Companions of the Cave and Al-Raqim – Explanation of the lines of the story in the Holy Quran

Companions of the Cave and Al-Raqim - Explanation of the lines of the story in the Holy Quran

7/22/2020 0:00:00

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{Or did you think that the Companions of the Cave and al-Raqim were among Our wondrous signs? (9) When the young men took refuge in the Cave and said, “Our Allah, give us mercy from You.” Give us of our command guidance (10) So We struck their ears in the cave for a number of years (11) Then We resurrected them to find out which of the two parties had counted what They remained for a while. (12) We narrate to you the truth about them. Indeed, they were young men who believed in their Allah, and We increased them in guidance. (13) And We established upon their hearts the truth. When they rose up, they said, “Our Allah, Allah is the heavens and the earth. We will never call upon a Allah other than Him.” Indeed, we said, then, in an overstatement. (14) These are our people who have taken a Allah other than Him. ۖ If they had not brought a clear authority over them, then who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah? (15) And when you separated from them and they worshiped none but Allah, so they turned to Allah. A cave in which your Allah will spread for you of His mercy and prepare for you ease in your affairs. (16) And you will see the sun, when it rises, turning away from their cave to the right, and when It set The heart of the north lends to them while they are in a gap therein. This is one of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides is the one guided, and whoever He leads astray, you will never find for him a bitter guardian. (17) And you would think that they were awake while they were asleep. And We would turn them over to the right and to the left. And their dog would spread out its arms in the battlefield. If only it would prolong. You were arrogant to them if you were to protect yourself from them They fled, and you were filled with fear of them. (18) And thus We sent them to question among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long did you stay?” They said, “We stayed a day.” And part of a day. They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have remained. So send one of you with these papers of yours to Medina and let him see which of them has the purest food.” He will bring you sustenance from Him, and He will be gentle, but you will not make anyone feel bad about you. (19) ) Indeed, if they rebel against you, they will stone you or return you to their religion, and you will never succeed. (20) And thus We have made them aware that they may know that the promise Allah is true, and that the Hour is of which there is no doubt, when they disputed among themselves their matter, and they said, Build a building over them. Their Allah knows best about them. Those who were defeated said By their command we will certainly take action (21) They will say there are three, the fourth of which is their dog, and they will say there are five, the sixth of which is their dog, stoning unseen, and they will say seven and eight. (22) And do not say of anything, “I will do that.” Tomorrow (23) Unless Allah wills. And remember your Allah when you forget and say, “Perhaps my Allah will guide us to anything closer than this to guidance.” (24) And they remained in their cave for three days. One hundred years and more than nine (25) Say: Allah knows best how long they remained. To Him belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth. See through it. And listen. They have no guardian besides Him, and He does not associate with anyone in His judgment. (26) And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah. There is no one to alter His words, and you will not find anyone. other than Him, united (27)} [Al-Kahf: 9-27]

Now let us move to the Holy Quran.

If we look at the Quranic text that talks about the Companions of the Cave, we will find that it is completely different from the Syriac story, and completely far from it.

If we compare the details of the Qur’anic story with the Syriac text.

■ The time of the incident of the Companions of the Cave

It never happened in the past, the Qur’an talks about it as news (prophecy)

{We narrate to you their report with the truth. Indeed, they are young men who believed in their Allah, and We have increased them in guidance.} {And thus We have caused them to know that the promise of Allah is true and that the Hour is of no doubt.}

Syriac sources give the time approximately 250 years before the Qur’an.

■ What is the miracle of the Companions of the Cave?

They will be a sign to people, and the Qur’an does not specify the nature of this sign

{When the young men took refuge in the cave and said, “Our Allah, give us mercy from You and provide us with guidance in our affairs.}

Syriac sources talk about a miracle

■ How long did the people of the cave sleep?

The Qur’an does not mention the story of sleeping and waking up. Just young men in a cave, and the Qur’an does not talk about sleep at all, and it never specifies a period of time. Only Allah knows how long they stayed.

{And they remained in their cave for three hundred years, and nine more. (25) Say, “Allah knows best what they remained for. The unseen of the heavens and the earth sees through it and hears. They have no guardian besides Him, and He does not associate anyone in His judgment.}

Syriac sources talk about young men who slept in the cave for a period of years

■ How many Companions of the Cave were there?

