Easter Island (Easter Island)

Easter Island (Easter Island)

2/28/2021 0:00:01

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Easter Island, or Easter Island, is an island located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has been part of Chile since 1888, and its location is about 3,600 kilometers (2,237 miles) from western Chile.

The island is approximately triangular in shape, its area is 163.6 square kilometers (63 square miles), and its population is approximately 5,000 according to the 2002 census.

Esther Island is considered one of the most isolated inhabited islands in the world.

The island was discovered by chance in 1722 AD by the Dutch explorer Yaacoub Roggenveen. When the Dutch explorer found it, it was on a day that coincided with Easter. Therefore, he gave it the name of the holiday itself, which is why it is called (Easter Island).

What is Easter Island famous for?

The isolated Easter Island contains hundreds of similar strange statues called Moai statues.

The statues are a human model, and each statue represents only the head and torso, and sometimes the arms and no legs. The weight of each statue is 50 tons, and the length of each of them is exactly 32 meters.

In 1914 AD, a British research team visited the island, followed by a French research team in 1934 AD.

The results of research have shown that the island was inhabited by an unspecified people from the last Stone Age, that is, about 4500 years BC. In the first century AD, they made small statues that were the size of a person, and then centuries later they were able to make these huge statues.

Radiocarbon results showed that a terrible disaster struck the island in 1680 AD, so work on the statues stopped suddenly, and everyone left the island or disappeared completely. Then other peoples came from the French Marquesas Islands, which are 5 thousand kilometers away, to settle in the northwest of ( Easter Island) and its current residents now call those statues (Moai).

Until today, scientists have not yet been able to explain the mystery of these identical statues spread everywhere on the island, especially on its coasts. Because of this, many stories and theories have emerged that attempt to explain these statues and their looks. Among these stories are:

A people designed these statues for worship

A people designed these statues to embody their ancestors who came from beyond the sea.

Aliens designed these statues.

These statues were made from volcanic ash after pressing and polishing it and leveling it


When something is discovered that is made, but it is strange and striking, and behind its making is a conscious, intelligent mind, but no one witnessed it being made, and therefore no one has a convincing, logical explanation for it, the mind works in search of an explanation, and the mind begins to abandon the strict laws of reality. Restricted, and magical interpretations begin to form based on the laws of imagination free from restrictions.

Who lived on this island?

Is it possible that a people lived 6,000 years ago in a very isolated land in the middle of the sea, 16 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide, and the coincidence is that this people disappeared and suddenly came from that land a period of time close to the West’s discovery of that island?

How were they able to live for 6,000 years on a small island in the middle of the ocean, isolated and difficult to reach, and what would their number be after 6,000 years in that small area?

2 million people, or 1 million people?

Let’s say half a million people. Imagine 500,000 people inside a land area of 160 square kilometers. How will they live?

How did the first human reach that island, or how did the first human group reach that island to live there?

Logically, they did not leave that island like worms, and let us assume that they were a people skilled at riding the sea, and their ships reached that island, but any people could not live there and make it a place of residence.

But let us assume that a disaster brought their ships there, but any people who are adept at riding the sea will build ships and leave them, and if they are unable to leave them, then this people will leave many traces on the island everywhere on the island, including homes and tools, and their attention and effort will not be focused on them. Making huge, meaningless statues requires effort and fatigue from him and is meaningless in the circumstances of his isolated life on the island.

It is assumed that the people will be very interested in the economic activity that keeps them alive on the island, which provides them with food and freedom from hunger, and very interested in their living conditions on the island that provides them with housing and stability.

But this people did not leave us any clear traces on the island for 6,000 years, except for huge statues weighing 50 tons.

The strange coincidence is that this people, who lived for 6,000 years on this isolated island in the middle of the ocean, did not suddenly disappear from this island until a few years before the West discovered it.

What is even more strange is that after the disappearance of this people from the island approximately 350 years ago, another people from one place decided to immigrate to this very isolated island and settle and live there, even though they could have migrated to an open, non-dangerous land that provided all the conditions of life. Good, far from isolation.

what is the story ?

The story is the story of a dark time gap in the history of the Earth that occurred before the appearance of the printing press, and during that gap the West left Europe and traveled the world to occupy, plunder wealth, and create a new world.

During that dark gap of time, no one on earth saw the West and its actions that they carried out everywhere they went.

The story is the story of an isolated island that the West arrived at, and it was completely devoid of inhabitants and no one had ever inhabited it before. The West brought residents and their homeland there, so that it would be inhabited, because it needed a community to live there and be assigned tasks.

As for those huge statues, they are fake, not that old, and made by the West.

When the West reached it, it needed to pull that island out of its isolation by creating something strange and striking without explanation that would make it famous and the focus of attention, by manufacturing striking and strange fake antiquities as part of a project to write a new history on earth.

That’s the whole story

These statues are not stones that have been carved, but rather a process of casting a cement mixture of some material, inside molds of dirt, where a place is dug in the ground in the same shape as the statue and then the material is poured into it.

And to make sure they are girls:

Notice the surface of the statues. You will find that they are rough and contain small spots. This is due to the adhesion of dirt to the material, which makes the surface rough and has very small gaps.

Also note, some of the statues match, which indicates that it is a single mold.

Notice also how the surface behind the statue appears flat, and this is due to the casting.

Note also, the statues they discovered were buried in the dirt, and Western scientists were digging in the ground to extract those statues, and this is because the casting molds were dug into the ground.

Imagine people designing huge statues in order to bury them in the dirt.

The story of the moai statues is the same as the story of the alien moai.

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