Is Darwin’s theory a purely biological theory, or is it a theory that has been reflected in the rest of the human sciences and has a major impact in creating difficulty for humans in understanding the things around them?

Is Darwin's theory a purely biological theory, or is it a theory that has been reflected in the rest of the human sciences and has a major impact in creating difficulty for humans in understanding the things around them?

3/3/2021 0:00:01

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Is Darwin’s theory a purely biological theory, or is it a theory that has been reflected in the rest of the human sciences and has a major impact in creating difficulty for humans in understanding the things around them?

It is very natural that Darwin’s theory will not be biological information related to the biology department at the university, for a very simple reason, because if this theory is the truth that has occurred on Earth since very ancient times on Earth, then its impact will be reflected indirectly on the human sciences, and it will be a theory Darwin is the main rule in thinking consciousness while trying to explain all the things that were associated with man in ancient times or that are still associated with man today, such as: religion, language, family, marriage, society, etc….

It is natural that the mind that believes in this theory as a fact will automatically reflect its belief in the rest of the theories of the human sciences.

This is what is observed. Most Western scientists who produced most of the theories of the human sciences relied in producing their theories to explain religion, language, society, family, etc., on the basis that Darwin’s theory is true, because the things that were associated with man in ancient times during his development and separation must have been From previous races, it has also taken an evolutionary curve.

The impact of Darwin’s theory is not only on the consciousness of scientists, but its impact will reach the consciousness of the ordinary person who believes in Darwin’s theory as a truth, because this belief will lead this person to also believe in the rest of the theories of the human sciences that relied on the concept of evolution in their formulation, because this ordinary person has become his outlook. Things are linked to Darwin’s theory, and his consciousness now sees everything around him with that theory. Naturally, this awareness will not be compatible with any interpretation of something around it except the interpretation that is based on Darwin’s theory.

Therefore, it is natural to say that Darwin’s theory is not a biological theory, but rather the theory of all human sciences.

Therefore, even if someone says that he does not believe in Darwin’s theory, the truth is that he believes in Darwin’s theory indirectly, because Darwin’s theory has been reflected in all the humanities taught in schools and universities. All the human sciences were built on the basis of Darwin’s theory, and the impossibility of a student in the biology department not to believe Darwin’s theory has become the same impossibility for a student in the history, languages, and religions department to not believe the theories of history, languages, religions, etc., and it is the same impossibility. Which has become present in Muslims today in disbelief that Judaism and all other religions came after Islam.

I would not be exaggerating if I said that all theories of the human sciences were based on Darwin’s theory, and that these sciences are in fact Western sciences with a colonial function, and their main purpose is to create sciences and disseminate them globally, to create a global collective awareness that responds to the projects that the West is creating in reality, and He adapts and adapts to them, and the West would not have been able to convince people of them due to their loyalty to Darwin’s theory, which he is working to promote and obliging countries to teach in the first grades, in order to create generations that have minds that were formed according to Darwin’s theory so that they will find difficulty in understanding the things around them. From outside the theories of the human sciences produced by the West.

This thing seems clear… when researching the history of the emergence of Darwin’s theory and theories of the human sciences, they all emerged from the Western world at once approximately 250 years ago, during the West’s departure from Europe to invade and occupy the rest of the world. The world, during the advent of the printer.

It also seems clear… when examining the general framework of Darwin’s theory and the theories of the human sciences produced by the West.

Life… started from a cell, then evolved into dinosaurs, then dinosaurs evolved into the current form of life.

Religion…it began with man with magic, and man worshiped ghosts, then worshiped natural phenomena, then worshiped abstract gods, then reached monotheism.

And language… began with humans by imitating animal sounds, then it began to be a vowel meaning a word, then words accumulated and began to form a sentence, then sentences accumulated and a roll was formed.

And civilization… began with man as a civilization that lived in myths and unseen things, then it developed into a civilization that glorified the mind as civilization, until it reached today’s civilization.

