Criticism of Al-Rubaie’s hypothesis – Yemen is not the geography of Jewish writers

Criticism of Al-Rubaie’s hypothesis - Yemen is not the geography of Jewish writers


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Whoever follows the new theories that talk about a different geography of the Jewish book…and among them are the theories that move the geography of the Jewish book to Yemen, Jerusalem, and Jerusalem, and the story of the Jewish kingdoms in Yemen, will see that it has become a growing trend among many readers in the region. .. In fact, it has become the current fashion in the cultural community, and this trend is based on the books of Arab researchers and thinkers such as Kamal Salibi, Fadel Al-Rubaie and others, who present different and new theories in reading history. The truth is that these theories are based on a great effort by These are researchers and thinkers, and they should not be underestimated. Rather, they create an archive for a research effort and a new ground that can be relied upon to build other theories or other research and open a table for various discussions…and this effort should not be excused. The research is based on criticism from specialists and researchers who oppose these theories. I believe that this is a useful thing, because this discussion and criticism will move stagnant waters and open new angles in thinking about history. But there is a problem, in my personal opinion…when there is an intellectual wave that grows and sweeps away a lot without any brakes, especially when there is not with this wave another parallel wave that criticizes it and reveals its shortcomings and mistakes, because this It will establish a new awareness that does not have review points and will become an established collective awareness… Therefore, in this article, I will try to present a criticism of these theories and the approved method upon which this trend is based, in broad outlines… from the point of view of an ordinary reader. ———————– When we follow this wave that talks about transferring the geography of the Jewish book to another geography… we will find that it is divided into two types, the first type is represented by Kamal Salibi. And Ziyad is from me, and the second type is represented by Fadel Al-Rubaie. The first type depends on the approach: 1- The Book of the Al-Yahoud is considered an authentic historical document 2- Reliance on today’s geographical nomenclature 3- Reliance on analysis of the Arabic and Hebrew languages and their early roots, meanings, and language transformations over time. The second type depends on the approach: 1- The Book of the Al-Yahoud is considered an authentic historical document, but in its Septuagint version written in Greek, because its Arabic translations contain many errors. 2- Relying on the names of today’s geography and the names of the geography of the past. 3- Relying on the books of Arab heritage that have reached us, and on popular heritage. 4- Relying on an analysis of the Arabic and Hebrew languages, their early roots, meanings, and language transformations over time. 5- Relying on translations of the region’s inscriptions. ———————–Before I get into the topic, an important question must be asked: What is the importance of presenting these topics and formulating new theories? Is the topic important to people or the world? Does it have any benefit in reality? As for the wave………the matter may be related to the issue of refuting Zionist history and the legitimacy of the Zionist entity….or as a matter of research because there is a contradiction between what is present in the Jewish book and reality and excavations that have not shown any There is a trace of the presence of a Jew in what is called Palestine, but in the end these are theories that cannot be confirmed, but from the point of view of my opinion…….. this does not prevent them from being presented and developed in order to discover evidence. As for me…… The matter goes into clarifying that the story is very recent… and the close connection between this issue and the Western Zionist project that is taking place today across the length and breadth of our region… so that we realize the nature of the role of each force in the region. ———————– I will limit my article to criticizing the second type approach, because it is more comprehensive and includes within it the first type. ■ Relying on the Book of the Al-Yahoud as an authentic historical document. The logical question: On what basis is the Book of the Al-Yahoud relied upon as an authentic historical document? There may be an excuse for Christian Arab researchers who believe in the Jewish Book as a holy book, because believing in this book means believing that everything inside it is true and true history. But the Muslim researcher who contributes to creating this wave, or is swept away by this wave, on what basis is the book of the Al-Yahoud considered an authentic historical document?! The supporters of this wave may be of the modernist type, who believe in the invalidity of a common Muslim idea that the Jewish book is distorted… and that this idea is old and not modern, and was formulated by political power in an ancient time when societies had not reached the concept of secularism and coexistence between… Religions. The real reason may be the view of these people that religions are one religious context and that it is the same line as Islam, and Allah sent down books that should not be rejected and that there is truth in them… especially since the Muslim book (the Qur’an) praises the Torah and the Enjil and calls for A Muslim believes in the books of Allah, and