International terrorism game

International terrorism game


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Who was behind the September events in America? The criminal always tries to avoid suspicion. The smart criminal is the one who is the unlikely possibility. How can the criminal be discovered, if the criminal is the same as the victim?! In 1989, an official American document was leaked, causing an uproar in America and a major scandal. The document talked about a secret plan presented to US President Kennedy, in which America would attack its interests in order to accuse Cuba of being behind the operation, in order to give America a legitimate justification before the world to occupy Cuba. But Kennedy rejected that plan. On November 9, 1990, Bush Sr. announced the establishment of a new world order based on democracy, helping people achieve their rights, and fighting dictatorship. On November 9, 2001, the events of New York occurred, and the Twin Towers were attacked by Al-Qaeda. The US government’s story says. A new world order was announced, led by America, to fight terrorism, and America became the world leader in the war on terrorism, after America defined terrorism, with Bush’s famous phrase: Whoever is not with us is against us. In 2003, Iraq was invaded by America without any international legitimacy. The Arab Spring revolutions: America found a new way to intervene and be present in the Middle East and arrange it without the legitimacy of fighting terrorism, but rather with the legitimacy of supporting the peoples in the Middle East, in cooperation with France and Britain, in order to share interests between them. At the beginning of the Arab Spring…America found that the industry Revolutions in the region for intervention, which proved effective, as happened quickly in Libya, and America, France, and Britain believed that the idea of intervening under the pretext of helping people to liberate themselves from dictatorial regimes was better than the legitimacy of fighting terrorism, so America decided to end the play of Bin Laden and terrorism, and the establishment of unity was announced. From the American army to locate Bin Laden, it went to Pakistan, killed Bin Laden, and threw his body into the sea. America was very greedy and did not adhere to its promises with France. Especially in Libya and Yemen, it made France try to search for a new policy that would preserve its interests from America and Britain. A problem occurred… The Arab Spring was delayed… The colored revolutions did not succeed in the Middle East, due to the steadfastness of the Syrian regime and the Houthis’ control over Yemen. Saudi Arabia, Israel, France, and Britain put a lot of pressure on America to intervene militarily in Syria, and to impose a no-fly zone to bring down Syria. And the Iraq scenario was repeated, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states would cover the war budget. Suddenly, a new Iranian president rose, who was a former official in charge of the nuclear file. Rouhani’s rise was an indication of the intention of a final settlement of the nuclear file, and contact took place between Iran and America for the first time. Iran received A historic call from the President of America since 1979, for a final settlement of the nuclear file, and among the deal agreed between Iran and America was to make the solution to the Syrian crisis political and not military. Iran, through the nuclear negotiations with America, was able to put pressure on America through an agreement to abandon Nuclear power in exchange for stopping the pressure of the Zionist lobby on the decision in America. Saudi Arabia, Israel and Europe were angry about this matter, and Saudi Arabia despaired of putting pressure on the American administration, so it turned to other places in order to bring down Syria. It went to Russia and offered it a big deal in exchange for abandoning the regime. Syria, and Russia rejected the deal, so Saudi Arabia took the step of reducing the price of oil and failed. Then, in cooperation with European countries and Zionist businessmen like George Soros, they created a revolution in Ukraine, because Ukraine represents a strategic depth for Russia, and the goal of Ukraine was to complete A barter process with Russia, Ukraine in exchange for Russia. All attempts failed, and all they had left was the announcement of the establishment of ISIS. The legitimacy of intervention to support the revolutions of the peoples of the region, the legitimacy of supporting democracy and liberation movements and fighting dictatorship, fell after America abandoned the idea of military intervention for the peoples. After it was revealed to the people that they were not revolutions, but rather colorful revolutions for the interests of external powers, it was necessary to reactivate the idea of intervention with the legitimacy of fighting terrorism. France and France were pressing for American military intervention in Syria to topple the regime for the sake of the Qatari gas pipeline, but America backed down and decided not to repeat it. The Iraq