How do we read the Qur’an and understand the Qur’an’s speech as it is?

How do we read the Qur’an and understand the Qur’an’s speech as it is?

5/29/2020 0:00:01

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How do we read the Qur’an?!

I believe that it is the most important question that every Muslim must ask, and indeed it is the first question that every Muslim must ask, and the answer to this question is supposed to be the first topic that must be raised by any researcher before discussing any other topics related to understanding the speech of the Qur’an.

In my opinion…the answer to this question does not require specialists, scholars, degree holders or doctors. The convincing answer can be reached by anyone through logical and realistic thinking based on the experiences the person goes through in contemplating the matter. Clues .

How can your mind and imagination understand the speech of a sacred text that tells you about correct facts and information for the world, and at the same time your mind may be based on wrong information and wrong theories that have created a wrong world in your imagination?

Or in other words… when your mind is based on false information that creates in your mind a false imagination of the world, then when you read the Qur’an’s speech you will never understand it. Rather, your mind will adapt the Qur’an’s speech, including the correct facts and information contained within it, in many ways that make it enter. The speech reaches your wrong imagination and makes it dwell in it, and then you believe that the Qur’an’s speech is actually speaking from within the world that exists in your wrong imagination, and you will believe that the Qur’an’s speech came out of the wrong imagination that exists in your mind.

This is the question…so what is the solution?!

The mind must be purged of all the information and theories stored in it, and the current image of the world present in the imagination must be erased… so that the readers’ speech can be understood as it is.

How can this filter be done?!

The subject requires continuous training, and this training involves conducting several experiments in the mind and imagination.

For example… you can imagine the idea that the Qur’an was revealed to you for the first time, and this idea and experience will help you in the filtering process.

Such experiences.

Issues in the mind and imagination must also be addressed once and for all.

1- The first case

What is the first Arabic text that came to you?!

The Qur’an… because all the Arabic texts came to you after the Qur’an. The books on the Prophet’s biography, hadith, grammar, grammar, intonation, stories of the prophets, Arab history, etc., came 250 years after the Qur’an.

This means that the Qur’an precedes any other Arabic text, and therefore it is a mistake for your mind to believe in the information that reached you after the Qur’an, and it is a mistake for your imagination to draw a picture of a world based on that information.

The logic is that your mind is based on the first text, and your imagination draws a picture of the world based on the facts and information of the readers.

Rather, it is a mistake… to trust those texts that came after the Qur’an and adopt them as correct information that will help you understand the speech of the Qur’an, because all of those texts that came after the Qur’an have the function of cultivating false information and drawing a false world in your imagination.


To rely on the biography in interpreting the Qur’an….. is a mistake

To rely on the Book of Interpretations to interpret the verses of the Qur’an… is a mistake

To rely on dictionaries to interpret the words of readers… is a mistake

To rely on grammar books to interpret the meaning of the Qur’an’s sentences… is a mistake

To rely on a history book to interpret a story in the Qur’an… is a mistake

2- The second case

Is it possible to rely on a non-Arabic text that preceded Islam in interpreting the Qur’an?!

not at all .

First…as we said, you must clear your mind of all information and images in your imagination.

Information about the history of reality…is stored in the mind

And time… is stored in the imagination

You must clear your mind and imagination…that is, clear all historical information in your mind and erase time in your imagination.

Indeed, the degree of danger of relying on other non-Arabic texts is much greater than the danger of relying on texts written after the Qur’an, despite the fact that most of the Arabic texts that came after the Qur’an are nothing but Arabic translations of books from other languages.

how ?!

You believe that the Qur’an is the true word of Allah…and it talks about the world around you, and it contains correct information, facts, and stories that happened in reality, but the greatest danger in understanding the Qur’an’s speech is if you believe that there are other texts that preceded the word of Allah and are similar to The word of Allah and contains facts and other information that you believe are true and that they come from Allah.

