Deciphering ancient writings 2

Deciphering ancient writings 2

1/1/2021 0:00:00

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What is the story of writing?

In our previous talk……….. we talked about the topic of the goals of writing as an introduction, and we said that among the goals of writing for the first man was:

Preserving memory and passing on information to future generations.

Today we will try to write the story of writing briefly.

What is the importance of writing a writing story?

So that we can be a stable ground to rely on, to form a realistic, clear, scientific, logical and correct image in our imagination, through which we can gain a deep understanding of writing so that it helps us in our subject, which is deciphering ancient writings.

In the beginning, as we talked about previously…that the most important point in the difficulty of understanding the story of writing is Darwin’s theory of evolution, and as we said, this theory, which has come to be described as scientific, has no scientific goal, no scientific function, and its purpose is not the love of science. Rather, they are colonial sciences that have an intellectual function, aiming to create a global collective awareness that makes it difficult for him to understand the context of things, and facilitates his leadership to implement projects by the forces that produced such a theory.

Otherwise, why would the West force educational curricula in countries to teach this theory?!….And what would harm or affect all of humanity if they did not believe in it? So why insist on it as if it has the function of mental washing, because human beings are raised to This theory will create a human being who is in line with Western modernity, and will create an awareness that responds easily to Western modernity and Western science.

I would not lie if I said it is the fulcrum of all the human sciences that the West created and exported to the world to be taught in universities and schools, history, language, sociology, etc.

So it has an intellectual function.


What is the story of writing?

■ The story of man on earth is the same as the story of writing.

We believe that all people in all the earth have emerged and spread throughout the earth, from one place on the earth, and we will call it the central point. The first man who lived in the central point was the first to write on the earth, and the writing that he wrote in that The central point is the first book on earth.

The central point…the first human on earth and the first book on earth appeared.

■ When the first man decided to write… he would write for a goal, which was to preserve the memory for the offspring that would come after him and to preserve the first memory on Earth.

The essence and reasons for writing…is to preserve memory and convey information about the first beginning on earth to the offspring.

■ And when the first man decided to write… he would write topics related to the information about the first beginning on earth that would explain the secret of this appearance to him… texts of a religious nature, texts related to the secret of his existence and his outlook on life. He would write religious texts that would preserve his belief for his descendants, so the life of the first man was simple. There are no wars, no fighting, no heroics, and no glories, so that we believe that these are the subjects of his writing.

Topics written by the first man… are the first information on Earth and texts of a religious nature.

■ When the first man decided to write… he would not write topics that celebrated personalities, as his interest was focused on religion, existence, and the first information and preserving it for posterity, and if there was a mention in his writing, then these people were of a purely religious nature and function.

There is no celebration of personalities in the writings of the first man, and if there is a mention of people, it will be because of the person’s connection to religion.

■ When the first man decided to write, the first written form that could be imagined would be very primitive, but it was related to memory preservation.

We said that the first man…if he wrote, the main goal of writing would be to preserve memory, and that the main subject of writing would be religious texts linked to the truth of man’s existence, linked to his belief.

The process of preserving memory of important religious texts for the descendants that come after him… requires an accurate and continuously living writing system… whose vitality does not disappear with the passage of time, and is directly linked to human language. the first .

Therefore….we believe that the first logical and realistic written form that can fulfill these first conditions is the pictorial written system (through pictures), through pictures of the things surrounding the first human. Because the images will be of things whose names are known in the language of the first human, and his descendants will inherit the names of the things (the language of the first human).

Conclusion…..[The first man wrote in pictorial writing (via pictures)]

■ When the first man decided to write…….. in order to preserve memory and preserve faith and religious texts, he would write on stone material and carve the writing on it with high quality and in a way that is difficult to erase over time and in specific places and not randomly. It will be written with the utmost care, in order to preserve the texts and not expose them to damage over time.

The first man wrote on stone tablets, in fixed and specific places and not in random places, and the writing would be carved on stones or walls.


After a long period of time

■ The descendants of the first man will multiply at the central point, and begin to migrate, spread, and settle in the land far from the central point, and we will call it the ocean. But they will not lose touch with the central point of their first beginning, because there is their first memory recorded in the first writing, and there is their first sacred, religious place.

