Did Arabs and Muslims know the story of the slave and slave trade?

Did Arabs and Muslims know the story of the slave and slave trade?


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Did the Arabs and Muslims know the story of the slave and slave trade according to the history that was presented to us?!

The truth is that this is a very important topic and must be presented in the media to address this history, for several reasons:

1- Because this issue has a serious role in generating extreme difficulty among Arab and Islamic societies in understanding their cultural, social, intellectual and religious context.

2- Because this topic is also used by the Zionist media, whether external or internal, to launch an intellectual media attack targeting the awareness of the Arab Muslim person to justify the history of the white man on earth and his actions that enslaved man, under the pretext that this work was carried out by the societies of the region in ancient times. ……… And also to distort the image of the region’s societies in the consciousness of Arab and Muslim people to generate a state of general discontent with oneself and society.

There are five essential places that created and established the image of slaves, slaves, and female slaves in the consciousness of Muslim and Arab people.

■ The story of the history of Islam in Mecca and the history that took place in the region after the emergence of the story of Mecca (the Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Ayyubids, and Mamluks).

– The story of Mecca depicted the first human society that is behind the emergence of Islam in the imagination of Muslims today and in which the Messenger was born who brought the Great Qur’an to Muslims… as a society based on the trade of slaves and female slaves, and each individual in it owns a group of slaves and female slaves. And a society full of invasions in which women are captured and made into slaves. There is a large market for buying and selling slaves and female slaves.

Rather, it depicted the companions of the Messenger, who supported the Messenger and established the religion, as that he owned female slaves and slaves, and the Messenger came to free these slaves and put them in a position equal to that of the masters of Quraysh, and for this reason the masters of Quraysh revolted against the Messenger.

– Also, the story of Arab Islamic history that took place after the story of Mecca established this image throughout its movement on earth.

According to history, the Umayyads were famous for their slaves and concubines, especially after their conquests. History preserves a large number of figures for the number of slaves and concubines that were in the palaces of the Umayyads and that their leaders brought from the areas of their conquests.

According to history, the Abbasids were famous for their slaves and concubines in their palaces and for the trade in slaves and concubines in the society they ruled. Society in Baghdad had reached a great stage of slavery, which led to the occurrence of the Zanj revolution. This revolution was able to rule and make the masters their slaves.

There is a very large chapter in the history of literature about female slaves and slaves in the palaces of the Umayyads and Abbasids, which includes stories, anecdotes, poems, etc.

The history of the Fatimids and Ayyubids also contains a history filled with the presence of slaves and female slaves, the last of whom is the Mamluks (who were slave rulers).

■ Religious jurisprudence (jurisprudence of religious institutions, religious sheikhs)

This jurisprudence, which is spoken by sheikhs who left official religious institutions, consolidates the image of a society of slaves and female slaves in the Muslim consciousness, by presenting fatwas containing opinions related to the jurisprudence of slaves and female slaves.

– The jurisprudence of blood money that is obligatory for a Muslim, including freeing a slave.

– The jurisprudence of inheritance regarding male and female slaves.

– The jurisprudence of Allah’s limits regarding male and female slaves.

– And the jurisprudence of dealing with slaves and female slaves.

– The jurisprudence of marriage with male and female slaves.


■ Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an

The books of official interpretations of the Holy Qur’an that reached Muslims, and these are the interpretations that exist in the consciousness of Muslims, also tried to establish the image of a society of slaves and female slaves in the Muslim mind.

– The Qur’an contains many discourses that were interpreted by those books as pertaining to slaves or were revealed about incidents related to stories that happened with slaves and female slaves. Rather, the books of interpretations want, through their interpretations, to restore the society of free people and slaves in reality and want it to continue.

– The Qur’an also contains vocabulary that has been interpreted by those books and dictionaries as designations for slaves and female slaves.

The king of the right hand in the Qur’an is… female slaves

And the slave in the Qur’an… the slaves

And the hottest in the Qur’an….the hottest

And liberating a slave…. liberating a slave

■ The reality of modern history

The reality of modern history that began 250 years ago until today, and which our grandfathers and fathers lived through and we also lived through and still are. We saw a small reality around us and far from us that contained the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves. We also inherited stories from our grandfathers and fathers that talked about The phenomenon of slaves and female slaves, but also in small and remote places.

Almost the majority of the slave and slave society that emerged in modern times was located in the palaces of rulers in the region who appeared with the advent of the Western and Ottoman occupation.

