Deconstructing Zionist time – addressing Yemen’s time

Deconstructing Zionist time - addressing Yemen's time

9/22/2020 0:00:00

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We initially talked about the time period (F1). In the previous article, we ended at the point that talks about the course of the Yemen River… which seems even more strange and illogical.

Because it cuts F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6…. But in the inscriptions of Yemen there is no reference or mention of a people named Phoenix, or an empire called Persia, or Greece, or the Greeks, or Judaism or Christianity.

Why more strange and illogical?

Because Yemen was in ancient times, and along its rectangle, an important center in the production and export of materials used in religious rituals. This means that trade and communication with it was continuous and large. But there is no reference to the Phoenicians, Persians, or Greece in the inscriptions of Yemen.

Something strange

But what is illogical about the course of Yemen… is that there is an unnatural repetition in the course… and the course of Yemen’s time was copied twice.

This is a very important point… because this point… is the reason we drew the course of the Yemen River in this way… and divided the river course into two parts at period F4.

Yemen has two historical narratives…the first narrative is the narrative of the region in general…and the second narrative is the popular heritage narrative. In this way, we will try to weigh between one of the two stories… then we will choose the logical one… and then we will redraw the course of the Yemen River.

And this point…… made us draw a line dividing the course to the right of the F4 period.

1- The first stream… is the same as the general stream of the region, which is related to the general history of the region.

2- The second stream…..which is written with negative numbers in orange, and is related to the traditional folk history narrative of Yemen.

how ?

Time in the imagination of Yemeni people according to the traditional folk narrative:

1- The emergence of time begins from the era of Sheba, as if it was the point from which time began, and thus gradually it continues and continues and passes through several states and several worships.

2- Until Yemen reaches the point of political and religious unification with the emergence of the Himyarite state, which united Yemen under one political rule and under the worship of one Allah.

3- Then, after a short period of time after the emergence of the Himyarite state, and suddenly, the imagination enters a new period of time, which is the entry of Yemen into the Jewish era with the adoption of the Jewish religion by a Himyarite king with a pendulum, and almost at this same moment and period within a fraction of a fraction of a second. …A new time appears with the presence of Al-Nasarah, and this Himyarite king (Dhu Nuwas) persecutes the Al-Nasarah in Yemen and burns them, as the heritage narrative speaks, in the story of the people of the groove, and in the story of the Himyarite martyrs recorded in the Syriac writings.

4- Then, shortly after Yemen entered the Jewish era, the Himyarite state, which had only appeared for a relatively short time, fell at the hands of the Abyssinian Al-Nasarah who were loyal to the Romans in Yemen… under the pretext of helping the persecuted Al-Nasarah of Yemen… and the Abyssinians occupied Yemen for a certain period of time. ……. Abraha of the Abyssinian Ashram tries to demolish the Kaaba and fails.

6- Then, after a short period of occupation of the Ethiopians… a Himyarite king named Saif bin Dhi Yazan appears… and tries to expel the Ethiopians. So the king goes to Khosrau and asks for his help to liberate Yemen… Then the Persians come to Yemen… and they liberate Yemen from the Ethiopians… and Yemen is ruled by Persian rulers… Until the call of the Prophet Muhammad…then the Persian ruler of Yemen surrenders…and the people of Yemen go as delegations to the Prophet and submit to Islam.

7- Yemen emerges from the period (F7) into the era of mini-states… and time is approximately zero in the imagination of the people of Yemen.

Almost all of the previous time fell, and time was born again in the period (F8)…….. It is the period that is almost connected to today, and in this period there is no evidence of the Persian era or the Ethiopian era. In (F 8) there is nothing linking it to the rest of the previous periods, anything in terms of religious, written, or linguistic aspects.

This historical novel and this temporal imagination… completely agree and match the transparent white square in the diagram with the letter x drawn in red… and this novel is the one that was recorded in history.