And this is the biggest and fundamental problem in understanding the Qur’an’s speech, because the Qur’an’s speech gives you information and facts that are very correct for your mind, and wants to draw in your imagination a picture of the real world around you, while there is another text and there are those who made you believe and firmly believe that it came. From Allah in the past, and this other text wants to crowd out the Qur’an’s speech to plant new information and facts in your mind that resemble the information and facts in the Qur’an’s speech, and this other text wants to draw in your imagination a new picture of the real world around you that resembles the picture of the world that He wants. Readers can draw it in your imagination.

And your belief in the truth of this other text……. will make your mind adapt the information and facts that reached you from the readers’ speech within the new information and facts that the other text planted in your mind.

The danger in this idea is found in the imagination, because the imagination is the place where time exists in the human mind……And your belief that it is a text that preceded the Qur’an’s speech, this means that your imagination will first be based on the idea of the text that preceded the Qur’an’s speech…… …And your first imagination will contain a picture of the real world around you drawn by the information and facts found in the other text.

Only you will enter the picture of the world that the readers draw for you within the first picture that exists in your imagination and that was drawn by the other text.


I will give an example to make the two previous cases clear

Suppose that your name is: Ahmed Muhammad Hassan Abdullah Al-Masry, and you live in the village of (Aleppo), and your father, before he died and moved to Allah, wrote a letter to you and said to your family to say hello to (Ahmed) after he reaches 40 years of age, and in this letter:


My son Ahmed………….. I will tell you a story that you did not know before. Your grandfather (Hassan) came from a village very far from this village in which we live, and the name of that village is (Baghdad). You must go to it, as it is a village in which there are houses, including houses built with green bricks. They are ours and we inherited them from your grandfather (Abdullah), who built them.

Your grandfather (Abdullah) had a number of children, Sadiq, Saleh, and your grandfather Hassan. There are many of your cousins in that village, and there is in it the document proving our ownership of those houses on a stone tablet, and in that document there is your ancient family history.

You traveled to that village before you were born and you wrote the same text of this letter that you are reading now inside that document so that you can be sure and prove to everyone that you are the owner of this house.

You have seen a true vision that will come true, and you must know it and adhere to it:

I saw a vision that there would be one of your cousins in the village of Baghdad, whose name is Saeed. He obtained that document and kept it. A true story happened with him, and you must search for it. You know where Saeed is so you can take that document.

I saw that one day, a criminal man named (Nero) came to the village of Baghdad, accompanied by an armed gang, and took control of the village and killed many of the village’s residents.

After a few days, the criminal summoned your cousin (Saeed)…and asked him to give him the document that he had, so this criminal took the document and his gang forged it, and put it in papers that they presented to people, and you must take that document and She corrects her reading… because the residents of the village and all the family members who are your cousins in other villages have lost their possessions in their grandfather’s first house.


(Ahmed) had grown up, and was old enough to receive the letter written by his father, but the criminal and his gang had read the letter, because the copy of the letter was present in the document, and they knew that the letter would reach a member of (Al-Masry’s) family, so they created a huge forgery project so that it would not The message arrives and someone from Al-Masry’s family understands it correctly.

The gang did the following:

■ The gang wrote a letter similar to the original letter, but in a different form and in a different language, and they convinced a family called (Al-Yoshi) that it was an old document that they inherited from a person named (Shaeed).


[Your grandfather (Abdullat) had two wives. The first was named (Maysoon) and she gave birth to a son named (Saduq). Your grandfather is from whom you are descendants. The other was named (Hajwa). She was a slave girl. He married her after he migrated to a village called (Baghdadim) and children were born from her. Many of them include Hashan.

After a while… your family suffered a tragedy. One day, a criminal man named (Nron) came to the village of (Baghdadim), accompanied by an armed gang. He took control of the village and killed many of the Saduq family. ), and enslaved all members of the family

Then a man from the Saduq family named (Shaeed) came out and stood against the criminal (Naroun) and wanted to liberate the (Saduq) family, so he took the whole family, and after he took them out of the village from the torment of (Naroun) to an area called (Sunun), he rose. (Shaeed) by giving Saduq’s family members the old document in his possession.]


■ The project created a vocabulary dictionary, containing vocabulary found in the original message but with distorted meanings.

