Explain the sectarian and tribal situation in the region? The second part

Explain the sectarian and tribal situation in the region? The second part

8/22/2021 0:00:01

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In the previous article, we tried to answer a question about a global phenomenon, which is: Why do most of the divisions in the societies of Asian countries have a religious and sectarian nature….. while most of the divisions in the societies of African countries have an ethnic and tribal nature?

We arrived at the law of the phenomenon, which is the occupier and its type.

Most British colonial societies have religious and sectarian divisions, and most French colonial societies have ethnic and tribal divisions.

And this link



In this article, we will present two samples of this phenomenon, and we will make a comparison between them, in order to discover the points of similarity and difference between them, to make it easier for us to understand this phenomenon and to understand the single mechanism that the occupier used to manufacture it wherever he was.

What are the two samples?

The first sample in the Indian peninsula… (Muslims and Hindus)

The second sample in North Africa…….(Arabs and Berbers)

I made this choice intentionally, so that people in the area could clearly see an image of themselves in the mirror.


Let’s talk about information about the Indian subcontinent

The Indian subcontinent has a large area and a large population.

Its area is estimated at approximately 4 million and 250 thousand square kilometers, and approximately 1.5 billion individuals live there.

The society in the Indian subcontinent is distinguished by being the largest society in the world with the largest number of religions, sects and languages, reaching more than 20 religions and more than 20 languages.

But the largest religion in the Indian subcontinent is approximately Islam and Hinduism, and Sikhism comes in third place, where the percentage of Islam in the population reaches approximately 45 percent, Hinduism is approximately the same percentage, and 10 percent is the number of other religions.

Islam ……… 45%


Other religions…10%

But what is strange is that there are strange things in this society that contradict previous logic and common knowledge.

how ?

We also know that the religious concept is based on the existence of a common sacred religious text among a group of people, while the national concept is based on the existence of a common language among a group of people.

⚫ Despite the very large number of religions and languages that exist in India, the religious outlook is burning in the consciousness of society in India, while the nationalist outlook is smoldering in the consciousness of society in India.

That is, religious affiliation is dominant in society, not linguistic affiliation.

⚫ As we know, the names of European countries are attributed to the names of languages and not to religions

Example :

The religion…its name is…(Christianity)

The language of the book of religion is… its name… (Italian)

The land ……………. its name is ….. (Italy)

But the situation in that country

Religion ……………. called ……… (Hinduism)

The language of the book of religion….its name is………(Sanskrit)

The land…its name is…(Hindu)

Their country was not named after the language (for example: Sanskrit).

⚫ As we know, the names of European countries’ societies are attributed to the names of languages and not to religions.

Example :

The religion is… called… (Christianity)

The language of the book of religion is……its name is……(Spanish)

Society ……………. called…. (Spanish)

But the situation in that society

Religion ……………. called ……… (Hinduism)

The language of the book of religion….its name is………(Sanskrit)

Society ………….. called ………. (Hindus)

The society was not named after the language (for example: Sanskrit).

⚫ Although Hinduism is just a religion that only gives a sense of faith to any society, Hinduism also gives a national feeling.

This gave the Hindu religion a national character that made it confined to India and limited to the population of India, and there is no proselytizing in it like other missionary religions, although it does not prevent anyone from embracing it, but the structure of the Hindu religion institution does not care about proselytizing outside India, and If there is religious activity outside India, it is a role limited to Indian communities that live outside India.

This reason, along with the other previous reasons, is what gave the Hindus national affiliation, made India bear a religious and national character at the same time, and made India’s religious and national identity Hinduism.

⚫ Although India has a Hindu religion and its religious book is written in Sanskrit, the language of the book could not give them national affiliation, rather religion gave it to them.

Although Hinduism has been indispensably linked since the beginning of time to the religious holy book written in the Sanskrit language…but what is strange is that 45 percent of society in that land embraced that religion, and the same number was not able to embrace the language of that religion, in fact, no. There is even a Hindu who speaks the language of the religious book… Sanskrit is a difficult language limited to religion and no one speaks it, except for a certain few specialists and clerics.