Notice how the period of the appearance of the Himyarite King Dhu Nuwas matches the picture of the time period (F6). This time period contains the orange color for Al-Yahoud and the blue color for Al-Nasarah only.

It is the same image drawn in the imagination that was created by the traditional narrative of the time of Yemen…the sudden appearance of Judaism and Christianity at the same time.

But we must focus on a very important point… about the sudden appearance of Judaism and Christianity in the time of Yemen… which caused confusion, and that confusion is related to the order of time, and caused an illogical problem in the imagination.. .. Many historians have fallen into it… including the historian Fadel Al-Rubaie.

This point is specifically related to the story of the Himyarite King Dhu Nuwas’s conversion to Judaism and his persecution of Christianity.

It is logically assumed, as the temporal imagination believes…that the order of time in Yemen must begin with Judaism and then Christianity will appear…and it is supposed to begin with the emergence of the time of Judaism in the period (F4), but the event was postponed until (F6).

But the historical narrative made the chronological order begin with Christianity, then Judaism in Yemen… Christianity was present in Yemen before Judaism… because Judaism entered Yemen at the hands of a Himyarite king to persecute the Al-Nasarah who were previously present there.

This historical narrative depicted the scene in the imagination as follows: A Himyarite king appeared in F6………and he remembered that there is a religion in the world called Judaism that appeared in F4………..and decided To embrace it so that through it he can fight the Christianity represented by Rome.

This picture… is the reason that made the historian Fadel Al-Rubaie develop a new theory and believe that the Himyarite king’s conversion to Judaism was not a new event in Yemen… but rather a summoning of an ancient religion in Yemen and spreading it in Yemen to confront Christianity. …And this theory put forward by the historian Fadel Al-Rubaie is consistent with his previous hypothesis that he presented in a major book of his in which he says that the Babylonian captivity occurred in Yemen by Nebuchadnezzar and not in Palestine….. Because Fadel Al-Rubaie entered into a logical contradiction. It is how Judaism officially appeared in (F4) and after a long period of time, as we enter F6, the Himyarite king decides to convert to her.

We will try to summarize the issue

Recently, historical references mentioned the following information:

– The period of the emergence of the Himyarite state approximately in the year 280 AD – end of (F5)

– The appearance of King Dhu Nuwas – middle (F6)

– The Abyssinian occupation of Yemen approximately in 530 AD – End (F6)

– Liberating Yemen from the Ethiopians – Beginnings (V7)

But the truth began to surprise me….. when I began to notice the emergence of a historical narrative different from the previous one while I was reading new references and historical books. The history of the emergence of the Himyar Kingdom changed and the emergence of the Himyar Kingdom became in the middle of the third century BC.

This makes us ask questions about the reason for this change… and on what basis was this changed… and what is the approach followed in changing the previous narrative?! ….And why was the emergence of the Himyarite Kingdom in Yemen not in the seventh century BC, for example, and not in the middle of the third century AD.. What is the objection? ..

Does the reason lie in correcting the illogical problem caused by the story of the Himyarite king who converted to Judaism? .

Because I truly cannot understand the reasons for choosing this time (the middle of the third century AD) and making it the time of the emergence of the Himyarite Kingdom, except in order to be consistent with the emergence of the time of Judaism and the emergence of the Himyarite king, which… in order to make the story logical and not contradictory.

This confirms to us that writing history in general is a capricious process, assuming that we are talking about real history.

So we have two stories:

1- The novel of the emergence of the Himyar state in F6 – an old novel

2- The novel of the emergence of the Himyar state in F3 – a very modern novel

It is natural… that we will only adopt the old narrative… because the old narrative is the one that Yemen has followed for a long time, so how do we change it?! … This novel is responsible for itself… and responsible for its form and time… and it is illogical to correct its time… because correcting its time requires correcting all its parts as well… this is assuming it is correct. Because then it can be completely denied on the grounds that it is not true.

