Egyptology – The story of the Rosetta Stone and was it really important?

Egyptology - The story of the Rosetta Stone and was it really important?

4/7/2021 0:00:01

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On the occasion of France’s celebration of Napoleon this year… we decided to participate with France in commemorating the 200th anniversary of the death of its heroic leader Napoleon, one of France’s immortal symbols, by discussing his personal history, his conquests, his heroism, the deeds and the discoveries he made during his life.

Today we will talk about the greatest discoveries of the hero Napoleon, which he obtained during his conquests of the world.

If we ask a question for history: What are the important things that France benefited from during the invasion and occupation of Misr by its immortal leader and symbol, Napoleon?

And nothing matters at all….it’s the truth.

Only a 24-volume book describing Misr, written by the scholars who brought it to Misr, can now be worth $10. As for the second thing, it is a broken stone (the Rosetta Stone) that was discovered in Misr during the invasion and is no longer in its possession. If you show it to someone… In one of the villages in the region, he will not buy it even for half a dollar. ????

But let us read the story of the Rosetta Stone, which is one of the most important discoveries of the immortal symbol of France, Napoleon, and talk about this discovery, so that we can get to know it closely and examine whether it is worthy of the hype that the West has created for it.

■■■ What is Rosetta Stone? ■■■

The Rosetta Stone (the Rosetta Stone to the west) is a black basalt stone that was discovered in July 1799. It is a black basalt stone, 115 cm long, 73 cm wide, and 28 cm thick. It is believed that its original height was six feet, but its upper peak and the corners at the top and bottom have disappeared.

The stone contains (three lines), the upper part of the stone is written in hieroglyphic script, the middle part of the stone is written in demotic script, while the lower part of the stone is written in Greek script.

The stone was written during the period of Ptolemaic rule in Misr, and it is believed that it was initially inside a temple in Misr, at Sais, near the site of Rosetta. Many believe that it was moved in late antiquity or during the Mamluk period, and was eventually used as a building material. In the construction of Fort Julian near the town of Rosetta (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta.

■■■ Information inside Rosetta Stone ■■■

The information that the West obtained after they were able to translate the Greek text and decipher the hieroglyphics.

The stone is a decree issued in Memphis, Misr, in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic Dynasty (330 BC – 60 BC) on behalf of King Ptolemy V Epiphanes.

On the occasion of writing the stone… a revolution broke out in Misr by the priests against Ptolemy IV in the Delta, and after his death in 204 AD, internal strife arose, then his son Ptolemy V (Epiphanes 204 BC – 180 BC) took over the rule of Misr, and he eliminated Revolutions, pardoned people, abolished taxes, released prisoners, and restored to the priests their privileges that his father had taken away.

Here the priests wanted to glorify the deeds of Ptolemy V…so they held great celebrations to pledge allegiance to him and recorded those deeds on the Rosetta Stone. The stone includes a decree from the priests gathered in the city of Memphis (Mit Rahina – Badrashin Center – Giza Governorate currently). In which they thank King Ptolemy V, around 196 BC, for granting endowments to the temples and exempting the priests from some obligations.

This decree was recorded in three scripts, in order of writing from top to bottom: hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek. The bulk of the hieroglyphic script and a small portion of the Greek text have been lost. The priests wanted to record this gratitude to the Ptolemaic king in the official script, the script of the priests, which is the hieroglyphic script. The dominant daily life script in this period was the Demotic script, then the Greek script, which was the script in which the language of the Ptolemies, who occupied Misr, was written.

The purpose of writing the three lines in which the stone was written was to enable the priests in Misr, the Egyptian people, and the Ptolemies in the neighboring Greek state to understand the contents of the decree. It is believed that the stone had many copies, but they disappeared and only the Rosetta Stone remained.

■■■ The story of the discovery of this stone ■■■

We will try to narrate the history of the events of Napoleon’s military invasion of Misr, and see the location of this discovery within the course of the invasion.

Important note: We will put the location of this discovery in parentheses.