the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur’an are all the books of Allah. Let us draw the general picture in the Muslim mind. The Muslim believes that Allah sent down the Torah but it was distorted, so Allah sent down the Enjil but it was distorted, and Allah sent down the Qur’an and it is preserved and not distorted. Therefore, the beginning must be… for Muslim researchers and thinkers with this approach… to solve these problems first before adopting the Jewish book as a valid document… and these problems: □ Why did the Muslim not preserve Or any religion with the Torah without distortion and it continues with them, or in other words, why did the Torah not continue without distortion, and a copy of it remained without distortion to be the book of the Muslim?! Because as long as the Muslim has a book that is different from the Jewish book in the language, style, and way of telling stories… the Qur’an is binding on the Muslim while the Jewish book is not binding on him….. This means that the history contained in the Jewish book is binding on the Al-Yahoud because they They believe in them… and it is not binding on the Muslim, even if it contains history and there is a group that believes in it. For him, it is considered unreal history, because if the Muslim believes in the book of the Al-Yahoud and reads it, then the history is binding on the Muslim and is real and correct and it actually happened. . □ Why does the Muslim book (the Qur’an) praise the Torah……in fact, make it the primary source of judgment for the prophets……but at the same time the Muslim opposes an explicit command from Allah and sees the Jewish book as distorted and does not believe in it? ! □ On the other hand… this wave has a difference regarding the correct approved version of the Book of the Al-Yahoud…. The first type adopts the Arabic version of the Book of the Al-Yahoud and considers it correct, and the second type believes that the Arabic version is full of errors……. and He relies on the Septuagint version (written in Greek), and translates it into Hebrew. This type believes that the Septuagint is the first copy of the Jewish book, and it is the original and correct copy, and this history must be understood from this copy. I believe that the second type of this wave is closer to being correct in its approach by adopting the Septuagint translation written in Greek, because it is actually the first copy of the Jewish book………..and the Arabic translation should not be adopted…… Because there is something that many do not know, that there are many translations of Jewish books, and every time a somewhat different translation comes out, in terms of its names, geography, characters, etc. But the logical question is: Translation from one language into a multiple and different language. What are the conditions for correct translation, especially since we are dealing with an ancient Greek language?! □ Rather, the most important question is: ● If Judaism is a truly authentic religion specific to a group that has an authentic book, is it reasonable that their Holy Book be the first copy of it in the language of another people (Greek)… Indeed, is it reasonable that it is their Holy Book? It came into existence as a result of a political decision by a foreign ruler?!● Is it possible that an original religious book, a generational inheritance, and a divine sacred text, appears as a result of a translation process? That is, the birth of the Greek language into their original language and not vice versa?● Is it possible……… that they did not have a holy book and then discovered their book through another foreign language?! … Is it possible … that the appearance of the Book of the Al-Yahoud is the result of a conversion process, and not as it is without translation? There must be scientific and logical answers to these previous questions before adopting the Book of the Al-Yahoud as a historical document in its original Septuagint version. ■ Relying on the names of today’s geography and the names of the geography of the past. The logical question: On what basis do we adopt the geographical names of today and yesterday?! Because the names of today’s geography may be names resulting from the presence of Al-Yahoud in regions, and it is natural that a person will name places from his religious book, that is, he will assign the names of his Holy Book to the regions of his presence out of his reverence for the names of places in his book…then they become official names known to everyone. ….There is also an important observation, which is that the region was subjected to rule by external forces……….and there is a high probability that this foreign government distributed new names to the regions and adopted them, and then they became inherited. As for yesterday’s names…it is natural that they will be taken from heritage books. But did he adopt a historical document written by a person from Central Asia about a distant geography? Is it because he is a Muslim and wrote it in Arabic that it becomes a real document? . But if the person was from the same place… is there a confirmed manuscript for this book… and can we confirm the time of this document and the date of its writing? Do we have conclusive evidence that confirms when the document was written? Regarding this point, we must refer to the book The Description of the Arabian Peninsula, which the thinker Fadel Al-Rubaie relies on to infer his theory about the geography of the Jewish book that it is in Yemen. The subject of Al-Hassan Al-Hamdani is a topic that requires detail, but I will ask Fadel Al-Rubaie several questions, because he considers Al-Hamdani’s book a