Allah gave Prophet Musa a book in the Arabic language

Allah gave Prophet Musa a book in the Arabic language


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{And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an exhortation and a detail of everything. So take it firmly and command your people to take the best of it. I will show you the abode of the transgressors.}

First…what is in the panels?

Detail everything

But in any other way?

{Then We gave Musa the Book, complete with regard to him who does good, and an explanation of everything, and guidance and mercy, so that they may believe in the meeting with their Allah.}

Book detail

This means

We gave Musa the Book and an explanation of everything. And We wrote for him in tablets an explanation of everything

So, according to reason and logic, the tablets contain the book. That is, there are detailed writings on the tablets for everything. This detail found in the tablets is what led Musa to the book, until Musa was given the book.

That is, the tablets contain the book

Tablets = book

To whom is the address addressed in the previous verse (so take it firmly), and what does it take?

According to the context of the verse, it is not Musa, because the verse talks about an absent person (we wrote to him) and he is Musa. That is, we are seeing a scene of Jebril talking about Musa in the third person, in front of another person, to take the tablets forcefully and order his people to take the tablets as well.

According to the general perception that most Muslims agree upon… Allah is addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

But according to the verse… Allah commands the Prophet Muhammad to take the tablets that contain the book… and this is a severe command from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad.

But logic and reason say:

As long as Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad to forcefully take the tablets of Musa, that is, to take the book that Allah gave to Musa, and to order his people to take the book… then it is certain that the Prophet Muhammad carried out Allah’s command… We cannot believe that the Prophet Muhammad did not carry it out. An order from Allah

Especially since the wording of the command contains great emphasis from Allah to the Prophet

It is logical and natural

This means that the Prophet Muhammad took the book that Allah gave to Musa with certainty, because it is not possible for the Prophet to disobey Allah’s command…and he ordered his people to take the book (the Book of Allah).

As long as the Prophet Muhammad had taken the Book of Allah that he had given to Musa, and he had commanded his people to take the Book of Allah that Allah had given to Musa… then it is logical that the people of the Prophet Muhammad had taken the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah) just as they had taken the Qur’an of Muhammad (the Holy Qur’an). ….. Because they are all commands from Allah to His Prophet to give them to his people………. And since the Prophet’s people took the Qur’an from him and it has reached the Muslims today, then why did the Book of Allah that Allah gave to Musa not reach the Muslims? .

Where is the Book of Allah that Allah gave to Musa?

Logic and reason say:

It is certain that Muslims have received the Book of Musa just as the Book of the Qur’an has reached them……… But the Muslim does not know this thing, because there is a close connection between the Book and the Qur’an, meaning that the Book of Allah is the same as the Qur’an.

how ?

The Book of Allah is the physical entity… that is, the first copy of the book that the Muslim reads today… that is, it is the first original document of the book that the Muslim reads today… because the book that the Muslim reads today, was in its beginning… For the people and it is preserved in the chests of the people. Muslims still have the ability to memorize the Book in its entirety and in its absence, to this day, without the rest of the religions……… That is, the Qur’an reached people through memorization in their hearts, because the first, ancient copy of the Book cannot be obtained by every Muslim, because it It is fixed and present in the stone tablets…. And because people were illiterate and did not know how to read or write, they only kept their books in their chests.

So the book is the physical entity….the stone tablets that contain details of everything….or the first ancient document….and as for the Qur’an, it is the reading of the tablets.

With evidence

{So I do not swear by the positions of the stars. Indeed, it is a great oath, if you only knew. Indeed, it is the Noble Qur’an. It is in a hidden book. None shall touch it except the purified.}

The Holy Quran in a hidden book

{Rather, it is a glorious Qur’an (21) in a preserved tablet (22)}

Glorious Qur’an in a preserved tablet

The book = the tablets = the Holy Quran


Reason and logic says:

That Allah gave Musa the Holy Qur’an… and that Musa came to his people with the Holy Qur’an… meaning that Musa also came to his people with a book just as Muhammad brought the Qur’an to the Muslims, meaning that in the time of Musa when he went to his people, he was present. There are Muslim people on earth who believe in Allah and the Most Gracious… and who have the Holy Qur’an with them.

correct ?!

But the story contains a contradiction

The history that we have received through paper, through the writings of the West, speaks of a world in which Muslims have completely disappeared and there is no sign of their existence, and the religion of Islam has disappeared.

correct ?

