Hieroglyphic writing is the Torah – 2

Hieroglyphic writing is the Torah - 2


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Why are hieroglyphs the real Torah?

In the previous part, we talked about the Torah from within the texts of the Holy Qur’an to the Muslim who believes that the Qur’an is a heavenly book, and that falsehood will never come to him, and who does not carry within him any shred of doubt about the fact that the Qur’an is a true book and very accurate in its words.

In this part, we will talk to the group of Firas Al-Sawah in the Levant, Zahi Hawass in Misr, and Khazal Al-Majidi in Iraq.

Why did you separate the topic into two parts?

When talking about scientific historical reading by referring to religious texts, we will be faced with two mentalities: the first is the one that places the religious text as the primary reference in its analysis, thinking, and understanding of history, and the second is the one that rejects the religious text and believes that relying on the religious text as one of the research tools loses the research’s scientific character and It turns it into a fantasy journey far from the truth.

But the truth is… there are historical issues related to religion that are still unresolved to this day. There is the Zionist Old Testament narrative about Palestine that was brought by the colonial West, etc…. and you cannot find a convincing objective explanation for these issues.

We have our own standards that we set within a curriculum, and this approach somehow puts us in a place between the two previous cases, and we did not choose that place ourselves, but rather the standards put us there, and we are in that place, because we cannot exclude the religious text yet. We sift through it to finally get a picture close to the truth, and we cannot rule out recent results in understanding historical issues. This place we are in is the reason why we talked about this topic in two parts, after we observed the mentality of our society in understanding the meaning of the Torah.

We are faced with two mentalities:

The first mentality is the mentality of the Qur’an… and the second is the mentality of Greek mythology… and every mentality has rules, foundations, starting points, references and sources… that is, every mentality has An approach to the subconscious is the reason for her convictions and perceptions.

Therefore, it was necessary to discuss this topic in two parts, presenting the topic according to the approach of each mentality.

In this article, we will talk about the mentality of Greek mythology, and I think that our discussion in this part will be somewhat difficult

Why ?

For several reasons

Because we will raise the issue to those with the mentality of Greek mythology, that is, the group of Firas Al-Sawah, Zahi Hawass, and Khazal Al-Majidi, and this group is based on a method of thinking different from the approach of the Qur’an group.

Also because the topic, in my personal belief, is more ideological than historical, and is not within the scope of this group’s jurisdiction. The Torah does not exist within their historical imagination, nor does it have great importance within the scope of this group’s imagination. Because we find this group more present within the theater of Ishtar, Adonis, Isis, Amun, Sargon, and Gilgamesh.

And because this group has general characteristics that distinguish them, for example, they believe in the West’s translations of the Manka inscriptions absolutely, and in the references of the West, and they have no doubt that the history written and written by the West is very correct, and they believe in the space of Greek mythology and live within it, and they believe that it A real world that existed in reality and was lived by man in ancient times.

Therefore, I find it somewhat difficult to find a starting point in order to enter into the topic.

Where do we start?!

I will try to find a starting point

I think it is logical… that this group must believe that the subject of the Torah is a purely ideological and religious aspect that is present today and is never absent and is not mixed with doubt, and this presence is present in the Holy Qur’an, even if this group does not believe in the text of the Qur’an, then its belief has no importance. Or her lack of belief, because it is a text specific to a belief.

So……..this group is subordinate to the sacred text, more than it is ahead of it in imposing the historical argument. That is, the text of the Qur’an is binding even on them in understanding the subject, because it is a text that talks about a subject within its cultural structure, that is, it is a primary, basic text, and this group has no other text that gives them the advantage of talking about it.

But still

This group also has the right to talk about the subject and impose its argument and even ridicule because others are subordinate to it in the discussion, because hieroglyphs are their area of specialization and they have an argument that precedes the Torah group… and its basic text is a binding reference for others…

And because in our conversation we are trying to combine hieroglyphics and the Torah, it is certain that a violent and intense conflict will occur between two worlds, between two mentalities, between two imaginations, between two times, between two ideas. Between two references, between two sources of information.

In other words……..there is no point of involvement from which one can start, to build a ground in order to reach a satisfactory or convincing result. Because this common point does not exist…it is natural that the first response of this group to this issue…is severe sarcasm.