The offspring will multiply and colonize the Earth, and will return to the central point, where their first memory recorded in the book and their first sacred place is located.

■ The first book (pictorial)……will be very sacred to the descendants, who have migrated from the central point and spread across the earth and settled in the ocean. It is their first memory, and it requires them to travel from the surroundings and return to the central point, to recover their first memory, which is no longer close to them, and to preserve it because it contains their first truth, their belief, and their religion.

■ The authority of the First Book at the central point will be great over the offspring in the surroundings, and it will be very sacred and must be preserved without tampering with it.

■ The offspring will not be able to leave that authority of the first book, and it will be forbidden for them to write with the same first writing (pictorial) located at the central point….. so as not to tamper with the first memory and introduce a memory that does not belong to the first time. And it will be prohibited for them to transfer that writing located at the central point to the surrounding area far away from it, and in which they now live…. It must be preserved in its original place and with great care… and whoever wants it must travel to it to view it or keep it in the chests. .

It will be forbidden for the offspring in the world to write in the same sacred first script, and at the same time it will be difficult for them to invent a new script for it, because the authority of the first book is great. It is their writing, but they are forbidden to write in the same first book.

■ But after a period of time, as the first offspring multiply in the environment far from the central point, there will be a need for the offspring to have writing, in order to preserve the first memory in the central point, and this work will not be improvised. It will need a legal nature that allows writing and the agreed upon natural laws. ………And this legal character will be present in the central point that will allow such writing…..and there is a possibility that the process will be carried out by a person who has such competence.

It is natural that the writing will be different from the first writing, but extracted from it or identical to the letters of the writing, but in a simpler and easier way, and the form of the writing will be easier.

Atomism will write……… in a new written form, but extracted from the first written form (pictorial) and with a legitimacy present at the center.

■ The atoms will be written in a new written form… in order to preserve the first memory located at the central point, and keep it in the periphery far from the center. The topics of the written texts in the new written form will not be related to glories, heroics, and wars, because they are a single offspring that emerged from a central point and does not need to fight wars and heroics with itself and create countries.

That is, the offspring will go to the central point, and write down what is present in the first written form in the new script, so that it is preserved for future generations of offspring in the new environment in which they have come to live.

Then the offspring will be able to write texts in the new written form, and transfer the information contained in the first writing to the central point and place it in the periphery.

Atoms will write…… order to preserve the first memory in the central point and keep it in the center…that is, they will also write religious texts located in the central point.

■ With time……. the second written form will also carry a sacred quality for those after the first offspring, because it originally emerged from the first sacred written form, and religious texts were recorded in it from the central point.

That is, we will have two books… The first written form (pictorial) is sacred, and the second written form is extracted from the pictorial and will also be sacred. The language of the second written form will be in the same language as the first written form.

■ Because the goal of writing in the ocean is to preserve the first memory, this requires the offspring to write on stone tablets that are not subject to damage or erosion factors, and that they are carved on stone and take great care in preservation.


After an era

■ After the offspring of the first offspring have multiplied, there will be no need for another new written form. The offspring will continue with the second written form, and because it has become sacred, they will be prohibited from writing in the same form, and with time perhaps as the situation requires easier writing or an easier system. This will require a third written form, and we will have two possibilities:

Either extracted vertically from the first written form and at the same time different from the second written form to prevent confusion, or developed from the second written form.

■ But with time……… the need will be required for another simple, ordinary writing to preserve personal memory and personal transactions…… and a new writing must appear for people to deal with…….. but Having a personal function among people.


Why did people forget this (writing story)?

We believe that after a long period of time… the people living in the periphery and the center were exposed to something that made them forget… this story of writing… perhaps by an active action… and perhaps they were pushed away from the central point… … After the central point was exposed to a disaster… and if this happened… then it is certain that the first book was hidden from the central point, so people lost their first memory… and they forgot this story and became lost.

We believe that it is not possible for the people in the periphery and the center to have a natural catastrophe that causes them to forget that story, by one of the people. It is impossible for any person among the descendants to abuse his first memory and try to hide it.

