- Almost the philosophical discussions that took place at the Council of Nicaea between Arius and his followers and between Alexandros and his followers were the same as the discussions that took place between the Mu’tazila and between Ahmed ibn Hanbal and his followers.

Arius = Ahmed ibn Hanbal (but in a reversed role)

Arius says the word is born = Ibn Hanbal says the Qur’an is not created

Arius was imprisoned = Ahmed bin Hanbal was imprisoned

Arius was defeated in the beginning = Ahmed bin Hanbal was defeated in the beginning

Is Jesus of the nature of the Father = Is the Qur’an eternal? He shares Allah’s eternity

5- The personality of Yasouaa was the core of the debate at the Council of Nicaea, while the Qur’an was the core of the issue in the sedition.

Yasouaa = Quran

Yasouaa is the word of Allah = the Qur’an is the word of Allah

6- The council discussed the nature of the Father, the Spirit, and the Son, the Word. It discussed the incident of the Qur’an, the Creator, Jebril, and the Qur’an.

At the Council of Nicaea, the Father sent the Spirit with a word to the Virgin, and from her came the Son Yasouaa, the Word of Allah. After the event of the creation of the Qur’an, the Creator sent Jebril to Muhammad, and from him came the Qur’an, the Word of Allah.

In Christianity…the Spirit + the Virgin = Yasouaa

And in Islam…….the Spirit + Muhammad = the Qur’an

Father = Creator

Virgin = Muhammad

Yasouaa = Quran

Was the disagreement at the Council of Nicaea primarily about the Enjil and not about the personality of Yasouaa, the Word of Allah? …..Is Yasouaa (Jesus) nothing but the written words of the Enjil ?

■ The history of the Council of Nicaea and the history of the incident of the creation of the Qur’an.

If we start the Hijri calendar from the beginning of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, we will obtain a similar period of time for both events, approximately equal to 300 years.

– The Council of Nicaea was in the year 325 AD → approximately equal to 300 years

The event of the creation of the Qur’an ended in approximately the year 860 AD, and according to the historical narrative, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad was in the year 570 AD.

And 855 minus 570 equals 285 years → approximately equal to 300 years

We are facing… another 300 years.

What is the story of 300 years?

What concerns us now… is the strangeness between Arianism and Islam… No human being with a normal mind can be convinced that the matter is just a coincidence… and any rational human being must come up with a logical conclusion that ends the strangeness of the story and not leave it hanging by the thread of illogicality.

We have three possibilities:

● But the two novels are actually only one novel

● Or that one of them is true and the other is false

● Or both stories are fake.

Of course, there must be a decisive and final answer that ends the issue, and we will postpone the search for the answer until the next chapter of this journey.


We still have another strange thing in the fourth time related to the Coptic calendar:

Why does the Coptic calendar not start from the birth of Christ, but rather starts 300 years after the death of Christ, as we are in the year 1734 according to the Coptic calendar?

The truth is that the Coptic calendar is very strange and raises in the mind the previous question. This question is very natural and imposes itself logically on any researcher. Even our Coptic brothers themselves have this question raised and they find it difficult to find a logical answer.

Which is more likely…that the beginning of the Coptic calendar be from the birth of Christ for a Christian church, or from the incident of the Christian martyrs who fled their religion?

We are in the year 1734…….. according to the Coptic calendar

We are in the year 1439……… according to the Hijri calendar

We are in the year 2018……..according to the Gregorian calendar

The difference between the Gregorian and Coptic calendar = approximately 300 years!!!

The difference between the Hijri and Coptic calendar = approximately 300 years!!!

Strange and strange… 300 more years!!

Are we the boys…….who slept inside the cave for 300 years and woke up to a different and new world?

Do you think it’s just a coincidence?

Not at all…. It is certain that there is a cunning game with time.

But what concerns us now in this article…one question:

Why 300 years specifically?

If there was a game with time… why not 200 years or 400 years… why 300 years specifically?

The answer to this question………..perhaps will bring us much closer to understanding the reason. To answer this question, we have to ask another question:

Can we find a topic related to the number 300 or any number close to it, such as the number 309, for example, in topics other than history?

Of course we can… especially in mathematics… and we will postpone talking about it until the second chapter.

We have almost finished the fourth time, and in the next article we will go to the fifth time to talk about it.

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