What is the solution ?

I believe that there is no logical and satisfactory solution except only one solution, which is to abandon and abandon everything we possess, of information, references, axioms, books, sources, texts, and history… and make reality… What is in front of us is our book and our only reference, and we use our mind, logic, and physical evidence.

I think it is a logical and satisfactory solution for everyone.


■ First question:

Before Napoleon’s invasion of Misr, what did the people of Misr call their ancient inscriptions found in Misr?!

A very logical question… isn’t it?!

Is it possible…. that a people, long and broad, live in a land full of inscriptions of ancient writings, and live next to many huge temples filled with many writings, and do not know the name of this writing, or do not have a local name for it from their culture?!

Ok………in Misr there are Muslims and Al-Nasarah, and let us say according to the imaginary time that Islam came after Christianity, so that the Zionist mind does not accuse Islam of obliterating consciousness… Question:

Is it possible that neither a Muslim nor a Christian knows the name of these inscriptions and writings? The Christian does not even know the name of the inscriptions, does not even know how to read them, and does not know anything about them.

Don’t tell me that its name is hieroglyphic… This is a Greek name and not an Egyptian name at all… This is a Greek name.

Is it reasonable for a different and separate cultural structure to come from a distant place and impose its own name on an element within a different cultural structure, and have its name adopted as a scientific method?!

Unscientific and illogical

At least…there is something convincing and logical among the people of Yemen in their retention of a local name for their ancient inscriptions (Musnad), even though it is not the correct name, and its name is recorded in ancient books written by people from Yemen.

Is it possible that all the history books that have reached us about the history of ancient Misr…the Fatimid, the Abbasid, the Ayyubid, the Mamluk, and the Ottoman, and there is no reference, clarification, or detail in them about these writings and inscriptions? Or about its meaning or name?!

Does it make sense for me to go to China and tell them that their script is called Peruvian script, and then the Chinese will adopt it?

So how, Zahi Hawass, you Egyptian, you who love Misr, have not asked yourself this question… If you were a real Egyptian, you would have researched the issue and asked instead of your luxurious tours in the halls of Western culture salons while you are displaying your civilization with an American hat?!

The topic must really excite you, make you think, ask questions, and research… And do not allow someone to come to you and impose on you his own name and his own logic… If you truly love your country and are a scientific person and have… Sound logic.

How is it possible that these large inscriptions, which Misr is drowning within, are given an external label and not called local? This is the largest cultural and scientific fraud ever carried out in history.

correct ?

■ Second question

What is the doctrine?

Belief, whatever it may be….at any time or place, is a superstructure in human consciousness and in the awareness of societies….belief is a form of the highest form of awareness. Superstructures are solid and very strong structures that never disappear from societies. Superstructures give their effect to the new reality with time. Superstructures run parallel to history, imposing themselves and their impact on the new reality… The superstructure never disappears.

Belief is a very deep state in the consciousness of man and society, and it does not appear suddenly at all… It has an ancient, continuous, and uninterrupted context.

It remains constant and does not change at all… because it is an answer to one question… which is the question of existence… the beginning and the end… only an accumulation of knowledge occurs about the doctrine.

So…..the question is very, very logical:

Where did the doctrine that the West extracted from Egyptian inscriptions disappear, and said that man in Misr knew that doctrine?

Logic says…. If the ancient Egyptians had truly known the worship of Amun, Hathor, Horus, Apis, and Ptah….. today, in a certain, logical and natural way, you would have seen in Misr or any place in the region a religious group that still worships Ptah and… Apis and all the huge divine council that the West wrote about the religion of ancient Misr… and they practice the same ancient rituals that were practiced in ancient Misr, as mentioned in the history books written by the West about the religion of Misr.

But what is completely illogical… is that there is not even a mustard seed of everything the West wrote that remains to this day or has an impact… and there is absolutely no trace of this doctrine… not even the size of a newborn ant. In fact, the names of these gods are not found today on the tongue of any person in Misr… and they emerge involuntarily from the collective unconscious.