● July 2, 1798 ………. The French military campaign arrived in Alexandria

● July 23, 1798 ……….. Napoleon entered Cairo

● February 10, 1799………Napoleon set off for the Levant when he heard that the Turks were preparing an army to retake Misr…so he prepared 13,000 of his men for the Levant.

● June 14, 1799 ………… The French army returned from the Levant to Cairo after going to fight the Turks.

● July 11, 1799 ………… 100 ships landed on the coast of Abu Qir Bay carrying a Turkish army to expel the French from Misr ……. So Napoleon left Cairo, heading north at the head of his best soldiers.

● July 15, 1799 ……… [ French soldiers under the command of Colonel de Haute Boulle reinforce the defenses of Fort Julien, two miles northeast of the Egyptian port city of Rosetta (modern-day Rosetta). Lieutenant Pierre-François Bouchard noticed a tablet bearing inscriptions in a side location that the soldiers had discovered during their excavations.

Bouchard informed Colonel Hot Bull. At the same time, Colonel Hot Bull saw that this discovery might be important, so he informed General Jacques Francois Menou, who happened to be in the city of Rosetta.

This discovery was announced to the newly founded Napoleonic Scientific Society in Cairo by Napoleon (Misr Institute). ]

● July 19, 1799…….[The committee prepared an official report, and in a report by committee member Michel Ange Lancret, he indicated that the stone contains three inscriptions…..the first in hieroglyphic writing and the third in Greek, and that the three inscriptions They were copies of the same text]

● July 25, 1799…….. The French army inflicts a crushing defeat on the Turks.

●25 July 1799…….[ Lancret’s report was read, at a general meeting of scholars of the Institute.]

●July 30, 1799 ………. [Lieutenant Bouchard transported the stone to Cairo for examination by scientists. Napoleon himself inspected what had already begun to be called the Rosetta Stone, before his return to France in August 1799.]

● August 1799………[Napoleon personally inspected the stone, which had already begun to be called the Rosetta Stone, before his return to France in August 1799]

● August 1799…… Napoleon leaves for France

●September 1799 ……….[The news of this discovery was published in the official newspaper of the French mission. The anonymous reporter expressed his hope that one day the stone would be the key to deciphering hieroglyphics.]

● 1800 ……….[ Three French technical experts on the Scientific Committee devised methods for making copies of texts on stone.

One of these experts was Jean-Youssef Marcel, a gifted linguist, who is credited with being the first to recognize that the Middle Text was written in the Egyptian Demotic script (people’s script) which is rarely used in stone inscriptions and rarely seen by scholars of the time rather than Syriac. As originally thought.

It was artist and inventor Nicolas Jacques Conti who found a way to use the stone itself as a printing block to reproduce engraving. A slightly different method was adopted by Antoine Galland, and the resulting prints were transported to Paris by General Charles Dugua.

Printed copies of the stone began to circulate among European museums and researchers, and scholars in Europe were now able to see and attempt to read the inscriptions. ]

● March 1801 ……….. The British landed at Abu Qir Bay.

● March 1801……. [Mino was now in command of the French campaign. His forces, including the Operational Committee, marched north towards the Mediterranean coast to meet the enemy, and the stone was transported with many other antiquities that the French had looted.]

● August 30, 1801….[The French were defeated and the expedition leader, Menou, surrendered to the British. A surrender agreement was signed, and among the terms was the handing over of all the French looted antiquities to the British, including the Rosetta Stone. The French tried to hide the stone and not hand it over. But the British insisted on handing over the Rosetta Stone, and a coincidence happened to Britain when one of the French soldiers spoke about the stone in front of the British, so the French handed over the Rosetta Stone to the British.]

● After August 1801…… [The British transferred the stone to Britain]

● In 1802 ………. [The stone has been on public display in the British Museum almost continuously until today]

● In 1803……[The Greek text in the Rosetta Stone was translated by Western scholars]


Approximately this is the Rosetta Stone, and the information contained within the stone, and that is the story related to the discovery of the stone and the events that accompanied it after the stone’s departure from Misr, is official information and there is no difference between the two as to its authenticity.

But perhaps there is a difference in determining the day of discovery from one book to another. There are those who say the 15th, or the 17th, or the 19th, but we will rely on Western sources, according to the majority, as they specify the day of the discovery of the stone as July 15, 1799.