The Qur’an does not specify the number at all. Allah is alone and few people know the number.

{They will say: There are three, the fourth of whom is their dog, and they will say: Five, the sixth of whom is their dog, according to the unseen, and they will say: Seven, and the eighth of them is their dog. Say, “My Allah knows best their number.” Only a few know them. So do not quarrel with them except in open dissent, and do not consult any of them concerning them.}

■Why did the boys go to the cave?

The Qur’an does not talk about young men who were subjected to injustice or persecution by a ruler or king, but rather about young men who wanted to be what people could be.

{When the young men took refuge in the cave and said, “Our Allah, give us mercy from You and provide us with guidance in our affairs.}

■ What do these boys believe?

Believers in one Allah, not believers in Jesus or Jehovah.

{And when you separated from them, and they worshiped none but Allah}

■ Where is the cave located?

The Qur’an does not specify the name of a city, village, or mountain, but the Qur’an calls us to search for this cave.

{Then seek refuge in the cave. Your Allah will spread for you of His mercy and prepare for you ease in your matter.}

He gives us signs that lead us to the location of the cave

{And you will see the sun, when it rises, turning away from their cave to the right, and when it sets, approaching them to the left, while they are in a gap from it. This is one of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides is the rightly guided, and whoever He leads astray, you will never find for him a guardian or guide. (17) And you think they are waking up while they are asleep, and We turn them over to the right and to the left, while their dog is spreading out his arms. If you saw them, you would flee from them and you would be filled with terror from them.}

■ Does the Qur’an talk about a mountain or a village called Al-Raqim?

No, the Qur’an talks about the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim. He did not say a village or a mountain.

{Or did you think that the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs?}

■ What is in the cave?

Al-Fatiya and Al-Raqim

Al-Raqim is the book

{A Book Numbered (20) witnessed by those close to Him}

■ The boys’ first work after being sent

The Qur’an does not speak to young people, but to the people who will find the cave.

{And thus We sent them to inquire among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long have you stayed?” They said, “We have stayed a day or part of a day.” They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have tarried.” So send one of you with this paper of yours to Medina, and let him see which of them has the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it, and be gentle, and let no one perceive you. (19) Indeed, if they prevail over you, they will stone you or send you back to Devour them, and then you will never succeed.}

■ Is the story only to prove the Day of Resurrection?

No…but so that people will know how long they have been following the religion of Allah, and so that criminals will know that Allah’s promise is true and that the Hour is beyond doubt and that its date is near.

{Then We sent them to know which of the two parties was more accountable when they had remained for a while.}

{If they prevail against you, they will stone you or return you to their religion, and then you will never succeed.}

{And thus We caused them to know that Allah’s promise is true and that the Hour is of which there is no doubt}


We will move on to explain the texts of the Qur’an

I will divide the lines of the stories in the Qur’an into several sections, and each section consists of one topic.

■ Story title

{Or did you think that the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs?}

The Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim…were they among the signs of Allah?

The cave…a real cave

Al-Raqim…a real Raqim.

The word “Raqim” means book. We have an Arabic tongue and the Qur’an was revealed in our Arabic tongue. And we still say to the act of writing “Arqam,” which means “write.” And the Qur’an says (a marked book).

And there is a real book with them.

That is, the essence of the story is not the cave, but also Al-Raqim… and we focused on the word Al-Kahf and ignored the word Al-Raqim.

The focus of the story is based on two things… The Cave and Al-Raqim.

■ The goal and summary of the story

{When the young men took refuge in the cave and said, “Our Allah, give us mercy from You and provide us with guidance in our affairs. (10) So We struck their ears in the cave for a number of years. (11) Then We raised them to know which of the two parties was more counted when they had remained for a while.}

This is the summary of the whole story… and after that you do not need to read the rest of the details of the story… and this is the purpose and purpose of the story.

Young men went to a cave and then prayed to Allah to have mercy on them and to inspire people to follow their command so that they could be guides for the people…. That is, they prayed to Allah… to make them a sign for people to be guided by in the future, and for them to be the reason for guidance and guidance for the people.