This illogical matter… made many people always replace the idea of searching for a logical answer… by putting forward the usual superstitious idea… that Islam came to erase all of that world, and this Zionist logic makes us respond with a logical answer:

I call on all Al-Nasarah in Misr to abandon the Christian religion, the religion of Rome, and return to the worship of Amun, Hathor, Isis, and Horus, and practice the rituals written by the West until we are sure that there is a trace of that faith, and that they are truly the owners of that history and time.

Now….if – then

If… the Egyptian today does not know the name of the writing of his ancient ancestors, and another person different from the Egyptians and from a different culture came and gave them a name for the writing of their ancestors… and he is the one who gave it a new form and value before the world. …and it was not the Egyptians who gave it to the world, and the contents of those inscriptions were extracted for the Egyptians, and it was not the Egyptians who extracted their contents, and what he extracted has no existing impact on reality… because……… those ancient inscriptions The ones in Misr belonged to a people that did not exist on Earth and had no relation to humans in Misr or any humans on Earth…… They belonged to people from another planet.

This is common sense…right?

But there is another very, very sound logic

If – then

As we have said previously

If…the doctrine is a superstructure, that is, a higher form of consciousness. It is a very solid and strong structure that never disappears from societies, and since the superstructures add their influence to the new reality with the passage of time, that is, they move in parallel with history, imposing themselves and their impact on the new reality, and they have an ancient, connected context…. For ……. the doctrine of the Egyptian today must be present in the inscriptions of his ancient ancestors. It is certain and conclusive that the doctrine of man in Misr must be recorded in the writings of his ancient ancestors. The extension of the doctrine and language of man in Misr today must have come. From the inscriptions of his ancestors.

Now……..let us forget time and history books, abandon the story of religions, and get out of the imaginary time…and get out of the world of books, and try to integrate with the current reality and not separate from it, and think about the reality of Misr and… Logically and scientifically:

In Misr, there are people with two religions…two beliefs.

Two religions: Islam and Christianity

The population of Misr holds two sacred religious books that people in Misr believe in…the Book of the Holy Qur’an and the Book of the Old Testament. The two books are written in two different languages, namely Arabic and Jabeti…but they talk almost on the same subject to a large extent.

But from a look at reality… the two religions seem to be made up of one component… but what is illogical… is the existence of two different languages for the texts of the two Holy Books.


We have two books that are somewhat similar in the stories of the prophets, but they differ in style and language…and they seem to be of a single origin that came out of Misr.

Why are there two holy books in Misr that contain 40% sacred religious stories from prophets, but they are similar and in two different languages?

Illogical…..at all

Logic and pure sound reason say:

One religion out of the two must be the religion that has its extension linked to the ancient writings in Misr and is the original and true context of the ancients……… and the language of the book of this religion must be the language of the writings of ancient Misr… …. That is, the inscriptions of Misr will not come from one of the two languages, either Arabic or Greek or Jethbetic.

What is the reason for the existence of two creeds in Misr in two different languages that speak about the same topics? It would have been acceptable to have two creeds and two books in one language only.

But….there is a problem in Roman times.

Why did Misr wait from ancient times for the French to come to it and give their writing a Greek name (hieroglyphs), and why did Misr also wait from ancient times for the Greek language to appear in its land and the first copy of a sacred religious book for the inhabitants of Misr to be written in it? Why? Misr waited until the emergence of Rome so that they could issue political orders to write the Bible to the Egyptians in Greek?

If it is… the cultural structure that came and imposed its name on an important element within a cultural structure different from it, and it is not its original and true name, and it is the same structure that came in the book of the Old Testament and in a different language and imposed itself on the same structure. The different cultural… So…. it is certain that neither its name (hieroglyphs) belongs to Misr nor its language (Jebti) belongs to Misr…. it is not authentic.

If the first copy of the religious book that first appeared to the inhabitants of Misr during Roman times and is still present and present to this day was written in the ancient Egyptian language, that is, the language of the inscriptions of ancient Misr, then it would be very logical for it to be the first religious book in Misr, and it came out. From Misr’s mercy and from its reality.

