Are we envious of Iraqi history?

Are we envious of Iraqi history?

3/5/2021 0:00:01

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Are we envious of Iraqi history?

The truth is that we raised these historical issues not for the sake of simply undermining history or for an internal personal purpose, or for the sake of a show-off or an attempt to diminish a person or a society, but rather because we find such historical issues intertwined with other issues that have to do with concealing a real reality around us…and we presented an example These issues were published in order to create an unthinkable angle in reading history to understand reality.

We do not write history and we do not claim to be historians. He is an ordinary person, but he has a normal interest in reading and research……..And our approach is based on the idea of thinking about history, and this approach makes us able to read history well and understand it, for Understanding our cultural, religious, political, etc. context

I know that this article will arouse the discontent of many of our people in Iraq, because we are presenting the title of an article that contains a kind of provocation about a history that has become accepted by many Iraqis, such as religious faith, and there is a high probability that the answer will be (this person hates the history of Iraq).

The truth is that this answer is always given by some when any historical proposal denies the history that was written for Iraq, and some, especially those suffering from the disease of inflation and self-inflation, make this statement a scientific argument to repel and prevent many from understanding the reasons for our repeated talk about some aspects of Iraqi history. And understanding the fundamental problem that this history will cause to the collective consciousness in Iraq, prevents it from understanding what is happening in the reality of Iraq, the region and the world, or takes it out of reality and enters it into an imaginary historical space separated from reality.

You will not understand well the problem that we mean when criticizing Iraqi history, until you know that we were subjected to occupation by an external entity that had all the tools of power, including weapons, organization, armies, media, and advanced modern equipment at that time…and when This entity left our land. We thought the matter was completely over, and we forgot to review the entire period of time during which we were subjected to their occupation, and we did not ask a question about what things this occupation had created in our societies before it left, and through which it tried to cause a disruption in The balanced system of the society that he entered, such as (the economic system, the religious system, the linguistic system, and the political system.), which he created in order to create problems in society in the future, and chaos begins to appear in society, which then makes it easier to dismantle it and then becomes easier to control and govern. This geographical area.

And you can understand this thing…from observing most of the other countries outside our region that were subjected to Western occupation in the past. You will find them to this day suffering from problems that caused chaos, and the West is exploiting those problems to control and control those countries.

Therefore…… Any problem, whether it is an economic, religious, cultural, political or historical problem, and you want to understand it, you must start from the occupation period.

Now… Why is the historical mind of man in Iraq so Zionist par excellence?

The truth is that the reason is the history that was written for Iraq.

History was among the strategic project that the occupier planted in Iraq, so that a collective Zionist mind would be formed in Iraq in the future, and it is natural that this collective mind will cause major problems in the future based on the project’s calculations.

This history that was written for Iraq is part of the new innovation processes that the West made in our countries during the period of occupation, and the function of this history is to cause problems and chaos in society, as evidenced that this history performs the same function as the one that the occupier brought, which is to remove man from the land. And plundering and stealing the land in a smart way, and making it occupied for the benefit of tools linked to the West.

And you have a clear example…. The Bible (the book that the West believes in)… has become a historical and legal document that the West brought to settle the Al-Yahoud in Palestine and create a state that would manage the West’s ambitions in the region, which caused problems. And it led to the emergence of chaos in the region… as evidenced by the fact that the amount of historical research that talks about the origin of the Al-Yahoud is enormous and has not ended, and without realistic logical results, as if we are dealing with a new and not an old phenomenon that we are unable to explain.

And now… it is not possible for a person in Iraq to understand the problems of this history that was written for Iraq… except after dismantling the historical cloaks that established his mind and which the West implanted through its printer, and prevented the human being in Iraq from understanding the goals of those historical cloaks that the occupier brought. And it prevented him from understanding the truth hidden by the Western occupier, which caused all this historical chaos.

Why is the human mind in Iraq the most filled with Zionist clowns?