And to get out of the contradiction between the two times

Let us cut this square marked with the letter

Now let us compare the time periods of the region… with the time periods of Yemen.

We will find a very amazing match…..but in reverse

F2 = F6

F3 = F7

F4 = F8

how ?

■ F2 = F6

– In (F2) the time of the two phoenixes appeared, and in (F6) the time of the two donkeys appeared.

Phoenix = two donkeys (reverse translation. The Greek word “phoenix” means red in Arabic, and therefore the word “fenix” means two donkeys)

– In (F2), according to the Jewish narration, the (Yardan) River appears, through which the Hebrews crossed, and in (F5), the Himyarite state appears in the (Raydan) region.

Yardan = Raydan (reversed letters)

– In the middle of the period (F2) a Babylonian king named Bakht-Nasr appears, and he captivates the Al-Yahoud and leads them to Babylon…… And in the middle of the period (F5) a Himyarite king named Dhu Nuwas appears and converts to Judaism and persecutes the Al-Nasarah in Yemen

Bakht – Nasr = Dhu Nuwas – Jewish (religious names reversed)

Persecution of Al-Yahoud = Persecution of Al-Nasarah (inverse persecution)

■ F3 = F7

– In (F3) the Persian Empire suddenly appeared and fell in the same period, and in (F7) the Persian Empire suddenly appeared again and fell in the same period.

The sudden appearance and fall of Persia = The sudden appearance and fall of Persia

– In (F3) a Persian king (Kors) appears, and in (F7) a Persian king (Kosro) appears.

A Persian king named Kors = a Persian king named Khosrau

k – w r x = k – x r w (reversed letters)

– At the beginning of (F3), King Cyrus appears, who liberated the Al-Yahoud from Babylonian captivity, and the Al-Yahoud consider him a prophet and king, and at the beginning of (F7), the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, is born from the Quraysh tribe.

The appearance of a prophet = the birth of a prophet (appearance in reverse)

Cyrus = Cyrus (literal translation)

– The beginning of the date of (F3) is 560-, and the beginning of the date of (F7) is 570+.

Date 560- = Date 570+ (identical but reversed numbers)

– At the beginning of (F3) the purely Nasr-Babylonian state falls, and at the beginning of (F7) the Christian rule of Abyssinia falls.

The fall of the Babylonian state = the fall of the Christian Abyssinians

Baht – Nasr = Ethiopian – Al-Nasarah (reversed letters)

Baht = Habash (reversed letters)

Bah = love

– At the beginning of (F3) Babylon was destroyed by Chorus, and at the beginning of (F7) there was an attempt to destroy Mecca, but it failed at the hands of Abraha Al-Ashram.

The success of destroying Babylon = the failure of destroying Mecca (worked in reverse)

– At the beginning of (F3) the Persians liberate the Al-Yahoud from captivity, and at the beginning of (F7) the Persians liberate Jewish Yemen from occupation.

Liberating the Al-Yahoud from captivity = liberating Jewish Yemen from occupation.

Note: The only function of the Persians in history was to suddenly appear and take the step of liberating the Al-Yahoud and then fall.

– At the end of the period (F3), the Greek ruler Ptolemy appears on a coin riding on a chariot pulled by an elephant, and at the beginning of the period (F7) a man named Abraha appears, riding an elephant and trying to demolish the Kaaba.

An elephant-drawn carriage at the end = a brahma elephant at the beginning (reverse order)

– In (F3) Persia fell in 333-, and in (F7) Persia fell in 633+.

Date 333- = Date 633+ (identical and reversed numbers)

But notice how the two dates are identical except for the number 6. If we perform a normal calculation and consider it a number and not a date, the difference between the two numbers will be 300.

And here the number 300 will appear with us again, which is the number related to the time gaps that appeared with us previously in the religious time (the fourth time).

Is it a coincidence or is there a logical explanation?

