Mecca Dirar Mosque

Mecca Dirar Mosque

8/28/2020 0:00:00

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1- The revelation came to him when he was 40 years old, and he was in Mecca, where Ibrahim built the first house built for people, where Ibrahim resided, and his call began, which lasted 13 years, but the revelation did not command him to pray for 13 years.

Is it a new religion so that the call to it begins? Is it a call to a new religion other than the religion of Allah, the nature of Allah with which He created people?!

Is it the religion of Allah, the nature of Allah upon which he created people, or is it the Wahhabi call brought by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, an ally of Al Saud?!

2- After 13 years from the beginning of his call, Allah took the Messenger by his body from Al-Masjid Al Haram (Mecca) to the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem) on the back of Al-Buraq or a spiritual Israa, not in the body, and on this journey prayer was imposed on him.

During the Isra journey, Allah called Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram) and called Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque)…and on that journey, prayer was imposed on the Messenger.

3- After the journey of the Night Journey, sound natural logic says that prayer will be towards the place that Allah calls Al-Masjid Al Haram, where Ibrahim resides. The logical reasoning is that the Messenger at that time will pray towards Mecca, which Allah called Al-Masjid Al Haram.

But the Messenger in Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram), where Ibrahim’s place was, contradicts the word of Allah, and orders his followers who believe in his new call to pray towards Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque).

Under the pretext that his call believes that it is an extension of the Jewish religion that Allah revealed in the past, and this religion that prayed towards Jerusalem, which is a holy land that Allah chose for Judaism before the religion of Islam.

For almost two months, the Messenger and the Muslims in Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram) were praying towards Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque)…….. The first qibla (the qibla of the religion of Judaism, which came first before Islam, so it is the first qibla chosen by Allah).

4- The Messenger decided to migrate to Yathrib, escaping his religion, after he found in Yathrib a tribe that decided to support him (the Aws and Khazars).

5- In Yathrib (Medina – the city of the Messenger), the Messenger and the Ansar (the Aws and the Khazars) prayed towards the first qiblah, the qiblah of the Al-Yahoud (Jerusalem) (Al-Aqsa Mosque) for two years.

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15 years after Jebril descended to the Messenger and the beginning of his call, and approximately two years after he imposed prayer on the Messenger and the Muslims, Jebril descended after a delay of 15 years from his first revelation to the Messenger, and two years after he descended upon the Messenger during the Journey of the Night Journey, to order him to He changes the first qibla, which was Jerusalem, to Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque), and turns his face towards the second qibla, Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram – the Shrine of Ibrahim).

A logical question: Isn’t Al-Masjid Al Haram the first house built for people?!

Therefore, it is the first qibla…which Allah has made blessed, and whoever enters it is safe, and for Allah is the pilgrimage to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it.

So how did Jerusalem become the first qibla upon the Messenger’s call to Mecca, and why was Jerusalem not then called Al-Masjid Al Haram as long as it was the first qibla, where Ibrahim’s place was?

Is the Messenger of Medina disobeying Allah’s command to him, and playing with Allah’s religion?!

Did the Messenger of Medina firmly believe that Judaism is a religion from Allah that Allah revealed previously before his call?! .

Did the Messenger of (Medina) believe that Judaism (the first religion) that Allah revealed, and his call that started from Mecca was the (second religion) that Allah revealed after (the first religion), and because the first religion passes through Jerusalem as His holy land, he relied on this. Darwinian logic in the development of religion and the arrangement of religions according to Roman times, and he prayed in a new direct way towards Jerusalem, and considered it (the first qibla), even though Allah calls it to him (Al-Aqsa Mosque)?!

Is the religion that the Messenger of Medina brought (the second religion), which came after Judaism (the first religion) according to the Roman calendar, the reason that made Jerusalem (the first qibla) and Mecca (the second qibla) in his view?!

Is this the real reason that made the Messenger of Mecca and Medina believe that Al-Masjid Al Haram was the “second qibla” when Allah commanded him to turn his face toward Mecca (Al-Masjid Al Haram)?!

Is it possible that Allah is addressing His Messenger, by changing his first qibla, which Allah revealed, to a second qibla, and the first qibla is called Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the second qibla is called Al-Masjid Al Haram… And Allah says to the Messenger: There is no changing the religion of Allah, the first nature of people, nor He changed his words, and the religion with Allah is Islam only.

{The religion with Allah is Islam} {So set your face upright towards the religion. Allah created the manner in which He created the people. There is no altering of Allah’s creation. That is the upright religion} {And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah, there is no altering His words.}

So, the Messenger of Mecca came with a new invitation only, to change the religion of Allah, the nature of Allah upon which He created people, and he did not bring the religion of values, the nature of Allah, which cannot be changed?! .

All this contradiction in the story…and this illogicality between Allah’s speech to the Messenger and the actions of the Messenger of Mecca and Medina, because:

Because Mecca is not Al-Masjid Al Haram, but Dirar Mosque, and Jerusalem is not Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Because Mecca is not the ancient house, but rather the modern house that was built during the era of the emergence of Al Saud in the region and they were surrounded by a large number of Western intelligence men, at a time of the dark time gap that came before the entry of the printer that produced this large amount of heritage.

Because the Messenger of Mecca and Medina is the owner of the Wahhabi mission, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, whom the West brought with Al Saud to create this huge global project, and the grave in Medina is the grave of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, the owner of the mission of Al Saud, and not the Messenger addressed in the Qur’an that He will change the qibla to the first qibla, Allah’s first nature. He established the first house for people in Bakkah, where Ibrahim resided.

And France, Britain, and the Freemason West, who designed this great global project against the Muslims, who created the Dirar Mosque in Mecca and whose printer wrote all this history and heritage, after they had hidden the Book of Allah (those who were given the Book) knew the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram to which pilgrims used to go. People since ancient times have known their children.

{We may see the turning of your face in the sky. We will certainly turn you to a direction that pleases you. So turn your face toward Al-Masjid Al Haram, and wherever you are, turn your faces toward it. Indeed, those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Allah, and Allah is not unaware of what they do. (144) And if you brought to those who were given the Book every sign, they would not follow your direction, nor are you. Follow their qiblah, and some of them do not follow the qiblah of others. And if you were to follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, then you would certainly be among the wrongdoers. (145) To whom We have given the book recognize it as they recognize their own children. Indeed, a group of them conceal the truth while they know it. (146)}

1- Why is there doubts about Mecca that it is Al-Bayt Al-Haram?

2- The historical concept of Umm al-Qura and its relationship to the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram

3- The speech of the Qur’an supports the true concept of Umm al-Qura and his relationship with Al-Masjid Al Haram

4- The Qur’an’s speech details the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram

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