It is logical, then… that the tablets on which everything is written in detail are written in a clear Arabic language, without any crookedness, because they are the ancient material entity of the Qur’an and not in a foreign language (Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, or Aramaic), because the Qur’an that reached the Muslims through… The path of Muhammad is written in an Arabic language, not a foreign language.

Evidenced by the fact that the Qur’an that was brought by the Prophet Muhammad, which is the recitation of the Book of Musa that reached the Muslim, emphasizes this point.

The Qur’an stresses that the Book of Musa contains details of everything

{Then We gave Musa the Book, complete with regard to him who does good, and an explanation of everything, and guidance and mercy, so that they may believe in the meeting with their Allah.}

But the Qur’an emphasizes that the book is an Arabic detail

(A book whose verses are detailed in the Arabic Qur’an)

The Book of Musa detailing everything = a book whose verses are detailed in the Arabic Qur’an

That is, it is a book detailing everything, and it results in an Arabic Qur’an, that is, a readable Arabic Qur’an.

In many verses, the Qur’an emphasizes the word “Arabic” without distortion

(Arabic Qur’an without distortion)

He stresses that the book is Arabic in the same language as the Qur’an, and is not foreign

(The tongue to which they are atheist is foreign, and this is an Arabic tongue)

This means that Musa brought an Arabic book to his people, and it is logical that there are no sacred texts on earth written in an Arabic language except the Holy Qur’an.

So reason and logic say:

That Allah had given Musa a book whose verses were detailed in the Arabic Qur’an… and that Musa came to his people with tablets containing Arabic texts… meaning that Musa came to his people with an Arabic book, meaning that in the time of Musa when he went to his people, it was present in it on earth. Arab people speak Arabic.

correct ?!

But the story contains a contradiction

The history that we have received through paper, through the writings of the West, speaks of a world in which the Arabs have completely disappeared and there is no sign of their existence on earth, and the Arabic language has disappeared from the earth… He even stresses in his historical and scientific references that the Aramaic and Hebrew languages preceded the language. Arabic… Rather, it contradicts the general image that exists among the people, because according to what exists in the Muslim mind, that Musa came to his people with a book in the Hebrew language, which is now present among the Al-Yahoud.

So…. Musa brought to his people the Book of Allah, detailed in the Arabic Qur’an, and the book is on tablets…. But what exists now in the present time is the opposite of this, we have Al-Yahoud, not Muslims.. and they have a book called the Old Testament, not the Qur’an… The Hebrew tongue is foreign, not Arabic.

Contradiction… right?

How do we resolve this apparent contradiction?

My family and my people… Please focus

It is very logical and very natural… that when the Qur’an talks about personalities and things and praises them… it talks about them as being within its intellectual, religious, linguistic and divine system… it talks about them as being within its circle… .. In other words, as long as the Qur’an is talking about Musa, a book, and the tablets… it is talking about a Muslim person… and a book that is completely similar to the Qur’an… and tablets in which the Arabic Qur’an is written. …in an Arabic language, the same language as the Qur’an.

In short and in today’s language……. I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty… When Allah, the Great, the Arrogant, who has no partner, speaks… in the Qur’an, which is in an Arabic language, about the Book of Musa… it is in a certain and conclusive manner. That Allah does not make free propaganda for another Allah named (Jehovah) who is present in the book of the Old Testament to be his partner, nor does he make free propaganda for another book called the Old Testament that competes with his book, nor does he make free propaganda for a book in a distorted Hebrew or non-Arabic language, to distort his words written in The book… and that distorted language becomes a precedent to his words in time, and then his words come after it in the Qur’an in an Arabic tongue.

Allah, the Great, the Mighty, the Arrogant, is the First and the Last

I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty…. There is no power or strength except in Allah

Is it possible that a large and authentic nation does not possess the first copy of its sacred religious book that was written during the era of its Prophet? .. Is it possible that its highest sacred text does not exist and has disappeared? Is it reasonable for a nation to live on a story written by a person named Ibn Hisham and Ibn Ishaq, without knowing its origin or chapter 300 after the revelation of the Qur’an, and to make this story the origin of the Qur’an and its doctrine?! …Your origin, your belief, your sacred text.