There are books that attribute the discovery to an Egyptian who found it while digging while working with the French while digging, but the official discovery is attributed to a French lieutenant named Bouchard.

Now, how do we read this stone and that date?!

■ Regarding the Rosetta Stone itself

We believe that it is a very rare and very strange stone…… Three coincidences and rare ones have come together in this stone, because it is a very rare coincidence to discover a bilingual trace, and it is also rare to discover a stone with three lines dealing with one subject, and also It is rare to discover an inscription written in Demotic script.

Three rare seashells in one stone.

But the strangest thing… is that we have been throughout 220 years of Napoleon’s invasion of Misr, and with all this progress and development in the means and tools of research and exploration, and with all the efforts of the Egyptian state and scientific institutions in the West, and with all this Development in archeology, but to date we have not discovered another stone like the Rosetta Stone.

A very strange stone and truly unique… because it contained three very rare seashells, and to this day we have not discovered any stone like it.

■ Regarding the information in the Rosetta Stone

We believe that the information in the Rosetta Stone is suspicious and contains illogical and realistic aspects…. Why?

– First… an important note must be made

If you notice that the history written by the West about Misr… always depicts ancient Egyptian society as a society of slaves. Everything in ancient Misr was class-based and slave-based.

how ?

Those who built the pyramids were slaves, and the ancient Egyptian king enslaved the Egyptians in order to build the pyramids.

Society is also stratified, in which there is a class of kings, a class of priests, and a class of the people, and life is divided within this class, even in the matter of writing. Kings are honored with royal orders, priests write in hieroglyphs, and the people write in demotic script, to the point that the people should not read. From hieroglyphic writings, it must be read from demotic script.

In addition to this class history……the history that was written about Misr made the ancient Egyptian love and respect the Greek-European invader, so he praised, honored and revered any Greek invading ruler, to the point that he honored a Greek ruler by writing the Rosetta Stone.

Realistic question:

Is it possible to imagine a realistic scene of people writing this stone in ancient times, so that all the people in Misr could see it… And because society in Misr was class-based, if the Egyptian who saw the stone was one of the priests, he would go to the hieroglyphics on the stone to read the royal decree, because he cannot read. The Demotic script, not the Greek, and if the Egyptian who is viewing the stone is from the Egyptian class, he will go to the Demotic script on the stone to read the royal decree, because he cannot read the Demotic script or the Greek, even if the person viewing the stone is not Egyptian, but Greek, he will go to the Greek script in stone to read the royal decree, because he cannot read the demotic script or hieroglyphics and does not understand the Egyptian language.

Imagine the scene! …. funny

So how did they write the stone?!

Did they take an Egyptian from the class of priests and dictate the decree orally to him in the Egyptian language, so he wrote it in hieroglyphic script? Then they took an Egyptian from the class of the people and dictated to him the same decree orally in the Egyptian language, so he wrote it in the Demotic script. Then they took a Greek from Greece, and dictated the same thing to him? The decree was written orally in the Egyptian language, so he wrote it in Greek script and in the Greek language.

The scene looks very funny…..because the process will only happen like this.

So …………. How did the Greek at that time know and understand the decree in the ancient Egyptian language so that he could translate it into the Greek language and write it in Greek script?

If the Greek actually understood the decree in the Egyptian language, then what was the need for this decree to be written in the Greek language and in Greek script?


If ancient Egyptian society was stratified even in writing, to what class would the Greek king be? …class of royalty? … That’s it, they had to write to him in the same inscription as the royal class.

But if an Egyptian was the one who wrote all the stones, it is only possible to imagine him being from the priestly class… So the priest knows how to write in three scripts, and knows two languages… So what is the need to write the same decree in two scripts as long as the priest knows how to read Demotic?

The stone is supposed to be in the Demotic and Greek script only, as long as the priests know the Demotic script.

Or does ancient Egyptian law say that priests are too high to read the decree in the handwriting of the people’s class (the Demotic)?! ….But the priest never rose before that, when he wrote the decree in the Rosetta Stone in the handwriting of the people’s class (the Demotic).