Chapter on the letter (t) – Chapter on the letter (w)

Brick: a type of wood. The ancient inhabitants of the city of Aleppo called a type of dry wood “brick.”

■ The project composed very beautiful poetic poems… inside them were vocabulary and sentences found in the original message, but with distorted meanings, and attributed them to poets from Aleppo who were born before (Ahmed’s) father.. (lyrical poems from Aleppo)

I saw a green bird, the color of the sky.

■ The project wrote a book containing old hadiths from the ancient inhabitants of the village of (Aleppo), including hadiths attributed to a person named (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah al-Masry) to distort the meanings and concepts of the original message, and to attribute the book to a person who lived in your father’s time.

The father of the herbalist told us that (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah) had told him that his grandfather (Abdullah) built a house in a village called (Maghdad) and people used to call it (Baghdad).

– A man named Khaled Yahya met (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah) and told him about a cousin of his named (Saeed) and he said: Allah saved my cousin (Saeed) from the criminal (Nero) on Friday.

– Muhammad Hassan Abdullah spoke to the blacksmith of the village of Aleppo and told him about his family. He said that his grandfather Abdullah had a son named Sadiq with a woman named Maysoon, while his grandfather Hassan had a son named Hagwa.

■ The project built a village called (Maghdad) in a place far from the village of (Aleppo). It built houses in it and built a wooden house painted in blue. It settled residents there and made personal cards for them and made them bear the title (Al-Masry), then built a village. Another village called (Al-Bayt) was also built there, a wooden house painted blue, and some of the Al-Masry family and the Al-Yoshi family were placed in it.

■ The project issued a birth certificate for the new document that he composed and gave to the family of (Al-Yoshi)…….. by issuing a birth certificate for (Shaeed) stating that he was born 150 years ago. The project also issued a birth certificate for the original letter that he wrote. (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah) to his son (Ahmed), by issuing a birth certificate for (Muhammad), the father of (Ahmed), stating that he was born 70 years ago……. Then they put these certificates in a book called (The History of the Village of Aleppo), written by A man with the nickname (Al-Masry).


Now… (Ahmed) received the letter that he inherited from his father (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah Al-Masry)…. and he read it and wants to comprehend and understand it. After reading it, he met a friend of his and showed the letter to his friend…so his friend advised him to read books written by the residents of the village of (Aleppo)… because it would help him understand the content of the letter.

(Ahmed) listened to his friend’s advice and acted on it.

1 – So (Ahmed) took a dictionary book (the language of Aleppo), which was written by a resident of the village of (Aleppo).

He realized that the meaning of the word brick is a type of wood.

Ahmed understood that his father was telling him about the village of his first grandfather (Abdullah), in which there were houses built of a type of wood.

2- One day, when (Ahmed) was reading the book (Lyrical Poems from Aleppo), which was written by ancient poets in the village of (Aleppo).

Ahmed came across this poetic line in the book: I saw a green bird whose color was like the color of the sky.

Here Ahmed noticed an important point, which is that the word green does not mean the color of the grass as he thought, but rather the color of the sky (sky). He also noticed that this word appeared in his father’s letter, and he realized that when his father wrote the letter to him, he had written it. In the original language of the ancient inhabitants of Aleppo.

And here Ahmed learned that his father was telling him about a village in which wooden houses were blue (sky).

Ahmed was happy because he began to understand the content of his father’s message.

3- After a while, Ahmed decided to travel in search of the village (Baghdad), which contains the houses that he inherited from his grandfather (Abdullah), and the old document in it, and he has the message and many books that were written in the past to help him understand the message according to the advice of his friend.

So (Ahmed) traveled for days and nights, and one day he found on the way to a village called (Maghdad)… so he entered it and saw a wooden house painted blue.

Ahmed thought and said: It matches the descriptions that his father mentioned in his letter.

So Ahmed took out the letter and took out the books he had with him:

A house built with green bricks. In front of it is a wooden house painted blue.

The dictionary (of the language of Aleppo) says that brick is wood, and the poems of the ancients of Aleppo say that green is the color of the sky, and we now have a village that has all these specifications.

