Hymn to the majesty of Isis and the Qur’an

Hymn to the majesty of Isis and the Qur’an

4/5/2021 0:00:01

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Poetry is a very beautiful art, known to almost all peoples on earth, and poets who compose poems that are chanted and sung are respected by all peoples.

Peoples’ popular culture maintains a large stock of poetry, and poetry is an ancient culture in all civilizations. Ancient civilizations preserved written records rich in poetry. If we try to take an example, there is the Egyptian civilization, which is rich in religious poetry.

[Akhenaten’s Hymn to the Sun Allah]

Translated by Champollion

Here you are, appearing over the mountains of the East

And the whole earth was flooded with your splendor

You are wonderful and great, shining from your highness

Over all lands

Your rays embrace entire countries

Even the farthest corners of what you created

You are far away, but your rays spread over all the earth

You have subjected it to your noble son

You light the way for humans, but

No one knows your way

Sir, how great and enriching your deeds are, but they are

Hidden from human eyes.

[The majesty of Isis]

Translated by Champollion

Yes, I threw Nitro and Pajo

Nets Hanout Waat

Sing an east bgn sgtf

Sing an east ants hanout amant tawi am asibwe

Sinj en est aert ra ur hesut um sabbat

Sing an east red ness at an nisu my home

O humans and gods who are in the mountain

She’s the only lady

The majesty of Lysis, for she is the one who gives birth to the day

The majesty of Lysis, for she is the mistress of both the West and the two lands

The reverence of Lysis, for she is the Eye of Ra, is of great importance in the regions

The majesty of Lysis, as she is the one who gives much to the king of Upper and Lower Misr

What was said about these poetic songs?

Ernst Doppelhofer, a scholar of Eastern languages, says: “The Hymn of Akhenaten is considered one of the most beautiful and wonderful things written by ancient Egyptian man, and it provides the most wonderful example of the creativity and manifestations of the spiritual world of Eastern man.”

– The texts of Isis are among the greatest books written by Egyptian civilization


An important note that perhaps many Egyptians do not know: Champollion was a brilliant poet. He wrote poetry, and his traces have preserved poems that he wrote on many occasions, including love poems that he wrote about many women.


The truth is… I previously researched the art of poetry among civilizations, until the day I looked to the poetry of ancient Egyptian civilization, and among them was that poetry… but after I repeatedly re-read some of those previous poetic verses The beautiful thing that Champollion wrote and said was a translation of words found in a very primitive ancient writing falsely called (hieroglyphs). I felt something very strange in it.

how ?

The West and France, through Champollion, told the people and the world that these poems are the supplications of one named Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian king, to the sun Allah Aten, and the others are sacred hymns by the ancient Egyptian man to the goddess Isis.

But if you notice that ancient writing that Champollion translated, which is called hieroglyphics, you will find that it is a very ancient and primitive writing that expresses a very ancient life… and religion is the beginning… a difficult writing that requires great effort and fatigue in writing, but The strange thing is that the poetic verses seem to me as if they were drawn by the imagination of a poet from the modern school.

How can an ancient, primitive monument be upright with modern poetry inside it?

How can a very ancient time be reconciled with a very modern imagination?!

Was the writer of the hieroglyphic text a follower of the modern European school of poetry?!

Also…..there is a similarity in the poetic framework that expresses ancient religious texts and a modern religious text that the West believes in.

There is the Hymn of Akhenaten and the Hymns of Isis in hieroglyphics, and here is the Hymn of Songs in the Book of the Bible and the hymns of churches in the West.

It is as if the religious people who believe in the Song of Songs and hymns and who translated that ancient writing in Misr, want to make the ancient world also carry poetic songs like their religion, by making their religion contain poetic songs and written in their book.

It is as if there is… one consciousness who wrote these songs and hymns and wants to make them also texts of a religion that emerged from a first truth in a poetic form.

Also… there is a modern awareness present in those poetic verses that the West extracted from that ancient writing. There is a man who addresses a Allah and describes himself as the son of Allah… and this is a modern awareness and not an ancient awareness… similar to… The consciousness of the European person who believes in the idea that Allah has a son incarnated on earth.


So poetry is an ancient art and culture, and its antiquity is confirmed by this model found in ancient Egyptian civilization, and all peoples dealt with it without a problem until it reached a greater stage in society, and became religious texts.

