He gave good news to the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment

He gave good news to the hypocrites that they will have a painful punishment

3/9/2021 0:00:01

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The Revelation gives these parables to people, perhaps to make sense of the idea that if you see a group taking infidels as guardians instead of believers and instead of Allah, and seeking from the infidels glory, power, and protection, this group can never in reality assume the service of Muslims, such as assuming the management of a house. Allah is sacred to serve the believers, because whoever takes over the management of Allah’s Al-Bayt Al-Haram will actually take Allah and the believers as guardians, and will seek honor from Allah to whom all glory belongs, and if you see such a group managing something to serve the believers……. be sure. That its reality is like the state of the spider, which is taken as a house for waiting, lurking, harming, and repelling, and it has been taken as the house of disbelief for harming and separating the believers, and for watching, and lurking, just as it takes the spider as a house for watching, lurking, and repelling.

Do you think, then, that people like Al Saud, who currently take the infidel Zionist West as guardians instead of Allah and the Muslims, and who seek glory, power, and protection from the Zionist West, might make sense that they are now taking over the management of Al-Masjid Al Haram of Allah in Mecca to serve the Muslims, or is it their mosque? It is not Al-Masjid Al Haram, but rather a blasphemous mosque that they took in the interior of Mecca to harm, divide, monitor, and lurk for Muslims and to repel Muslims from the path of Allah, just as a spider takes a house to lurk, lurk, and ward off victims.

Despite their cunning, from which mountains would move, the weakest of houses is the web of a spider, if only they knew.

And these are proverbs that Allah sets for people, and no one understands them except the knowledgeable.


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