4 – Ahmed stayed in the village for a day, but he decided to review the letter, so he stopped at the name of the village. His father told him about a village called (Baghdad) and this village is called (Maghdad).

But Ahmed decided to make sure that perhaps his father forgot to mention something and mentioned it in another place, so he opened a book (old hadiths from the hadiths of ancient residents of the village of Aleppo).

A hadith was found in it on the authority of his father (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah Al-Masry), and the father of the perfumer mentioned it:

“The father of the herbalist told us that (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah) had told him that his grandfather (Abdullah) had built a house in a village called (Maghdad) and people also called it (Baghdad).”

(Ahmed) shouted: I have found what I am looking for. My father says that the village is called (Baghdad) or (Maghdad)… It is the village that my father told me about.

Ahmed took out the letter, which said: “There are many of your cousins in that village.”

And (Ahmed) found the residents of the village (Maghdad or Baghdad)… that they bear the surname (Al-Masry) like his surname… they are cousins of (Ahmed)… it is the desired village.

Some village residents from the (Al-Masry) family live in this wooden house painted blue, and when he told them: It is from the (Al-Masry) family and that he has a letter confirming its ownership… They said to him: Yes, the house belongs to the entire (Al-Masry) family, and to you. The right to live in this house at any time.

5 – Ahmed relaxed in the village and stayed there for weeks, and one day he decided to open his father’s letter and review it, and after contemplating it deeply while reading it, he found an important point. His father’s letter told him about a village in which there were houses and not just one house.

On the second day… Ahmed asked a resident of the village of Maghdad: Is there another wooden house painted blue in the village other than this one, or was there one in the village but it was demolished?! …….. He replied: No, but there is a village close to our village called (Al-Bayt) village, and it has a wooden house painted blue and looks like the house in our village.

Ahmed thought about this problem, because he is required to carry out his father’s will found in the letter. All of the descriptions of the letter are present in this village except one point… it contains one house, while the letter tells him about houses.

Ahmed decided to use the books he had taken with him and searched in them, perhaps finding an explanation that would support the situation he had reached in this village.

So he took out (the Aleppo language dictionary)… and searched in the chapter on the letter (q) and found the following: A village in the language of the residents of Aleppo refers to a small place inside which is a residential complex consisting of houses. The residents of Aleppo also used the name (village) to an area A large area of land that includes several villages.

When he opened the book (Poetry of Old Aleppo), he found a verse in it that said: I traveled towards the village here and there.

Ahmed (Ahmed) was happy… because in the books he took with him and which his friend advised him to use to understand his father’s message, he found in them confirmation of the descriptions of his father’s message.

The word (village) in his father’s letter, and because his father spoke the language of the ancient inhabitants of Aleppo, according to the (Dictionary of the Aleppo Language)… it does not mean only a village, but rather it means a large area that includes a group of villages, and the village of (Maghdad), in which the wooden house is located. There is another village far away from it, in which there is another wooden house.

Also, the book (Old Poems from Aleppo) contains a verse that confirms this. There is a poet who says (here and there) when he talks about his travel to a village, which is an indication that the village is here and there also in the distance.

Ahmed said to himself that it was possible that all the villages were called (Baghdad) in the past, and for this reason the village had two names (Maghdad and Baghdad), and this was the reason for his father’s words in the book (Old Hadiths from Aleppo).

6 – Ahmed became firmly convinced that it was the village that his father was talking about in his letter, and he had no choice but to travel to the village (Al-Bait), where the other wooden house painted in blue was located, in order to restore it in his father’s will.

Ahmed traveled to the village of Al-Bayt, which is far from the village of Maghdad. After a continuous day of travel, he arrived at the village and entered the village.

In the village of Al-Bayt, Ahmed found a group of houses, and in fact there was a wooden house painted blue.

But Ahmed found something strange in the village of (Al-Bayt)… Not all of the residents of this village are from the (Al-Masry) family, but there are residents who bear the surname (Al-Yoshi).

His father’s letter tells him that the residents of the village are all his cousins from the Al-Masry family, but this village has a family that is not from the Al-Masry family, but from the Al-Yoshi family, and they speak a different language than them.