great support for the validity of his theory. ● Is there an original manuscript for Al-Hamdani’s book?! ● Doesn’t it raise suspicion that there is a man in Yemen, from a remote and isolated area, who is versed in Greek sciences and very adept at determining geographical locations according to Ptolemy’s system? ● Is it possible that a Yemeni cleric… during that period was busy defining geography? Was there a border and political awareness that began to form for him, even though at that time thinking had not reached this political awareness? Al-Hudadi ● Isn’t it strange that Al-Hamdani toured Yemen and did not talk at all about the presence of Al-Yahoud there?! ● Isn’t it strange that a man is extremist due to his nationalism, but he has not published a single book on the Musnad script?! ● Are we sure about Al-Hamdani’s real time? ……. Because the matter is somewhat strange ………… He does not mention some cities in Yemen even though they are ancient and exist today, and this strangeness matches the journey of the Western man Niebuhr to Yemen (and Who was proficient in drawing maps and identifying locations)… Fenipur, for example, when he visited Yemen, did not mention the existence of the same cities that Al-Hamdani did not mention?! ■ Relying on the Arab heritage books that have reached us. The logical question: Everyone knows that most of the Arab heritage appeared in one period, after a historical gap, and all of them were Greek translations, and most of them were written by non-Arab personalities and for whom no official document is known. Were the supporters of this wave able to address this point? Before adopting these books? In other words… Do the supporters of this wave have a method through which they know the time of writing these texts and the time of the manuscripts?! ■ Relying on an analysis of the Arabic and Hebrew languages, their early roots, meanings, and language transformations over time. It is true that this approach can be considered evidence, but the truth is that this approach is not one hundred percent accurate, as it is not based on a firm and certain basis… Most of them are difficult attempts……. and they do not provide a clear and consistent approach so that anyone can reach… The same results were found in other historical research. ■ Relying on translations of the region’s inscriptions. The logical question: Do the supporters of this wave trust the West’s translations of the region’s inscriptions….noting that the West believes in the Jewish book, and most of the translators of the inscriptions and history books are Al-Yahoud….and it is in their interest to translate the region’s inscriptions to confirm the authenticity of the Jewish book. And do not forget that there is a Western project to occupy the region that was presented to us with the legitimacy of his book and that it has a historical right with us?! Do they trust the West’s translation?! I think that this is not a scientific method… Whoever wants to adopt translations of the region’s inscriptions…to confirm the validity of the theories he adopts, must translate the inscriptions himself and verify the validity of the translations. Especially since the second type of wave refused to adopt the translation of the Jewish book into Arabic, because it was full of errors..and went to the original first version written in Greek and translated it. It is better for the second type of wave to go to the inscriptions and translate them themselves. ————————————Now what is the main problem of this wave?! In my personal opinion…the main problem is time and reality. Concerning time, there is no accurate time scale with this wave through which they can verify all their steps…. If this wave were able to reach an accurate and conclusive measure of time and adopt it in formulating their theories, it would be the correct first step. As for research without verifying the time of documents. Or information, it is a wave that cannot produce sound results. We will be in a continuous circle. We do not know where we are regarding reality, so I believe that this wave has searched in all books… but it has forgotten the book on reality… because research on a phenomenon of reality should not be limited to only books… it should He moves to reality and asks questions from within the book of reality about the material evidence. Because, in my opinion… relying on history books to study reality is a mistake that many make… because reality is a natural, open book, while books are an unnatural industry, and the percentage of errors in them is great when trying to understand the truth, because you need in addition to those… Books into a document confirming those books. Relying on books to read phenomena… afflicts a person with a chronic disability that prevents him from understanding reality, because when you rely on old books to explain a phenomenon… you move the phenomenon from the realm of reality to the realm of texts, so the mind turns from a reader. of reality to a reader of texts, and from a master of reality to a follower of texts, and the interpretation of reality becomes within the scope of interpretation of texts, so the dispute over understanding the phenomenon turns from a dispute over the interpretation of a reality to a dispute over the texts themselves and their interpretations, so reality disappears completely between interpretations and interpretations of historical texts. . how ? Regarding the wave that talks about the geography of Jewish writers in Yemen…we must ask them such questions from reality: How long have the Al-Yahoud been present in Yemen? How did they appear in Yemen, how much time did they need