This is regarding the interpretation of general things related to any human being on Earth, which was made based on Darwin’s theory. There is a complementary relationship between all theories.

Therefore, it can be said that the mind that believes in Darwin’s theory will one day believe in the rest of the theories in the human sciences that were based on Darwin’s theory… and the opposite is true. The person who believes in the theories of the human sciences whose formulation was based on Darwin’s theory will come one day and He believes in Darwin’s theory.

The Western mind that produced this historical curve of general things around man is the same Western mind that was able to create a third case based on Darwin’s theory, when it composed the historical material that explained the specific things associated with the Muslim currently. It created for the Muslim a Darwinian awareness that finds it difficult to explain things. around him actually.

how ?

Even if there is a Muslim who does not believe in Darwin’s theory or in the theories of Western human sciences, the truth is that the Muslim is more human on earth than the rest of the other people, and he believes in Darwin’s theory indirectly. The structure of the Muslim’s mind is Darwinian, and therefore it is easy for the Muslim’s mind to respond to projects. the West .

The Muslim Creator Allah (Allah) was very impressed with the idea of evolution, so he decided the following:

At first he introduced Judaism, then he developed it into Christianity, and then after that he developed it into Islam.

At first he said words in Hebrew, then he developed his words and said words in Syriac, then he developed them and said words in Arabic.

First, he brought down to earth the story of Abel and Cain, then after a while he developed the story into the story of the two sons of Adam.

In the beginning, the book of the Old Testament was revealed, then after that his book was developed and the book of the New Testament was revealed so that they were in one book, then after that his book was developed and the Qur’an was revealed.

At first he sent a messenger named Joshua, then after a while he decided to change his name to Jesus, then after a while he decided to change his name to Jesus.

Now imagine that this is a mind that believes that its Creator and Allah are completely responsible for the evolutionary curve that took place on Earth. Such a mind would be the most responsive mind of all other people’s minds to Darwin’s theory and to the theories of Western human sciences.

This is the Muslim mind, a Darwinian mind par excellence, and it is the most difficult mind on earth to explain things, because of the existential faith in this Darwinian Creator, because this mind believes in Darwin’s theory indirectly as a doctrine and an absolute truth.

And in order to be certain that he is the most intelligent person on earth, he finds it extremely difficult to explain the things that exist in his reality, even though the speech of his Creator to him is completely different from this evolutionary curve that the Muslim believes:

– If you ask a Muslim, why did the Messenger change the qibla?

He will tell you…that in the beginning Allah descended on Judaism and made their qibla Jerusalem, and after that Islam descended and the Muslims remained praying towards Jerusalem, so Allah commanded the Messenger to change the qibla to Mecca.

– If you ask a Muslim, why do you not believe in the book of the Al-Yahoud as long as it is from Allah and their book is from Allah?

He will tell you…that Allah revealed Judaism before Islam, but he distorted the religion, and after that he revealed the Salam and the Qur’an, so what is the need?

– If you ask a Muslim, what is the name of the book of the Al-Yahoud?

The Torah will tell you

– And if you say that Allah says to him (We sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light), how can you say that it was distorted?

He will tell you…….that Allah revealed it, but it was distorted, and after that Allah revealed Islam and the Qur’an.

– If you ask a Muslim, how is it possible that Allah revealed a book in Hebrew and then revealed a book in Arabic?

He will tell you…that Allah sent every messenger in the language of his people. So Allah sent Musa and revealed the Torah to him in Hebrew. Then after that, Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad in the language of his people and revealed the Qur’an in Arabic. Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic are Semitic languages. That is, from one origin, which indicates the one origin of the heavenly books.

– And if I said to him, “But Musa is a Muslim and not a Jew?” Then, Allah sent the Messenger to all people, not to the Arabs, and Islam is not the religion of a people, and the Qur’an is not a book for the Arabs. There are Turks and Indians who are Muslims and have the Qur’an, then why did Allah not send it to the Chinese? A book in Chinese?

