Beware of the new Al Saud media – Islamic conquests

Beware of the new Al Saud media - Islamic conquests


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I believe that the Zionist project run by Saudi Arabia has become crystal clear, except for those whose mind and heart are blinded by hatred, and whose psychological complexes stand as a barrier between them and the truth. The House of Saud in the previous era was on an organized mission to flood the region in the media with the satanic Zionist Wahhabi religion and to create a state of tense collective awareness of the past and its interpretations and debate about it by spreading everything ugly that exists in history and making it a symbol of Islam and a truth for the Muslim in every place he is present. In order to create a general state of discontent and complaint in societies against this image and against the representative of this ugly image (the Muslim) that provokes segments of societies in the region. The Al Saud family, which manages the malicious Zionist project, and through their huge media empire, was able to create An awareness in the region and the world that sees the Kingdom of Al Saud as an official and historical representative of the Arabs and Muslims, past and present. Al Saud was able to create a new imagination, in which Al Saud stands as the historical origin of the Arabs and Islam and the official, legitimate and real crossing point for the Arabs and Islam. The Arab world in ancient history, in the new imagination created by Al Saud, became attached to the image of Al Saud with all their ugly details, their primitive way of thinking, their ridiculous stories, and their dirty actions, and the image of true Islam in the new imagination became the image of the ugly, satanic Wahhabi Islam, and it became the image of the greatest Prophet. R) is the image of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabi faith, and the image of the true history of Islam has become the image of ISIS in the region, ISIS that was created by the West and financed by the Al Saud, an ISIS whose discourse the Al Saud was keen to promote and support its actions as a living model for everyone to see. To project the truth of history onto him. Yes…all this ugliness and criminality of ISIS, Wahhabism, and the House of Saud was reflected in the collective unconscious indirectly, and a new imagined image of the Arabs, Islam, and history was formed. Yes…the House of Saud succeeded in creating a new image for the Arabs and Islam, and they monopolized its representation of them and disseminated it through their huge media. If you realize this project and understand it well, you will not be surprised after that if you hear that a Saudi artist says that the Messenger’s nationality is Saudi, and you will not be surprised. You would be surprised if you heard an Egyptian journalist say that Saudi Arabia in the past sent Omar bin Al-Aas to Misr and today it sends the Wahhabi cleric Al-Huwaini. It was an organized project, not a spontaneous one, in order to create such logic and such a new imagination, in which Al Saud would be an official representative. And legitimate for that imagination. And until you are completely certain of the validity of this project, watch the new Al Saud media speech, and be confident that the Al Saud, with their new look in which they are trying to show secular and modern openness, are preparing a new media speech, and are preparing to make an official apology to the peoples of the region. About the Islamic conquests (on the basis that the House of Saud and their slaves are the descendants and heirs of the conquerors and have the right to apologize on their behalf), and an apology will be made by the sheikhs of the Wahhabi religion and by the thinkers, officials and media figures of the House of Saud, and the huge media will make this issue an issue. It is central and constantly presented in all their media programs in an intensive, intelligent and organized manner. Do not laugh or mock these words. Just follow and watch their media in the coming period. Watch the new logic that will be on the lips of their sheikhs, their media and their channels, which will revolve around conquests. You will notice a new and different tone. And the matter has nothing to do with renewal and Modernizing religious or intellectual discourse or modernist openness. In the past, the House of Saud would not have been allowed within the Zionist plan to make such a discourse, and they are still in the stage of promoting the ugly Zionist Wahhabism as a title for Islam, because it would be illogical. Their role during that period was limited to spreading and drowning The region is full of everything ugly and dirty and cultivated in the image of Islam and the Arabs until the appropriate day to apologize for that ugly and dirty image. And now they are trying to show the world that they are heading towards a new transformation, and that they are adopting a new religious and intellectual discourse, and with the image of this The New Transformation It would be acceptable and logical to raise such a speech, because after the Al Saud flooded the region with everything that was ugly, horrific, terroristic and filthy and created a general perception that it was the form of Islam that entered every country after the conquests, today it will disavow it, and Many will respond and interact with her speech, especially from the Illuminati group and groups that raise the slogan of identities and secularism, as well as other sects and religions who raise the slogan “We are not Arabs,” and they will support her new speech, and they do not realize that this apology or speech is not something spontaneous or done by As a matter of renewing religious thought, or as a matter of modernity, civilization, or serious transformation, rather, it is part of the Zionist media project, a deliberate, deliberate, and organized work managed from one room, to bring back ancient history in the consciousness of peoples and raise the issue of identity and the necessity of redefining it, and He made it an issue above the political table as the basis and legitimacy for the establishment of the new state. This is the step that the House of Saud will take, in order to grant the separatist groups, discourses, and narrow identities in the region a legal document that gives them the legal and historical right to confirm their logic and separatist projects. With such an apology, Saudi Arabia, the manager of the Israel project, wants to confirm, strengthen, consolidate, and Consolidating identities, divisions, and historical revenges to push societies in the region into chaos, and after the narrow identity groups had hatred for Saudi Arabia, they will find in such a new speech by Al Saud that is supportive of it, modern, and in line with the truth, and they do not know that Zionism through the House of Saud is trying Playing with the mythical space that exists in the imagination of peoples in order to produce political entitlements on the ground and produce magnified divisions and conflicts within each country, producing identities and conflicts based on a large mythical imaginary space in the process of entitlement. Yes…the Zionist project through Al Saud wants to support and strengthen Think about the region trying to seize that mythical, unreal fantasy (the myth of conquests) for the sake of a process of political entitlement on the ground, that wave that believes that the Muslim or Arab in Syria is not of Syrian origin but rather comes from the desert of Mecca, and that the Muslim or Arab is in Iraq Or Misr or Morocco, a newcomer and an intruder to those countries and not of origin to those countries. Yes… it is a Zionist project to restore the region’s awareness of past ancient times and the rivalries around it, this awareness that began with the Zionist occupation entity, which was founded on the legitimacy of historical myths and illusions. A false and baseless statement about the Al-Yahoud and their history in Palestine, and that they are residents of Palestine and returned to its land after being displaced from it in the distant past, while the truth is that Israel is merely an occupation and settlement project that will extend and expand in the region for the benefit of the West, and this Zionist project is still working. It is managed by Al Saud, the official agents of the Zionist project in the region. Therefore… I am warning everyone from now on. I am warning everyone of the new media discourse of Al Saud, which will not be spontaneous, but rather organized and deliberate, aiming to destroy awareness and identity, but in a new guise. (Secular and modern), and it will focus on the story of the Islamic conquests and that the Arabs are not residents of the countries of the region. What is required of everyone is to understand and assimilate this point so that they can prepare with a scientific and accurate discourse, and that there should be no surprise at the wave that will revolve around these topics. And about its causes. Everyone must realize that it is an organized wave, and behind it is a media strategy implemented by the Al Saud media, starting from the myth and legend of the Islamic conquests. Everyone must know about the Zionist project and realize that the success of the project is based on two basic rules. The first rule is that a Muslim will not be able to reject the story of the conquests, because the Muslim views it in the wrong way as a narrative linked to an aspect of his faith, and the other rule is the difficulty of dismantling this myth in thinking. The general public and in our scientific research methods, and therefore the Arab or Muslim will be weak and defeated before the logic of this media campaign that they are preparing for. However, the Zionist project will soon be defeated and buried forever.

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