Except in the case… if a new first human appeared on Earth, different from the old first human, and he had offspring different from the offspring of the old first human, and this new human and his offspring carried hatred and hostility towards the old human and his offspring. ….and he has disbelieved.


Q: Does the Qur’an support this writing story?

A: Yes

Let us present points that summarize the story we have reached.

■ The central point……… is where the first man appeared on earth and the first book appeared on earth.

{And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail, “Our Allah, accept from us. Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knowing. (127) Our Allah, and make us Muslims to You and from our descendants a nation submissive to You. Show us our rituals and turn to us. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful. (128) Our Allah, and send among them a Messenger from among themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and the Wisdom and purify them. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise (129)}

■ The topics written by the first man… are the first information on earth of a religious nature related to the truth of man. They are not heroics, wars, poetry, and glories.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a Book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget. (52)}

{And We have not taught him poetry, nor is it appropriate for it. It is only a remembrance and a clear Qur’an.}

■ The reason for writing among the first humans was to preserve memory and convey information about the first beginning on Earth to the offspring.

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

{We have sent down to you a book in which He reminds you. Will you not understand?}

{And if they were to say (167) If only we had a remembrance from among the ancients, (168) we would be sincere servants of Allah.}

■ There is no celebration of personalities in the writings of the first man, and if there is a mention of people, it will be because of the person’s connection to religion.

{Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? Indeed, We gave the family of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and gave them a great kingdom.}

■ The first man wrote in pictorial writing (via pictures of things around him)

{And everything We have recorded in a Book}

{Book tightened its verses, then separated from the presence of a wise expert}

■ The first man wrote on stone tablets, in fixed and specific places.

{And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an admonition and an explanation of everything.}

■ The offspring will multiply and colonize the Earth, and will return to the central point, which contains their first memory recorded in the book and their first sacred place.

■ It will be forbidden for the descendants of the surrounding world to write in the same sacred first script, and at the same time it will be difficult for them to invent a new script for themselves, because the authority of the first book is great, as it is their writing, but they are forbidden to write in the same first book.

{So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah,” in order to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn.}

■ Atomism will write… in a new written form, but it is extracted from the first written form (pictorial), and we will have two books. The first written form (pictorial) is sacred in the center, and the second written form is extracted from the pictorial form and will also be sacred. In the center and the periphery, and with time perhaps another sacred written form will appear… and the language of the second and third written form will be in the same language as the first written form.

{And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Enjil }

{Indeed, this is in the first books (18) the books of Ibrahim Musa}

{With a clear Arabic tongue (195) And indeed, it is in the mouth of the ancients.}

■ Why did people forget this “story of writing” that began with the first written form that appeared at the central point?

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

{It is He who sent among the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, even though before they had been in clear error.}

{And this is a book which We have sent down, blessed, confirming what is before it, and that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it, and they will observe their prayers.}

■ We believe that the people in the periphery and the center cannot have a catastrophe happen to them that makes them forget this story, by one of the people. It is impossible for anyone among the offspring to erase his first memory and try to hide it, except in the case, if a new first human appeared in the world. Earth, and different from the first ancient man, and he had offspring different from the offspring of the ancient first man, and this new man, along with his offspring, carries hatred and hostility towards the old man and his offspring… and he has disbelieved and created for people a new memory instead. Their first memory.

{And when your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth,” they said, “Will you place therein someone who will spread corruption therein and shed blood while we glorify Your praise and sanctify You?” He said, “Indeed, I know what you do not know.” (30) And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels, and said, “Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (31) They said, Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. (32) He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names.” When he informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?” (33) And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers.}

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except Iblis. He was of the jinn and disobeyed the command of his Allah. Will you then take him and his descendants as allies besides me, and they are to you a wretched enemy of the wrongdoers in exchange? (50) I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor to the creation of themselves, and I would not take those who go astray as a support. (51)}