The reason is simple, because Iraq is a strategic location and very rich in human and oil wealth, and a collective mind must be established in it, which is very full of large and huge Zionist historical clots, to steal people, land and oil.

Before going into the clarification of these historical cloaks… I want to talk about two aspects to break the mental barrier and the psychological barrier, which is related to the political borders, and to the personality of the writer, so that some people, especially our people in Iraq, can read the article and understand the aspects surrounding it.

1- Political borders

The current political borders are not the origin of us, and these borders were created by the occupier (Sykes-Picot)… Therefore, it is difficult for the mind founded on the idea that these current political borders are the origin of us, to understand many of the intellectual issues that are raised, and the existence of those political borders in The mind of any human being will make him find it extremely difficult to understand the intellectual, religious, and historical issues that are shared with the rest of the other political borders, because those intellectual, linguistic, religious, and historical issues would not have been this common geographical space, except because they are issues that knew no political borders, and It was formed in a period when all people viewed the land as one and without borders.

2- The personal aspect

I live in Yemen and you live in Iraq. You speak Arabic and I speak Arabic, even if there is a difference in dialects, but your dialect is known and my dialect is known to you, and you are a Muslim and I am a Muslim. You have the Qur’an and I have the Qur’an. This means that we can say that we are a Muslim. One cultural.

What is the essential thing between you and me that makes me hate your history?

Man is man, and the earth is connected as one, and there are political borders only in your mind, which made you believe that there is no right for any person to speak about issues in Iraq who is not within the borders of Sykes-Picot.

This means that I have the right to talk about your ancient history… because you and I have common issues, the Qur’anic religion, the language, the land, and you do not have the right to deal with the issues we have in common and reduce them within the imaginary borders of Sykes-Picot and treat them as border issues.


What are those historical clouts in Iraq?!

In the beginning, we need to be frank with ourselves, and have the courage to admit the truth, by saying that there is not a single Iraqi who wrote the history of Iraq, all of the history of Iraq was written by the West. And any Iraqi historian who has appeared throughout the 150s until today is nothing but someone who flipped through the pages of the Western books he wrote about Iraq, summarized the texts of Western historical works, put them in a book, wrote his name on it, and printed it.

The truth is that the West was able to build a large, integrated, virtual civilization in the human imagination in Iraq, and this civilization was built on a number of pillars without which no virtual civilization could be created, and those pillars are:

(Religion, people, language, state, kings, geography)

This virtual civilization, a mixture of childish imagination with a very faded image of some parts of reality, contains a large number of the names of the Western Bible and contains a large amount of cunning exposure to reality, but in an indirect way.

I will not talk about it in detail, because we have talked a lot about it in previous articles, but we will mention the most important essential points, and clarify its contradictions and problems.

1- The first column is debt

The West created for Iraq the story of a primitive religion before the current religion of man in Iraq, in order to separate it from reality and introduce it into an imaginary space that talks about a religion composed of three hypostases like the hypostases of Western religion.

The religion of fertility, which is the first religion on earth (Ishtar and Tammuz).

Religion talks about goddesses who perform theatrical roles on the stage, and sing modern poems, in which the mother Allah Ishtar invites her lover, Tammuz, to bed until she extinguishes her love. Then the Allah Tammuz dies and Ishtar weeps, and Tammuz rises, an expression of the cycle of nature every year, when Long live the earth in July.

But the illogical thing is that this religion was confined to Iraq. It maintained its political borders and did not spread in Iran or Turkey. It almost spread in Syria, but man in Syria decided to name the male Allah (Adonis).

What is the problem ?

He wants to convince the person in Iraq that there is a religion before the reality of the Iraqi person, while it is the first reality on earth, to take him out of his reality, so that he does not realize that the person in Iraq has the first nature on the earth, and to make him feel in the future that his religion is not the origin of the earth.

He also created those three hypostases in his imagination, so that he could make people in Iraq believe that they shared the three hypostases of the West’s religion, and he created a common story between the resurrection of July and the resurrection of Jesus, one of the hypostases of the West, so that he would give the human imagination in Iraq a common space with the West. It makes him think that the religion of the West is the first origin on earth before its existence.