to spread, and the nature of family kinship? How many are there, and at what time were they mentioned, especially since there is a scarcity of local sources that talk about the Al-Yahoud, and what do the elderly say about their presence, and did they inherit information from their ancestors about the Al-Yahoud in their region? I am the truth… my book is reality, not books filled with hypothetical history. I went to reality and found that: – The Al-Yahoud in Yemen were somewhat outcast (regardless of whether this act was correct or incorrect). … This dealing with the Jew is not because of the story of the Al-Yahoud of Khaybar or others that exist in history. We are talking about a reality that existed before this heritage appeared in people’s minds (books of hadith, biography, history, and interpretation of the Qur’an). People did not know all of this heritage. …..And I think it is a natural, subconscious reaction of society towards a new and strange phenomenon presented to them, trying to distort their reality. – If Yemen had been Jewish before Islam, according to the history presented, the situation of the Al-Yahoud in Yemen would have been in a dominant position. – The Al-Yahoud in Yemen were entering into the protection of tribes that did not profess Judaism, and this treatment, according to the custom of the tribes, was a tribal law and custom towards foreign people, or so-called immigrants, who were not originally from the region. This confirms that the Al-Yahoud are a new phenomenon and were not an ancient origin in the areas where they were located. The Al-Yahoud did not own land at all and did not practice agriculture. This definitively confirms that their presence in Yemen is recent, meaning that they are not a natural origin in Yemen. If Yemen had been Jewish before Islam, according to the history presented, the Al-Yahoud in Yemen would have been landowners and would have practiced agriculture as well. This means that Judaism is not an authentic state in Yemen. We are reading a reality and not a hypothetical history. – The Al-Yahoud in Yemen had two languages, an Arabic language and a foreign language, mixed with vocabulary like the Arabic language, but it was distorted (Hebrew). If Judaism were ancient, authentic, and rooted in Yemen, according to the history that was written, the people of Yemen would have Hebrew as their original language and read the Qur’an in Arabic like the Turks and Pakistanis, but the opposite is the case. The Jew speaks two languages, the natural language and another language which is the language of religion. While a Muslim speaks only one language, which is the natural language and religion. This means that the Hebrew language is a recent phenomenon in Yemen, and not as authentic as history books mention. – If Judaism had been ancient and well-established in Yemen in the past… according to the belief of this wave, there would not have been Islam in Yemen to this day, because there is nothing essential that requires changing religion among the Yemenis as long as the structure of the religion is the same. I am reading reality and not a virtual world found in history books. Therefore, when I say that Judaism is very modern in Yemen, I now read the reality before me as an open book, and I try to read and understand the phenomenon from within this open book…. Reality is my open book. Why ? – When you learn that the number of Al-Yahoud in one of the cities of Yemen was 10 thousand people in 1945, only about 50 people, at a rate of (0.5%), this is a census that is not 3,500 years old at all… in that region or its surroundings. – When you learned that the presence of Al-Yahoud in some areas of Yemen consisted of small gatherings of 10 people and they lived in a group consisting of at most three very small and isolated houses. – When you ask the elderly whether they played with Jewish children when they were young, they tell you yes, but the parents of these elderly people did not play with the Jewish children when they were young. The book Reality makes me realize that Judaism is a modern political project. When politics wants to penetrate natural systems, it creates a disruption in the natural order, and this disruption results in chaos and strange phenomena that cannot be explained. This is the reason for the difficulty of this wave understanding the origins of the Al-Yahoud and the difficulty of determining the identity of the Al-Yahoud and their historical origins, as their small number today does not indicate the antiquity of this religion at all. Their number is not 3,500 years.. they are… and it is certain that Judaism is just a religion with a religious book and a new language was created from scratch for this book. Do you think that creating a language is difficult? …No, it is not difficult. Have you not heard of the Esperanto language? It is a recently designed language that some linguists speak on the basis of making it a global language. If Judaism had a book in a true, original language, the matter would not have caused this difficulty for researchers. The Jew everywhere now speaks two languages, the language of the country and the language of his religious book. Rather, he learns the language of his religion… he learns this language!! Where did the second language come from?! So the researchers ask… It must have come from an ancient place for them and an ancient homeland… according to the logic of many researchers. But the situation of the Al-Yahoud is different from any existing situation….. The Jew believes that his religious language is the original language and the original language is a foreign language to him, unlike