Secondly… Why do they write a decree in three copies within one stone? Why is each copy not in a separate stone?

Because, as it is known, what is most common and widely used is that people write documents between countries or individuals within separate documents. Every document contains text in a certain language, and it is not common to have a document on a single sheet of paper in two languages… Each paper contains text in a certain language.

The matter is suspicious and calls for doubt… because the combination of three copies in one document appears to be a process whose purpose was initially to say that it is one document in three copies.

We also rarely discover a bilingual or trilingual document.

– Third… What is the benefit of having a Greek text in stone?!

Is it for the sake of the Greek rulers?

But the Ptolemaic rulers of Greece, after 130 years of ruling Misr, began to speak the same language as the Egyptians and no longer needed Greek. Rather, they had forgotten it and it was no longer their language.

real example

Muhammad Ali Pasha was born in Macedonia (Greece)…from the same country as Alexander the Great, who occupied Misr. He was not Egyptian at all when he ruled Misr, and he did not even speak Arabic at the time when French colonialism brought him and installed him as king. On Misr.

After Muhammad Ali Pasha of Macedon became ruler of Misr, his sons and family inherited the rule of Misr as kings… in the same way as the Macedonian Ptolemaic kings ruled, and after 150 years the descendants of Muhammad Ali Pasha would be kings as well, and they no longer returned. They speak the Macedonian language, and even the Arabic language, and they have also begun to write in Arabic script.

Now…if King Farouk of Macedon issued a decree and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar wrote it, is it possible that the Sheikh of Al-Azhar would write the decree in Arabic and Macedonian, and write the decree in three lines, so that King Farouk of Macedon would also see it?!

Haha…the scene is funny

But the history writer… tried to circumvent this sarcastic scene, with a more sarcastic scene, when he said… that the reasons for writing the decree in Greek script and the Greek language were so that Greeks in other countries could see it.


Even if we agree with this sarcastic scene… the question is:

Suppose that King Farouk of Macedon issued a decree and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar wrote it down, in Arabic and Macedonian? …so that Macedonians in other countries can see it


Ok ……. Why are the only Greeks the Egyptians are interested in letting the Egyptian know about the decree? What is the importance of a Greek in Greece in particular knowing about this decree, and the issue is an internal Egyptian matter confined to Sykes-Picot, and if the issue is for the other to know about it? You have to write it in other languages and send them the decree……. The Sheikh of Al-Azhar is supposed to write it in English, French, Italian, and Chinese and send it to all countries, and he will not write it in Macedonian.

But let us agree that he also wrote the decree in Greek writing so that Greeks in other countries could see it……..But the ironic question: How will the Greeks see the decree in a very heavy stone? How will they see it? Did they make copies of it and send them to Greece, for example? Via WhatsApp???? Until the Greeks see it.

If the matter were like this………then send him a decree in stone in Greek writing only, and there is no need to write in stone in a writing and language that a Greek cannot read and understand because he will only understand the Greek language and writing in his country. correct ?.


Also……… If King Ptolemy had built the huge library of Alexandria, which included huge paper books, which unfortunately burned after a time…. then they would have been able to inform the Greeks of the decree by writing the decree on a piece of paper that had been removed. From the library of Ptolemy, and sent with a person on a donkey to Greece for them to look at it.

Or should the Greeks come to Misr to see the decree in Misr???? ….Okay, why does the whole world come to Misr, let us just write to the Greek?

Imagine with me…..the scene of one Greek who had to travel vast, long distances and very tiredly on Socrates’ donkey to go to Misr, in order to read the decree found in the Rosetta Stone. ????????????

■ Concerning the story of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone

The history writer says that this discovery was a pure coincidence, while French soldiers were excavating…and this coincidence occurred exactly a year after the moment the French occupation entered Misr.

After a year, Misr is under the occupation of the French who are present everywhere, and the land has become internally safe for the French, and the danger to the French can only come from abroad.

For almost a year, no Frenchman has encountered a stone similar to the Rosetta Stone…and this indicates that such stones and their types (bilingual) are very rare. This indicates that the stone is very rare, and is not available in large quantities. Except when all this commotion happened to him.