Also, the role of this hypothetical religion is to root some of the modern manifestations that the West has introduced in Iraq, such as rituals of mourning and mourning, which the West claimed in its writings, that the ancient Iraqi used to perform grief rituals on the day of July’s death, and such a thing would make today’s Iraqi believe That tatbir and grief are an authentic and ancient ritual in Iraq, while everyone knows that tatbir did not enter Iraq except through Britain.

2- The second column: Peoples

The West has given Iraq the names of many peoples who lived in the land before the current human beings in Iraq, and it has been brought into an imaginary space that speaks of a land flooded with the names of many peoples.

Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians

But the illogical thing is that even today we cannot know what the difference is between these peoples, and why there are many names in Iraq even though they are within one geographical space and very close and there is no need for all that crowding in the names of the peoples.

What’s the problem ?

He wants to convince people in Iraq that there were peoples before him, and to give him a feeling that he is not the origin of the land, but rather an intruder on the land of Iraq, in order to expel him from his land in the future in favor of new imaginary peoples.

He also created these imaginary peoples…so that he could create many identities and geographical divisions in the future, and this is what is observed. There are people in southern Iraq who call themselves Sumerians, not Babylonians, and the residents of Babylon Governorate are Babylonians, not Sumerians, etc.

Especially since the West has linked the names of these peoples to the names of countries.

Sumerian state

Babylonian state

The Akkadian state

Assyrian state

3- The third column: Kings

The West created for Iraq a large number of kings who ruled in Iraq, and all the names of the kings are found in the Book of the Bible.

Sargon Nebuchadnezzar Hammurabi Shalmaneser

He told the Iraqi that these kings ruled Iraq in ancient times, and their names were discovered in cuneiform inscriptions…..Then the West composed stories for those kings in a way that resembled an existing religious text about Iraqi people in reality.

But the illogical thing is that the West discovered in the inscriptions of Iraq the names of characters present in its religious book, the Bible, and did not discover the names of characters present in the religious book of the Iraqi person. The other illogical thing is that the West did not discover the names of characters in its religious book that are somewhat similar to the existing names. In the religious book of the Iraqi person (Sulaiman, Youssef, and Dawoud Ibrahim).

What is the problem ?

The West created hypothetical stories and made them similar to the story found in the religious book of the majority of Iraqis… and the function of these stories:

1- It made people in Iraq believe that the names of their religious books are characters written by the West. It prevents him from understanding his religious text and deprives him of understanding the message. It targets the religious book of the Iraqi person and makes the person in Iraq distort the names of his religious book in favor of the names of the West. Or make the person in Iraq believe that the Al-Yahoud stole their historical stories and attributed them to them during the period of the Babylonian captivity. Most of the stories of the Jewish writers are ancient Sumerian stories, and the Al-Yahoud stole them, and because the Iraqi person has stories in his religious book that resemble the stories of the Jewish writers, then the person in Iraq will believe He is a thief and not an original. Or make people in Iraq see that the stories of his religious book are legends.

2- It made people in Iraq believe in the Western Bible and consider it an authentic historical document, as evidenced by the fact that the Bible mentions the names of great Iraqi kings.

4- The fourth column is language

The West created for Iraq a large number of languages that were alive in Iraq, and all of these languages exist as dictionaries in printer books.

The Sumerian language, the Akkadian language, the Babylonian language

He told the Iraqi that these languages existed in Iraq, and were extracted from cuneiform inscriptions………Then the West composed dictionaries for those languages and published them.

But the illogical thing is that the West has created virtual languages and no one speaks them now. Virtual languages are just dictionaries in printed books, and it has made the vocabulary of some languages similar to the vocabulary of the current Iraqi human tongue.

What is the problem ?

Taking the Iraqi person out of his language, replacing it with languages designed by Western scholars, and confusing the Iraqi person’s tongue, and creating a false origin for his current vocabulary, by creating a similarity between the dictionaries of those languages with the current Iraqi person’s tongue, and believing that their origin is in the dictionaries of the West, which he created. The West created false meanings for it of its own invention.