– The Albanian family in Misr, which the West installed to rule Misr after the invasion of Misr by France and Britain, their palaces contained male and female slaves.

– The Al Saud family in Najd, which everyone knows is a Western creation, was also famous for the phenomenon of slaves and concubines, and even today, according to what Amin Al-Rihani said during his visit to him, their grandfather’s house contained a large number of slaves and concubines.

The Hashemite dynasty in Jordan, which is known to have been pure in Britain, was also famous for the phenomenon of female slaves in its palaces.

– The Alawite family in Morocco was also famous for its slaves and concubines, and it continued almost until the era of the previous king, according to the testimony of the former Prime Minister of Morocco (Youssoufi), when he asked about the story of the concubines in the king’s palace, his answer was that it was normal for this phenomenon to exist, as he was a king instead. The king may be in other bad places.

– Almost most of the rulers and feudal Allah[s] who appeared in the region during the era of colonialism and the Turkish Ottoman occupation and had a close relationship with them, the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves surrounding them.

– There are those who say that the slave community existed to a moderate extent in one of the countries of the region and dealt with it, and until recently there are still those who deal with it, but on a very small scale.

Almost in modern times, the societies of the region in general did not know about the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves and did not deal with it, and the phenomenon was confined within the community of rulers and feudal Allah[s] who appeared during the era of the Ottoman and Western occupation and within a very small scope.

■ Series, cinema and art

The way television series and cinema present history has contributed to consolidating the image of a society of slaves and female slaves in the imagination of Arab and Muslim people. There must be scenes in any historical television or cinematic work that talks about this phenomenon and focuses on it. Rather, there are works whose focus revolves around the story of a society Slaves and female slaves in the past.

– Dirar bin Al-Azwar series

– The message movie

Western art and Western cinema also contribute greatly to consolidating the image of a society of slaves and female slaves in the Muslim mind. Rather, they try to portray this society as being associated with Arabs only.

– We often see, in a striking, clear and focused manner… drawings by Western artists who painted graphic paintings during their travels to the region or from their imagination of the world of the East, of Arabs next to their slave girls, or paintings of an Arab selling a slave girl, or his drawing of an Arab house with women slaves. .

Also, Western cinema, in its historical works, always depicts the Arab in history as a slave trader, or with slaves and female slaves around him.


First, let me ask a logical question:

Are slaves and female slaves an innate phenomenon accepted by any human society, or is it not an innate phenomenon in human society?!

I asked this question to a person who specializes in history, but he did not understand my question well, and he referred me to the idea that such phenomena could have occurred in the past, under the pretext that the current consciousness has developed and began to reject such phenomena, and that slavery is not a single form. It takes many forms.

We are not talking about awareness and evolution and that slavery takes many forms. I meant by my question:

What did the society of slaves and female slaves look like? Or what is the first beginning that produced the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves?

Leave books and history behind while you search for an answer to this question, and think with your natural mind and innate imagination as you look at reality, which is devoid of these modern appearances, and imagine a very ancient world on Earth, in which there were only 1,000 people with customs, morals, values, and language. One, and there was the family and the house, then the village and other villages were formed, and the big city was formed……. After a while, this human group multiplied and their number became half a million, then this multiplication spread and they began to inhabit large areas, and The villages multiplied, and after a long time their number became 5 million.

Now try to imagine how and when the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves began in this society?! ….This is the question I mean, and the answer to this question is important because it will make us understand the whole story.

We believe that this large human society, whose number has reached 5 million, is one structure, its interests are interconnected and one common, and it is based on one laws, morals, customs, language and one religion, and it has one interconnected relationships and one binding social guarantees. .

Is it possible for any individual out of 5 million to think morally about enslaving an individual like him from within this large human community that has one structure based on one laws, morals and customs, and this large human community accepts this work, allows it and accepts it within its ethics?

Therefore, the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves will not start from individual behaviors, because the individual is an element within a single structure that moves within its laws and morals, and it cannot start from individual actions until it is rooted within society.

So……. If we assume that the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves has appeared in this large human society, then it will be through the emergence of a great force that attempts to enslave individuals within this society, and through its power makes it a general phenomenon and implants it in its culture.

Because it is impossible for such a force to emerge from this society, it must be a force from outside the structure of this large human society, that is, an external force different from the single structure of this society, and this force views itself as a structure different from this society, and it does not She belongs to him, then the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves can appear.