– In the period (F3) the fall of Persia was the result of the conquests of Alexander the Great from outside the region (external conquests), and in the period (F7) the fall of Persia was the result of the Islamic conquests from within the region (internal conquests).

Alexander’s conquests = Islamic conquests

External conquests = internal conquests (reverse conquests)

– In (F3) the name of the Khazar Al-Yahoud appeared among the Al-Yahoud, and in (F7) the name of the Khazraj tribe appeared among the Muslims.

Khazar = Khazraj

Of course, the current narrative of history talks about the emergence of a Jewish kingdom in Central Asia, the Khazars, and it appeared in the time period (F7) and not in the period (F3).

Here is the strangeness of this name appearing twice in the same period of time…once among the Al-Yahoud as Khazar…and once among the Muslims as Khazraj.

But after research, I found that the story of the Khazars is also present in the narrative of Jewish history… and that they appeared in the period (F3), but no kingdom was formed for them… The kingdom was delayed until we entered the time period (F7), which is The same period in which a state was formed

The Prophet Muhammad at the hands of the Khazraj.


Here we notice… another phenomenon… that causes problems while reading history… because there is one center responsible for confirming the official narratives in references and books… and it rewrites history every period according to its changing mood.


■ F4 = F8

– The time value of (F4) on the region’s time river course = 0, and the time value of (F8) on the Yemen time river course = 0.

Value 0 = value 0

– In (F4) the words (Hebrew, Hebrew) appear for the first time in written records, and in (F8) the words (Arabs, Arabic) appear for the first time in written records.

Abr = Arabs (reversed letters)

Hebrew = Arabic (reversed letters)

– In (F4) the religion of Judaism appears for the first time in written records, and in (F8) the religion of Islam appears for the first time in written records.

Judaism = Islam (reverse religions)

– At the beginning of the period (F4) a religious book, the Old Testament, is written in Hebrew, and at the beginning of (F8) a controversy takes place over a religious book written in Arabic, which is the Holy Qur’an.

A book currently being written = a book already being written (inverse event)

Old Testament = Holy Quran (reverse religious books)

Hebrew = Arabic (reversed languages)

– At the beginning of (F4) a Greek king appears who translated the book of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek, and made major translations of other books written in other languages into Greek. At the beginning of (F8) an Abbasid king appears who sparked controversy over the book of the Holy Qur’an and rose In the process of major translations of books written in Greek into Arabic.

A Greek king who was credited with writing the Old Testament, loved culture, and undertook a major project in translation.

Translation from Hebrew to Greek = translation from Greek to Arabic (reversed event and reversed letters)

Translating books from other languages into Greek = translating Greek books into Arabic (reverse translations).

The book of the Old Testament was written approximately in the year 260- AD, and the date of the end of the controversy over the book of the Holy Qur’an was in the year 860 AD.

Date 260- = Date 860+ (identical and reversed numbers)

But notice how the two dates are completely identical except for the numbers 2 and 8. Is this a difference?

I think they are not different, but identical… and it confirms the phenomenon of reflection in a more amazing way.




Here the number 3 is repeated with us again, which expresses a number found in the number 300 related to the three recurring time gaps that precede the emergence of each religion, and which exists in the fourth religious time drawn in the diagram.

But let’s think differently

What if we had the Roman numeral Xllll?!

If we read the number from right to left, the result will be 2, but if we read the number from left to right, the result will be 8.

Certainly… is a reverse reading.

– In period (F4) Greeks appeared in our region, and in period (F8) Greek-speaking Romans appeared in our region (Bzantine).

There we notice how the Romans became Greek speakers during this period, as if it was intentional so that the cases of conformity would increase, because it is common among us that they were Latin speakers…. Some do not know that the Romans were divided into two parts. A Greek-speaking section in the East and a Latin-speaking section in the West.

Greece in Greek = Romans in Greek

■ Finally, there is one last important note between the time of Yemen and the time of the region:

Notice the white arrow and numbers on it.