So Allah answered their call

So Allah put them in the cave for a number of years, then Allah sent them to find out which of the two parties had counted the time they stayed inside the cave.

(So We struck their call to prayer)… means that Allah struck the call to prayer for their exit for a number of years… then Allah resurrected them.

Who are the two parties?!

The first party, you Muslims, is the party of Allah, and the second party is the party of Shaytan.

Because the Qur’an speaks in the Qur’an about Hezbollah and the Party of Shaytan.

{And whoever turns to Allah and His Messenger and those who believe – then indeed the party of Allah will be victorious}

{You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day being friendly with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their clan. Such are He who wrote faith in their hearts and supported them with a spirit from Him and admits them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein. May Allah be pleased with them and they be pleased with Him. These are the party of Allah. Indeed, the party of Allah. They are the successful ones}

{Shaytan took possession of them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Such are the party of Shaytan. Indeed, the party of Shaytan are the losers.}

That is, the two parties are Hezbollah and the Party of Shaytan

So the real purpose of the story… is to find out how long the boys stayed in the cave… only

What is the importance?! …

The importance can be understood from the story and from our reality… The biggest problem we have is time… The emergence and mission of these young men will inform us of the correct period of time in which the Holy Qur’an reached us. And we will ascertain whether we were living in an imaginary time or a real time…the emergence of these people will be enough to correct time and will make us ascertain whether this time that we have reached is true or a fabrication that created misguidance for us.

This indicates that the emergence of these boys will actually be Rashad.

■ News events

{We narrate to you the truth about them.}

That is, the story is true news that will happen……… And Allah informs us in advance of the conclusion of the story in His knowledge… that He placed them in the cave for a number of years, then He confirms to us that He sent them to know which of the two parties counted the correct period of their stay.

In Allah’s knowledge, this thing has happened… because Allah’s knowledge precedes us.

This confirms that their resurrection will be certain.

The Qur’an now narrates to the Messenger the details of the news

■ The truth about the Cave Boys

{They are young men who believed in their Allah, and We increased them in guidance. (13) And We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and said, “Our Allah, Allah is the heavens and the earth. We will not call upon any Allah other than Him.” We said, “When they went too far.” (14) These are our people who have taken gods besides Him. If only they would not come to them with clear authority. So who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah? }

Young men who believed in Allah, and Allah increased their guidance…that is, in addition to their belief in Allah, Allah increased them by giving them guidance for the people.

They did not believe in Jehovah…but in Allah…that is, they are not Greek boys and do not follow any religion…but rather Muslim boys who believe in Allah.

And when they rose… that is, they rose… in Allah’s world

So they said….that is, they said truly in the knowledge of Allah……they said: Our Allah is the Allah of the heavens and the earth. We will not call upon any Allah other than Him. We have said when they went too far. (14) These are our people who have taken gods besides Him. If only they would not come over them with clear authority, then who is more unjust than he? He slandered Allah a lie.

Our people… they are you… because these boys are among you.

■ The Muslim’s relationship with this news

{And when you isolated yourself from them and what they worshiped except Allah, then take refuge in the cave. Your Allah will spread for you of His mercy and prepare for you ease in your affairs.}

Who are the ones who retired from them?

The speech is very clear.

The speech now is from Allah to Hezbollah: You have isolated these boys, and they only worship Allah.

Then the command is from Allah to Hezbollah: So go to the cave…that is, the cave of these boys, so that Allah will give you some of His mercy.

■ Locate the cave

{And you will see the sun, when it rises, turning away from their cave to the right, and when it sets, approaching them to the left, while they are in a gap therein. This is one of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides is the right one, and whoever He leads astray, you will never find for him a guardian or guide.}

The Messenger is among the members of Hezbollah… And since Allah commands the Muslims to take refuge in the cave… the cave of these boys… He also commanded the Messenger to go to the cave.

Now Allah will reveal to the Messenger… the location of the cave.

You see the sun……that is, you see the sun

If it rises…that is, when the sun rises…that is, when it rises

You visit their cave on the right…that is, you visit the cave from the right

And when it sets, it reaches them from the north… That is, when it sets, it reaches them from the north.

And they are in a gap in it… that is, the boys are inside a cave… and inside the cave there is a gap… and they are present in this gap.

The word hole… refers to any void in the ground.