For this reason and because of the existence of many languages, national affiliation did not reach it from the language of religion or any language, but rather from religion only.

⚫ Although national affiliation is linked to the concept of language, national feeling is linked to the Hindu religion and the language of another society, or in other words, it is linked to the Hindu religion and the language of another religious book other than Hinduism.

The community there believes in Hinduism, which gave it nationalism, but this nationalism allowed the English language, which is the language of the Bible of the Christian religion and the language of other people, to be an official language, as it is the language in which the community there communicates in the event that there is difficulty in understanding the local languages.

⚫ Although the religion of Islam represents half of India’s population, almost in the same way as Hinduism, Islam was not taken as an identity for India, but Hinduism was taken…even though the state of Islam is completely similar to the state of Hinduism in that country. .

– The Sanskrit language is the language of the book of Hinduism, which is not spoken by society, and the Arabic language is the language of the book of Islam, which is not spoken by society.

The population of Hindus is close to the population of Muslims.


Although the situation is equal between Islam and Hinduism… the truth is that Islam has points that are not present in Hinduism, which make it more suitable to be India’s original identity. So why was Islam not taken instead of Hinduism?

This is the most important question

In the beginning….we must talk about the Hindu religion, and the historical context of the Indian subcontinent in order to reach the logical answer.

Hindu religion.

I know very well… that many of the common people, good readers, elites and enlightened people share one imaginary image as the first piece of information that comes to mind when hearing the name of the Hindu religion… and this image is… the Hindu religion. The oldest religion on earth.

is not it ?

Everyone has that idea, and I think the reason for this idea is due to many factors… including:

– The size of the Hindu population, which gives a sense of the antiquity of the religion in proportion to the population number.

– The quality of Hindu mythological texts, and the large volume of myths present in the Hindu religion.

The quality of the texts of the Hindu religious book, which is of a mythical nature, gives a person a hidden feeling that he is facing texts from a very ancient world, when the mind of his society was still like a child, who sees the world in a mythical way, similar to the texts of the Hindu religion.

Also, the size of the sacred books of the Hindu religion, their ambiguity and difficult language give the feeling that they are the result of an ancient world on earth.

– Besides, the official history written for the world says that it is the oldest religion on earth.

These are the reasons, in my personal belief, that brought this information to the minds of many and established it, but many are not interested in knowing information about Hinduism, its reality, and details about it, and if there is interest on the part of some, it is an interest that does not look at Hinduism from the angles that it should. Read any religion, but look from the same angles as our enlightenment groups… yoga, karma, spiritual philosophy, etc.

I will talk in brief points about Hinduism, away from the details.

Hinduism has its religious book in Sanskrit.

– Hinduism believes in multiple gods, and has a large number of gods that the Hindu believes in… similar to the religions of ancient Misr that the West extracted.

– The Hindu faith has three central and axial deities, similar to the three hypostases in Christianity and the religion of Isis in ancient Misr, which the West extracted.

– Hinduism contains doctrines that deny Allah, i.e. doctrines of monotheism.

Hinduism is a caste religion

This is all we want in our article.

Now we have logical questions that impose themselves:

Is Hinduism a natural religion? The answer: No…. not at all

Is Hinduism an alien religion to India? The answer: Yes

Why ?

Firstly……….the size of the gods present in it is illogical, and it is not possible for a primary society on earth to reach that multiple form of gods. What is logical is for the matter to be one Allah, similar to the hypothetical situation that the West wrote in books and claimed that it Extracted from ancient Egyptian inscriptions

The gods are like……the virtual gods of the occupier

Secondly……….. How did the Hindu religion reach society, and how did society understand this religion, and the Holy Book, which is the basis of the religion, is written in a language that no human being on earth speaks except a specialized elite, and does not understand that language. The language of any human being on earth except specialized elites.

The Hindu holy book is also written in English, and they read the texts of their religion or their explanations from it in the English that Indians understand.