the Pakistani or the Turkish who reads religious writing but at the same time believes that it is a religious language, and his original language is The original language is Pakistani or Turkish. People cannot imagine that political forces can create a new reality that natural conditions cannot create, a reality that is not consistent with nature…… Whoever designed Judaism, created a book, a language, and a religion, and implanted in them the imaginary idea that they are a people, that is the whole story. Because it is a political project. It is natural…that the Al-Yahoud do not have a single religious center for them and you find them of various races…from Arab to Ethiopian to Chinese to Turkish to European…even though the writer of the history of Judaism made them a people and not everyone agrees on the origins of This people, according to what was written by the old political project…and the Israeli project today, in order to address this imbalance created by that political force in the past. Why did some researchers come to believe that the Al-Yahoud were from Yemen? Because the first writer of the story of Judaism tried to create a new story for this religion, with a new language and new names, similar to the story of the first migration from Yemen and the story of the Arabs, but it is a distorted story… after his visit to Yemen and learning about the geography of Yemen……… So the Arab in this new story became Hebrew… And Arabic became Hebrew and the Red Sea became Raydan… And the Qur’an became the Old Testament in the new story… And because of the trick of time and imaginary history, some believed that… The time and history of the Al-Yahoud is ancient and ancient. This is the whole story, very simply. Am I exaggerating? It is not an exaggeration… because when we make sure that the Qur’an talks about the inscriptions of the region and in it the first book that was written on earth in an Arabic language, and it is in the same words as the Qur’an and in the same text of the Qur’an, in a clear Arabic language, we will understand the whole story of history… and the truth of what is happening today. This is an existing front-line reality that explains all of the fictitious history that was written all at one time… and circulated to everyone. ———————–To the owners and supporters of these theories…………..Let us leave the history found in the books and… We read the reality….and we try to address the contradiction among the Muslim between his belief that the Torah is from Allah, but he does not believe in the Jewish book and believes that it is distorted now. We have two religious books that deal with seemingly similar topics and stories of the prophets, but in two different styles and in two different languages. The first is the Old Testament, which is specific to a religious group that has no known origin at all. Its population is 6 million, and the West adopts this book. The second book is specific to 2 billion Muslims, including 500 million Arabs. It is supposed to be only one book and speaks about one topic… That is, if you still She believes in the story of the heavenly religions………and that Judaism is a heavenly religion..and it came before Islam because Allah does not change one book to another book in different languages and in a different style. There is a book, one of which is original, and the other is deliberately fake and fabricated for a political purpose. And I will tell you about the wisdom of the land and the ancestors, since the Al-Yahoud are the only group in the world whose origin is not known, then their book is forged from the original… and as long as the Muslim is authentic, then his book is original. ■ We have two books, the Old Testament and the Qur’an, and they talk about the same stories, the story of Musa, Youssef, Ibrahim, Abel, Cain, etc. What is the benefit of Allah sending down two books with the same subject in two different languages and in two different styles?! But in the Old Testament there are narratives that happened in the past, while the Qur’an talks about news that will happen in the future. This is the essential difference. Ok, why does Allah change the language and time from time to time? There is an original book and there is a fake book based on the original. ■ You have two books, one in Arabic and the other in Hebrew, and they deal with the same topic and the same stories. The first book is the book of most of the region, and the second book is a book that most of the West believes in….And between us and the West there is an ongoing conflict and wars. But the structure of the region is the owner of the land and is based on a culture of non-aggression against anyone… peaceful in its geographical surroundings….. As for the intellectual structure of the West… it is based on plunder, theft, corruption, devastation, exploitation and occupation. Do you expect that This Western structure can have a real, original religious book, and not a cunning and deceptive game as the West is accustomed to. It is impossible for an ancient, authentic truth to come out of this Western structure. It is impossible for something real and natural to come out of this structure. If you think about the culture of the structure of those who carry the Qur’an… it is a culture that sanctifies the Qur’an and sanctifies one letter in it… and has a culture of memorizing this book by heart, and fights those who say that there is one letter missing. She considers it a distortion…in fact, she struggles with herself if someone introduces to her the idea that there is an incomplete word. But if you think about the culture of the structure of the culture of those who