He will tell you………. that Allah sent Musa while he was a Muslim, but with a law, and after that, Allah sent the Messenger with another law, and the Qur’an is Allah’s message to all people, and it is certain that Allah has sent messengers to all peoples, but it has been distorted. Religions.

– If you ask a Muslim, why are the names of the apostles different in the books of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah from their names in the Qur’an? You have his name (Issa) and he was not crucified, but they have his name (Jesus) and he was crucified?

He will tell you that the matter is a difference in cultures, and Islam came to correct the stories of the messengers whom Allah sent. When Allah sent Issa and they claimed that they had killed him and that he was a Allah, their religion was distorted, and after that Allah revealed Islam and sent His Messenger with the final religion and revealed to him the Qur’an that confirms it. Allah they didn’t kill him.

And if you ask a Muslim the logical question: If you believe that the books of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah have been corrupted, then why do you have the belief that the corruption came before Islam, why do you not believe that the corruption came after Islam, what is the difficulty that prevents you from realizing that the Al-Yahoud’ distortion of the book came? After Islam?

He will tell you… How is it possible for something to be true and then distortion comes after it? What is logical is that something was distorted before, and then after the distortion Allah sends a messenger with the correct religion.

And if you asked the Muslim in continuation of the previous question: But according to your belief that Allah sent Musa to the Al-Yahoud and sent down the Torah to him without distortion, then after that it was subjected to distortion, so how is it possible, according to your logic, for something to be true and then distortion comes after it, and it was not there before Musa? Something has been subjected to distortion, until Allah sends Musa with the correct religion after the distortion.

He will tell you… I don’t know


And all of these illogical answers that the Muslim has are caused by the plan No. (1) that exists in his consciousness…or the plan of the Darwinian Allah, who implanted this belief in the Muslim’s mind, creating for him extreme difficulty in interpreting and understanding the reality around him.

What prevents a Muslim from realizing and comprehending that the distortion that occurred among the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah came after Islam and after the Qur’an, deliberately and not spontaneously, or what prevents the existence of Plan No. (2) in the Muslim’s consciousness, and that this plan is The true plan, which Allah speaks to the Muslim in the Qur’an’s speech.

The Muslim’s arrival at Scheme No. (2) in the picture, in understanding the discourse of the Qur’an, is linked to the Muslim’s awareness that the distortion among the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah came after Islam, and the Muslim’s awareness that the distortion came after Islam, is linked to the Muslim’s understanding of something important, which is: There is a difference. Between the book and the reciters, the book is the script, and the reciters are the reading of the script. The Muslim has read a heavenly text written in a script different from this current script, and this script was sacred in ancient times, and only the word of Allah is written in it, and after When the Muslim reads this text, he memorizes the reading (the Qur’an) in his heart.

This Qur’an is news from Allah…to people

Then a force appeared on earth that came to invade Muslim countries, and disbelieved in the book, then it forged the phonetic values of that written script, to hide the contents of the book so that it could be read in a foreign language other than its original reading. Then, after that, it wrote the book of the Al-Yahoud and made it in the Hebrew language and contained stories. The stories of the prophets are similar to the Qur’an so that the Muslim thinks it is a book from Allah. Then this force wrote books for the Muslims, calling the book of the Al-Yahoud the Torah and making the Muslims believe that the book of the Al-Yahoud is the Torah. Then it composed for the Muslims Scheme No. (1) and created for them the Darwinian Allah.

Thus, the Muslim believed that Allah revealed his religion before Islam, and revealed a book to them before the Qur’an, and the Muslim no longer understood Allah’s message in the Qur’an, which he spoke to about Scheme No. (2).

Does Allah tell the Muslim about Plan No. (2)?

Yes, very clearly

1- In the beginning, the revelation tells people about the basic rule that created this Darwinian mind, which began to find difficulty in understanding the things around it. It is Darwin’s theory.