scenario, and the solution in Syria became political, and there was no longer support for people’s revolutions for liberation, so France found no way but to play a similar game to America, so the French intelligence carried out terrorist plays in order to control French public opinion, and to give France international sympathy, so that It is a matter of legitimacy to interfere in the files of the world in order to preserve its interests. The beginning was with Charlie Hebdo newspaper, in 2015, two months before the Saudi aggression on Yemen, in which the terrorist, after killing journalists, took to the streets of Paris, shouting: I am sent from the Yemen base. If many people thought about it, they would ask themselves an important question: How does a terrorist man kill people and go out into the street after the operation while he is interested in telling the whole world that he was sent by Al-Qaeda in Yemen? . It is a strange, illogical, and unnatural matter. The strangeness of the matter will disappear, and the answer to the previous question will become logical, when everyone knows that France has great interests in Yemen, as it has the privilege of exploring for oil and gas in Yemen, and in order for the game to become more clear, after the quadripartite meeting between America, Britain, the Emirates, and Saudi Arabia to resolve the crisis in Yemen. France was angry at not being included in this meeting and ignoring its interests in Yemen. Two days after that quadripartite meeting, news spread in the media about a French hostage who is in the hands of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, and… The hostage appears in the media appealing to the French government and its president, Hollande, to intervene in order to free her. The Paris terrorist incident came after the Russian intervention in Syria, and was in order to gain sympathy and extract a unanimous Security Council resolution in the form that France wants, so that it can enter Syria to fight ISIS. France was afraid of Russia’s exclusivity in Syria. Anyone who follows the French media after the Paris theater incident realizes the hidden conflict between France, America and Britain. The British media tried to reduce the scale of the disaster with clever indirect signals. It talks about the wife of a terrorist who blew herself up, claiming that she was a cabaret and cabaret woman. She did not know Islam well, and she used to scream, “Someone is trying to blow me up” (to make the public wonder about these events and think that there is a game other than ISIS). The French newspaper Le Monde talked about the story of an American who escaped death twice, and called the article a strange coincidence. The writer The article is about a journalist in the newspaper who was in a Paris theater. He saved the American man after he was shot in the leg. The journalist carried him to his apartment next to the scene of the accident, so the American told him that he survived the events in the World Trade Center and the events in Paris today, and the American man says The events in Paris are a thousand times worse than the events in New York. The American requested that his name not be revealed, and the title of the article was “A strange coincidence, a man escapes death twice.” (Note how France linked the Paris incident to the New York incident, and how it tried to make the Paris incident greater than the New York incident. What is strange is that the American requested that his name not be mentioned.) The Saudis and the Emirates raise the French flag on commercial towers in their cities, to magnify the event in the region and the world. Saudi Arabia hopes France’s military intervention in Syria could be a prelude to the overthrow of Syria, after America abandoned the idea of military intervention in Syria. After the incident, France goes to Syria and Russian President Putin issues orders to the Russian army to cooperate with France. The Ministry of the Interior in Russia gave France a small dog to replace the dog that died during the French police’s raid on terrorists’ residences in Paris. The name of the dog in Russian means dragon hunter (the major powers), and it was an indirect message about Russia’s loyalty in its alliances with France. It will stand by France against other powers. Russia believed that France had finally decided to be an ally of Russia, but France coveted a larger share and insisted on the gas pipeline, so Syria refused. After the incident… ISIS threatens America and a terrorist incident occurs in America… but the French newspapers downplay the incident and say: Does the incident amount to a terrorist act? Has any of you asked yourself, why were the funerals of the victims of the Paris attacks never held? Where are they? Families of the victims. The pictures of the victims are small and there are no other pictures? Are there YouTube videos on the Internet of official funerals for the victims? The French media refrains from publishing pictures of the bodies of terrorists and says that the matter is related to a moral and social aspect. After the spread of a naked