hold the Old Testament, it is a culture that does not sanctify the letter in its book at all, and every period new translations of the Old Testament appear, and every period a new version comes out with many modifications in the book of the Old Testament. For Allah’s sake… think with me a little. This indicates that we are facing two cultures… the first culture is very authentic and is the original and has the right… versus a culture that is not original and reckless and whose book does not carry sanctity and It is not true, otherwise copies of it with modifications would appear every now and then. This is a political project, not a reality or an origin. Which book preceded the other chronologically? The original, of course, and since the Qur’an is the first chronologically and the original, then with reason and logic… the book of the Old Testament appeared after the Qur’an… then history is a lie and time is a game.■ Now let’s think in another way… two books that are somewhat similar in terms of the stories of the prophets, but they are different in style and In the language, it is said that they are of one origin that emerged from the region. But why did the region wait since the beginning of creation… until the Greek language came into existence and the first copy of the Holy Book was written in it? Why did the world wait until the Greek Romans appeared in order to issue political orders to write the Holy Books in Greek? Which language expresses the region more, Greek or Arabic? If the first copy of the religious Bible that first appeared in the region and still exists today had been written in the Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian or Himyarite language, it would have been very logical for it to have been the first religious book in the region and emerged from the womb of the region and emerged from its reality. . The deception of imaginary time and imaginary history is illogical… The real, first and direct reason for not understanding the origin of the story. Because the insistence on dealing with the stories of the prophets in the book of Muslims and the book of Al-Yahoud… is evidence that there is a dispute and struggle over a religious text. One ancient sacred text, that is, a pre-existing text…and this text is a sacred divine text and contains a divine prophecy that requires it to be transmitted in its entirety and in its original language, without reformulation, arrangement, addition or subtraction. That is, there must be something reference and standard that separates the topic. This reference thing must be an ancient book that had an accurate system (the scale) and through which news of the unseen and religious texts were written, and this scale needs the linguistic system from which it emerged. There must be a reference book….and this book will reveal to us what is the original book and what is a distorted and forged book. {And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.} So…so where is the original Book, the reference that will reveal the whole game?! How is the path to the book? Is it hidden or is it present so that we can reveal to this wave the whole game, which is modern and the Turks have contributed to its implementation? {O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, making clear to you much of what you concealed from the Book, and pardoning much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.} ■ The Noble Qur’an.. whose name is the Qur’an….. and it is not called a book… the Qur’an, meaning a recitation of a book. ….The Qur’an is any reading….and reading is only done for a book. As long as the Qur’an is read as a book, then where is the book?! Since the Qur’an speaks about that book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous, and its verses are detailed in an Arabic Qur’an, it is certain that it speaks to the Muslim about the original book… that is, the first document from which all Muslims transferred their first heavenly text. The original document so that no one will laugh at them. It is easy to discover that it is hidden, because its concealment is the cause of all this chaos….but accessing the book is not difficult….if we think logically, from many angles……..from the angle of the human writing found in The region…..because it is assumed that the book is the first writing to appear in the region. There is only pictorial writing. But let us think, from a different angle, about the fact that it is one mind that wrote history for us, designed time, and created ideas and perceptions. Because this mind… created for the Muslim a new time and a new story, that their book came out of a dark room in a narrow place called Mecca. ……… And he made the Al-Yahoud in the story prior to the time of Islam….. Then he wrote a fictitious history for the Al-Yahoud saying that their book was written by decision of a (fake) Greek ruler when he was in Misr. Now…… .. Since this mind made the story of the Al-Yahoud begin in Misr ……… then have absolute confidence that that book, about which there is no doubt, is found in the ancient mosques in Misr (the temples)… the first written script. Written on the ground… and written in the script of the Torah (which the West gave a false name, which is hieroglyphics). And have absolute confidence……. that the stories of Amun, Hathor, Isis, Aten, Tutankhamun, etc. in Egyptian inscriptions… are all stories of malicious black magic that enchant people’s minds… preventing any Muslim or human being on earth from reaching… To this certainty and hidden truth. This game and huge project was part of the plan of Napoleon and the Zionist West before the invasion of Misr and the