Let’s think in another way

Whoever looks at the inscriptions of Misr directly and from the first glance, the first impression and observation that will arise is that the religious situation was very deep among the ancient Egyptians…in fact, it seems as if it was the beginning of religion and belief for the whole world and not Misr…and when When we look at the antiquities of Misr and the quantity and size of the huge antiquities therein, we will realize that Misr in ancient times was a very important center… and this makes us believe that Misr in ancient times was the center and source of the belief, and not a follower and importer of the belief… so it is impossible for it to come and Its inhabitants, in the past, had a religion imported from outside it, and the origin of the religion exists with it, and it is impossible for an external religious book to come to it while it has its own book, and it is impossible for a book to come to it by political order from an occupying external ruler while it is a center and not a subordinate, and it is impossible for it to come to it by political order from an occupying external ruler. Occupied by a different faith, the book was written in a language foreign to the inhabitants of Misr, which is the basis of the first written script in the region.

Let us think while we do not know anything except reality and logic… and forget the Roman time that has reached us… for we do not know how true this time is or the validity of its history… and we will analyze a story found in the history books that has reached us and We do not know how true it is except that it is a story specific to a religion found in Misr. It talks about their Holy Book (the Old Testament) and how it was written.

The historical story says:

That a Greek ruler occupied Misr… and during his occupation of Misr… he asked seventy people to translate the book of the Al-Yahoud from the Hebrew language to the Greek language… and its translation was called the Septuagint translation… and this book is the first copy. From the book of the Old Testament written in Greek, so that it is kept in the Library of Alexandria.

Logical question:

– Why Misr specifically, and why did this ruler need so many seventy people to translate a book…and why did he translate it and not keep a copy of the book in its previous language?!

Doesn’t it occur to you that the scenario of this story is incomplete and unrealistic, and that there are hidden details within the story that the writer does not want to clarify? Doesn’t it occur to you that the real background of the story is the translation of ancient Egyptian inscriptions, and those who read the story do not pay attention to it… Because the writer of the story deliberately erased the reality from it… and this scenario is what caused people to confuse the book of the Old Testament with the Torah.

Doesn’t the idea come to your mind that a group from the West came to Misr at some point and tried to translate Egyptian inscriptions… specifically to translate a prophecy written in the script of the Torah in one of its ancient temples… but they failed and were forced to transfer the readability of those inscriptions from the tongue of their sons… A new book was produced from it.

The certain truth is that the Torah is written lines and they are the inscriptions of ancient Misr (the holy book of the region)…….. which the West later intentionally falsely called hieroglyphic writing….. so that their ancient trick would not be exposed… so that it would not The truth is revealed.

Now notice with me how they turned things around for people in this fake story and deliberately distorted it because of the fake time:

They said in the story that they translated the Book of the Hebrews from the Hebrew language to the Greek language…and the truth is that they translated a book that existed among the Arabs and was written in an Arabic language.

Hebrew = Arabic

Hebrew = Arabic

Now let us think with sound logic…which languages are the reality of Misr today, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, or Coptic? ….. In other words…… What is the currently prevailing religion and language in Misr?

Common sense linked to reality says that the dominant language and religion in Misr… will be the language and belief of the Egyptian inscriptions… It must be the language of the Egyptian inscriptions, and since the Arabic language is the dominant language in Misr… it is the language of the inscriptions. …… Especially because the Greek language is a language related to the West more than the East, and the reference of Egyptian inscriptions must be to the reference of the language of the dominant religious book in Misr, which is the Holy Qur’an.

Some will say… that the result we have reached… cannot completely separate the matter… and that there is something interconnected and complex that cannot be solved or separated once and for all.

But as we said before… logical thinking makes us believe, and even assert, that the doctrine does not appear suddenly and has an ancient context… and that one of the two religions currently existing in Misr… is an extension of… Natural Misr since ancient times…and that the language of the book of this religion is the natural linguistic extension of Misr since ancient times and is the language of the inscriptions of the Egyptians’ ancestors.

And according to our logic… when we go to the majority of the Egyptian people, we will find that the majority owns a Holy Book… and when we search it, we will find that it places emphasis on this point in its texts… as if it were addressing them today… …and he says to them:

{Indeed, We have sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who were Al-Yahoud judged by it, and the Rabbis and the Rabbis, because they had guarded themselves from the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the disbelievers.}

He also warns them and says:

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

– And a great oath is sworn to them that their reading is found in the book of their ancestors:

{So I do not swear by the positions of the stars. Indeed, it is a great oath, if you only knew. Indeed, it is the Noble Qur’an. It is in a hidden book. None shall touch it except the purified.}

He warns them that their Qur’an is on stone tablets:

{Rather, it is a glorious Qur’an, in a preserved tablet}

– And he tells them that their prophet is present in their inscriptions called the Torah:

{Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You will see them bowing down and prostrating, seeking bounty from Allah and His pleasure. Their marks are on their faces from the effect of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah.}

If we review the previous story of the Greek ruler, we will find that its details are in the religious book of the majority as well:

♣ A Greek ruler occupied Misr…and during his occupation, he asked seventy people to translate the Book of the Hebrews.

