Is secession in favor of Yemen?

Is secession in favor of Yemen?


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Yemen will return to before the year 90, and the south will be under Saudi guardianship because it is the country that won in favor of the secession project, while the north will be in hostility with Saudi Arabia and outside its guardianship after all its hands are gone.

The South will become a project for Saudi Arabia, and because the South has recently undergone a process of identity alienation with the volume of information pumped into the South’s identity and history, they have not settled on whether they are ancient sultanates, South Arabia, South Yemen, Hadhramaut, or Aden, so it will be easy for Saudi Arabia to activate its project. Wahhabism is there and it will become the unifying identity of the South in order to exhaust the North.

Religious centers will be established everywhere in the south. The mind in the south will become brutally surrounded by Wahhabi ideas, the media, the mosque, the school, religious centres, universities, libraries, and the intellectual, cultural and media stars of the south will become a group of Wahhabi religious sheikhs who will be created to fill the minds of the people. the people. As happened before 1990 in the north.

The religious centrality of Tarim will be eliminated, and there will be no topic revolving around in the south except Sufism and its ugliness. Stories and topics will spread about fighting Sufism in a ferocious manner, and a center for Hadith and Sunnah will be established in Hadhramaut to eliminate the religious centrality of Tarim, as happened in the north a year ago. 90 in Dammaj, Zabid, and Al-Jand, and young people and people will be attracted there with great financial support, and it will be a religious destination for the south and the region. All of this is in order to fortify the south according to the Saudi intellectual path and link it to Saudi Arabia, in order to exhaust the north, and to The south becomes a strong warehouse for sending terrorists and suicide bombers to Iraq and Syria, as happened before 1990 in the north when two Yemenis were sent to Afghanistan, Chechnya and Kashmir.

Wars will occur between the North and the South, as they happened in the past before the year 90, and the South will support the creation and formation of religious groups in the North in order to fight battles against the authority of Sanaa, with a religious character, a war between Sunnis and Shiites, in a long process of attrition.

The South will become just a project created to implement Saudi Arabia’s interests only, and not a national project. The South will be just a tool designed to achieve Saudi Arabia’s interests, and this project will end in chaos after achieving the Saudi interests that it wanted from the secession process. There will be no national project. There will be no work to build and develop economically, socially, intellectually, and politically in the South. The South will not do anything. It will receive money from Saudi Arabia only. It will be just a linking project to Saudi Arabia that does not make you build, depend on yourself, and develop yourself. Rather, agents go to Saudi palaces.

Because the South suffers from internal political divisions that still exist, and they do not have a single political center that unites them, this will make the South flock towards the Saudi political path as a unit that unites them.

The tribe will have a large presence in the south, and tribal identities will be restored in a profound way, because the Wahhabi doctrine was created from the womb of the tribe and there is a great celebration of the tribe and tribal thought.

There will be a special committee in the south, containing the names of tribal sheikhs, clerics, and politicians who receive large sums of money from Saudi palaces.

The army in the south will be ideological and Wahhabi, because the separation was achieved under the tone of fighting the Shiites and the Magians. This victory will become the army’s doctrine completely, and the army of the south will be like the armored division in the north previously, with ideological soldiers and army leaders who are ideological and hold religious certificates or who went to fight. In Iraq or Syria, as happened in the armored division in the north. It is necessary to create a cleric who resembles Al-Zindani, whose mission is to give a spiritual dimension to the army in fighting the Shiites and the Magians, and this man will have a great presence in all political situations.

The name of the new state will be the South Yemeni Arab States, and the southerners will accept this name. What is important is separation from the Shiites and the Magians, because there is no interest in Saudi Arabia other than this name, just as happened in the days of Gamal Abdel Nasser, so that the mind in the south will easily accept the idea of interfering in… Shawn of the north, and making it linked to the north under the name of Yemen, gives it the right to fight and fight the Shiites and Magians, and also so that the south becomes a center for attracting ideologues in the north in order to return them to the north and form fronts in the north in stages.

Because Oman has left the house of obedience to Saudi Arabia, and it is the only country that follows a different political path from Saudi Arabia, in all positions and issues in Yemen, the Gulf and the region, and has strong political relations with Iran, the south will become a center for destabilizing the security of the Sultanate of Oman. As happened in the past when the South supported the Dhofar Front, the South will be supportive of Wahhabi thought in the Sunni-majority areas of Dhofar, and young people will be attracted and trained and religious leaders will be created that express the spirit of the Sunnah in the Dhofar areas, and the Gulf media will begin to sound the tune of the Kharijites, Ibadis and the media. The south will be filled with stories of Kharijites and Ibadis, in order to destabilize the security of Oman, and create internal turmoil, which will make Oman surrender and submit and change its course to become exactly the same as Saudi Arabia.



It will be difficult for them to comprehend this matter, because they only think through their regional and historical complexes.



Son of the sun



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