Making peoples by falsifying history – the beer gods theory

Making peoples by falsifying history - the beer gods theory


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I will transmit to you a text summary of a video clip I watched on YouTube entitled (Shock Theory).


In the 1950s, a Canadian psychiatrist named Donald Cameron thought of a satanic idea, as he tried to search for a way through which he could completely change a person, that is, to make a new person out of a person… a completely different person… with his own thoughts, emotions, and convictions.

The Canadian doctor believed that our thoughts, feelings, and morals come from two sources:

1- Memories of the past

2- Our awareness of the present.

In order for Cameron to create the new person he wants, he must first abolish the old person… that is, he must return the page blank before writing what he wants on it.

In order to do that, he must expose him to a major shock that erases the past and also eliminates the sense of the present.

The Canadian doctor conducted experiments on his psychiatric patients, where he subjected them to severe electric shocks and gave them hallucinogenic drugs, until the patients lost their memory. Then he would disable all of their senses, by placing them in places of complete darkness and absolute silence, until they lost their sense of reality.

Do you know who funded this doctor’s research?

The CIA later developed research and applied it in its detention centers.

The basic idea in shock theory is that if you want to make the other party the property of you and your thoughts…you must expose him to a severe shock to make him submit to you and everything you teach him.


In my personal opinion…this idea carried out by the Canadian doctor…is not a new idea that the author of the video thought or that some people believe. The occupying political force has been thinking since ancient times and has been thinking in the same way that the Canadian doctor thought. It is not a new, miraculous idea that would have been difficult for humans in the past to access.

Because this idea and experiment carried out by the Canadian doctor…was used in our region…the Ottomans used it during the period of occupation of our region…and Europe used it and is still using it during the period of its colonization of the world…and they applied it literally and still are You apply it…but they did not apply it to individuals, rather they applied it to illiterate peoples…by transforming them into new peoples, that is, creating new peoples that obey them easily and smoothly.

how ?

Let us try to drop the idea of the Canadian doctor because it is a simple and modern model… so that we can through it simplify the idea and experience of Europe that it applied in the past in our region so that it can be understood, and so that we can understand the experience of the West as well, which is still applying it to us.

Man is nothing but a miniature model of peoples and nations, and what applies to man also applies to peoples and nations… where peoples can be studied with the same principles and laws in which the individual is studied.

For example, when any people are studied, we study this people and deal with them as if they were a single entity like an individual, possessing awareness, memory, psychology, behavior, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.

Just as the individual human being has one consciousness, the people also have one collective consciousness… and just as the human being has one personal memory… the people also have one collective memory, one collective psychology, one collective behavior, etc.

Therefore, it can be said that peoples and nations are just like the individual human being. Their thoughts, feelings, morals, and awareness come from two sources:

1- Collective memory of the past

2- And the collective awareness of the present.

In order to create a new people from a people…you must first abolish the old people within this people. how ?

By obliterating his old collective memory, that is…. his collective memory must return to a blank page, before you write on it what you want…. the people’s past must be completely abolished.

Where is the people’s memory?

The memory of peoples and nations is the written texts written by any people over time. They are the ancient written records…..they are the documents of this people over time, and I call them the ancient archives…and the inscriptions of the ancient region are a living example of that archive.

And when that old archive is completely hidden… you completely erase the people’s collective memory and turn it into a blank page… and then you can write on that blank page whatever you want… and in the way that serves you… and The way you make this people submissive to you and submissive to you.

How are these old records hidden?

There are many, many ways….but we will take two of them

● The first method is easy, especially in the case of illiterate people.

When you go to a people…and tell them that you can extract the contents of the ancient archive of this people…and you can translate this archive…then you deceive this people with extraordinary stories about your genius and your effort that culminated in your success in translating those… The inscriptions are correct…then this people will believe you…then you will have a people completely at your disposal.

Because in this case……. you have erased the people’s collective memory and turned the people’s past into a blank page in your hands… then you can easily write whatever you want in that archive… and in the same way. Which creates a new collective memory that suits you and serves you, because you will write on the blank page whatever ideas, history, stories, news, proverbs, narrations, beliefs, etc. that suit you, in a way that makes the people submit to you and submit to you.

You are now creating a new people that suits you


1- If you wrote on the blank page that the past of that people revered another people, then you will make this people today revere that people… And if you write on the blank page that the past of that people was always exposed to military defeats, then you will make this people today afflicted with a defeat complex. .

2- And if you wrote on the blank page that this people had a religious belief different from today’s belief, and you wrote huge volumes about this belief about today’s belief, then today you will make the people always alienate from today’s belief… and tend to That doctrine that you designed yourself.

