Islamic Zionism is a project of intelligent penetration

Islamic Zionism is a project of intelligent penetration


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I was not wrong at all, with my simple knowledge and observation of what was happening around me and the film, when I claimed one day that the Islamic groups were an external ideological project in the region. Yes, it is simple and easy to know that. It was a project that was established to undermine the projects of the nation-state in the region, and the breakthrough was this time. Clever by means of the sacred (religion), which can powerfully hide signs of betrayal, destruction, and material and intellectual sabotage among the peoples of the region, to obstruct the progressive and national project in the countries. I was not wrong when I once claimed to be right in fighting these foreign projects by the regimes in the region, and Gamal Abdel Nasser was not wrong. These groups undermined the political and internal stability of Misr during his rule, and the other regimes were not wrong because they knew well the reality of this dangerous security project in the region. What immorality the peoples have reached, and they are linked by a spiritual relationship to everything that is. Reactionary and backward. Should I say a lie? No, witness this intellectual coup in the region, witness this destruction in the region and sabotage without the slightest regret by those groups. Those who are hostile to their intellectual and economic project deserve death, because the structure of their intellectual project is not based on foundations. Rather, it is based on explanations and interpretations that legitimize volatility, betrayal, sabotage, destruction, and undermining values and principles for the adherents of those groups. They believe that they are on the right path. The hierarchical organization of those groups is committed to bringing down to the rules the idea of the head without the slightest thought. The members and affiliates of those groups (except the Brotherhood or Wahhabis) believe that they are on the right path and that they are the correct logic, as opposed to those Marxist, communist, or secular groups whose mission is to destroy them ideologically, because they are now programmed automatically and tightly from the top of the pyramid, as religion is the most powerful programming. Nervousness of the peoples of the East. They legitimized the betrayal of the homelands by receiving money from abroad, as is happening in Yemen. They legitimized reactionism and backwardness by spreading sorcery, stories of jinn, etc. They legitimized the denial of the homelands by renouncing national loyalty and claiming loyalty to Allah and his messenger among society. They legitimized savage capital. They legitimized rape, they legitimized betrayal in the name of a revolution, they legitimized the entry of the enemy in the name of the neighbor, they legitimized those Takfiri and armed groups for the people and made the people look at them in a sacred and respectful manner, and they are gangs, prison graduates, and mercenaries who stand against the security and stability of our countries. They legitimized everything, Because they do not have a national intellectual project, but rather they rely on an external intellectual project that relies on texts that they can modify and interpret in the way they want? In whose interest is all this sabotage and destruction in the region? Israel is the only country that will not survive and will not continue to transform the region into small states. On sectarian, ethnic, sectarian and regional grounds. And here they are legitimizing it in Syria. They were happy with Israel’s bombing of Syrian lands……… appeared on their faces, and some invented another trick, considering it a conflict between two oppressors, and some He was afraid and invented another trick. What a smart and powerful infiltration of the peoples in the region. Why do I describe it as a smart infiltration, as if I were talking about peoples who read an average of a book a week? It is really easy to infiltrate these peoples. They wish that Israel would bomb Yemen. The important thing is to eliminate Al-Houthi, and they raise the flags of Israel. They prostrated, thank Allah that Israel was victorious over Gamal Abdel Nasser, because it was a war between a believing state, Israel, and an infidel, atheist state, Misr. They wish for the death of Hezbollah, which is linked to Iran and resists Israel. Their media is smart in reporting. A good picture of Israel from the inside. Who would have expected that the people would reach this logic and that Israel would occupy that place in their hearts? We, the people, have small memories and it is difficult for us to restore the film tape to its beginning and watch it with contemplation and deliberation. They have penetrated the minds of the peoples of the region and were able to transform the main enemy in the region from Israel to another enemy. They no longer realize that everything that is happening around us these days is an Israeli project to ensure the survival of Israel, which is managed by a group of internal political and religious infiltrations, if global Zionism can. Penetrating the Christian space, they were able to create Christian groups that support the Israeli project with holy faith, by creating a common space with Christianity by creating new interpretations and interpretations of myths and stories from the Christian Bible, and created a new strong and effective entity called Christian Zionism, which believes in the return of Christ and Linking the matter to the survival of the entity of Israel, for the sake of the final battle against it, Zionism was able to penetrate the Islamic space, and was able to create Islamic groups that support the Israeli project with sacred faith and without feeling, by creating a strong common space with Islam, by creating new interpretations and interpretations of myths, stories, and The epics and texts of the Islamic religion, linking them to the myths of Christian Zionism, created a new, powerful and effective entity in the region called Islamic Zionism, which came to believe that the establishment of Israel was Allah’s true promise to the Al-Yahoud, as stated in the Qur’an: “You will surely spread corruption in the earth twice, and you will declare great exaltation,” until the Exodus. The Awaited Mahdi, and now the Muslims must wait for the Mahdi, and the end-of-the-world battle will take place between the Muslim believers, the Al-Yahoud, and the Al-Nasarah against the Persians, and accordingly, Israel will remain until the Day of Judgment… Isn’t it, and it is not strange as we listen to the Wahhabi sheikhs’ interpretations of the previous Qur’anic verse. They affirm categorically: Allah promised the Al-Yahoud the land of Palestine, and all Muslims now believe that. So how will you oppose a promise from Allah, O Zionist Muslims, to take the right from Israel? Will you oppose the will and will of Allah? Likewise, Islamic Zionism has now begun to rely on the books of Al-Nasarah in explaining the resurrection of the Hour, and it has begun to promote the event of Armageddon and use it as evidence to confirm the validity of its religious conceptions that it spreads to the common people as divine interpretations of the universe and the world, and they have now become believers in the approaching date of the Resurrection, which is Its signs are the outbreak of war between the Persians and the Romans, and the Muslims will participate with the Jewish and Christian believers alongside the Romans in that battle, which Syria will be the field of the great battle against Persia, based on the signs from the Christian books of the emergence of an antichrist in the Levant… How much promiscuity do we need to know? The fact that Israel administers the region from Mecca

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