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort them after they had understood them while they knew? And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with one another, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you about it before your Allah? Do you not understand?” Do they not know that Allah knows? What they conceal and what they declare

{Say, O People of the Book, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Torah and the Enjil and what has been sent down to you from your Allah. And what has been sent down to you from Your Allah will increase in transgression and disbelief to many of them. So do not despair over the disbelieving people.}

♣ The book was translated from Hebrew to Greek… and its translation was called the Septuagint.

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

{The tongue to which they adhere is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

♣ This book is the first copy of the Old Testament and it is written in Greek… and this book, the Old Testament, is somewhat similar to the Qur’an.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

♣ This book was transformed, after a period of time, and with the power of Qadir, from the Greek language to the Jebetic language (even though it is Greek).

{Have you not seen those who were given a share of the book who believe in the Taghut (Dometic) and the Taghut (Dometic) and say to those who disbelieve, “These are more guided to a path than the believers?”}

♣ Of course, this issue will be decided once and for all with evidence, because the West discovered the truth and said it two centuries ago: {And Al-Yahoud is not Al-Nasarah on something and Al-Nasarah said not Al-Yahoud on something and they recite the Book. Thus said those who do not They know the same as what they say, so Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding what they differed about.}

■ There is a very important point

Doesn’t the (Greek Mythology) group notice that there is constant confusion among the majority of people in naming the language of ancient Misr, when they incorrectly call it hieroglyphs, while this group corrects people for this error, and tells them that hieroglyphics is not the name of the language of Misr, but rather a name for writing. Ancient Misr ?!

This previous confusion… is exactly the same confusion that exists among this group and the rest of the people in calling the book of the Al-Yahoud the Torah, while it is the book of the Old Testament and not the Torah at all… and it is also the same confusion that everyone has when they believe that the Torah is the name of a religious book. . ….while the truth is that the Torah is an ancient, sacred script in which the first copy of the Holy Qur’an available to Muslims was written……and these are the scripts that the West falsely called hieroglyphs..and they are the beginnings of the scripts in which the inhabitants of the region wrote their faith. .

■ Another important point

By virtue of the fact that this group uses the history and references of Greece as its intellectual basis and the ground from which it starts, we will ask it a question: Why did the Greeks call the inscriptions of Misr hieroglyphics? …..Isn’t the meaning of hieroglyphics sacred writing?

correct ?

The logical question…why does this group trust a cultural structure that is different and far from it in its naming and terminology that it imposes on its cultural surroundings, and does not trust a local cultural structure that lives within it and from its womb and possesses a holy book to a large extent, and in Within it are texts that speak clearly and explicitly that the concept of the heavenly religious book is different from the concept of the Torah?!

{And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Enjil }

Indeed, does this matter not require this group, even just to think about carrying out a process of matching… between the concept of hieroglyphic lines and the lines of the Torah?! .

The mind is supposed to work and work and leave the world of Greek cartoon series.

■ What is the problem of the group of Firas Al-Sawah, Zahi Hawass, and Khazaal Al-Majidi in understanding this truth?

Three basic problems:

Imaginary time, imaginary history… and absolute trust in the West.

1- Time

When you find an integrated cultural system and it suffers from a problem with the concept of time and has time gaps in its history, it is certain that there is a fundamental cause that has caused a fundamental defect in its concept of time and in the image of time in its imagination, and it is certain that the defect is not the result of elements within its structure, because The elements of the structure preserve the unity of the natural, balanced structure. It is certain that the defect is the result of an external factor that does not belong to the structure, which created chaos within the structure after it penetrated it and caused a defect in it.