{Say: It is great news. (67) You turn away from it. (68) I had no knowledge of the highest assembly when they disputed. (69) Indeed, it is revealed to me, except that I am only a clear warner. (70) When Your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating human beings from clay.” (71) So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down in prostration to him (72) Then the angels prostrated, all of them together (73) except Iblis. He was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers (74) He said, “O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my own hand? Were you arrogant or were you among the high ones?” (75) He said, “I am better than him.” You created me from fire and created him from clay. (76) He said, “Then come out of it, for you are accursed. (77) And my curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment. (78) Allah said, ‘Then wait for me until the day they are resurrected.’ (79) He said, ‘For you are one of those who wait.’ (80) Until the Day of the Known Time. (81) He said. So, by Your might, I will mislead them all (82) Except Your sincere servants among them (83) He said, “Then the truth and the truth I say (84) I will fill Hell with you and those of them who follow you, all of them (85) Say, ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) Indeed, it is only a reminder to the worlds (87) And you will know his news after a while (88)}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. But the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}


What is the importance of knowing (that writing story) that can help us understand reality?

That story……. can answer difficult questions we faced while studying reality, and solve strange coincidences in reality.

● Why are there different ancient writings in the region? Why did ancient Misr choose pictographic writing, ancient Yemen chose Musnad script, and the Levant and Iraq chose cuneiform?

They are all writings of one origin that emerged from the first written form found in Misr.

● Why did the Egyptians write in the ancient pictorial script, and no one in Iraq or Yemen thought of writing in the same pictorial script, or why did the Yemenis in the past write in the Musnad script and the Egyptian did not think of writing in the same script? Or why pictorial writing did not spread in Yemen or Iraq and why Musnad script did not spread in Misr and Iraq?

Because the writing of Misr is the first written form in which the first man on earth wrote, and there was no human being present in Yemen, Iraq, and elsewhere… and the rest of the writings are writings that came after periods of time… extracted from the first book, and settling the land required There is a need for a new, easier and simpler writing to memorize the texts of the first religion.

● Why did pictorial writing not appear anywhere other than Misr?

Because it is sacred writing and its texts must be preserved in Misr, it is forbidden to write in it anywhere, and it is forbidden to even transfer texts from it outside Misr. Whoever wants to transfer the texts of pictorial writing is only possible by going to Misr and reading the texts and memorizing them by heart, or writing them down in another written form and traveling with them outside Misr.

If hieroglyphic writings appear outside Misr, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, or another place, they are fake and are the work of a modern actor to create a false history.

Or hieroglyphic writings appeared on mountain rocks or rocks in the sea in Misr. They are fake, because they are sacred writing that can only be written in a confined and fixed place and not in a random place.

● Why did we not see in the region a stone written in three scripts, like the Rosetta Stone, which was written in three scripts, including hieroglyphs and Greek?

Firstly… because the Rosetta Stone is originally fake, because it is impossible to write in hieroglyphic script a personal subject, and in fact it is not possible to write the name of a non-Egyptian Greek king who is not Egyptian at the same time, because it is sacred writing and only purely religious texts can be written in it.

Also, it is not possible for an Egyptian to write in two scripts at the same time, as in the Rosetta Stone (hieroglyphic and demotic).

Secondly……… is not possible for these ancient scripts to coincide in time, as some of them have ceased to be used and have become forbidden writing, reserved for sacred religious texts from the earliest memory.

Third… There is no need at all to write a stone tablet like the Rosetta Stone with three scripts for a people who are one nation, because all the scripts are their own, and speak with one tongue… And if she decides to write a topic, she will write the topic. With only one handwriting, you cannot write the same topic in two or three handwriting on a board or stone.

Therefore, it is not possible for a written stone or tablet to appear written in more than one script, as coincidence happened to the West with the Rosetta Stone.

● Why did all the ancient civilizations in the region appear at the same time and decide to write in different scripts?

A false, false history and an unreal calendar. The times of these writings cannot coincide with each other. These writings did not come out at one time, but rather came out in successive and successive periods of time after their work stopped and they became discontinuous.

These lines are the true history of man on earth.


What are the points in (that writing story) that can help us in deciphering ancient writings?

■ The first written form exists in the place where the first man appeared on earth, and it is the highest sacred written form.

■ All ancient writings had their written letters derived from the letters of the first written form on Earth.

■ The tongue of ancient writings is one

■ The topics of the ancient writings are the same, purely religious, texts from the earliest memory on earth recorded in the first written form… identical in topics.

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