Israel between truth and illusion

Israel between truth and illusion


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I still remember an incident that happened to me when I was young, when I went to my grandfather’s house, and slept in my grandfather’s room, and while I was sleeping, my grandfather came in and hung his turban and dress on (hanging) in the wall of the room, and when I got up at night and the room It was dark to go to the bathroom. I saw the figure of a man near the walls of the room and he was standing. I was afraid and went back to my bed in fear. I was taking my head out of the blanket to check if the man had left the room, but he was still standing and not moving.

And from time to time I look up and see the man while he is still standing, and I say who is this man and what does he want? Why doesn’t he leave? I say that while I am suffering from a lot of urine trapped inside me and I want to go to the bathroom, so I had no choice but to urinate in the bed. I slept, and when the morning came and I woke up, I saw my grandfather’s turban and dress hanging on the wall.

This story is almost similar to the scarecrow trick, which peasants place in agricultural fields to prevent birds from eating the fruits.

I remembered the story of my grandfather’s clothes these days while we were talking about the Zionist entity, as an attempt to explain the reality of the Zionist entity.

Because the amount of huge propaganda that surrounded the entity was unnatural, and it prevented us from going to the bathroom, and prevented us from moving and confronting it, and made us rule out the possibility of eliminating and confronting it, and even made us mock the idea of penetrating and penetrating inside it.

Invincible army

The strongest security apparatus

Mossad is the most powerful intelligence agency


But the West… knows with certainty that the Zionist entity is not like that image and is very fragile, and that everything in the entity is a purely Western industry, but it has worked for years to cover its entity with an imaginary, inflated and unique image of power and ability through media propaganda, even This imaginary image prevents anyone from approaching him, eliminating him, and protecting him from enemies.

But if that illusory image is revealed, and the reality of the entity’s fragility becomes clear, the West will reveal its true face, and the West will rush to defend the entity in a direct, brazen, and brutal way, because the entity is nothing but a Western project. The West does not support the Zionist entity. The Zionist entity is the West itself. .

What is the truth about the Zionist entity?

The Zionist entity is a purely Western project, surrounded by a lot of fake propaganda, and when the fake propaganda trick around it is revealed, then you will find the West sending everything to preserve its project, for everything in the entity is a purely Western industry.

It is wrong to say that the West supports Israel… The West does not support the Zionist entity.

The Zionist entity is the West itself. The West only supports itself, and is waging its project and battle in our region against us.

Instead of the West telling you that it was the one who created the Zionist entity as a state for the Al-Yahoud that it created and spawned in the region to serve its sabotage project, to serve as an advanced front for the West in the region and a breakthrough for them within the region, it will tell you that there are Al-Yahoud and there is no national homeland with them and they are persecuted and They had a country in the region 3,000 years ago, and they must return to their ancient homeland after being displaced throughout the world.

And the West, instead of telling you that it will send its soldiers to fight in Palestine to preserve the fragile Zionist entity, will tell you that it will allow its citizens with dual citizenship (European and Israeli) to go to the occupied territories to fight terrorism, so that you accept such a decision and believe that the West supports the Zionist entity. Under the pretext that the soldiers are Israeli but hold European citizenship, and you feel that they are not European soldiers, but rather Israeli Al-Yahoud who hold European citizenship.

Western civilization has great deceptive power… There is always a difference between truth and appearance in everything the West creates.

I woke up from the clothes of the West (the Zionist entity) that he hung on the walls of the area, just as I woke up from my grandfather’s clothes (the turban and the dress) that he hung on the walls of the room.

{Indeed, their appointed time is morning. Is not dawn near?}

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