Egyptology – I come to you from Sabaa with certain news

Egyptology - I come to you from Sabaa with certain news

4/13/2021 0:00:01

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[I have come to you from Sabaa with certain news]

Let us imagine ourselves coming from another world to Earth and not knowing anything about Earth, and we saw this ancient writing in the picture inside these circular frames, and we cannot read this writing, so what can we understand from this writing according to this? Arrangement just by looking at it.

From just looking

1- We will find a scene of a person who appears to be a king or ruler with a staff in his hand

2- Then the story moves to another scene of that person, and a person with a bird’s neck appears facing him and is not carrying anything.

3- Then the story moves to another scene of that person and the bird has taken something and his hand has something in it.

4- Then the story moves to another scene, in which that person disappears, and the bird carrying the thing in its hand appears facing a woman, who is carrying the same thing that the bird is carrying.

5- Then the story moves to another scene, in which the bird disappears, and the previous woman appears carrying that thing facing another person.

6- Then the story moves to another scene, and the other person disappears, and the bird appears facing the first person, and behind the bird the woman appears.

This is all the meaning that we were able to get from this writing in the six numbers, and we cannot read the writing, but the story looks like this without us being able to read.

Now…the important question:

Does this story seem similar to the story?

{And he inspected the birds and said, “What is the matter with me that I do not see the hoopoe, or is it one of those absent? (20) I will surely punish him with a severe punishment, or I will slaughter him, or he will come to me with clear authority. (21) Then he stayed not far away and said, ‘I have encompassed what you did not comprehend, and I have come to you from Sabaa with certain news. (22) Indeed, I have found a woman ruling over them, and I have been given Of everything, and to her is a great throne (23) I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah, and Shaytan has made their deeds pleasing to them, so he has turned them away from the path, so they are not guided. (24) Should they not prostrate to Allah, who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you hide and what you reveal (25) Allah, there is no Allah but He is Allah, the Great Throne. (26) He said, “We will see if you are telling the truth or are you among the liars. (27) Go with this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then turn away from them and see what they return. (28) She said, ‘O eminent ones, indeed a generous letter has been delivered to me.’ (29) It is from Sulaiman, and it is in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious. (30) Will you not be exalted above me and come to me in submission? (31) She said, “O eminent ones, give me a fatwa regarding my matter. I will not renounce a matter until you witness it.” (32) They said, “We are men of power and men of great might. The matter is yours, so consider what you command.” (33) She said, “When kings enter a town, they ruin it.” (34) And I am sent to them with a gift, so I will see with what the messengers will return. (35) When Sulaiman came, he said, “Do you supply me with money? For what Allah has given me is better than what He has given you. Rather, you rejoice in your gift. (36) Return to them, so let us bring them soldiers that they will not accept, and We will bring them out of it humiliated.” And they are submissive}


I want an answer from you…. immediately

If your answer is….yes

So the logical question is…. What if someone told you a different meaning, and told you that the first frame, the inscription, contains the name of a king whose name is Ptolemy and he ruled in ancient times somewhere, and as for the rest of the frames, they are the names of kings, all of whose names are Rameses, and he lived before the king. The first, even without knowing how to read writing.

I think from the appearance of the writing and from just looking, their interpretation seems incorrect, and you may not believe them.

But what if you believe them?

Then we need a judge with knowledge to decide between us in this matter.

Now the important question:

Is it possible to search for a judge who has knowledge to decide between us on this matter?

Yes…we found someone to explain the matter

{And they followed what the devils recited to the king of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved. They taught people magic and what was revealed to the two angels in Babylon, Harout Marout, and they did not teach anyone until they said, “We are only a test, so do not disbelieve.” Then they learned from them what they caused to separate a man and his wife, and they harmed no one with it except With the permission of Allah, and they learn what harms them and does not benefit them, and they have already known that whoever buys it will have no share in the Hereafter, and evil is what they sold themselves for, if they had known (102) and if they had believed and feared, there would have been a better reward from Allah, if they had only known (103) O you who have believed, do not say, “Ra’na.” And say, “Look, we have heard, and listen, and for the disbelievers is a painful punishment.” (104) Neither the disbelievers among the People of the Book nor the polytheists wish for any good to be sent down to you from your Allah.

There are those who read the writing in the King of Sulaiman in a completely wrong way, and he enchanted people with false meanings and a world while reciting the writing in the King of Sulaiman… or…. he hid the real story after he disbelieved in it, and replaced it with an unreal story, that is, he replaced it. With a fake magic story


What is the story of the hoopoe?

If you read the mission of the hoopoe in the story of Sulaiman in the Qur’an…you will find that his only role in the entire story is to deliver a message only, and this message is a letter from Sulaiman to the Queen of Sabaa.

This hoopoe is a bird, and Sulaiman taught bird logic, and he carried a letter from Sulaiman to the Queen of Sabaa, but the problem is that we saw in this ancient writing, which is similar to the story of Sulaiman, a man with a bird around his neck.

what is the story ?

Isn’t the role of the hoopoe in the story of Sulaiman, which is to deliver the message of the book, and the characteristics of this hoopoe in the book, which looked like a human being with a bird around its neck, are completely similar to these Qur’anic lines:

{And every human being We have bound his bird around his neck, and We will bring out for him on the Day of Resurrection a book that he will find spread open. (13) Read your book, and yourself is sufficient today for you as a judge. (14) Whoever is guided is guided only for his own soul.

what is the story ?

In another article

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