But the strange question is… Why does the Qur’an disparage a popular art that people love, and why does it disparage harmless but respectable people?

Something really strange

But if we think with reason and logic

The Qur’an is true and the truth does not say general words about something normal and natural, and therefore it is logical to realize that it is certain that the Qur’an does not speak about something general, but rather about a type of people who use poetry (poets) to create corruption and not to do something that does not harm people.

Let’s go to meditate on the Qur’an well.

{And We have not taught poetry, nor is it appropriate for it. It is only a reminder and a clear Qur’an. (69) That He may warn whoever is alive, and that the word is true against the disbelievers.}

We also know that the word infidel means the person who covers the truth, and we also know that the word Qur’an means reading.

The questions that arise after reading these lines:

What is the relationship of poetry to talk about (remembrance and clear Qur’an)?!, and what is the relationship of the topic to the unbelievers (who covers the truth)?

Is it poetry or dhikr and Quran?

How does the mentioned male turn into poetry?

Is the reason for the appearance of the name “unbelievers” related to the presence of speech in a book that requires clear reading of it, but there are those who covered this mentioned speech and turned it into poetry?

The possibility is very high.

There is something in it that contains a male, and there is a device that turns this male into invisible hair.

What is this thing ?

The topic may be related to the word of Allah found in a book and it has been transformed through something into poetry… while it is remembrance and the Qur’an explained in an Arabic language.

The possibility is high that this thing is a fake translation of a book, in which there is mention that requires clear Qur’an, but there are those who translated it into poetry that is not clear.

So what is meant by poetry and who is meant by the verse {And we have not taught poetry and what it should be}?

The truth…we love poetry, because poetry addresses emotion and does not address the mind. Poetry addresses the imagination and does not address reality. It addresses the conscience and does not address logic. Poetry enchants consciousness and diverts awareness from the truth and makes you enjoy imaginative poetic words and images. You interact with her and she begs you to hide the truth.

It is even said in a proverb… that poetry is magic.

But if we return to ancient Egyptian civilization, and ask a question:

What is the truth about these poems that the West extracted from the writing of ancient Misr?

It is certain that there are many Egyptians who are very proud, enjoy, interact, and are fascinated by those poems that Champollion and the West translated from the inscriptions of ancient Misr, because the impact of the poetic images produced by those poems makes no one able to reject them or deny their existence in that writing. Ancient ones located in Misr.

You can confirm this matter, after the ceremony of transporting the coffins of the ancient Egyptian kings a few days before April 3, 2021, which included among its segments an Egyptian artist singing hymns to Isis in the ancient Egyptian language and in the melodies of Western churches, and when reading the comments of the Egyptians, many of them expressed Admiration, and many of them said that those words and melodies enchanted them with their beauty.

But we have different words about those poems… and perhaps some will mock our words… and perhaps they will think that we are fighting his great ancestors, their antiquities, their religion, and their history, who produced such beautiful texts that no one preceded them, especially… He reads the comments of Western orientalists on these modern poems, and they describe those poems as the greatest things written by man in religion, because we always love and adore and are very puffed up when we hear the Western praise us, and when everything that is first, oldest, and most beautiful is attributed to us. And the greatest, the best, etc.

Because the truth is……that the West enchants people with these poems, expressions of praise, show festivals, and melodies, so as not to make people reach the truth behind that ancient writing found in Misr, which was deliberately hidden from them, after a brutal invasion and obliteration project. My knowledge was done on Misr and the region by Napoleon and his army.

how ?

Because the person referred to in the verse is Champollion… and the poetry intended in the verse is Champollion’s poetry.

Yes, Champollion, the non-Arab French poet… who transformed the mention of Allah present in the book, which is falsely called hieroglyphics, into modern poetry, and he transformed the Qur’an explained in the book into a non-Arab Qur’an and made it into poetry from the modern French school. .

{And what he should}….and he should not do this.

He is Shaytan… who knew the correct pronunciation of this ancient writing (the Torah), and he forged it, hid it, replaced it with a foreign dictionary, and turned it and other verses into poetry texts.

He is the one who heard the verses of Allah and became detached from them.

He is the Samaritan Champollion… who said: (touching), and it is not touching, but rather listen.

{He said, “What is wrong with you, Samaritan?” (95) He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the Messenger’s trace, so I discarded it, and so my soul asked for it.” (96) He said, “Go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘There is no harm.’ And you have an appointment that you will not break.”

{Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? (221) They descend upon every sinful avatar. (222) They listen, but most of them are liars.

He is the Samaritan Champollion……..who fascinated people and shaded the people of Misr and the region.

{He said: We have tried your people after you, and Al-Samari led them astray.}

{So that He may make what Shaytan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and whose hearts are hardened. And indeed, the wrongdoers are in far-off discord. (53) And so that those who have been given knowledge know that it is the truth from Your Allah, so they believe in it, so their hearts are humbled before Him. Indeed, Allah is the guide of those who believe to a straight path. (54)}

He is Champollion… the news of the one whom Allah had given the signs in his book, which the West now falsely calls hieroglyphic symbols, but he broke away from them and followed his desires, lied in them, and followed Shaytan.

{And recite to them the story of the one to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, so Shaytan followed him, and he was of the misguided ones. (175) And had We willed, We would have lifted him up therewith, but he settled down to the earth and followed his own desires. So his likeness is like a dog. If you bear it panting, or leave it panting, that is like the people who disbelieved in Our signs. So tell stories that they may reflect. (176) An evil example is the people who denied Our signs while they wronged themselves. (177) Whoever Allah guides is the one who is guided, and whoever He leads astray – those are the losers.

If you contemplate the Qur’an… you will notice the precise balance:

[Poetry – Poet]

[what he should]

So the question is: Who are the poets meant by the verse {And the poets are followed by the deviants}?!

The poets… are the same extension of the work of the previous poet (Champollion).

They are the so-called Egyptologists…..devils of the West…….who translated and are translating the texts of the ancient book (falsely hieroglyphics) and transform them into poetry texts in an incomprehensible foreign language, while they are dhikr and the Qur’an explained in a clear Arabic language.

They are the ones who wrote all those huge works that contain chants, poems, and hymns, and they claim that they are extracted from the Book… while it is a remembrance from Allah and a clear Qur’an.

They are the devils… who claimed that these poems were written in the book, and they should not say these poems.

{And what the devils have sent down (210) and what they should and what they are able to do (211) they are cut off from hearing (212) so do not call upon another Allah with Allah, lest you be among those who are tormented (213) and warn your closest kindred (214) and lower your wing to those of the believers who follow you (215) If they disobey you, say, “Indeed, I am innocent of what you do.” (216) And put your trust in the Mighty, the Most Merciful. (217) He who sees you when you rise (218) and turns you among those who prostrate. (219) Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. (220) Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend? (221) They descend upon all your mouths. Sinful (222) They listen and most of them are liars (223) And the poets are followed by the deceitful (224) Have you not seen that they wander in every valley?}

{And what the devils have sent down (210) and what they should and cannot (211) they are cut off from hearing.}

Notice now

[Poets, what they should, devils]

What we taught poetry = poet

What they should (the poet) = what they should (poets)

So the question: Who are the deceivers?

Didn’t Shaytan say: “He said, ‘By Your might, I will mislead them all’”?!

Aren’t the poets themselves the devils who turned the Book of Allah into incomprehensible foreign poetry, between which is a remembrance from Allah and a clear Qur’an?

The deceivers… are the same ones who followed the translations of the poets of the devils of the West, and believed those poems in the foreign language as being in the Book of Allah. They are the ones who were seduced by the devils of the West… and believed all of them. These poetic translations and enchantments in a foreign language are found in the book, which is currently falsely called hieroglyphics.

{And they followed what the devils recited to the kingdom of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic.}

{And the poets are followed by the deceitful}

Follow what the devils recited about the King of Sulaiman = those who followed the poets of the West

The deceivers who followed Shaytan and his descendants… who said, “I will deceive them all” are the same deceivers who followed Shaytan’s descendants, the devils of the West who turned the Book of Allah into poetry… They are the ones who wander with it in every valley, just as they wandered in the hymn of Isis, which It was written by Western poets, when it was sung at the ceremony of transporting the coffins of the kings of Misr on April 3, 2021.

It’s the truth

{He said, “By Your might I will mislead all of them. (82) Except Your sincere servants among them. (83) He said, ‘Then the truth, and the truth I say.’ (84) I will fill Hell with you and all of them who follow you. (85) Say, ‘I do not ask you for any reward, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) It is only a remembrance. (87) And you will know his news after a while.}

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