The word gap… refers to a void in the ceiling or side.

Because of this gap…..when the sun rises, it does not set on the right side as it does when it sets on the left side.

That is, because of the location of the cave… and because they are inside a gap in the cave… it only visits their cave to the right… that is, it enters their cave only from the right… and the sunlight does not reach them… and when it sets, the sunlight reaches them. From the north side.

{This is one of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides is the one who is guided. And whoever He leads astray, you will never find for him a guardian or guide.}

Whoever Allah guides with these words of His is the one who is guided………And whoever searches for the story of the Companions of the Cave from a place other than the word of Allah…he will not find for him a guardian guiding the truth.

■ Description of the scene when approaching the place

{And you would think that they were awake while they were asleep, and We would turn them over to the right and to the left, while their dog spread out his arms on the hunt. If you had looked at them, you would have fled from them and would have been filled with terror from them.}

The Messenger now carried out Allah’s command to the Muslims… and decided to go to the cave… and then comes a description from Allah of the location of the cave, to determine its location.

Now… Allah gives His Messenger descriptions and scenes of the matter before he sees them, preparing him psychologically for the witnessing.

{And you think they are awake while they are asleep}

Because of the location of the cave and its angle in relation to the rising and setting of the sun, and because of their presence within this gap. It will appear to you that they are waking up…while they are asleep

I put in the image of the article… two images… to understand the purpose of the speech of the Qur’an… and this simple example explains to you the true meaning:

If you drew a three-dimensional man on a piece of paper and it looks as if he is standing on top of the paper… you will now think that he is three-dimensional and actually standing, even though he is not standing, but rather flat inside the paper.

This is the same scene that you will see in the cave… because of the cave’s location in relation to the sun at sunrise and sunset, and the gap inside it and those who are in it.

{And We turned them to the right and to the left, while their dogs spread out His arms.}

The word “qalbihum” with the right hand…does not mean continuous stirring…but rather it means definitely.

We tied them to their hearts = We turned them to the right and to the left

That is, they are located inside the gap in two parts, an inverted section to the right and another inverted section to the left.

This means that the sun only reaches the part that is upside down to the north.

{If you had seen them, you would have fled from them and would have been filled with terror from them}

The word see…does not have the same meaning as the word see or see.

The word “look out” is related to height.

So we say…he went up the stairs…and we do not say he walked up the stairs.

I looked up….means to see or look upward.

If you had looked up… that is, if you had seen them in the gap in which they were located, high above you, from the same angle of rising sun… you would have thought they were awake while they were lying down, and you would have run away and been terrified of them.

■ Describe scenes of the situation after the news occurred

{And thus We sent them to inquire among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long have you stayed?” They said, “We have stayed a day or part of a day.” They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have tarried.” So send one of you with this paper of yours to Medina, and let him see which of them has the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it, and be kind, and let no one know about you. If they prevail over you, they will stone you or return you to their religion, and they will not. They will succeed if they continue. And thus We caused them to know that the promise of Allah is true and that there is no doubt about the Hour, when they disputed among themselves over their matter, and they said, “Build a structure over them. Their Allah knows best about them.” Those who prevailed in their matter said, “We will certainly build a mosque over them.” They will say, “Three, the fourth of whom is their dog.” They will say, “Five.” Their dog: Say, “My Allah knows best their number.” Only a few know them. So do not dispute with them except openly, and do not ask a question regarding them with any of them.}

Now what is the meaning of these Quranic lines?!

At the beginning of the story of the Companions of the Cave… Allah says:

{Then We sent them to know which of the two parties was more accountable when they had remained for a while.}

Now when Allah says:

{And thus We sent them to inquire among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long have you stayed?” They said, “We have stayed a day or part of a day.” They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have stayed.” So send one of you with this paper of yours to Medina, and let him see which of them has the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it, and be kind, and let no one let you know.)

Allah describes to us in His knowledge that precedes our knowledge…the scene that will occur when these boys are sent.

After the Messenger finds the cave… and the boys.

It means that Allah sent them

And so did We send them… Allah sent the young men after the Messenger found them.

{So that they might inquire among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long have you stayed?” They said, “We have stayed a day or part of a day.” They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have stayed.” So send one of you with this paper of yours to Medina, and let him see which of you has the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it, and be kind, and let no one let you know.)