The original is fully aware that his origin does not come suddenly and in the blink of an eye. The original is aware that his origin is very, very ancient, and an extension of the beginning of existence on earth. He realizes that his religion and language extend back to ancient times from the beginning of existence…….. They are the inheritance of his ancestors. … Because the original person keeps his inheritance.. Because he is Aseel, son of Aseel, son of Aseel, son of Aseel… and not a bastard.

The bastard invents a story for him about his origin… The bastard creates a fake history and a fake religion for him… because he has no origin… …while the authentic one has his origin from the beginning of existence on earth… his origin is from the beginning of reality.

How does every Muslim and how does this nation allow them to live without preserving their origin and the documents of their ancestors….. These are the actions of groups of little origin and those who have no origin. Or how can she allow the documents of her ancestors to be handed over to strangers, especially impure polytheists?!

You are Aseel, son of Aseel, son of Aseel……..and Aseel never does this behavior.

When an authentic nation abandons its original culture and ancient heritage that it inherited from its ancestors, and loses its original documents, it becomes a nation in error and without origin, and it is very easy for this nation to be exposed to loss, fraud, forgery, fraud, theft, plunder, and occupation. By dirty hyenas, thieves, devils, and baseless foundlings.

This document is the reason for the loss of this nation

The book…the book of Allah…is found in the inscriptions of your ancestors on the stone tablets found in the area that they left to the devils, and it has been forged by them.

Do you know why ?

This nation has fallen into error as a result of a Western satanic project to which it was exposed at some time.

{You are the best nation ever raised up for mankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah. And if the People of the Book had believed, it would have been better for them. Of them are believers, but most of them are disobedient.}

Because the established truth is that the book of the Old Testament that exists today among the Al-Yahoud is the book of the West, which the Zionist project brought to the region as a historical legal document for the occupation of the region and that it has a right, and it is not the book of Allah that was given to Musa in its entirety and in detail and which he brought. To his people, because the Book of Musa is the Qur’an and in an Arabic language, and the Al-Yahoud and the writers of the Old Testament have no relation to the story found in the Qur’an, neither remotely nor remotely.

Do you know why ?

Because the story of Musa mentioned in the Qur’an is not the image that exists in the Muslim mind today, and it does not talk about the past or the fact that Musa was a messenger to establish the Jewish religion, but rather it is a foretaste of any prophecy in the future. Musa came to the West with the Holy Qur’an some time ago, carrying with him stone tablets bearing ancient inscriptions from the inscriptions of our region. Musa arrived to the West carrying ancient heavenly documents… ancient tablets on which were written the texts of your early ancestors who worshiped the Most Gracious Allah, and it was written: It contains an Arabic Qur’an that is not crooked… And Musa knew the truth… And Musa knew the deception of time and history, and he submitted to Allah, and called on his people to submit to Allah. He knew the truth of the Jewish and Christian religions… and He knew the extent of the satanic conspiracy.

The story of Musa in the Qur’an, in order for us to be guided by it and be guided by it until we obtain the oasis… contained in it is our first, original, ancient document from which we emerged from ancient times, and to overthrow the satanic historical conspiracy to which this region was subjected. . By Allah, they are criminal infidel devils who worship Shaytan, and they have a long plan to wipe us out and hide us from the earth, a plan to erase our religion, our book, our time, our identity, our language, and hide us from the earth, because we said: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful… in a clear Arabic language. .

Musa came to the West with the Book, and the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah read the Book of Allah. After they read the book that Musa brought… they began to design a project to completely falsify and obliterate the region… intellectually, psychologically, spiritually and materially. The West began a strategic project to flood the region with books containing the enchantments of Greek mythology such as Ishtar, Adonis, Tammuz, and Isis is out to destroy the religious imagination of the peoples of the region, and to mobilize the collective awareness and imagination of the peoples of the region with hallucinations and mythical nonsense, until the peoples become demented and foolish, and no one’s imagination can reach this true image, and no one’s mind can even think logically until it reaches For this fact.

{If they had gone out among you, they would not have added to you except in confusion, and they would have spread among you, seeking to cause strife against you, and among you are listeners to them. Allah is All-Knowing of the wrongdoers. (47) Indeed, they sought strife before and turned things around for you until the truth came and the command of Allah became apparent, and they hate it.}

But Allah refuses except to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers hate it.

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

{Many of the People of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after you have believed, out of envy on their own behalf after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and forgive until Allah brings His command. Indeed, Allah has power over all things.}

Forgive and forgive among yourselves

Forgive and forgive among yourselves

Allah’s promise has come




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