But logic says…..that if we want to search for the cause and the location of the defect, we must go to the nucleus of the structure of that culture…the center of that structure, because this entire structure revolves around that nucleus, and it is natural that the nucleus of that The structure is the highest sacred religious texts, and when we go and search the highest sacred religious text in the structure, then we find that these texts contain texts of prophecies, and as we know that prophecies are linked to the concept of time… then our analysis will be sound… and we will begin to understand well. The place of the defect…the place from which the game was completed…and we ask: What if the game was played during the time of prophecies?! .. It will be the fundamental reason that explains this problem within the structure…… Logically, it will be the reason from which that structure was breached…. And when we search more within the texts… we will find that the most frequent and widespread prophecy in existence. ……It is the news of the story of Musa…then we will realize the identity of the hacker, and we will realize the dimensions of that previous story about the Greek ruler.

2- Fake history

When an entity steals time from a society, it can write large volumes for it about a large, imaginary history and events on its land and claim that they actually occurred. The matter is easy… but it requires a malicious, mean, satanic, and unscrupulous mind… Because we do not know this mind and this conscience, the issue is difficult to imagine or think about.

How was the game played between time and history?

When there is a heavenly religious book that is held in great holiness by a large society… and there are texts in the book that tell of the future, then an external entity… takes a prophecy from it and claims that it had reached him in the past… and creates a religious book for it, Then he undertakes a huge project to create a new society that believes in this book, to embody this lie in reality… Then he infiltrates the authors of the original book, and floods them with books that explain the texts of their book in the words of their prophet or in the form of a symbolic symbol that has a place, then he writes for them a historical novel that makes their prophet a leader. He appeared after his new society that he created… to convince the imagination of the owners of the original book with a chronological story. And that the prophecy of their book had occurred in the past, that is, it gives temporal precedence to the new society that it created, that is, it creates a new faith for the owners of the original book in the reality of its new society, and establishes its new society spiritually, intellectually, temporally, historically, and in the name of the Creator in the mind and spirit of the owners of the original book. .. That is, it makes the survival and continuation of the new society depend primarily on the faith of the community of the owners of the original book……… We are facing a strategic project by a force to strike the temporal imagination of the community of the owners of the original book… and make time stop and not continue its movement. In order to prevent them from moving, in order to confine them inside a very tight time prison, in order to put them inside a narrow prison, to steal their time, their history, and their land.

3- Absolute trust in the West

If everyone sees how the West came to us in the last century carrying with it a false religious Zionist narrative in the name of the Promised Land, the Temple, Jerusalem, and Israel, and wants to legitimize its colonial, occupational, and expansionist project based on this false narrative, but many still do not know that this project Coming from a cultural structure that does not belong to us at all… and it is in its interest to falsify your awareness and mind to steal everything from you.

Our region has been subjected to continuous occupation attacks by Europe since ancient times, and they are based on the legitimacy of religious historical narratives. This means, logically to any rational person, that the West has been striving for a long time to fragment the region and create false, false, and conflicting historical narratives for the region that serve projects of occupation, plunder, and Expansion. He strives to create historical gaps in the minds of the region’s residents to create sensitivity and a rift in the historical imagination of its residents.

And if everyone is watching today the Western powers and the regional powers affiliated with them and their agents in the region, and they are using the media in quackery, lying, and forgery to cover up the truth of what is happening in reality today, to hide their expansionist and occupational projects. Rather, they are using the falsification of history and the texts of religions in my eyes. Your eyes are before us to brainwash the masses, in order to push the masses in the path that serves their ambitions today, but there is no awareness by many of this matter, and there is no awareness that today was exactly like yesterday.

The West, since ancient times, has been working as a single intellectual system with one strategic project whose goal is occupation, expansion, and plunder in any way. There is no moral value in the face of this goal, and this is what maintains the West’s well-being. Therefore, it is not in the West’s interest to produce for you a correct novel. For history never… because the correct narration of history will contribute to correcting the course of time and contribute to reforming the historical imagination and historical context of the peoples and to strengthening the strength and stability of the peoples, and this thing does not serve the West’s projects of occupation and plunder, because this The work will not leave any gaps in the imagination of the people through which the West can infiltrate the region, and some people are ignorant of this, and they are ignorant that most of the ancient Western readings of history are also work that serves the projects of Western political forces, as well as the readings that reach us today and coming from The West graduated from Orientalist studies centers affiliated with the intelligence services of Western countries, and these studies are intellectual projects that serve the political orientations of the West in many regions of the world.