photo of the wife of a terrorist, the French media conducted an interview with a woman who looked like her while wearing a veil to discredit those false images and how the Internet contributes to falsifying awareness. Because the media is smart and monitors opinion polls, the French media made episodes about conspiracy theories and Media falsity after many comments spread about doubts and doubts about the events in Paris. BelgiumBrussels is the capital of NATO and full of intelligence and security personnel. It is a secure capital and under surveillance. However, bombings occur there, the Brussels bombings, and the accident occurs a short distance away. From NATO headquarters, and what is even more strange is that Belgian newspapers repeat and formulate the same story of the American man who escaped death twice, but this time he survived the Brussels incident and a terrorist incident that happened years ago in America. Has any of you asked yourself why the funerals of the victims were never held in Belgium? Are there videos on the Internet of official funerals for the victims? In Germany, Germany creates terrorist plays that are different from the rest. Germany is watching Britain, America and France share interests in the Middle East, in addition to Britain’s exit from Europe, which threatens the survival of the European Union. Germany is afraid of terrorist plays, Trump’s speech, and Britain’s exit… because this helps raise the popularity of the extreme right in Europe, which threatens the survival of the European Union. Germany is trying to reduce the intensity of extremism around terrorism and its association with Islam, because the linking process will help create an argument. The extreme right can criticize the policy of accepting refugees and immigration and increasing the proportion of Muslims in Europe, which increases the popularity of the extreme right in its election campaigns. Germany creates a terrorist play that is very different from the rest, and this time its hero is a right-wing extremist who hates refugees and is fanatical about the Aryan race. A play…the aim of which is to deliver a strong message to public opinion. That message says: Terrorism can come from something other than Islam. Most terrorists in Europe either kill or commit suicide before they are arrested or tried to find out about terrorist plans, as happened with the bin Laden story, or they are still being pursued until… Today, to make the film continuous, exciting, and worth watching… Hollywood films. Turkey: After the killing of the Russian ambassador, a terrorist incident occurred in Berlin, and news was circulated in the French media: The killer of the Russian ambassador in Ankara was in Erdogan’s protection team 8 times. The French media is covering the Berlin incident extensively, with reports, analyses, breaking news, and discoveries, and A suspicious disregard for the incident of the killing of the Russian ambassador. The Berlin incident, which came after the incident of the killing of the Russian ambassador, is a fabricated and incorrect event, an intelligence play to distract public opinion in Europe from the incident of the killing of the Russian ambassador so that public opinion does not realize in favor of that incident that occurred before the tripartite meeting. The Russian, Iranian and Turkish, and whoever is behind the incident to thwart the tripartite agreement. In addition to creating a terrorist hero from refugees who carries out the mission in order to make Turkey the first to blame for the refugee issue. The truth is that it is a fake incident and a false media sensation only…to create confusion around a fake incident, in order to hide the real beneficiary of the operation to target the Russian ambassador. The incident of killing the Russian ambassador was deliberate and was primarily aimed at thwarting the tripartite agreement (Russia, Iran, Turkey) the day before. One of its meetings. France was very angry with Erdogan, because he betrayed the agreement, and wants to strike the Russian-Turkish rapprochement at any cost because it threatens the Qatari gas project that Total will implement, for fear of a final settlement of the Syrian file, so that Syria can enjoy security, safety and stability, after… Terrorism will be defeated and the bloodshed there will be stopped, and it is consistent with the recent statement of the ruler of Dubai about Turkey’s betrayal of the agreements with the Gulf, which was recently published on Al Jazeera’s Facebook page. Terrorism in the West is just a fake intelligence game for the sake of world opinion only to support the political position and intervene in the world. While real terrorism exists in our region and is a Western intelligence industry funded by the Gulf states. Western politics is devoid of morals, honor, and humanity, and all the freedoms and human rights it promotes are merely attempts to gain reassurance and reassurance from a savage, barbaric, inhuman being for the sake of preying on, dismembering, and eating others. Son of the Sun

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