Centralities of awareness in Yemen – 1

Centralities of awareness in Yemen - 1


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Centers are the points from which the circumference of human consciousness is drawn, forming intellectual circles from which consciousness begins to perceive things.

Four centers on which the human mind lived, represented the cultural, religious, intellectual, literary, intellectual and scientific framework that the human mind was able to produce, and created a state of arrogance and domineering that man believed because of those centers, until that day came when the first of those centers was blown up and It created a great shock to the human mind, that day in which the first centrality of man was shaken. It can be considered, from the point of view of any other civilization that lives outside the Earth and monitors the history of humanity on Earth, a pivotal day in the history of human civilization, and it is classified as a day that marks a new second era for humanity.

The four centers:

1- Geocentrism

2- Centrality of life

3- Centrality of awareness

4- Centrality of the constant

Geocentrism represented the greatest center of human arrogance, when he believed that all the objects in the celestial dome revolved around the Earth, until Galileo came and demolished that centralism, which represented a major shock to the human mind and religious thought, and Galileo bore the consequences of that shock, which led to him being imprisoned. And the trial by the Christian Church, but the demolition of that centrality cannot be considered an event that concerns Europe alone and concerns the Christian Church, but rather the entire world and religious thought in general, and the mind seemed to be liberated from that centralization and began to depart from that narrow circle that it had drawn and become liberated in thinking. The question seemed to go outside the framework of that small environment and proceed to larger and deeper deserving questions, and the human being began to become diminished and arrogant in a larger space.

Then, approximately two centuries after Galileo, Darwin came and presented a theory that undermined the centrality of life claimed by man, which represented a centrality upon which man relied to prove his arrogance and domination. After that theory, man became part of a life that develops with time and participates with some animals in The ancient origins, and that life began with a cell from which all life on Earth was divided. This theory represented one of the most violent shocks of human thought, and the demolition of this centrality represented the beginning of the liberation of the human mind from another solid, harsh environment within which it lived. The mind began to search for other questions and areas in thinking, and many sciences were launched from this theory. New interpretations of life and animal and human behavior began.

Then Freud came a short period after Darwin, and presented the theory of consciousness and the unconscious, in which he undermined the centrality of consciousness in man, which was central to human thought. After that theory, man became a matter of actions and words in the world of the unconscious, and that the mind swims above a volcano. A great deal of feelings and emotions, another strong shock to the human mind, to be liberated from another ocean towards a wider and larger space, and from that theory emerged many other sciences.

Finally, Einstein came and presented the theory of relativity, in which he demolished the virtual constant, the ether, and the centrality of frames of reference, which influenced human thought in general, not just physics, and created new questions and thought in many sciences.

The centers are what limit the human mind and imagination to a specific thought, answers, and pre-determined spaces, sterile thinking and limited imagination.

If we assume that the Yemeni mind was far from these intellectual revolutions, and far from those centers that it did not experience or confront in reality due to the absence and almost absence of the Arabs from that intellectual movement, then I can present centers in the Yemeni mind that prevent it from emancipating itself from narrow spaces. They create chaos. These centers need to be blown up to shake the Yemeni mind and make it launch into other spaces and emerge from those narrow surroundings of thinking, interpretation, and imagination.

Do I have the right to enumerate the centers on which the Yemeni mind lives, and those centers are the nuclei that created the cultural, moral, intellectual, political and social framework in Yemen?

Five centers in the Yemeni mind:

He follows ..




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