The Bible is written……in the language of the occupier

Third……..There is no meaning to the existence of three central gods in a polytheistic religion.

Three Hindu gods are similar to the three hypostases of the occupying religion

Fourth………and finally, there is no religion on earth that enslaves and despises its adherents except Hinduism.

Forget the stories of karma, yoga, and spirituality. Forget these mental concepts that have no real meaning but only imaginary exercise in the mind… No religion can give man any truth while it enslaves man, and the Allah of this religion created people as classes.

Many do not know that Hinduism is a caste religion, and do not know about this problem that exists in India.

I know that there is classism that exists in many societies other than India, due to many factors…but there is classism in which a breakthrough can occur, with a person moving from one class to another because of his diligence. It is not classism inherent in a law or constitution at all, it is based on Customs and traditions, not binding laws.

But the situation in India is different from everyone else… It is an inherent classism that is definitive, fixed and eternal, according to the texts of the Holy Book of Hinduism. The book of Hinduism divides people into classes. The Greatest Allah created from His head the highest class in Indian society, and created from His hands the second class that After the first class comes, a third class is created from its origins, and an outcast class is created from its feet in Indian society.

The outcast class in Indian society…it remains an outcast from Allah and from society throughout its life. It was created from the feet of Allah, and it is not possible for it to become in a higher class, and it is not possible for it to marry from another class, and this class was created to serve the classes. The other, and its children, inherit that class and so on, and when his soul dies, it is reincarnated with animals, and not with any human being.

This outcast class…is very large in India.

Is it reasonable for a country to choose a religion as a national identity for its society in order to enslave society, or is it a religion imposed by force as an identity for the country in order to enslave its people?!

Is it possible……… that a society on earth would embrace a religion with absolute conviction and faith and voluntarily, so that it would be enslaved and outcast on earth, or is it a religion imposed on that society by force?!

Is it possible that a natural land produces a natural religion for the world for its children who left it so that it can enslave them, or is it an alien religion imposed on that land by force?!

Is it possible that a religion in India that addresses its people as being created from one soul and equal is not the natural religion in India? While Hinduism addresses the people of India as being created from different parts, unequal and outcast, is it the original and natural religion in that land?!

Many of us know only one man from India, Gandhi, and many believe that all of India loves Gandhi, but many do not know that there is someone more famous than Gandhi, and that there is a large community in India that does not love Gandhi.

If you cut down a picture of Gandhi in India, people may tolerate you with difficulty, but if you cut down a picture of someone, a revolution will break out against you in India.

That person’s name is Ambedkar (Baba Siddique)…and he is from the untouchable class.

Ambedkar…an Indian born from the outcast class. He studied, learned, and became a doctor in philosophy, history, religions, and law. He is one of those who wrote the Indian Constitution.

Ambedkar… has conversations in which he tells about scary stories that he went through with some Indians from other classes. For example, he tells that they did not drink from the same cup of water that he drank from, even though he was a doctor at the university.

Ambedkar…even though he had great degrees, he was still from the outcast class.

Ambedkar ……….. abandoned the Hindu religion and embraced Buddhism, and considered Hinduism a very ugly and oppressive religion, and called on the outcast class in India to leave the Hindu religion and embrace Buddhism.

For this reason………..the outcasts do not like Gandhi, who is from the Brahman class, because he did not address their situation in India in a radical way, and he completely ignored talking about them, and they consider Ambedkar to have a very high religious rank.

Have you seen with me how the Hindu religion, which is the identity of India, hates, despises and enslaves the people of India?!

How did this religion become the identity of India?!

The external occupier… Britain… which remained in India for the longest period of time among its other colonies… nearly more than 300 years.

Britain was the one who created Hinduism in India according to a caste system, and enslaved its people… in order to achieve its control over society for the benefit of the upper class system in it associated with it.

It is the truth… Islam was the religion of the entire Indian subcontinent.