The numbers in black are the date of events for the region’s time

The numbers in red are the date of events for the time of Yemen

We will find that the point at which the date 560- meets the date 570+ above the arrow… looks like the fulcrum of a scale.

Where we find that on both sides of the point there are two carriers of equal length, and the length of each carrier is approximately 300. And at the beginning of each carrier there is a cuff… and inside each cuff there is a number representing The date written on the white arrow

-260———– 0 ———-+280

We will find:

– The two numbers are almost identical +280 = -260

– The beginning of the first length shows the donkeys who adopted the Jewish religion, and at the end of the second length the Jewish religion appears.

– The emergence of Judaism at the beginning of the period = the emergence of Judaism at the end of the period (reversed appearance)



I think this congruence and inverse… now seems very clear. This is not normal at all…and it forces us to ask a logical question about the reason.

● Because it is as if we are facing a single novel filled with several unknowns (X Y A Q L H D…..) and each one adopts the same novel… and does not change anything in the novel except in the unknowns only…… …..Everyone is free to choose any name or number he wants in place of the unknown.

● It is as if we were facing a process of copying and pasting… but in reverse.

● Or as if we were in front of two people… one writing from left to right… and the other writing from right to left.

● Or as if we are facing a history that exists in front of a mirror…and it appears inside the mirror in reverse.

● Or as if we were faced with one novel written by one author and circulated to everyone at the same time and in multiple languages, but with reversed and distorted translations.

And this thing… is the reason that made us draw the course of Yemen’s time over the Blue River of Time… in this way that is present in the general model of the region. (in the picture).


But the amazing thing is that if we maintain the work that we did, which is cutting the square from the model and pasting it under the plan, then he will be able to answer many difficult questions with great proficiency.

In other words… if we actually cut time away from reality and put it in another time… it would solve many problems in history.

how ?

■ We talked in the previous article that if we assumed that we have three dark caves located along the course of the river of time, and these caves represent the three time gaps of the three religions. (F3 F5 F7)

If we imagine that there are three people and each person is on a boat at (F1), and each boat is inside one of the streams of time (Misr, the Fertile Crescent, Yemen), then the river will push the boats into the cave (F3), and into the dark cave. A candle will be lit and each person inside the cave will see the time of Persia, and immediately after the boats leave the cave to the period (F4), each person will find that his boat has become different, the river’s course has joined the other channel, and the color of the river has become different… A new time, This matter applies to the course of the Egyptian River and the course of the Crescent Al-Khayb River, except in the course of Yemen, nothing will happen to it, and this process will be postponed until the boat enters the cave (F7)… and after it leaves the cave (F7) until the period (F8). The course of the Yemen River will stick to the rest of the river courses, and the boat will become different and the color of the river will be different.

The strange thing is that the person on the boat will see inside the cave (F7) the time of Persia as well.

Knight’s time only existed inside the caves, and had one function, which was the process of cleaning time…it was like a car cleaning machine, the car entered in an old form, and came out in a new, different form.

The logical question is:

Why did no cleaning process occur in the time course of Yemen when it entered the cave (F3) as happened in the time course of Misr and the Fertile Crescent, and the process was postponed until the cave (F7)?

The work we have done answers this question with great authority.

If we repeat the imaginary experiment with the three boats after the work we have done (cut the square and paste it below the plan), all the boats will enter caves at the same time. The course of the River Misr and the course of the Crescent River enter the cave (F3), and at the same time a course The Yemen River enters the cave (F7), and the same conditions and events will occur for all of them… and they will emerge from the caves with all the streams united into one stream, all the boats are different, and the color of the river is also different.

Al-Kahf (F3) = Al-Kahf (F7)

But cave (F7) appears to be a mirror image of cave (F3)

In other words…if we repeat the previous experience, but for one boat, in the course of the Fertile Crescent River, and there was a large mirror on the side of the river along its length, and there was an observer filming a video of the scene of the boat. He rushes into the cave (F3), then exits it. Then we watch the video clip. We will see two animated scenes within the video, an animated scene in reality and an animated scene inside the mirror. They are similar, but the details are reversed.