When he asked one of the Egyptian family, who understood their language and they understood his language, why, he told him that these were their cousins, but on the other hand.

Ahmed thought and said: My grandfather who built the house is named (Abdullah Al-Masry), not (Abdullah Al-Yoshi).

When Ahmed asked him what confirms this, one of his cousins from the Al-Masry family told him that they share the same lineage with us, and they have an old historical letter proving that they are the sons of our grandfather Abdullah Al-Masry.

When Ahmed saw the letter they had (the new document), Ahmed was amazed. It was almost similar to the letter he inherited from his father, but it was different.

Ahmed asked himself: How did this message reach them, when I alone have this message?!

Ahmed thought about this big problem:

His father’s letter tells him about the Al-Masry family, and there is the Yoshi family

Ahmed thought a lot, and he found the magic solution that always saved him, which were the books that he brought with him, so Ahmed opened the books, because perhaps there was a hint in them that would make him understand the meanings and purposes of his father’s message well.

He opened the book (Old Hadiths of Aleppo), which contained hadiths from his father, and found in it a hadith transmitted by the blacksmith of the village of (Aleppo) on the authority of (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah), in which he talked about his family and said that his grandfather Abdullah had a son named (Saduq) from a woman named (Maysoon). While his grandfather was kind to a woman named (Hajwa).

(Ahmed) said: Indeed, my father’s hadith matches the document owned by the Al-Yoshi family. There is one of my grandfather’s sons whose name was (Saduq) and he is from a woman named (Maysoon), while the Al-Masry family is from a woman named (Hajwa).

But a question came to Ahmed’s mind: In his father’s letter, it talks about that his grandfather (Abdullah) had a son named (Sadiq) and not (Sadouk), and our great-grandfather’s name is (Abdullah) as it is with us, while they call our great-grandfather (Abdul-Lat). …So how will we solve this problem?!

Ahmed thought and said: Since we faced a similar problem with the word (Baghdad), which is the same as (Maghdad), there is no problem with the name (Sadiq) being (Saduq), and (Abdullah) being (Abdullat), and the subject. The pronunciation of names has changed due to time, but they are similar and close.

But the rest of the problem is the nickname. Our nickname is (Al-Masry) and their nickname is (Al-Yoshi)?!

Ahmed thought and came to a solution, that the Egyptian was Al-Yoshi, especially after he found evidence in the books he brought with him, which said that all titles were from Allah.

Ahmed was comfortable with these logical explanations, which were made with the help of the books he brought with him.

But Ahmed thought about the most important part of the problem: How did the Yoshi family obtain this document that resembles the letter in his possession that he inherited from his father?!

Ahmed thought, and Ahmed had become a firm believer that the solution to any problem was found in the books he brought with him. There must be an answer in the history, and his father must have said something else that would further clarify the matter, so that he could solve the problem.

Ahmed opened the book (Old Hadiths from Aleppo) to search for a hadith from his father mentioned in this book that would help him solve this problem. He found a hadith that said: “A man named Khaled Yahya met (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah) and told him about a cousin of his named (Saeed).” He said: Allah saved my cousin (Saeed) from the criminal (Nero) on Friday.”

Then he opened the book (The General History of Aleppo) and found the following information in it:

(Shaeed bin Saduq bin Abdullat Al-Yoshi) was born 150 years ago, and (Muhammad Hassan Abdullah Al-Masry) was born 70 years ago.

Ahmed thought and said: Since my father was born 70 years ago, and (Saeed) was born 150 years ago… it is true that my father, in (The Book of Old Hadiths), spoke about his cousin (Saeed), whose name is in the letter he wrote to me, and who My father told me in it that he had the old document, and because Saeed owns the old document and what is in it is the same text as the letter that I have, it is certain that he delivered it to the Yoshi family, who are our cousins and they are from the (Sadiq or Saduq) branch, and it reached them and therefore They are protecting the same message or document…which confirms that they are actually our cousins and the sons of (Abdullah Al-Masry).