But this does not mean that the phenomenon of slaves can be limited to this human society, as this society may not accept its enslavement and fight this force, but this force may bring the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves from other places, bring it within this society to spread and expand it while society He rejects her.

{Indeed, Pharaon exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects. He weakened a group of them, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. Indeed, he was one of the corrupters. (4) And We desired to bestow favor on those who were oppressed in the land, and to make them leaders and make them heirs. (5) And to establish for them in the land, and to show Pharaon Haman and their soldiers of them what they feared. }


This is the essence of the idea.

Now let us discuss those previous points that we talked about.

Why do I not believe at all in that image of the society of slaves and female slaves that history books planted in the imagination of Muslims?!

In many of my articles, I always include a quote by a Western historian who speaks at the core of this historical point that is destroying peoples so that the reader understands it well, because of its importance, because this point is the real reason that created difficulty for the societies of the region in understanding their religious, cultural, linguistic and social context. And it made them use wrong contexts in understanding the phenomena of those around them because of the belief in the history that reached them. This is the same point that led to the separation of the societies of the region from feeling and feeling reality and understanding reality and making it a standard and primary reference for judging the phenomena around them.

This saying is:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, by destroying their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how he was like.” And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

This is the core of the problem in the difficulty of understanding the reality of this world depicted in the Muslim imagination about human society in the past, and that it is an imaginary and unreal world, and that human society cannot occur in the way that reached the Muslim.

We believe that this phenomenon of slaves and female slaves that history books talk about is an imaginary, unreal world, just the imagination of authors that did not happen on earth…. Because the questions and logical points that a Muslim must ask:

How can I truly and definitively be sure that the ancient world had a phenomenon of slaves and female slaves, and this is what historians say in particular?!

Because you are simply reading old paper books, and you do not have an old document or ancient physical relics around you that confirm the existence of this world in the past.

This is the question… These books from which you read ancient history are as old as the printer, and these books were not written by your children, nor your grandfather, nor anyone from your family, nor anyone from your village or city, nor a single grandfather you know, and no person currently belongs to one. From the authors of these books.

So how can you be sure……. Because the truth of these historical books is the truth of that previous statement.

There is also a logical point that many do not pay attention to while reading this history that has reached Muslims and Arabs, which confirms that the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves is a fake phenomenon and that this history is fake, and this point:

Realistically, it is difficult for the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves to continue and persist in the society of Mecca for 200 years, so how about 1000 years and the society of slaves and female slaves is still alive in the history books… Why?!

Because the survival and continuation of the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves requires continuous feeding for it in order for it to continue in Mecca society…… Because a period of 70 years is sufficient to reduce the rate of this phenomenon, and after 140 years it will decrease greatly, and it needs a source of nutrition for it, so how about a thousand years? And it is still ongoing and alive in the history books?!

Of course…this problem…history tried to address it by talking about slave markets. History depicted the source of nutrition for slave markets as markets for selling animals…but what is the source of nutrition for those markets?!

Because animal markets are the result of people raising animals, which breed and multiply and supply the markets with animals throughout the year, so what is the source of the slave markets with slaves and female slaves?!

History has tried to address this point by talking about wars, but how many of these wars does Mecca need to maintain the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves there, and how many tribal wars are there in and around Mecca, and how many tribes can live in a desolate and infertile place? Like Mecca and its surroundings, large human communities cannot exist in that land because it is an environment that repels stability and the population will be small?!

Because the history of Mecca before Islam and until the death of the Messenger… When you read it, you do not feel that there is a phenomenon of male and female slaves anywhere in the region except inside and around Mecca. The events and stories that have reached us began in Yemen and the rest of the region is free of this phenomenon. ….Only the village of Mecca, which has an area of 7 square kilometers, deals with this phenomenon.

For this reason, there are always perceptions by researchers about the Messenger, that he appeared to free slaves… because of the large size and quantity of those images of slavery that Muslims read in Mecca and its environs.

Also, the history books that have reached us are as old as Western and Ottoman colonialism, and here lies the key to the game.

Because, as we spoke previously, the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves cannot realistically appear in a society with a single structure, except by an external force that does not belong to the society, and the entry of this new phenomenon into society requires its consolidation in the consciousness of society so that it feels that it is a major cultural component within its cultural structure. And moral and religious.

For this reason, we believe that the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves appeared with the emergence of the western Ottoman occupier…as a completely different entity in its religious, cultural, or moral sense, and the societies of the region were viewed as a different entity that did not belong to it.

