Hagia Sophia- the target of this action by Erdogan

Hagia Sophia- the target of this action by Erdogan

7/19/2020 0:00:00

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What is Erdogan’s main purpose in the story of Hagia Sophia?! .. Establishing the idea of the Zionist era and the idea of the existence of a Jewish temple in Palestine and that Jerusalem was a Jewish temple…… They want to steal you, just as they stole your religion, your time, your book, and your land.. These are the devils of the earth… Understand, my brother, enough of their nonsense. And naivety… Get out of their temptation on earth. {If they had revolted against you, they would not have added to you except in confusion, and they would have been put among you, seeking to tempt you, but among you would be those who would listen to them.}

These are the damages that the Dirar Mosque caused to Muslims… Therefore, the issue of Hagia Sophia is a Zionist issue… It aims to consolidate the false Zionist awareness and presents an indirect message from religion that there is a legal document for the West regarding Muslim property.

Tell all Muslims that Hagia Sophia was never a church and that Jerusalem was not a temple. Until they get out of this historical illusion written by Al-Kabaa. The West has little origin religiously, historically, and linguistically…and it tried to find its origin in our region, so it came up with Napoleon’s huge project in cooperation with the Turks.

O Muslim… put it as a ring in your ear… Christianity and Judaism came after Islam… The Western and Turkish occupation that brought the printer planted the idea that Christianity and Judaism came before you to steal you and steal the land, the tongue and the religion after it had built… You have Dirar Mosque and you do not know it.

O Muslim… Understand what is happening around you… Notice that all the properties of Muslims and Arabs have become the right of Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah… The Great Mosque in Damascus was a Christian church, Hagia Sophia was a Christian church, the mosque in Jerusalem was a temple. A Jew, the Sanaa Mosque was a Christian village, Jerusalem was called Jerusalem, which was written in the book of the Al-Yahoud, Misr was called Misr, named after Christian Copts, and Palestine was the land of the Al-Yahoud who stole the land and displaced the Muslims from it. Everything is the right of the Christian-Jewish West. Understand, you donkey and hero of history books… This whole project is to steal you and steal the land, tongue, religion, soul, mind and heart from you… Understand all this project because of the story of the Dirar Mosque that you believe in. And that it is Al-Masjid Al Haram, and they have made Dirar Mosque for you and you do not know.

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief, and to cause division among the believers, and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will swear, “If We will The best. Allah bears witness that they are liars. (107) Never stand in it. A mosque that was founded on piety from the first day is more deserving of you standing in it. These are men who love To purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify themselves (108)}

{The structure they have built will continue to have doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.}


A Zionist media issue in cooperation between Türkiye and the West. Just as the Western Zionist media is in control of the global media today, yesterday it was also in control of the global media with its printer that Napoleon brought and which published the fake history books that established today’s consciousness. The West did not spread the printer in the world until after it had written a false historical novel for the world. It’s all (Shaytan’s project to seduce them all) and after building edifices and buildings (Hagia Sophia) in many countries in order to attribute it to this imaginary history.

Do not believe the story of the Byzantine state and the story of Muhammad the Conqueror, the whole world was created by Napoleon’s printer. They mock believers and wink at them

What is called the Byzantine Empire is a name given to what is said to be the Eastern Roman Empire. This name was given by a German historian named Jeronimus Wolff in the year 1559, that is, more than a century after its fall, in reference to the name of a small ancient Greek city whose ruins are located on The shore of the Bosphorus, Byzantium. The empire lasted for twelve centuries, and ended at the hands of the Ottoman Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453.

Think with me…… A country whose name history decided to change to a new name 100 years after its fall.

I mean, if we assume that America has fallen today… is it possible that after 100 years, one historian decides to call it a different name (Byzantium) and all the history books agree with him… and we change all the history books in naming it?

Or what makes sense is that in that period the history of a country was created for the first time in order to publish it in the world, especially since it was a period identical to the period of the appearance of the printer, which is credited with the appearance of all these books that are in our hands.

Turkey is a fake historical game created by the West… and has been ruled by an elite affiliated with the West for centuries.


Turkish history is a lie… it is a history written in cooperation and agreement with the West, during the period of the entry of Napoleon’s printer… in order to give Turkey a great imagination in the memory of the Arab person so that the Turks can have easy and continuous entry into the region to implement the West’s projects. We in Yemen are our real, living, authentic people’s memory. We have only known the Turks for 200 years, since Napoleon’s invasion of the region.

People from Yemen to Morocco believe the story that the Turks ruled our countries for 5 centuries… an illusion and a lie… the Turks entered the region during Napoleon’s invasion only. It was Western-Turkish cooperation… but the printer that Napoleon brought was the one who tried to write an original for them. We have to continue under their umbrella and not imagine ourselves as anything other than them as our guardians….. History’s purpose is to falsify the mind and occupy the imagination of peoples.

The very strong media paper that Erdogan put out by transforming Hagia Sophia from a museum into a mosque at this time… indicates that Turkey is on the verge of a very big step in which it needs strong media propaganda to precede it.

Turkey is a member of NATO, and NATO is screaming against Turkey’s interference in Libya?! lol. And Erdogan’s group in the region, which recently took the dose of strong drugs related to the Hagia Sophia Mosque… and Turkish propaganda drugs for almost 18 years in situations (the Marmara ship and not shaking hands with the head of the Zionist entity) + series that deal with the great Turkish Islamic history (Ertugul – Mehmed the Conqueror). – The harem of the Sultan – Abdul Hamid), and drugs, NATO’s screams against Turkey… completely dizzy… drunk… unconscious

Erdogan…..talks that Turkey’s history must be corrected and that the Turk must learn that Turkey’s borders are not these, but greater, and that Turkey has a legacy older than these borders. But the logical question is: Does Erdogan mean that Turkey’s borders extend to Europe and that he has an inheritance there, or does he mean our region?! It is logical that he means our Arab region.. It is impossible that he means Europe.

Every 100 years, the Turks create a hero to conquer the same city. Muhammad the Conqueror conquered the city and defeated Christianity, and Erdogan the Conqueror conquered the city and defeated secularism. But the first is printer paper and the second is based on printer paper. ….The Turks have no job except to always conquer their city, Istanbul, and there are a small handful of Arabs who have no job except to applaud the stories of these Turkish conquests on the occasion of Fatih Day. lol

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