Britain engineered the land through force and brutality for more than 300 years, until it produced that reality in India, and after it produced that new religious reality, it created a new historical memory for the people, in which it made the Hindu religion the oldest religion that appeared in India before the original religion of India. So that the outcasts would not know their true selves in the land that Britain hid in favor of its new engineering.

Because of those strange things that we talked about about Indian society, and because the Muslim population is a very large number in India, Britain decided to hide those strange things and that huge number, by dividing India and there were processes of displacement and migration from many areas in India and settlement in Other regions with engineering made it easier for it to divide India according to a religious pattern, until it was able to produce a country with a decent number of converts to its new religion, in which the demographic difference in population favored the Hindus.

Before the departure of the occupier, Britain…and after the engineered society absorbed the new memory…groups began to emerge in India, supported by Britain, saying that Muslims are not residents of India, and that they are occupiers of India. India’s identity is Hindu… and the fighting began and the massacres began.

There is no solution except division

So Britain created… India… Pakistan… Bangladesh

And in India now… there are 250 million Muslims.

Isn’t it a funny irony that the second largest Islamic country is India?!


Now…we will go to the existing model in North Africa…which was subjected to French occupation, and we will not talk about it in detail, but we will review the steps of any colonizer, then we will make a comparison between it and the model in… India, and this comparison will clarify to everyone the details of the model.

– The occupier goes to occupy the land and he has power.

The occupier found one community on the land, so he used force and knowledge and engineered religious, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal divisions of society.

– The occupier wrote a false ancient history in a false ancient time, to deepen the divisions he had created in society, then he composed stories of a bloody conflict within that false history, to create a society suffering from the seeds of an unstable conflict, then he made monuments and architectural evidence and attributed them to personalities. From that false history, to convince society of that history that he wrote, and in order to preserve the divisions that he created and make them present in the consciousness of society.

Then the occupier divided the land into plots, created boundaries for them, and gave them different names.

Then the occupier created a central government system within each piece of land, and installed a ruler over it… to take care of those borders and that new social engineering in society… so that he could control that society and He plays with him and keeps him busy with an imaginary conflict inside him and makes them fight among themselves, while he plunders and steals his wealth easily and at ease.


In India, the religious problem is apparent, in North Africa the ethnic problem is apparent.

In India, the problem is with the religion of Islam, in North Africa, the problem is with the Arabic language.

what is the reason ?!

The old history in the printer says:

– In India, history says that Islam entered it through the Mongol invasion……….. In North Africa, history says that Arabic entered it through Islamic conquests.

– In India, history says that when the Mongols entered India, they wrote words in which they despised the followers of the Hindu religion…………. In North Africa, history says that an Arab leader despised a Berber king.

– In India, history says that there were stories of conflict between Muslims and Hindus…………. In North Africa, history says that the Arabs killed the people of North Africa and captured their women.

– In India, history says that Muslims occupied a large Hindu temple and turned it into a mosque…………. In North Africa, history says that Arabs occupied the land and countryized the religion of its inhabitants.

Who produced this history?

West printer

What is the evidence for this history?

Evidence must be created, in order to prevent people from getting out of the illusion of this false history, by designing buildings on the ground and attaching names from that history to them.

how ?

– In India, the largest building in it is specific to Muslims and dates back to the era of the Mongol invasion (the Taj Mahal)… In North Africa, the oldest monument in it is specific to the Arabs and dates back to the era of the Islamic conquests (Maqam Uqba).

Of course, it is difficult for a Muslim in India to get out of the story of the Taj Mahal building, which was built by a Mughal king, especially since it is a beautiful building, and the story of its construction is beautiful and quaint, about a Mughal king who loved his wife very much, and she died, so he decided to build a huge edifice for her out of loyalty to her. And for the love of her.

Modern history

In India, the British occupier…in North Africa, the French occupier.