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” so they prostrated, except Iblis. He was of the jinn, so he disobeyed the command of his Allah. Will you then take him and his descendants as guardians besides me, and they are to you a wretched enemy of the wrongdoers in exchange? (50) I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor to the creation of themselves, and I would not take those who go astray as a support.}

He talks about Shaytan, who is busy seducing people and the descendants of Shaytan, and that they are enemies of people…and that Allah did not witness the creation of the heavens and the earth nor the creation of themselves. So those who claim to the people that they have a true explanation for the creation of man and life are liars. .

Their purpose is to seduce and mislead people.

2- The news cancels Allah’s Darwinian plan for you regarding religion, and takes you to plan number (2) and shows you (before) or (after).

{Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge. (19) And if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and to the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, even if they turn away. It is your responsibility only to convey the message; Allah is All-Seer of His servants (20)}

He tells you that Allah has only one religion, and any religion different from Islam came (after) Islam, and the creators of these different religions came from before those who were given the Book, and this book is the book that we talked about (the written script). Those who falsified his vocal values in order to hide him from the earth and be able to create these religions (Judaism and Christianity).

{Those to whom We gave the book before it believe in it. (52) And when it is recited to them, they say, “We believe in it. It is the truth from our Allah. Indeed, before it we were Muslims.”}

Then Al-Amin speaks to those who did not know the Book, and were in error. When the Messenger recites this Book to them, they will say that it is the truth from our Allah, if we were Muslims before these religions, after they have convinced them that they were Muslims after them.

3- Al-Naba cancels for you the plan of the Darwinian Allah regarding languages, and takes you to plan No. (2) and shows you the origin of the beginning.

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. * The tongue to which they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.)

He is talking about that book that we talked about, and he explains to you that he reads in a clear Arabic reading, and that force that invaded Muslim countries knows this fact, and that this force that invaded Muslim countries has limited and falsified the phonetic value of the letters of the written script and made him read in a foreign tongue. While he reads in Arabic in the same tongue as this Qur’an among the Muslims.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

It is said that another group from this force twisted their tongues in different languages (Hebrew and Syriac) with the book to make a book (the Bible), which resembles the readers of the book, so that the Muslim thinks it is part of the book and they say to the Muslim that it is from Allah and it is not from Allah, and it is A book that lies about Allah.

Their purpose is to deceive people into thinking that it is from Allah and to lie to Allah.

4- The news cancels for you the Darwinian Allah’s plan for the messengers, and moves you to plan No. (2) and shows you that all the prophets were Muslims and did not follow another religion with one unchangeable name.

{And their saying, “Indeed, We killed the Massih, Issa Ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them.}

He tells you that they likened Issa to you with another personality, and told you that they killed and crucified him, while the Issa that the revelation tells you about is a different person from the personality they have (Jesus). He was not born in Jerusalem and has never known the Roman world. But they likened him to a person named Jesus to deceive you.

Their purpose is to create a copy that resembles a Muslim’s personality in order to deceive the Muslim.

5- The news nullifies for you all the theories of the West that they formulated on the basis of Darwin’s theory.

{And on the Day when We will raise up in every nation a witness against them from among themselves, and We have brought you as a witness against these, and We have sent down to you the Book as an explanation of all things, and guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.}

It shows you that the book we talked about will be an explanation of everything that the West tried to formulate theories to explain after they hid this book.

Why does the book explain everything?

Because in this book is recorded the beginning of man on earth, his religion, his tongue, and his holy places, in which the knowledge of the first centuries is recorded, and this book is the book that was shown to Pharaoh by Musa.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget.}

This book is the book that was given to Musa

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

And this book that was given to Musa, they differed about it, falsified it, and made its reading a foreign language, while it is a book that can be read with an Arabic reading.

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt about him is suspicious (45)}

The mission of the Messenger is to bring this book out to the people so that it can be recited to them and take them out of the darkness of Allah’s Darwinian plan, and the misguidance of this mind that prevented them from understanding the reality around them.

{And before it is the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a confirming Book in an Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong and to bring good news to the doers of good.}

{Allah indeed favored the believers when He sent among them a messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and the wisdom, even though before they had been in clear error.}

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