An uncultivated valley

An uncultivated valley

5/21/2019 0:00:01

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These are the characteristics of the valley without crops – and the location of the Forbidden House

{Our Allah, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley near Your Al-Bayt Al-Haram, our Allah, that they may establish prayer, so make the hearts of some people yearn toward them and provide them with fruits that they may give thanks.}

The Qur’an talks about a valley, not a country, and as long as it mentions a valley that is not cultivated, it is talking about a distinctive sign of a single, uncultivated place in a place that appears to be cultivated.

An uncultivated valley —- and in it is the Forbidden House

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim.

The first house placed for the people was in a blessed spot called Bakkah, and in it there were clear clear signs, the shrine of Ibrahim.

A blessed spot called Bakkah ——- and in it is the shrine of Ibrahim (a clear sign)

But where is this blessed spot, where is the place of Ibrahim, is there any evidence?

{When it came to it, a call was called from the shore of the right valley in the blessed spot of the tree: O Musa, indeed I am Allah, Allah of the worlds} [Al-Qasas: 30]

Here we repeatedly mention the valley and the blessed spot.

The blessed spot in which the Forbidden House is located is located on the shore of the right valley (an uncultivated valley) at the tree.

Does the beach need a sea or a river?!

Is the valley near a sea or a river?

Is there a right valley and another valley on the other side?!

If we left a scene of a valley with flowing water, we would have two shores of the valley, a shore on the right and a shore on the left.

Logical ?!

The right valley shore — from the tree

What is the tree and what is the name of the valley?!

{Indeed, I am your Allah, so take off your shoes. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa}

The sacred valley is called Tuwa

Right Valley (Tuwa) Beach – Taking off your shoes (rites)

{And We called him from the right side of Mount, and brought him near to salvation.}

The call is repeated here from the right side

However, Al-Tur means a valley, and Shati means a side, then it becomes logical that the valley contains water and there is a left side and a right side to it.

As for Al-Tur, it is also located on the right shore of the valley.

The right phase and the left phase

{And We raised above them the Mount according to their covenant, and We said to them, “Enter the gate prostrating.”}

Next to the tower there is a door… what door?!

The blessed spot in which the Forbidden House is located is located on the shore of the right valley (an uncultivated valley = Tuwa) at the tree.

Is it the door of the Forbidden House?!

It makes sense that it is the door of the Forbidden House.. The house has a door

{And the Mount, and a written book, on spread parchment, and the inhabited house, and the raised roof, and the covered sea.}

Al-Tur is the place near which the Forbidden House is located. Its geography contains other information. Around it is a book written (written) on parchment, and next to it is the Forbidden House (Al-Ma’mur), its roof is raised, and next to it is a covered sea.

Is the deserted sea that has become devoid of water?!

The description matches the Sacred Valley of Tuwa, as it is a valley but has become empty of water and has two beaches (an uncultivated valley).

Do we still have the tree in the blessed spot?!

{And a tree coming out of Mount Sinai that produces oil and a dye for those who eat}

A tree that emerges from the stage… grows with oil and dye for the eater.

Does the place contain only one tree… the evidence of the location of the blessed spot… and one of its characteristics is that it grows with oil and dye for the eaters.

There remains one last characteristic

{Have you not seen how your Allah dealt with Ad (6) Iram of the pillars (7) the like of which had not been created in the land (8) and Thamud, who encircled the rock in the valley?}

A space that talks about one place, Iram Dhat Al-Amad, the likes of which has never been created in the country (something different from the rest), and Thamud, who carved the rocks in the valley (the sacred valley next to Al-Tur).

Interpretations say that the word “jabua” means “they carved rocks in the valleys,” but in our natural dialect…the word “jabua” means “brought”…meaning that they brought rocks to this valley.

This means that there are no rocks in the valley…but they brought rocks in the sacred valley of Tuwa.



{He said, “I want to marry one of my two daughters to you on the condition that you reward me for eight proofs. If you complete ten, then it is from you, and I do not want to make it difficult for you. You will find me, Allah willing, among the righteous. (27) He said, ‘This is between you and me. Whatever the two terms are spent, there is no aggression against me. Allah is the agent of what we say.’ (28) When Musa had completed the term and was leading his family, he noticed a fire on the side of the mountain. He said to his family, “Remain. I have noticed a fire. Perhaps I will bring you news from it or an ember from the fire, so that you may find peace.}

Musa is now close to Al-Tur, and near Al-Tur, an agreement was signed with an old sheikh that he would marry him to one of his daughters in exchange for him hiring 8 hujjas. When Musa finished his work at that time, he took his family, and while he and his family were next to Al-Tur, he went to Al-Tur.


As long as the right shore of the valley is (the enclosed sea devoid of water) (Tuwa), and it is the blessed spot, then it is the valley without crops, and since it is a blessed spot… then it contains the first house built for people… Bakkah… In which is Al-Bayt Al-Haram.

And as long as the blessed spot was near Al-Tur… when Musa found the great sheikh, close to Al-Tur, he was near Al-Bayt Al-Haram, and since the great sheikh asked him to trade with him for eight arguments… what does it mean?

This means….that the powerful Musa would hire (do a paid job) with the great sheikh, and carry him with strength to perform the rituals of Hajj to the House (8 Hajj = plural of Hajj), because the great sheikh was no longer able to perform the Hajj rituals that required strength to circumambulate.

I finish

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