Hutus and Tutsis – the model applied in any country occupied by France

Hutus and Tutsis - the model applied in any country occupied by France

8/16/2021 0:00:01

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This is what happened in Rwanda in the 1990s

Gangs carrying machetes and knives, committing massacres and massacres throughout the country, from all groups, men, women, elderly people, piles of corpses piled on top of each other like piles of firewood. In 4 months, approximately one million people were killed.

The question that raises anyone in this disaster:

What is the scientific and psychological reason that explains why people lose the instinct of mercy during the killing of people, children, women, and the elderly… Why did they lack even a shred of mercy or a shred of human feeling toward those they were killing? Why was blindness the master of the situation and made them unable to see? The amount of brutal work they did?!

The answer….hate.

Yes, hate is the reason.

There is a difference between anger and hatred.

Anger is a temporary feeling towards the individual, but it quickly disappears. As for hatred, it is a permanent feeling towards individuals and groups as well. It settles in a person and does not disappear quickly.

The individual is a single number, but the group is an imaginary concept that includes within it a large number of individuals…… Therefore, the individual deals with any other individual out of a feeling of anger towards him most of the time………but he does not deal with the group. He feels angry towards her, because he does not find a clear individual in front of him, but rather there is a hypothetical name for a group of individuals in his mind.

And here is the danger… How?

And when the mind of any individual is filled with the belief that a group is the cause of his persecution and suffering, and a false history is written that attributes to the group a bad history that it has committed towards the history of this individual, of murder and brutality, and events and situations are created that confirm this matter to him… Then chronic hatred settles within this individual and he begins to suffer from a feeling of persecution by that group.

And this is why

When the members of those gangs brutally killed people, each individual did not look at the victim as an individual at all, but rather looked at him from an imaginary point of view as that imaginary group that was the reason for his persecution and towards which he harbored hatred… so the individual point of view disappeared from the situation on the one hand. The victim, and the collective imaginative view appears in the situation towards the victim.

And because hatred blinds the mind and heart… Therefore… the criminal kills any victim in a brutal manner, and does not look at the victim as if he were an individual just like him, but rather looks at him as an imaginary image of a group, which is the reason for his persecution and suffering in life. He kills in a brutal manner and without any presence. Any ounce of mercy or compassion, and mental and heart blindness is the master of the scene.




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