Hagia Sophia – one of the Dirar mosques

Hagia Sophia - one of the Dirar mosques

7/26/2020 0:00:00

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Do not stand therein because a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day is more deserving of you standing in it.

Does a Muslim understand this divine speech to you well?! .

Was Hagia Sophia founded on piety from the first day?!

It was founded on another religion and was not founded on piety. Islam is for Allah…. It was founded on another religion that is not your religion.

You have many mosques and you do not need them, but you can build a mosque for yourself and from the first day establish it on piety.

Finish a building that does not concern you. Leave it and do not tie yourself to it.

Did you know that the King of England and the Rothschild family 87 years ago attended the opening of this building as a museum?!

Do you know who the Rothschilds are?

The family that Britain gave the Balfour Declaration

Do you know what it means?

You are inside a Zionist scam being carried out against you and you do not know it

When someone presents a house document to you in front of you and in front of the world and says: “This building belongs to so-and-so,” then he gives you the key to the house to live in and it is yours, and you take the house and live in it even though you do not need it, for you have many houses.

This person is a cunning swindler, and you are a thief and an idiot

Because this person has the whole world bearing witness against you, that you are a thief and a thief, and by your own admission, and tomorrow this same person or one of his followers will come and demand your other homes, and the whole world will bear witness against you that you took them in the same way as before, and the whole world will believe him, and will tell you that Your other houses belong to that person from whom you stole the house, and he has the same document that he presented to the world. And he will show it to the whole world.

Erdogan read to you their grandfather’s will that the building belonged to a religion other than Islam and he converted it into a mosque and led you like a flock to live in it and you are like a foolish thief.

Now… what is your position after this, since you have become, in the eyes of the world, a thief and a thief, and you have publicly acknowledged Turkish history as a legitimate historical document, and you have become a believer in the historical document that says that Islam came after other religions, when the West comes to you (England and the Rothschild family). He shows you the legal document and says to you:

[Jerusalem was a Jewish temple before Islam and is our property, and Palestine was inhabited by Al-Yahoud in the past before Islam and is our property]


Anyone who owns land and has a house on his land then tells his neighbors that this house was owned by someone else…does this mean that his words are true?


Because as long as the house is on his land… it is his house, and he is not truthful and his words are not an official document… the truth is seen by the eye… and if there is another statement, then the matter requires an official document that does not admit of doubt. His statement is true.

When Erdogan tells you… that a building located on his land was a church, and then invites you to pray in it, he is a fraud, and it does not mean that the building was actually a church in the past… and the presence of Christian drawings and icons in the building does not mean that it was In the past, it was actually a church.

Is it difficult for you or for anyone to build a large building on his own land, and draw Christian pictures and icons inside it, and then write a date for you in a printer stating that it was a church for a powerful man who owned this land, but his great grandfather took this land and his grandfather converted it? Is this building turned into a mosque?!

No…it is not a difficult topic.

History is not an official document at all………….. History exists on printer paper, and it is fake, written in order to falsify the awareness of the people and wash their minds, so that through this washing it is possible to occupy the peoples or mobilize the peoples and Manipulating their feelings and what they say, stealing people’s property, or liquidating people.

Who invented the printer?

the West

The West would never go to any land to occupy it unless it took a printer with it to print a new memory for the peoples through a professionally composed history, then it would build huge buildings and attribute them to imaginary figures within its history so that the peoples would not be able to get out of this imaginary memory, so that through this The new history of controlling the collective consciousness that will be formed among the peoples.

This is the story of Turkey with Hagia Sophia, the history of Byzantium, and the will of Mehmed the Conqueror, this virtual historical document.

And this is the real reason……for which the King of England and the Rothschild family who attended the opening of Hagia Sophia turned into a museum, the Rothschild family who financed Napoleon’s campaign to invade Misr and the region, and who came with the printer that printed this history for us. They divided the region, in cooperation with the Ottomans, because occupying the region (which has a large area) required the cooperation of many armies. Then they installed Turkish rulers on each divided piece belonging to them.

This is the reason for the media pumping that Erdogan is doing in cooperation with Western media channels and websites, which deal with the event happily… because they are consolidating this imaginary memory and this imaginary time, and consolidating the virtual legal document that made the religions of the West (Judaism) (And Christianity) precedes your religion in the region, and they are preparing to create legitimacy that the swindlers will need when raising future issues with this same issue.

What are the ugliest pictures of the drugged on Al Jazeera channels, the Brotherhood’s flags, and the Turkish flags, as they pray and say “Allahu Akbar” in a place where Erdogan tells them, in his own tongue and on the tongue of his imaginary conqueror, that it was founded on Christianity and not on Islam.

The cunning Erdogan has placed you in his harmful mosque like thieves, thieves, occupiers, and rapists, and you are numb, rushing to his mosque without the slightest thought.

{Had they gone out among you, they would not have added to you except in confusion, and they would have spread among you, seeking to cause strife against you, and among you are listeners to them. Allah is All-Knowing of the wrongdoers.}

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