A message from Yemen to the Moroccan people

A message from Yemen to the Moroccan people


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In 1962, the state of Morocco entered into a Saudi military alliance that included several countries to support the Shiites in Yemen and return them to power.

In 2015, the state of Morocco entered into a Saudi military alliance that included several countries to fight the Shiites in Yemen and remove them from power.

O Moroccan people

The story in Yemen is not a story of Sunnis and Shiites. Such stories are promoted by states to influence people’s religious emotions in order to bless any wrong step taken by the state and cover up the real reason.

What is happening in Yemen is a fight against the Zionist project run by Saudi Arabia, which it wants to impose on Yemen to serve the Western powers. The project to dominate Yemen, create a dependent regime, and draw a new map to dismantle it and plunder its wealth.

In politics in general…any practical step taken by the state must be preceded by a media campaign that convinces the people of that step in any way or manner.

There must be popular support for every practical step taken by any country… and this falls within the issue of the security of the ruling system.

Because religion is considered the most powerful media influence tool in our societies, because through it it is possible to quickly and strongly influence people, you always find Saudi Arabia and some countries in the region that follow Saudi Arabia’s political path, addressing their people and the peoples of the region on political issues through the media using this tool. Debt.

In order to ensure that this measure is necessary in the policies of countries and is never absent when countries take practical steps, when they review the incident of burning the Jordanian pilot.

You will find that the Jordanian regime was well aware of that calculation, and the consequences of taking a step that would backfire with risks to its internal security, after it received orders to participate in the Western coalition to fight ISIS.

The Jordanian regime received orders to participate in a coalition to fight ISIS. The apparent side of the coalition was to fight ISIS, but the hidden side and the truth was not an alliance to fight ISIS, but rather an alliance to support ISIS, consisting of officers and soldiers working for Western and regional intelligence, and foreign and brainwashed mercenaries. To achieve his mission to overthrow Iraq and Syria.

But the Jordanian regime was aware that it had opened the way in Jordan for the religious tool in the media, and was aware that religious media had been injected into the political issues of society in Jordan, and was well aware that there was a large percentage in Jordanian society that sympathized with ISIS as representatives of the Sunnis and against the Magians and They seek to achieve the masses’ dream of caliphate

How will the Jordanian regime enter into an alliance to fight ISIS, which is the adoration of a large percentage of the masses in Jordan?!

A step like this will have a negative impact on its internal security, because it will generate a state of popular discontent and resentment against the Jordanian ruling regime.

What is the solution ?

A play must be staged to give the Jordanian regime popular legitimacy to participate in the Western alliance.

It was the play of the Jordanian pilot, with that directing and cinematography from several angles and with those touching scenes and slow movements that we find in Hollywood movies when the flame of fire moves until it reaches the pilot’s location, and then there are scenes in which the brutality is exaggerated with the appearance of a bulldozer crushing the pilot, and in the scene In the last part of the play, the director shows a very touching shot… a close-up shot of the Jordanian pilot’s hand as it rises and emerges from under the rubble. Then comes the words of one of the ISIS soldiers, justifying their carrying out this action based on a fatwa from Ibn Taymiyyah and citing religious texts to confirm that they are ISIS.

Then the oil media showed scenes from the play of burning the Jordanian pilot for the first time on its channels, although the media in general avoided showing ugly and bloody scenes, and began to address the issue in a sequential manner.

The play took the Jordanian street by storm and caused intense feelings of anger, indignation, and pain… Whoever sympathizes with ISIS is a traitor and despicable because he stands with those who kill the Jordanian people.

Then the Minister of Defense of Jordan comes out with a statement to the Jordanian people and that the Jordanian army will revolt against the Jordanian soldier… and then the King of Jordan will appear. He goes out in military uniform and boards a plane to take revenge on ISIS and becomes aroused by the Jordanian citizen.

Thus, the Jordanians accepted the idea of Jordan entering the Western alliance, and the play succeeded.

For this reason, you always see clearly the intellectual and political disability when you conduct a survey of the view of the majority of these people on political issues in their countries or in the countries of the region.

If you discuss with them any new political event inside Iraq, for example, you will find that the majority’s mind always revolves around one basic point… Sunnis and Shiites. He cannot think beyond that point.

And in Syria… Sunnis and Alawites

And in Yemen… Sunnis and Houthis

And in Lebanon… Sunnis and Shiites

And in Oman…. Sunni and Ibadi

This use of the tool of religion by Saudi Arabia and its allies in political issues has also, inversely, caused the emergence of another category of people in the region, who also suffer from intellectual and political disabilities and believe that everything around them is a result of religion. When you discuss with them about any political event in… Any country or place finds that its mind always revolves around secularism. Everything around it is a result of the absence of secularism, even the causes of the spread of cholera among them, because of the absence of secularism.

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