region…. This is a strategic intellectual, religious and historical project to steal the region and occupy it over the long term…. They are thinking about this. The method… these are strategic projects by political forces. ———————Now…if we were certain and certain with certainty and conclusiveness that the Torah is an ancient written text and not the name of a religious book, And that the Qur’an was written in the lines of the Torah. So the important question is why do the Al-Yahoud claim that their book is the Torah? What is the origin of their book? And what is the origin of the Al-Yahoud? The reason why the Al-Yahoud claim that their book is the Torah… is because Judaism is a project created by an ancient power that created them… after a cunning, satanic game was played out with time and history… and it is one of… It falsified people’s minds, and the Old Testament has no historical origin at all. That force…is the one who wrote this book after borrowing religious texts from an original holy book specific to an authentic nation, in order to give it a religious origin and a religious and historical connection to the region, to install a false and imaginary world in the region and the world, both religiously and Chronologically and historically, to penetrate the region after this force was able to hide the truth, hide the book, and create a new memory for the region and the world. But what is the origin of the Al-Yahoud? There is no origin for them at all, and this is the logical reason……..which explains the reason for the abundance of books and theories that talk about many and many origins for the Al-Yahoud and their lack of agreement on the origin……and the reason for this wave. Which is trying to leave its mark in the search for the origin of the Al-Yahoud… and the reason why researchers are unable to know and determine the origin of the Al-Yahoud and they do not have convincing evidence, is because they are originally thinking within a virtual world created by this force, because the Al-Yahoud are definitely their origin. It is a project of a political force. They emerged from the consciousness of a force… They emerged from a factory or an industrial laboratory… This is their origin. In other words… it is certain that Judaism… began to attract Turkish Asian tribes and the Ottomans settled them in the region… then raised orphaned children, kidnapped them, or took them from different places, and they were raised. On the teachings of the Judaism religion and made them keep a religious book as their holy book from Jehovah…then they were published, and after generations and years, the religion is embodied in reality…it becomes a reality…….carrying a religious book A second language, an imaginary history, and an imaginary time. They create societies and religions, they create a new world, they create human societies, whose religious, intellectual and linguistic circles were designed by satanic human minds… They are the masters of religions… and the societies they lead… after they were able to steal time from the Earth through a trick. Cunning. The Al-Yahoud were present in the region for three goals. The first goal was to establish the distortion of the meanings of the Qur’an in reality, that is, to embody the illusion and falsity in the minds of Muslims after falsifying history and that they were a precedent. They are present throughout the region… As for the second goal, they were on a media mission within the region… falsifying the geography of the region, creating new geographical names similar to their writers, and repeating false information and entrenching it in societies. As for the third goal, it is for the process of incubating the number of Al-Yahoud in The region. The force that created the Al-Yahoud and worked to spread them in the region for a long time…is the same force that gathered their numbers after it carried out the process of breeding them everywhere and placing them in our land in the Levant. Is this wave still convinced by the story of Jerusalem, the Jewish kingdoms in Yemen, and all the history books about the events of the Old Testament? O Fadel Al-Rubaie… and O supporters of the wave of geography of the book of the Al-Yahoud in Yemen… The Torah is not a book… but the lines of the book… and they are ancient scripts, the first scripts in which man wrote in the region… They are also the first scripts in which the Holy Qur’an was written and from which the Muslims copied… But the West, with the help of the Ottomans… were able to create a new, false time and memory for the region in order to steal the region, occupy it, and enslave its inhabitants. Therefore…and since…this wave still believes that the book of the Al-Yahoud is the Torah…then this wave is based on delusion and illusions…that is, the entire structure on which this wave was built is a great illusion…because all of history What exists in the book about the Al-Yahoud is an imaginary world created by the imagination of authors…and it is intended to be embodied in reality by the political power that created Judaism. The game is relatively recent {Al-Yahoud is not Al-Nasarah on something. your language [The Al-Nasarah]) Al-Yahoud is not upon anything and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning what they differed over. And who is more unjust than he who forbids? The mosques of Allah lest his name be mentioned therein, and he sought to destroy them. Those were not to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment. Witnesses, so do not fear people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the disbelievers.

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