Therefore, when we deal with the narration of Western writings, we must be very careful with them, and we must not trust their writings about our ancient history, nor must we trust them with regard to our heritage, our inscriptions, or what they say. Rather, we must not believe their false stories about their success in deciphering our inscriptions.


These are the reasons that made this group live within a Greek mythological space separated from reality, and it has become very far from reality today…. and from the realization that our reality today is connected to the ancient.

They do not realize that the region’s time has been stolen….and this theft has made the region live in an imaginary time, and an imaginary history was written after it was stolen, in addition to the absolute trust of the West, as the West was able to remove people from reality more and make them live inside the world of comics and The cartoon series of Greek mythology destroyed people’s sound logical mind. This is the main reason for the difficulty in realizing that the doctrine does not appear suddenly at all, and the linguistic system of the texts of the doctrine does not appear suddenly at all.

The belief has an ancient, continuous, and never-interrupted context, and it has a linguistic system from which the sacred texts of the belief emerge, and this system continues throughout this context since the beginning of the appearance of the first sacred religious text and never disappears until today. There is no such thing as development in doctrine. This is a lie. Doctrine never develops, because doctrine is an answer to the question of existence and destiny only, meaning the question of existence and death, regardless of the nature of the cause. The belief remains constant and does not change at all…….. Only knowledge accumulation occurs about the belief.

The only thing that changes in the structure of religion is a gradual transition in the process of writing sacred texts from the reference of the first written form, which is (the Torah) in which the sacred text was written. Writing takes multiple forms throughout the temporal context of the faith, and these written forms are considered sacred forms by believers.

Not understanding this thing… In addition to not understanding the trick of the imaginary time and the imaginary history that the Ottomans wrote for the Muslims… one of the most important reasons for not understanding the existence of a very ancient book of Islam, and not understanding what the book is in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous, this book. Whose verses are explained in detail, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. One of the reasons for this is the difficulty in understanding the true meaning of the Torah and the Enjil … and the failure to comprehend that the Torah and the Enjil are ancient and sacred scripts, and that the first copy of the Holy Qur’an was written in the Torah script. The residents of the region transmitted their first Qur’an and their first reading of the Holy Qur’an from within Misr.

that is the true

Therefore, the group (Firas Al-Sawah, Zahi Hawass, and Khazal Al-Majidi) must realize and be aware of the truth of what has been happening in the region by the West for two centuries.

They must realize what it means for the West to obtain an ancient copy of the Holy Qur’an written on stone tablets.

The West’s acquisition of ancient tablets of the Qur’an with the lines of the Torah…means that the Vatican institution will collapse and the position of the Pope will fall permanently. The Christian and Jewish world will collapse because of this book that reached the West two centuries ago, and therefore it was upon the West, in a very necessary way, a matter of life or Death, designing a major strategic project targeting the region intellectually and cognitively…a comprehensive cognitive obliteration…and a comprehensive falsification of the region, falsifying collective awareness and destroying the collective imagination..

This group must realize…that their imagination now, which is filled with symbols, comics, cartoon series and anime coming from Greek mythology…is an imagination created by a strategic Western project….. ..And that their awareness today of history and the context of reality is one of the results of that project…to separate them from the true reality and to destroy common sense so that they can never reach this truth.

And the story of the Rosetta Stone… which appeared during France’s invasion of Misr… was the real secret goal that brought France to Misr… the real goal that was covered up by the story of the massive invasion and occupation… until the Rosetta Stone turned into just a passing coincidence. ….. Because the logic of any normal person would say that it is impossible for the target of a military invasion to be the Rosetta Stone ….. The Rosetta Stone was fabricated, deliberate, and planned before France came to Misr ….. to ensure the launch of the forgery project. huge area

■ Finally

We are required to provide proof and confirmed evidence for this group, and it is their right, of course……But I am interested now in an answer to the question…..Does the statement seem logical? …..Leave the evidence now….Does the statement seem logical?

If the words seem logical… then wait for us in another article… until we finish preparing the evidence… which is able to pull you back to reality.



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