About 20 days before this discovery… Napoleon had returned to Cairo after going to the Levant to repel the Turkish army in the Levant.

About 4 days before this discovery… Napoleon headed to northern Misr to confront 100 Turkish ships carrying a Turkish army that came to fight the French.

4 days after Napoleon headed to Abu Qir Bay to fight the Turks, the stone was discovered in the town of Rosetta by a lieutenant during excavation operations, and he informed the colonel, who in turn informed General Menno about the stone.

General Minou is considered the second most senior military commander after Napoleon…but this general is located in the Rosetta area, far from Abu Qir Bay, where Napoleon headed to repel the Turkish army.

The general, colonel, and lieutenant are all busy with an ordinary stone and they do not yet know the value of this stone, and at the same time they are not busy with the battle with the Turks.

Imagine with me… one of the battles that took place in World War II, which took place between Germany and Britain in the El Alamein area. There is a German colonel busy informing General Rommel, commander of the German army, about the discovery of a stone while soldiers were digging, and he believes that the stone is important in understanding… The history of Misr, and was not busy informing General Rommel of news or information related to their current battle with the enemy, the British army.

4 days after the discovery… the battle is still going on between the French and the Turks… but the news of the discovery of the stone quickly reaches the Scientific Committee in Cairo and a full report on the stone was prepared. Because we believe that the committee is now far from the Rashid area, as there are military operations carried out by the army.

It took 4 days for the news to reach Cairo, and the news required travel, especially since the wireless router had not yet been invented.

Even if we assume that it is possible to cover that distance to Cairo in four days and that one of the scholars was present in the Rosetta area… the question is:

Is it possible that 4 days…is sufficient time to compile a scientific report based on a scientific method, and the report officially says that the stone contains one text written in three copies?!

Is this a scientific method?!

Also, 6 days after the report was written, the report was read before the scholars, on the day the Turkish army was defeated under the leadership of Napoleon, and 5 days after the report was read and the Turkish army was defeated, the stone was transported to Cairo.

Since it was transferred under those circumstances to Cairo,… it is certain that after reading the report, it became clear to the scholars that the stone had become very important in the eyes of the scholars and in the eyes of the officers and commanders, and therefore orders were issued to transfer it for study.

Almost the situations and events… required approximately 4 days as an interval between each event and another… until the stone was transported to Cairo.

We believe that this time difference is the distance between the Rosetta area and Cairo in relation to the best means of transportation that was available at that time, even though at that time…….. there were still no cars, motorcycles, or radio communications. Never…. The telegraph was invented approximately in 1825, and wire communications were invented in 1901.

I believe that the best and fastest means of transportation at that time was horses or camels, so how did the discovery happen, the news of the discovery, then the report, approval, and the process of transporting the stone with a time interval of 4 days?

Does the distance between Cairo and Rosetta take 4 days by horse-drawn carriage?! (A question for our people in Misr)

Also… these events show that the issue of quarantine has become very important and calls for all these frequent travels between Cairo and Rashid, even though the French are at that time facing a fierce battle with an enemy that wants to eliminate them.

Almost…the entire campaign (militaries and scientists) had a general awareness of the importance of the stone before realizing and knowing the contents of the stone, because the stone at that time would likely be useless and worthless.

A few days after the stone arrived in Cairo, the first leader of the expedition, Napoleon, visited and inspected the stone, and at about that time an official name was given to it, and it became the official name of the stone to this day in Western languages (the Rosetta Stone).

Notice there… The leader of the campaign, Napoleon (the military and war mind), who was busy with military matters, and at that time had finished a fierce battle with the Turks, was also interested in inspecting the stone, even though Misr is full of many stones and inscriptions… .. Also, one of the things that the military and war leader (Napoleon) had to do before leaving for France was to review and inspect the stone, make copies of the stone, and send them to Europe for study.

Conclusion……….. There has been a general French awareness among everyone from different professional, military and scientific orientations….. since the first day of the discovery of the stone about the importance and value of the stone.