After the departure of the British occupier from India, a group appeared under the auspices of Britain, saying that Islam is not the origin of India but rather an alien to India, and that the Muslim is an invader and occupier of India, and the country’s identity is Hindu… After the departure of the French occupier from North Africa, a group sponsored by France appeared, saying That Arabic is not the origin of North Africa, but rather an alien to North Africa, and the Arab is an invader and occupier of North Africa, and the country’s identity is Berber.

After the British occupier left India, fighting broke out and massacres took place between Muslims and Hindus… after the French occupier left North Africa (the story has been postponed).

After the British occupier left India, India was divided on religious grounds…….. After the French occupier left North Africa, separatist calls appeared on ethnic grounds.


Now… when you reflect on the Qur’an well, you will find that it addresses these problems in India and North Africa… and it tells you about the causes of those divisions and the types of those divisions in society, and it tells you about two entities linked to the religious and national division.

how ?

– The speech tells you that the beginning of the division between people occurred during the era of the ascendance and occupation of a corrupting power on earth, namely Pharaoh and his people.

{We recite to you from the news of Musa Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe. (3) Indeed, Pharaon exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects. He weakened a group of them, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. Indeed, he was one of the corrupters. (4) And We wish to bestow a blessing upon those who were weakened in the land, and to make them imams and to make them heirs. (5) }

– The speech tells you about the basis of the story, which is a holy book with the Arabic Qur’an, and Pharaoh and his people know about it.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget.}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

The speech then tells you about a group of them that played with the religious concept by distorting a sacred religious text in the book, and the process of distorting sacred words means that this group has the ability to create other religions that have new sacred texts.

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew?}

– The speech then tells you about another team among them, which played with the nationalist concept, by twisting their tongues from the tongue of the original book, and the process of creating a new tongue means that this team has the ability to create nationalities in new languages.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

– The speech tells you that they are two teams that played with a holy book, a team that played with the religious concept and a team that played with the nationalistic concept, that is, they are behind the differences that occurred in religion and language, and they are behind making people adopt those differences, meaning that they are behind the creation of religions and languages that divided between… People, and he calls you two groups… Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah.

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

The speech tells you that all religious and linguistic differences only came from these Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah, who took the Holy Book and hid it, specifically after Musa.

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt about him is suspicious (45)}

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge. (19) And if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and to the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, even if they turn away. It is your responsibility only to convey the message; Allah is All-Seer of His servants (20)}

– The speech tells you that these people have built a building for the people as an alternative to Al-Masjid Al Haram in order to deepen these differences and divisions among the people.

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm, disbelief, and division among the believers, and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear, “We only desire the best.” Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. Those who are purified (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His satisfaction better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (109) Their structure which they built will remain in doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise ( 110)}

– The speech tells you that all people were one nation, and all these religious, sectarian and national differences around you came after Musa and were created by those two powers that hid the Book of Musa among the people.

{And people were not but one nation, but they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them concerning what they differed in.}

– The speech tells you that this is the mission of the Messenger, to remove all people from these imaginary divisions that the devils have created on earth, to remove them from this delusion and delusion in which they are.

{It is He who sent among the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, even though before they had been in clear error.}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and they did not differ in it except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

{And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so follow it and beware of yourselves that you may receive mercy. (155) Lest you say, “The Book was only revealed to two groups before us, even though we were heedless of their study.” (156) Or say, “If only the Book had been sent down to us, we would have been better guided than they.” Indeed, there has come to you clear proof from your Allah and guidance and mercy. So who is more unjust than he who lies? With the verses of Allah and those who turn away from them. We will recompense those who turn away from Our signs with an evil torment because they used to ignore them.

So the story of these two groups in the discourse of the Qur’an is completely identical to the story of Britain and France, and the origin of the story……the story of a holy book hidden in the earth. It was the first religion of the people in all the earth, and after hiding it they were able to create this whole world. Those around us that are based on a false consciousness found in the printer’s books.

{So set your face upright to the religion. Allah created the manner in which He created the people. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know. (30) They turn to Him, and fear Him, and establish prayer, and do not be of the polytheists. (31) Of those who divided their religion and were sects, each party rejoicing in what they have.}




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