Alexander the Great is a fake story

Alexander the Great is a fake story


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Have you asked yourself… Why did Alexander the Great make his conquests in our region, and did not make them in northern Europe and cross Asia and reach China? Why does the history of the West only begin from our region? Why is the existence of Western history only approved and confirmed at the expense of Our region, why does the history of the West deliberately link the foundation of its history to our region?

Is it possible that Alexander was unable to build a city in his name in his homeland and decided to build this city in Misr? He did not build a city neither in his land nor in Italy nor in any land outside our region?

What is strange is that throughout ancient history, no Egyptian king thought to build a city with his name to immortalize himself until this day, until a Greek came to immortalize his name among us?

Iraqi researchers are still searching for the city of Babylon and the city of Alexandria in Iraq, but the strange and strange thing that does not excite the thoughts of these researchers is that the Alexandria of Misr remains to this day from the time of Alexander, while Babylon and Alexandria in Iraq have disappeared completely.

One or perhaps two statues of Alexander do not belong to ancient art, but rather from the imagination of a relatively modern sculptor to immortalize his name and confirm his reality. Two statues to embody his existence and confirm his reality.


The Roman Greeks made this character into a historical novel, to create a symbol and a hero, in order to create a national imagination for themselves, and in order to design a historical novel for him as he leads a military trip along a very vast geographical area, and throughout the trip he encounters stories and events in every region. Geography, and he triumphs throughout his journey and his name is immortalized in history as a great hero, and this work marks the beginning of the birth of time among the Greeks.

It was a journey in order to impose the details of the history of this hero on every geographical spot. He arrives in Misr and the priestess in the Temple of Amun places the horns of an ibex on his head, and he is called the King of Misr. Here we get information that the Egyptians worshiped Amun, and here we feel that the Egyptians They welcomed him and sold their country to this wonderful, beautiful king.

Then he reaches the coast of Syria, carries out massacres, and advances until he reaches Babylon, defeats the Persians, and kills Darius. The people of Babylon receive him with joy, and he builds Alexandria there. He advances towards central Asia and stops, then he contracts a fever and dies in Babylon while he is still a young man.

Here the hero confirms the story of Persia and the story of the defeat of its king

Even Yemen was not spared from his military geographical journey. In official history, it says that he came to Yemen and the advisors were urging him, and he headed across the sea towards Yemen.

Throughout his journey, we encounter the names of strange geographical locations, the stories of strange peoples, and the stories of strange religions.

He traveled vast and far distances with his army far from home in order to achieve the beautiful dream of uniting the world (he is doing work for an ideal goal for culture lovers to be convinced of). He traveled throughout the region with his army and was victorious throughout his journey.

When I imagine my city and the distance we travel on foot until the nearest city is 100 km away, which requires a day and a half with rest, I then imagine the very far and long distances that this Alexander needed to cover the region and reach as far as Afghanistan, and how he memorized names and stories. I recorded about him and how he fought continuous wars and the army never weakened from the fatigue of travel and wars.

The structure of myths is the same. It always shortens time and space very quickly, causing illogical transitions in space and time. A world that resembles the world of cartoons that children watch…an unrealistic world made from the imagination of an author and painter. But it is a beautiful world for humans in general, because humans find it difficult to digest and accept the dry, realistic world. But when you mix him with a magical world that is free from the laws of reality and shortens time and space through quick transitions, he accepts it easily and quickly.

It was a journey that resembled the process of creating a historical novel for the region, and creating a new world for the region, with the names of geography, religions, and peoples. Creating a new world for the region, surveying the ancient world, and building on that journey in order to build the time of Roman Greece.

The Roman calendar began with this story and later became the calendar of the birth of Christ. I am quoting to you, through the words of a historian, a saying that says that the Roman calendar in the year 840 was at that time beginning with the victory of Alexander.

This great hero and military genius must be immortalized and embodied as a reality, in the name of a city, with statues, and with his plans taught in military colleges…..and he must enter the memory of the residents of the region and be embodied as if he were a reality.

The memory of the region must be based on its truth, and this work is done by making the first texts written in their new script, in which this history is written.

The region has entered a new memory through the transition of the texts of the Qur’an from an old, difficult script to a new, easy-to-read script, and it is natural that the first texts to be written in this script will be a confirmed fact present in the minds of the region’s residents.

This actually took place in the era of translations, when huge translations of Roman and Greek books were carried out, and history was written, all of which must contain chapters that talk about Alexander the Great and the history of Persia and its kings.

Even in religion, Alexander strongly entered people’s minds as Dhul-Qarnayn, even though the story of Alexander says that he was a pagan and effeminate and had a lover. The religious book began to confirm this character, and as long as it confirms it, it is an absolute truth.

It was a project to erase the memory of the region, and create a new imaginary world for the region, by fabricating that historical journey and forcefully imposing it as reality. In order to establish a new era for the region.

The strange thing is that Alexander’s military journey was preceded by Herodotus’s rapid journey, which attempted to cover the entire vast region, and Alexander the Great wanted to further confirm Herodotus’ journey and cover all of that world. As for what is strange, as soon as Alexander’s journey ends, another journey begins in the region, which is the journey of the Al-Yahoud after the destruction of the Temple, according to what they wrote, and it is a journey that shares half of it with the previous two journeys, and the other half is completely different.

It is the function of fictitious historical journeys… creating new worlds and new imaginary times, in order to control peoples, and carry out a process of historical eviction of peoples from their homelands.

The Samaritan received something from a messenger sent by Allah, and this thing made him understand the game easily. He was able to see what no one else could see, and he realized the truth of time and history full of flying snakes and eagles emerging from under the ashes.

{He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the Messenger’s trace, so I discarded it, and so my soul made peace with me.”}

But he hid that thing, so that his people would not fall historically.




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