Who are they asking?!

They are not the youth… Just as the Western Ottoman heritage books laughed at the Muslims… Because of this interpretation with which they mocked the people, they made the Muslims the youth inside the cave and placed them in a time gap so that the Muslims would not come out of it.

Those who will ask are Hezbollah… They will ask among themselves.

Because Allah says: Then We sent them to know which of the two parties was counted for how long they had remained.

That is, after their resurrection… the scene will be linked to one of the two parties, which is concerned with knowing the question of how long Booth the boys were in the cave.

The aim and purpose of the news… is for Hezbollah to know how many years the boys stayed inside the cave… and whether they lived and are living in a real, natural time of the days of Allah or an imaginary one.

Evidence: They questioned each other

{And thus We sent them to inquire among themselves. Someone among them said, “How long have you stayed?” They said, “We have stayed a day or part of a day.” They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have tarried.” So send one of you with this paper of yours to Medina, and let him see which of them has the purest food, and let him bring you a provision from it, and be gentle, and let no one notice you. If they prevail over you, they will stone you or return you to their religion, and they will not. You will succeed then ever.}

Someone from Hezbollah said… How long did you stay in the Book of Allah?

Because when you know the cave…it will be a shock.

People lived for one or two days… thousands of years ago… and not that long ago.

They said, “Your Allah knows best how long you have tarried.”

So send one of you.

Allah is now addressing… the believers from Hezbollah… Send someone

With your paper to the city

This paper of yours…is the material in which the paper is contained

Let him see which one has the purest food and bring you sustenance from it

We are Arabs and we know our language well… This verse is a hidden pun for us, and no one will understand the meaning until after seeing the cave.

We use this word… when we send someone for a secret mission to take something important or look for something important.

As evidence… the verse after it says: And let him be kind, and let no one make you feel guilty.

Why does he look beautiful and no one feels it?!

Because ……. if they appear against you, they will stone you or return you to their religion, and then you will never succeed.

Who are these?!

The party of Shaytan who played against you with time and created this whole imaginary world for you and made you follow their religion.

Proof that Allah says….and you will never succeed.

And Allah says to his party: {Indeed, the party of Allah are the successful ones}

Also, as Allah says:

{And thus We caused them to know that the promise of Allah is true and that the Hour is of no doubt, when they were disputing among themselves their matter, and they said, Build over them a building; their Allah knows best about them. Those who prevailed in their matter said, “We will certainly make over them a mosque.”}

Who are these people who were defeated?!

Hezbollah….{Except that the Hezbollah of Allah are the victors}

That is, thus We made people find them…so that they might know that Allah’s promise is true and that the Hour is beyond doubt.

If they dispute among themselves their affairs…that is, the believers will dispute over the affairs of these young men.

So they said, “Make a building over them.” And those who prevailed over them said, “We will make a mosque over them.”

Who are these people who will say (three, the fourth of whom is their dog)?

The party of Shaytan… but cast the unseen… because the story is news (unseen)

The word “fortune-telling” means guessing before the news occurs

Because the letter (s) is a reception letter (for the future)… and the party of Shaytan knows the truth of the story and the truth of time….. so the party of Shaytan will guess the number of boys to make you convinced that the news reached him in the past and the story happened to him.

As happened to us with the Syriac story, it is what made us believe that the news had reached them before the readers. We talked about the Syriac story in our previous conversation and explained how much difficulty there is now for a Muslim to emerge from that story.. which determined the number of young men and Their names and other details… and the Syriac story is a stoning of the unseen.

■ Tips before investigating the news

{And do not say of anything, ‘Indeed, I will do that tomorrow’ (23) unless Allah wills. And remember your Allah if you forget, and say, ‘Perhaps my Allah will guide me to something closer to guidance than this.’)

■ Determine the age of the news

{And they remained in their cave for three hundred years, and nine more. (25) Say, “Allah knows best what they remained for, the unseen of the heavens and the earth. He sees and hears through it. They have no guardian besides Him, and He does not associate with anyone in His judgment.}

■ Recitation of Raqim Al-Naba’

{And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah; there is no one who can change His words, and you will not find anyone united with Him apart from Him.}

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