Just War – falsifies consciousness in the name of culture

Just War - falsifies consciousness in the name of culture


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It is the fashion of the era, the modernist, secular writer, the educated activist, who issues fatwas in many aspects, relying on the authority of the culture he wears, the culture that has become a super-power that exercises its influence over society, making it the fashion of the educated writer, exercising the same authority as the cleric in his influence on society.

Indeed…..we are facing a new authority in the name of culture, an authority capable of destroying the new awareness in society that was able to break away from the authority of religiosity and its wrong interpretations, but this time in the name of culture. Our society is moving from the absurdity of false religiosity to the absurdity of false culture, from the absurdity of clergy to the absurdity of men of culture, from the absurdity of religious preachers to the absurdity of cultural activists. From reactionism to fluidity and disintegration.

The real war is a war of terms and concepts. Even military wars are preceded by a war of terms and concepts. It is not possible to invade any society in the world before conquering it intellectually. When you create a thought, know its terms and concepts, and promote it in society, you move the other to your ground, and then you can control the other in a way that serves your approach, making it easier for you to take any step and overcome it. The war on terrorism is the best example of this. Terrorism was defined by America and everyone supported this term. Terrorism began to be referred to as Islam, but killing and displacing millions of people and destroying their homelands is not considered terrorism.

Therefore, it is absurd and naive when you spend a long time reading books like this writer, and you are ignorant of the idea that the book is a media material like the rest of the media materials such as radio, newspapers, and satellite channels. Not all of it is innocent, but most of it is directed writings. It requires you to have a free, productive mind and realize the meaning, and not to be merely a consumer (constantly in front of the Al Jazeera screen) and to believe every media material and believe it to be true and not subject it to reason and logic. Only a recipient. You were created from the culture of receiving, memorizing, and repeating that we inherited and learned from the education curricula in our societies.

Talking about the just war in this casual and summary manner, and addressing an audience as if it were an absolute truth and treating it as a valid reference, indicates an attempt to falsify awareness by repetition and memorization, and perhaps an attempt to merely show off and claim more than a desire to reform awareness and an accurate description of what is happening. .

How did the concept of just war come about?

When looking at war from the perspective of sociology, many sociologists believe that wars cannot be avoided, because they are a conflict of interests and ambitions. There is no such thing as a just war or an unjust war. As for talking about the ethics of wars, which is believed to have been brought about by the concept of just war, It is not true, because the ethics of war are very ancient and exist in all civilizations, and a just war also requires the speed of resolving the war in a short time, and this condition was put in place for the benefit of the large military powers that have the capabilities to resolve battles in view of their advanced military capabilities that exceed the capabilities of other countries. Weak.

War is war and the justice of waging war is based on the legitimacy of self-defense and the preservation of interests only. Because there is a difference between interests and greed.

Western imperialism, with this modernity about rights and values of freedoms and the rights of peoples to self-determination, has begun to suffer in front of its people and the world from legitimizing its wars and is trying to create a doctrine for its armies through which wars can be waged and wrapped in a moral guise, to give the soldier a moral justification for fighting. And when it is unable to find a moral justification for wars, it replaces it with foreign mercenaries with other religious beliefs (such as ISIS or Al-Qaeda) who fight to serve its interests indirectly. Imperialist wars were theorized under many names, including legitimate war, just war, war with international resolutions, war with the legitimacy of the Security Council, war against dictatorships and Al-Jibt (Egypt), and the war against terrorism.

Therefore, dropping the concept of just war and relying on it as a new modern and civilizational value, on any war that takes place, and reading it from the perspective of the West that produced this concept is a process of falsification of consciousness, makes you confuse the concept of aggression and occupation with the concept of just war, and makes you You stupidly legitimize the military occupation while believing in yourself that you have become a modern person.

Son of the sun

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