This is noticeable, as there is a lot of research that says that Arabic was split from the Akkadian language, and how much research that says that Sumerian is the origin of languages.

5- The fifth column is geography

The West created a large number of geographical names for Iraq that appear in the Book of the Bible and are also linked to the stories of characters found in his religious book Al-Qur’an.

What is the problem ?

1- Granting the West a legal document for changing geographic names and region names based on the names of the Bible.

2- Giving believers in the Book of the Bible a historical legal document that gives them a legal right to implement projects planned by the West in Iraq.

This is noticeable. For example, the Pope of the Vatican came to Iraq to make a pilgrimage to the city of Ur, whose name is mentioned in the Book of Babylon, on the basis that it is the birthplace of Ibrahim, whose name is found in the book of the majority of the population of Iraq.


This is the summary of the virtual world that the West created using printer books and made it into the human imagination in Iraq.

What are the results of belief in this virtual world that have begun to appear among people in Iraq?

We will try to review some of the comments of people in Iraq, which reveal the state of severe schizophrenia that has begun to emerge, which is a natural result of this project:

– A Muslim from Iraq says: (The book of the Al-Yahoud was written in Iraq after they were taken captive from Palestine).

This means that the Iraqi Muslim acknowledges that the Al-Yahoud were historically in Palestine before the Muslims and that it is their land, because he has come to believe in the history of Nebuchadnezzar, and what is important from his perspective is that the history of Iraq does not deny Nebuchadnezzar and it does not matter anything.

The Iraqi began to exile himself and give his land to the West.

– A Muslim from Iraq says: (The Jewish book stole from the history of Iraq and the stories of its kings and made them the stories of its prophets).

This means that this Iraqi Muslim admits that the Al-Yahoud stole the history of the kings of Iraq, while at the same time he accuses himself of theft, because he believes in the history of the kings of Iraq. What is important in his view is that he does not deny the history of the great kings of Iraq.

The Iraqi began to describe himself as a thief and lied to his highest religious text.

– A Muslim from Iraq says: (Ibrahim is a Sumerian from Ur, but Islam tried to be kind to Muslims).

This means that this Iraqi Muslim says that Ibrahim is a Sumerian and denies that he is a Muslim according to his highest religious text, and at the same time he removed himself from the circle of Islam, so Ibrahim was no longer the father of Muslims, but rather the father of the Iraqi Sykes-Picot, because he believes in the history of Iraq, so he finds himself belonging to this history. More than his religious book, what is important in his view is not to deny the great history of Iraq written by the Western Zionist.

The Iraqi has come to belong to the circle of that virtual world written by the West, and no longer belongs to the circle of reality in which he is.


There are many examples from people’s comments in Iraq, but these are simple examples, in order to fully explain the idea that we intend from this article well.

The human being in Iraq was taken out of reality… and was introduced into a Zionist imaginary space. He became, with a Zionist mind, supporting the West’s steps and projects, even though he did not know it, because he often found himself inside the world of imagination and could no longer abandon this imaginary space. Beautiful magical.

{And a handsome man}

A final question remains: What is the function of historical information (first of all) that has become a religious axiom in the history of Iraq?

The first alphabet in Sumer

The first story of a landing from the planet Nibro Anunnaki

The first place the Jewish book was written was Iraq

The first site of the father of religions in Ur of Iraq

The first flood story in Iraq

The first civilization on Earth is Sumer

The first law on earth was the Code of Hammurabi

If anyone asked us a question: What is the origin of the kangaroo?

He’ll say Australia

If I asked you, what is the origin of the olive tree?

I’m sure you will tell you the Mediterranean basin

If I asked you, what is the origin of the coffee tree?

It is certain that you will say Yemen and perhaps you will say Ethiopia, although the coffee tree is also found in Brazil and Indonesia. How will its origin be in Yemen?