This means that the cave (F7) is not real, but rather an imaginary moving image inside a mirror of a real cave, which is (F3). Or the opposite could be true…that is, (F3) is an imaginary image inside the mirror of the real cave (F7).

This is assuming that the two historical accounts are correct.

Now imagine what if we made this video clip a historical document.

It seems that this thing… is what actually happened.

■ This work that we have done successfully answers logical questions that impose themselves:

1- From what civilization, culture or language did the Greek ruler in the period (F4) translate these books into the Greek language?

Because because of this clear and inverse correspondence between the two periods, it makes us believe that in the period (F4) a Roman-Greek king made major translations of a large archive written in Arabic into Greek, and then it was hidden until today?

The period (F8) further confirms this belief, because the period (F4) coincides with the period (F8). The period (F8) answers our previous question at the same moment in time in which the Greek king made a statement to the Abbasid king Al-Ma’mun, which he said after he finished The process of translating Greek books into Arabic… When he said: Our goods were returned to us.

2- There is also a question that imposes itself regarding Al-Mamoun’s saying that was said in the period (f. 8), and the question is: Where were those goods hidden, until they were returned to them?

The answer is found in the period (F4) and at the same moment in time in which the saying was said….. The goods were hidden with the Greek ruler, who translated them into Greek…. There was a large Arab archive that was translated into Greek and hidden.

This is assuming that this date is correct

■ This work resolves the chronological contradiction in which some historians fall, especially the historian Fadel Al-Rubaie, who presented a new theory worthy of attention, which says that the Babylonian captivity occurred in Yemen, not Palestine.

Al-Rubaie tried to formulate his theory according to the drawn plan and tried to link Persia in Yemen and Babylon and the Kingdom of the Al-Yahoud in Yemen, but without performing the process of cutting the square. This theory led him to formulate other theories about the Hebrew language and that it is an ancient Yemeni dialect and ancient Arabic.

It is true that historian Fadel Al-Rubaie came close to touching on angles in history that were not discussed, and created a healthy situation for discussion and research, but his theories do not answer some logical questions.

– Is it reasonable that people would be taken captive under the pretext of their danger on trade routes and then led on a journey that would cover a very long distance from Palestine to Iraq… So what about the distance from Yemen to Iraq?! He could have killed them, gotten rid of them, and ended the brain pain.

– How is it possible that Hebrew is the standard language of the Holy Book, which is supposed to be the language of Yemen to this day, and how is it possible that Hebrew is an ancient and standard Arabic dialect, but it is limited to a religion? Despite the methodology based on the idea that the first and original copy of the Old Testament was written in Greek.

And here you are very surprised. Was our historian unable to explain the reason for this strange thing, or did this strange thing not come to his mind yet?! How is it possible that the first copy of a book on a religion was in Hebrew, but it was written in Greek?

While the work we have done answers all these questions with great logic. ..We will leave it to the next articles.


and now

After that observation and that work…we are also supposed to choose one narrative, to correct the course of Yemen’s time, which does not unite with the general course of the region’s time.

how ?

Correcting the course of time in Yemen requires us to choose one of the two novels, and I believe that we will choose the new historical novel that talks about the emergence of the Himyar Kingdom in the second half of the third century BC… but at the same time… it follows the same scenario as the traditional novel. ….Because in this way….it will unite with the general time of the region, and this makes us erase the small stream with the negative numbers written in orange, and then the general time course of the region will be the same…in both Yemen, Misr, and the Fertile Crescent. They all flow at the time period (F3), and they all exit from (F4) in a single and unified manner… from the value zero.

And now….I think we have finished our search for errors, problems, and questions that were not asked about the time period (F1). In the following article, we will continue to search for errors and problems in the remaining periods.

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