Are you doubtful about Allah’s ability to send a messenger?

Are you doubtful about Allah's ability to send a messenger?


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There is an intellectual conviction that has emerged among some recently, as a result of the enlightenment thought that has become widespread in the media, and that conviction says: The Qur’an was brought by the Messenger, and after the death of the Messenger, Allah will not send any messenger, because he is the final messenger, and therefore the Qur’an became the Messenger. .

There is an important question: What is the thing that makes them reject the idea that Allah sends a messenger?

Is it because they have doubts about Allah’s power?

They made Allah’s power limited and not as broad as they thought.

Then the question is: If the Qur’an is the Messenger, how can the Qur’an eat food and walk in the markets?

{And they said: What is the matter with this Messenger who eats food and walks in the markets, unless an angel has been sent down to him and he has been with him as a warner?}

The enlightenment answer is that eating food and walking in the markets are only symbolic.

Let us agree on this answer, but there is another question. If the Qur’an is the Messenger, how can the Qur’an have wives, sons, maternal uncles, uncles, and aunts?

{O Prophet, indeed, We have made lawful for you your wives to whom you have received their rewards, and what your right hand possesses, of what Allah has bestowed upon you, and your paternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal aunt’s daughters, and your maternal uncle’s daughters, and your paternal maternal aunt’s daughters, who immigrated with you.}

Are they symbolic as well?

Let us assume that it is symbolic, according to their usual answer

Last question: If the Qur’an is the Messenger, then why did the Qur’an not say about itself (O Allah, the people have abandoned me), but it said (And the Messenger said, O Allah, my people have abandoned this Qur’an)?

How can the Quran be abandoned?

{And the day the oppressor bites his hands and says, “I wish I had taken a way with the Messenger. (27) Oh, my woe, I wish I had not taken so-and-so as a friend. (28) He has led me astray from the Remembrance after it came to me, and Shaytan is a traitor to man. (29) And the Messenger said, “O Allah, my people have taken This Qur’an is abandoned.}

Realistically…nothing can be described as abandoned by a people, unless the thing is old and existed with the people before, but the people abandoned it a long time ago.

So the logical question: How is it logically possible that the Messenger says that his people took the Qur’an as obsolete, and the Messenger gave the people something new, which is the Qur’an, according to the story of Mecca that reached the Muslim?

Because it is assumed that the Messenger says this statement about something old that existed with his people, which is the Qur’an, and he does not say it about something new that he brought to his people.

But the contradiction is that the Messenger, according to the story of Mecca that reached the Muslims, brought something new to the people in Mecca, which is the Qur’an. They knew this thing for the first time, so how did he say his phrase?

But the question is: How can the Qur’an be abandoned?

The Messenger could say (they have abandoned the word of Allah), then the Messenger’s job is to deliver a message to the people on earth only, and there is no longer any meaning for the word Messenger on the Day of Judgment, so how can he say this on the Day of Judgment and be called a Messenger? He can also say this saying. Allah of the worlds, without the need for a messenger to say it on the Day of Judgment.

But people in our reality today have not completely abandoned the Qur’an. They have memorized the Qur’an and are always committed to it.

Is it meant that they abandoned the meanings of the Qur’an?

It is possible that they abandoned the meanings of the Qur’an, but he could have said that they abandoned the word of Allah. Or is the Messenger talking about a message found in the Holy Qur’an, and this message is talking about the same Qur’an but in another place that was previously available to people?

What is the Quran?

Qur’an literally means reading.

So the saying means abandoning reading, meaning that people have abandoned reading.

But the question is: Muslims recite the Qur’an, so how did they abandon it? .

This means that the Messenger is talking about another reading (the Qur’an) that has been abandoned, and because reading requires a book to be read, this reading (the Qur’an) can only be from a book, and the Messenger’s people can no longer read it.

This abandonment cannot occur except through an active action, and he is the one who caused the Messenger’s people to abandon reading the book, and this book cannot be read as abandoned (its Quran is abandoned), unless there was an old book that existed among the people before, and the old book What existed among people before could not have these qualities unless it was a book from the books of the ancients.

