Be careful, the relationship is organic between the House of Saud and Israel

Be careful, the relationship is organic between the House of Saud and Israel


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The relationship between the House of Saud and Israel is an organic and existential relationship, and not a relationship of common interests as promoted by the Zionist media.

They want to deceive the peoples of the region once again, by spreading the term common interests…Israel is just a project, and the House of Saud is just a project…they only have a function and a mission…and they are not natural countries…projects to serve the plundering West. The relationship between the House of Saud and Israel is an organic, existential relationship. The House of Saud state was created for one function only, which is to manage the Israel project.

This fact, which is difficult for some to comprehend until now, is due to the difficulty in finding an explanation for the reasons for revealing the relationship between the House of Saud and Israel.

First: The House of Saud was not the one who made the decision to normalize relations with Israel. Rather, it was Israel that ordered the House of Saud to reveal their relationship with Israel, take gradual steps, and publicize it in the media before announcing the official normalization date, in order to prepare public opinion psychologically and intellectually to accept normalization popularly.

As for the main reason behind Israel taking this step…it is Yemen, because the piece of Yemen moved and Israel was surprised by this unexpected move, so this matter required Saudi Arabia to move quickly in Yemen based on an Israeli request…and this move in the Yemeni file will also require many moves. Al Saud in the region, which will expose the game well and will make the region and the world ridicule all the Saudi fluctuations and contradictions in all files, which will affect their popular political presence in any file, after it becomes clear to everyone that the House of Saud clearly serves Israel, even though it does not have A relationship with Israel, and this thing will make it lose in all the files it enters into.

There is no solution to this problem facing the Israeli project in the region except directing the order to Al Saud to announce official normalization with Israel, but after gradually preparing public opinion so that popular normalization also occurs… so that the Saudi move becomes legitimate and does not raise disapproval by saying that it serves Israel. Because after normalization, it will be a legitimate move that serves the common interests between the House of Saud and Israel. Everyone believes that these are common interests between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and in fact they are interests specific to Israel alone only.

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