3 – And if you wrote on the blank page that in the past that people worshiped many gods and with many names, today you will make the people alienate from the gods they worship today.

4 – And if you wrote on the blank page that this people has a great history in the past that says that this people did not live the most flourishing stages of its history until at the hands of invading foreign rulers, then today you will make this people love the invader and believe that it will not develop except at the hands of invading foreign rulers.

5 – And if you wrote on the blank page that this people’s history in the past says that this people were only ruled by foreign rulers from your country, then today you will make this people subservient to your country.

6 – And if you wrote on the blank page that the ancestors of this people used to communicate in a different language than this people currently do, and you created a dictionary for that language and set rules for it… today you will make this people alienate from the language of today and try to master the language of their ancestors. That you invented.

7 – And if you wrote on the blank page that this people in the past lived in an ideal world and in a virtuous city and possessed sophisticated laws that no people on earth had ever achieved… then today you will make this people always reject their reality, and fight themselves against themselves. He seeks to destroy his reality and replace it with that utopia in which his ancestors lived in the past.

In short… if you want to make any people believe in any idea in your head… or you want to make this people carry out an action, all you have to do is… write in the memory of this people and on the blank page. . That this people, in the past, believed in the same idea that you want them to believe in…or their ancestors were doing the same work that you want to pass on.

Approximate examples:

1- A page on the social networking site specializing in the history of Iraq published a long topic about beer, in which it lists information from a book by an American researcher specializing in Iraqi history….in which he says that the Sumerians worshiped a goddess called (Ninkasi), who was the goddess of beer (beer). Therefore, the Sumerians knew seventy ways to make beer, and the Sumerians drank beer through a reed or without a reed… The Sumerians even had a famous proverb that said: “He who has not tasted beer has not tasted life.”… ……. This matter made an American beer manufacturing company adopt three methods from the Sumerians in preparing their beer products.

Imagine with me……. how an Iraqi researcher believes this false history and this media propaganda and media marketing of an American commercial product and considers it part of his true history and authentic past… even if you watched… The Iraqis’ comments on this topic will make you very laugh at their pride in this history… and some are searching for the name of this American beer to taste the flavor of the beer that their ancestors used to make.

Underestimating minds to an unbelievable degree!

2- And to be more certain… you will soon see a historical article by a Western researcher in which he says… that the phenomenon of homosexuals was widespread in the Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilization… and they respected homosexuals very much.

● The second method…….. It is also possible to create a blank page for any people through your archive.. by writing a false and fictitious historical narrative and claiming that you wrote it in a very ancient time….. that is, in a time contemporary with that people’s past. And the ancestors of that people were contemporary, and in that historical narrative… false hadiths about that people from all aspects… then that people becomes as if they possess a new archive, that is, a new memory from within your records other than their real memory.


When you write a fictitious novel, and it is part of your archive, and you say that at the time of your entry into the land of another people, this people would offer human sacrifices and eat the hearts of the sacrifices… and this people will believe you… then you will make this people always find you an example of moral perfection. And the humanitarian.

Approximate examples:

We saw a huge American movie inspired by Western historical writings that talk about the history of South America, and it depicted a scene of the European coming to America as a divine salvation, coinciding with a scene of the savage peoples of America offering human sacrifices……… Therefore, do not be surprised if I saw a comment by the indigenous people of America and they thanked Allah for the arrival of the Spaniards or the Europeans who saved them from this savagery in which they lived.


Now…we will try to apply the same experience of the Canadian doctor to the people.

■ Just as the Canadian doctor conducted experiments on psychopaths, by giving them hallucinogenic drugs and putting them in dark rooms, the same experiments can be carried out on people as well.

When you give any people a history full of myths, illogical stories, and lies…that the normal, sound mind cannot accept (such as the childish, superstitious and imaginary myths of Greece), and you tell them that their ancestors lived within this world… Then it is as if you are dosing the people completely hallucinogenic drugs… and the more the doses are increased intensively and continuously… the more the collective consciousness of the people becomes tired of the abundance of hallucinations, and they are unable to know their natural, real, real memory… ………. Due to the large doses of hallucinogenic drugs.

■ Just as the doctor also disabled patients’ senses by putting them inside dark rooms to disable their senses, the same experiment can be done to any people.

When you make a historical calendar and create in it a long gap of time within the history of a people… and nothing of the history is recorded in it… then it is as if you are taking the people into a very dark room in which extreme silence prevails, until their senses are paralyzed. The people’s collective perception and sense of time.