In other words: Either this saying was said in this life or in the afterlife. If it was said in this life, then it is impossible, according to the story of Mecca, that the Messenger said it to his people, because the Messenger in the Mecca story had brought something new to his people for the first time, so how was his abandonment accomplished when abandonment did not occur? Except for something ancient, and if it was said on the Day of Judgment, then it is impossible that it was said because there is no longer any importance to its saying, and it is not right for the Messenger to limit abandoning the Qur’an to his people only and not to all people, as if he was preoccupied with his people only, also there is no longer any The importance of describing a person with the word “Messenger” on the Day of Judgment, as the attribute of Messenger no longer has value.

To solve this logical contradiction regarding the reasons for its revelation…we have two possibilities:

The first possibility… However, the Messenger had come to the people in Mecca already with the Qur’an before, and this means that the Mecca story is false and did not happen.

The second possibility… As for there being a messenger who will come to the people with the Qur’an before, and the story is news that will happen in the future.


note :

The books of the printer’s heritage that reached Muslims tried to provide a quick solution to this logical contradiction, by having the Messenger in Mecca bring the people something new (the Qur’an), and then making the same Messenger say this phrase on the Day of Judgment (O Allah, my people have abandoned this Qur’an), in order to get rid of The problem of having the Qur’an recited by the Messenger with the people is because the people on the Day of Judgment will have with them the Qur’an that the Messenger brought before.


So, logically… the Messenger could not have said this saying, unless this Qur’an had been with the people before the birth of the Messenger, but the Messenger’s people did not understand the message contained in it, while the Messenger understood the message and said this saying in a reality similar to today’s reality.

how ?

■ The speech talks about the Qur’an, a word in an old book that has been distorted so that it cannot be read correctly.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail, an Arabic reading for a people who know}

{And if they were to say (167) If only We had a remembrance of the ancients (168) We would have been sincere servants of Allah (169) Then disbelieve in Him – they will know (170) And indeed Our word preceded to Our messenged servants.}

{Indeed, those who disbelieved in the Remembrance when it came to them, and indeed it is a Mighty Book}

{Among those who are Al-Yahoud, they distort words from their proper places, and say, “We hear” and “We disobey,” and “Hear without listening,” and “We obey” with their tongues and slander the religion. And if they had said, “We hear and we obey,” and “Listen and we will see,” it would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe only a few.)

■ The Messenger must deliver this message (Readers of the Word in the Book)

{O Messenger, convey what has been revealed to you from your Allah, and if you do not do so, then you have not conveyed His message. Allah protects you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. (67) Say, “O People of the Book, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Torah and the Enjil and what has been sent down to you from your Allah.” And He will increase many of them. From your Allah has sent down to you transgression and disbelief, so do not despair over the disbelieving people.}

{Read in the name of your Allah who created}

{Those to whom We gave the book before it believe in it. (52) And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believe in it. It is the truth from our Allah. Indeed, before it we were Muslims.”}

■ After his people abandoned reading the verses of the Book and were arrogant about them in favor of the foreign Samaritan reading the book.

{Indeed, My verses were being recited to you, but you were turning back on your heels. (66) Are you arrogant about it? Samaritan is abandoning you. (67) Did they not consider the word? Or did it come to them that which had not come to their forefathers? (68) Or did they not recognize their Messenger, so they deny him? (69) Or do they call him a shield? Rather, he brought them the truth. And most of them are averse to the truth. (70) And if the truth had followed their desires, the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them would have been corrupted. Rather, We have brought to them their remembrance, so they turn away from their remembrance.}

■ So it is the Qur’an, a word in a book, read in an Arabic language… and there are people who know how to read the book, but as for the Muslims, they have abandoned the correct reading of the book and are no longer able to read the Arabic book that contains the words of Allah, after the devils rigged the book to read and made it read. In a non-Arab tongue, so they began to read the book in a non-Arab tongue and believed it, so their magic was complete, after they abandoned this Arabic Qur’an that taught them the Qur’an of the Book.

{And before it is the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a confirming Book, in an Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong and as good news to the doers of good.}

■ And this Qur’an (which they abandoned) is confirmation of the Book that is before it

{And this Qur’an could not have been fabricated other than Allah, but rather the confirmation of what is before it and the details of the Book in which there is no doubt from Allah, the All-Knowing}

{And when We sent to you a group of the jinn to listen to the Qur’an. Then when they attended it, they said, “Listen. Then when it was finished, they turned back to their people as warnings. (29) They said, ‘O our people, indeed we have heard a book revealed after Musa, confirming what was before it, guiding to the truth and to a straight path.’”

{Say: It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened, and they said, “We have heard an amazing reciter who guides us to the right path.”}



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