About a month after the stone arrived in Cairo…an official news was published in a French newspaper that was published in Misr during the occupation, about the discovery, and the reporter who wrote the news spoke clearly, and it was certain that it was reported by the scholars of the committee. (There is very great hope that one day this stone will be the key to deciphering hieroglyphics)

Notice that only about a month has passed, but there has become a general intention towards the stone, and a great belief and hope in advance, that this stone will be the key to deciphering the hieroglyphic symbols.

So…the idea that the deciphering of the hieroglyphic inscriptions occurred by chance, after a long period of studying the stone, and the West came to decipher the inscriptions by means of the shell of the stone, is incorrect, because the matter was premeditated since the first day the stone was discovered, and before knowing what the truth about this stone is.

There was a general intention in France since the first day of the discovery of the stone, in their great hope that it would be the key to deciphering the inscriptions.

After several months…….. the French make a printed copy of the stone, and a French general takes it to Europe, and those copies are distributed in European museums and among European scholars.

But the strange thing is… Napoleon was interested in it and took a look at it and asked the scholars to make copies of it and send them to Europe. Napoleon could take it with him when he left for France, and the general who took the lithographs could take the stone with him, but The stranger did not take it.

A year later……. The first mysterious piece of information was discovered in the stone by a French scientist, which is that the line in the middle of the stone is the Demotic script, which was rarely written on the stone.

But it is strange….. If this script had been well known, it would not have taken the expedition’s scholars a full year to come to the realization that the Wasit script is the Demotic script, especially since these brilliant scholars at the time of the discovery of the stone had written a report explaining the importance of the stone, and talked about it. Their great hope is that the stone will be the key to deciphering hieroglyphic inscriptions.

Are these scientists?! …How did they arrive at that report and hope that the stone would be the key to deciphering the hieroglyphics, when at that time they did not know the nature of the middle script?

Two years after the discovery of the stone… officers, generals, leaders of countries, and heads of governments and states also enter the circle of those interested in the stone.

Two years after the discovery of the stone, a battle took place between the British and French fleets, and France was defeated. A surrender agreement was signed, and among the terms of the agreement was the handing over of all the looted antiquities of the French to the British, including… There is a Rosetta Stone in it. The French tried to hide the stone and not hand it over, but the British insisted on handing over the Rosetta Stone, and a coincidence happened to Britain when one of the French soldiers spoke about the stone in front of the British, so the French handed the Rosetta Stone to the British.

A suspicious matter…… Even the British generals are preoccupied with the stone, even though the issue is not related to the political or military aspect, a stone in a country drowning in antiquities.

Indeed, the terms of surrender include a reference to the quarantine.

Also… after the British took the stone, it was transported to Britain and a year later it was displayed in the British Museum.

Very strange and suspicious… The process of placing this stone in the museum and displaying it… is nothing but evidence of Britain’s prior scientific and political public awareness of the importance of the stone… and that it has become an important stone. It is very worthy and deserving of being presented to people.

Because how do you display a stone, when you still do not know its truth and do not know what it is if it does not represent value and perhaps is a fake stone written by a child or written by an ordinary man while he was going to the bathroom to relieve himself… Then you will be in a very embarrassing situation, especially if the stone contains On funny material or material that leads to breaking the prestige of the flag in Britain.

Misr is full of huge and beautiful stones, inscriptions, and antiquities, but the French and English officers and generals are not concerned with them, and they do not represent value to them. Rather, it seems that there is a kind of deliberate neglect of them. We did not see Napoleon going to a temple and looking at the antiquities and inscriptions. And the British leaders as well, and history does not want to depict them in front of the inscriptions or in front of the tombs, looking at the wonderful writings therein, but they are busy with a broken and very ordinary stone, and they struggle and fight over it, and they do not know what is inside it.

This history that has reached us and these events that took place according to what we were told… made us imagine that all the antiquities in Misr are on one hand and this stone is on the other hand, and that the value of all the antiquities in Misr is worth nothing compared to the value of this stone that was discovered. the West .

How do we explain the fight between France and Britain over this stone?