So… this village (Al-Bayt) and the village (Maghdad)… are actually the village (Baghdad) in which my grandfather built houses with green bricks, or wooden houses painted the sky color.

Ahmed was relieved… believing that he had carried out his father’s will in full, and all his cousins now, including him, had the houses they inherited from their grandfather Abdullah.

Ahmed decided to leave and return to the village of (Aleppo), and before he traveled, one of his cousins from the Al-Masry family called him…and said to him, “We have a problem: We, the Al-Masry family, used to live in the wooden house that was the color of the sky, but the Al-Yoshi family They claim that the house is theirs, and that the Al-Masry family built it on the ruins of an old house built by their grandfather (Saduq), and they want to demolish it in order to build their old house on it… so that they can practice their rituals in it alone, which are different from us.

Ahmed Fekr… It is indeed a problem… If the Yoshi family were our cousins, they would not have disagreed over the house of our grandfather (Abdullah Al-Masry), nor would they have thought of demolishing it, nor would they have thought of building a house on their own… Then how could they be our cousins? Their language is different and their rituals are different.

Ahmed thought a lot… and did not find a solution… and asked his cousin to wait for a month because he had work in the village of (Aleppo) and until he returned, he would have found a solution.

Ahmed left the village, heading to the village of (Aleppo)… During his return, he rested in one of the villages, and there he met an old man who needed his help, so he helped him. He thanked him and they exchanged conversations. The man told him about the conditions of his village, which had changed 10 years ago, when a criminal came. With his gang, they killed people and spread corruption, and this criminal man translated the book found in the village.

Ahmed asked the old man about the name of this village, and he told him its name is (Baghdad).

Ahmed left for the village of (Aleppo)…and to this day he is still thinking about solving the problem of his cousins, the Al-Masry family and the Al-Yoshi family, regarding their grandfather’s house, which was built of wood painted blue……and he possesses his father’s letter and a document. The Yoshi family. Rather, the Yoshi family document became a historical document that Ahmed talks about when talking about his family and its history… so he started telling his family that their grandmother’s name is (Hajwa), whom he married (Abdullah).


Why will Ahmed never understand his father’s message?!

Because Ahmed… uses the previous two cases in his approach while understanding his father’s message and will not reach the core of his father’s message, because he did not adhere literally to the text of his father’s message… and used texts that do not carry any reliability from outside the message to understand his father’s message.

Let us think about the previous two cases related to the mind while reading the Qur’an through the previous example.

Almost the first case we talked about… applies exactly to parts (1 2 3 4 5) of the previous example.

While the second case that we talked about… applies exactly to part (6) of the previous example.

how ?

If we assume that the letter that the father wrote to Ahmed is (the Qur’an).

◆ The case of Ahmed in Part No. (1) of the previous example…is the same as the case of people who use language dictionaries to interpret the vocabulary of the Qur’an, and do not know that they are entering into a project of distorting meanings and words.

The first case

◆ The case of Ahmed in Part No. (2) of the previous example…is the same as the case of people who use books of pre-Islamic poetry, Arab poetry, and ancient Arab sayings to interpret the vocabulary and sentences of the reciters, and do not know that they are within a project. Distortion of meanings and words.

The first case

◆ The case of Ahmed in Part No. (4) of the previous example…is the same as the case of people who use the books of the Prophet’s hadiths and the sayings of the Companions and scholars to understand the speech of the Qur’an…and they do not know that they are inside A project to distort meanings, words, goals, and objectives.

The first case

◆ The case of Ahmed in Part No. (6) of the previous example……… is the same as the case of people who use the book of the Al-Yahoud to interpret and understand the speech and stories of the Qur’an, and do not know that they are using texts written by the imagination of a political project that tried to create a similarity. With general content for readers.

Just as the gang was able to deceive (Ahmed) and make him believe that this document reached the Yoshi family 100 years before his father’s birth, so the project was able to convince the Muslim that the Book of the Al-Yahoud is a book from Allah, through the same trick when they convinced the Muslim that the Book of the Al-Yahoud was revealed before the Qur’an. That is, it reached the Al-Yahoud before the Qur’an reached the Muslims.

The second case

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