The truth is that the coffee tree moved to Indonesia and Brazil in a relatively recent period from the coffee trees of Yemen via the Dutch, Portuguese and British, approximately 200 years ago.

The story of man is exactly the same as the coffee tree. Man initially appeared in some place, or his origin was from one place on earth, and from that place he moved and spread to all parts of the earth and settled in them.

If you pay attention to the historical theories that are spreading recently, you will find that they explain to you a phenomenon that you do not pay attention to… which is that many of the historical postulates in our minds are theories that emerge from time to time and are promoted in the media, until they reach the stage of historical postulates in Our minds, and we no longer realize that before these theories, no one believed in them, and no one even thought about them.


– The Misr of the Qur’an is not the current Misr.

A theory that spread recently, several years ago, but it has become a historical doctrine in the minds of many people, and it is spread by everyone who tries to appear educated and enlightened. It is no longer a theory that can be true or false, and anyone who denies it is severely ridiculed.

– Misr of the Qur’an in Iraq

A theory that has spread recently, but it has become a historical belief in the minds of many people, especially in Iraq. It is no longer a theory that can be true or false, but rather a belief.

– The birthplace of the Prophet Ibrahim, Ur, Iraq

A theory that was launched, according to what I read, fifty years ago by the West when the Pope of the Vatican thought about visiting Iraq 50 years ago, but it has become a historical doctrine in the minds of many people, especially in Iraq, and it is no longer a theory that can be true or false, but rather a religious doctrine, and whoever opposes it is as if It affects sacred things in the eyes of some readers from Iraq.

Many theories have risen to the rank of axioms, due to the lack of scientific criticism of them, because when many of these theories are launched for the first time, their purpose is not scientific material, but rather their purpose is to disseminate and promote them, in order to make them historical beliefs and axioms, for the function of mental washing, especially when it comes to the text. The sacred religion of the Muslim, which no Muslim wants to understand until he escapes from this great Zionist magic that the West brought to the region.

This is the true starting point for the information of the pioneers in the history of Iraq, the purpose of which is to create historical assumptions and beliefs that prevent the mind from understanding the truth that the Qur’an’s speech speaks to Iraqis and non-Iraqis.

For example

– The first alphabet in Sumer

Its function is to make it a belief in the human mind in Iraq and in the region, to prevent this mind from asking another question, what is the first book written by man on earth, so that he does not understand what is the first written script written on earth that the readers are talking about?

– The first story of a landing from the planet Nibro Anunnaki

Its function is to make it a belief, so that it would crowd out the story of the creation of Adam mentioned in the Qur’an, and occupy its place, and to prevent the mind from understanding the first place in which man landed on earth.

– The first place the book of the Al-Yahoud was written was Iraq

Its function is to become a belief in people’s minds, to establish the idea that the Book of the Al-Yahoud is the Torah, and to prevent the mind from understanding what the Torah is.

– The first birthplace of the father of religions in Ur of Iraq

Its function is to become a doctrine to establish the idea that the place of Ibrahim is Ur, to prevent the Muslim mind from knowing the location of the place of Ibrahim and the location of Al-Bayt Al-Haram.

– The first flood story in Iraq

Its function is to become a doctrine that crowds out the story of Nouh and takes its place, to establish the idea that the flood occurred in Iraq, so that it makes the Muslim mind suffer from extreme difficulty in understanding the location of Nouh’s Ark that the readers’ speech tells them about.

– The first civilization on Earth, Sumer

The function of this information is to become a belief, crowding out the place of the first beginning on earth, until it makes the Muslim mind suffer from extreme difficulty in understanding the location of Umm al-Qura.

– The first law on earth, the Code of Hammurabi

The function of this information is to become a belief, so that it makes the Muslim mind suffer from extreme difficulty in understanding the speech of the Qur’an about (And We decreed upon them therein that a soul for a soul, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for Nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds are qisas. So whoever gives it in charity, it will be an expiation for him, and whoever does not scratch it, With what Allah has revealed and given to you They are the wrongdoers}

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