This occupier wanted to instill and cultivate a new culture in societies, which is the culture of human slavery within the societies of the region, for three reasons:

The first…to create societies that are enslaved to the rulers who installed them over the societies. The history that has reached us is full of stories of rulers whose image as a ruler is not complete without the presence of slaves and female slaves around him.

The second…transferring the slavery of society from the worship of Allah to the slavery of people.

Third: Preventing the societies of the region from realizing that this phenomenon is new and alien to them, which requires resisting it, denouncing it, disgusting it, expelling it, and viewing it as the works of people who are not them and do not belong to them, through the manufacture of an imaginary history that creates a connection and historical context with reality. The conversation in which this phenomenon occurred.

For this reason, you find the matter very clear….. Almost all the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves did not appear in the region except around rulers who appeared with the emergence of the West and the Ottomans. Rather, it was the West that brought them and made them as rulers in the region.

You find this work clear, clear, and focused, especially in the history of the Al Saud family, in a way that makes you wonder… Why has the phenomenon spread there in such a disgusting manner, while Yemen, which is close to it, did not know this phenomenon existed, but was on alert?

This phenomenon, which appeared with the modern era among the rulers appointed by the West, made the researcher believe that this phenomenon has historical roots because he began to read its imaginary context that exists in history, while it is a modern phenomenon associated with foreign entities that came from outside, different from the societies of the region.

Rather, this occupier was cunning because he filmed an old documentary of Mecca, in which he shows a slave market through a staged scene, in order to create a connection in the viewer with the story of Mecca that reached the Muslim.

This history, which the Muslim and the Arab believe in, prevents him from feeling the reality and prevents him from trusting its reality… Because when you ask the elderly and search the modern history of your region, you will find that there is no phenomenon of slaves and female slaves, but rather that society views it with aversion, disgust, and shames it. No individual in society can achieve this behavior.

So why did the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves exist among the House of Saud?!

Also, this history prevented the Muslim and the Arab from presenting these things to reality until he realized that it is impossible for his society to produce, internally or internally, the phenomenon of slaves and female slaves except through an external force that is different from it and does not belong to it… an occupier who is different from you religiously, linguistically, culturally, and morally.

So, is it possible for this large society that we talked about previously to create this phenomenon in societies different from it?!


Because the difference that humans must realize is already present in the consciousness of an entity on Earth, and it is the one who is well aware of this difference and is the one who looks well at this difference and deals with it. Therefore, this entity with the power of corruption on Earth wants to enslave humans and make them They are slaves to it intellectually, spiritually, socially and economically.

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant, and was of the disbelievers. (34) And We said, “O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat from it abundantly wherever you wish, but do not approach this tree, lest you become of the wrongdoers.” (35) Then Shaytan caused them to slip from it, and brought them out of the state they were in. And We said, “Go down, some of you to one another.” An enemy, and for you on earth there is a dwelling place and an enjoyment for a while. (36) Then Adam received words from his Allah, and He turned to him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. (37) We said, “Go down from it all of you. If guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever follows My guidance will have no fear, nor will they grieve. (38)}

{Say: It is great news. (67) You turn away from it. (68) I had no knowledge of the highest assembly when they disputed. (69) Indeed, it is revealed to me, except that I am only a clear warner. (70) When Your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating human beings from clay.” (71) So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down in prostration to him (72) Then the angels prostrated, all of them together (73) except Iblis. He was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers (74) He said, “O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my own hand? Were you arrogant or were you among the high ones?” (75) He said, “I am better than him.” You created me from fire and created him from clay. (76) He said, “Then come out of it, for you are accursed. (77) And my curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment. (78) Allah said, ‘Then wait for me until the day they are resurrected.’ (79) He said, ‘For you are one of those who wait.’ (80) Until the Day of the Known Time. (81) He said. So, by Your might, I will mislead them all (82) Except Your sincere servants among them (83) He said, “Then the truth and the truth I say (84) I will fill Hell with you and those of them who follow you, all of them (85) Say, ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) Indeed, it is only a reminder to the worlds (87) And you will know his news after a while (88)}

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except Iblis. He was of the jinn and disobeyed the command of his Allah. Will you then take him and his descendants as allies besides me, and they are to you a wretched enemy of the wrongdoers in exchange? (50) I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor to the creation of themselves, and I would not take those who go astray as a support. (51)}

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