Because… when the people’s temporal imagination reaches that gap in time… the people’s imagination enters completely into a very dark room… and there is a disruption of the people’s collective senses of perception of reality… and after the people’s collective senses of perception are disrupted… And the feeling of natural reality… Then you take this people out of that dark time gap… and enter them into a history in which there is a fantastic, magical, mythical world, that is, an imaginary history… Any dose of hallucinogenic drugs… then the people will accept the existence of that world naturally and logically. Because the collective awareness of natural reality has become completely disabled… and they have become ready to accept this mythical world as if it were an existing world in which they lived.

And this is exactly what happened to us… This experience was applied to us literally.

During their presence in the region, the Ottomans made that dark room and entered the region in it, when they banned the printer in the region… and they created a dark time gap throughout the period of the ban… then they entered the printer and wrote a new history with it after tampering with the old archive. And they infused the region with a new memory…and a history full of mythical, mythical and fictitious stories…and it produced new peoples with new imaginations.

And this is exactly what is happening to us today by the West. After the Ottomans’ mission in the region ended…the West…continues to apply the experience…the West came to us 200 years ago as an occupier. Busy and very interested in translating the inscriptions of the region (our ancient archive).

The West is now…continuing to erase the old memory and writing a new one…now it is writing a new memory on a blank page, and writing what it wants from a magical fairy world (the peoples of the region take hallucinogenic pills)… so that these peoples may separate themselves from reality. Around it, he writes history in a way that suits his strategic political orientation, ensuring his control over the people.

This experience was briefly expressed by a Czech historian when he said:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, then we destroy their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how. It was!, and the world around him will quickly forget him as well.”

This seems very clear in the West’s view of us today. This is a French researcher, and in an interview with him, he was asked a question: What is the difference between Greece and the East? His answer was: “The East lived in a stage of mythical, superstitious awareness, while Greece lived in a world that glorified reason.”

This researcher, other Westerners, and many historians of the region have not yet comprehended the fact that this mythical, mythical world was not written by us, but rather by the West and presented to us as our true history.


What is happening now in the region…is due to the collective awareness that dominates the region, which is the result of that experience and this history that the Ottomans and the West wrote about us.

◆ The memory of the peoples of the region has been erased and replaced with hallucinogenic drugs (a mythical, mythical history) that has no connection to reality today, a magical world that makes people suffer from turmoil and hallucinations as a result of the lack of any connection between historical memory and reality, a magical fantasy world and ordinary natural reality.

◆ Peoples…… The West has been able to play with them throughout history, by writing a new memory that suits any political event or project that wants to be passed on. Whenever an event comes, the West comes up with a new interpretation of the inscriptions and publishes them in scientific periodicals, articles, and books, because it is capable of To guide people through ancient memory. Its original memory has been obliterated, and it is being replaced by a new memory, and the West writes it every day to serve its political orientation.

◆ Peoples suffer from contradiction and schizophrenia, because they are between a magical, fantastical past and a different reality. Peoples suffer from difficulty imagining their past as their reality. This results in violent reactions towards reality, as she tries to reject it and searches for a magical, fantastical past (hallucinations)… after she became addicted to hallucinogenic drugs.

◆ And today… we are witnessing groups in the region that have a new memory created by the West and are proceeding according to what the West’s plans want. They believe, after large doses of hallucinations… that their past was mythical and they are trying to return to it and Reclaiming it…..peoples who deny reality today…which they believe is the reason they are deprived of that fantastical, imaginative, magical past that does not exist at all (hallucinations).

Question: How can a picture of someone reading the Holy Quran be inserted into a scene from a pornographic movie?!

The installation process will be somewhat difficult, and this is the magic that the West has done for us.

For two centuries, the West has planted many magical and pornographic images inside the minds of the peoples of the region by writing the history of the region. And if you try to replace those magical, pornographic images that exist within the collective imagination… with a different and real image… they will never, ever, ever enter the imagination. Peoples…will be met with rejection, and will even be the subject of ridicule and sarcasm by everyone.

What is the solution then? Or how can a confirmed fact be revealed that cancels out all that previous fictitious information?!

There is no solution except…. in very small doses through organized and responsible media work… until a psyche, mentality and awareness are formed in society… gradually erasing all those magical, pornographic images that were planted… And prepare to receive the earth-shattering truth.


The magic that the West cast on us will be nullified… after everyone knows and is certain… that most of the ancient inscription texts found in the region are very realistic texts, written by a human being as if he were living among us today, with awareness like the consciousness of a human being today, and who does not believe at all. That there was a bull that came down from heaven to wrestle with the Allah… And he did not believe that gods wrestled with other gods in order to seize power… And he did not believe that a Allah wept her husband and divided his body over the entire earth, and he did not believe That there is a king who is half Allah and half human… and he will mock you and think you are crazy if you tell him that a people had beer gods.

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