Here is a situation that happened to me a while ago, during my visit to a city, when I stopped at the bus station……….. I saw two people standing in front of me… and one of them was a seller with a new phone in his hand, and the other person was a buyer. He has a large sum of money in his hand (100 thousand) and offers him this amount in exchange for the phone, while the seller rejects the price and says that its price reaches (200 thousand).

At that time, I was thinking about buying a phone… and I went to the seller to show me the device, but I was surprised by the situation and very confused, because this buyer seemed crazy and he was paying this amount, because the device’s real price did not reach the amount of (5 thousand), and I felt something strange and abnormal happening in front of me, and the intense insistence of the buyer on paying the amount, then another person passed by us and offered an amount (120 thousand) on the device.

There is something wrong and abnormal happening

Also, the way of pledging allegiance and the strong insistence on paying a huge amount for a cheap phone, in addition to the fact that I had never encountered such a scene before, made me somewhat lose confidence in myself for a moment, and I said, “It might be expensive, and I am not paying attention after traveling, even though I work in the field.” Buy and sell devices and know the prices and value of the devices exactly.

For two minutes, I was thinking about the unnatural scene… until I woke up and woke up from the scene. Because I remembered an old scene similar to it that an old friend had told me about… So I left their place and learned that they were friends, and that they were performing a professional acting scene to create a very large financial value for their cheap goods in front of the public and to covet them as well, so that any fool who passed by them would pay that amount. Great for their cheap goods.

I took the taxi and left…and on the second day I returned to the same place and saw the seller and the buyer in a place, standing next to each other, laughing, with a sum of money in their hands, and I knew that they had preyed on a victim. With these cheap goods.

Now, if we want to understand the truth about the Rosetta Stone and understand the reasons for the battle between France and Britain over the Rosetta Stone and their positions towards the stone:

1- The seller and buyer are in the previous position… France and Britain

2- The cheap phone is…… the Rosetta Stone

3- The foolish victim, who lost self-confidence and was deceived by the scenes of professional representation between the buyer and the seller, and who coveted the false high value of the cheap goods, and who did not think carefully and did not review herself before purchasing the goods, is……the Egyptian people and Arabi .

■ Can the Rosetta Stone decipher the inscriptions of Misr?

Did you know that all the big fuss that Western governments and Western scholars made about the Rosetta Stone resulted in the West decoding only one of Misr’s inscriptions, which consists of more than 5,000 symbols?!

In other words…. All the benefit that Champollion obtained from the Rosetta Stone is only one symbol.

The required role of the Rosetta Stone lies only in the matching process, but the process matched the symbols of a hieroglyphic word with only one Greek word…and the process is completely insufficient to decipher all the hieroglyphic symbols. Or it cannot lead anyone to decipher the inscriptions……. Why?!

Because so far…….we have come to know the phonetic value of three symbols out of more than 5000 symbols.

What does this mean ?

This means… that the Rosetta Stone has no value at all to any human being, whether that person is ignorant or knowledgeable… even if he thinks of using this stone to decipher an ancient writing based on the matching process carried out by Champollion.

Why ?!

Because you need more than 5 thousand stones like the Rosetta Stone, but they contain different topics and contain royal frames, and inside the frames there are various, different, and non-repeated symbols that cover all the hieroglyphic symbols, so that you can carry out the process of matching all the hieroglyphic symbols with their corresponding phonetic letters. In Greek writing.

Therefore… it is impossible for the Rosetta Stone to be the main mechanism through which the Egyptian inscriptions were translated, because we need more than 5,000 stones in order for us to match and be confident in our work…. Therefore, there must be another work, which is the real mechanism. Through which all the symbols of Egyptian inscriptions were translated by the West, not the Rosetta Stone.


From the above, it becomes clear to us clearly that the Rosetta Stone is just a Western trick, a magic stone that has enchanted the minds of people in Misr and the world.

If he offered me to buy this stone, I would not buy it even for a quarter of a dollar, and if I did buy it, I would erase the so-called hieroglyphic writing from it, and leave the demotic and Greek writing on it, then make a place to relieve myself from it in the bathroom of my house, and I will not offer it to people for a sum of money. 100 dollars, as Britain now does in its museum ????.

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