Mecca, Dirar Mosque – with reason, common sense, and certainty in the Qur’an

Mecca, Dirar Mosque - with reason, common sense, and certainty in the Qur’an


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It is very logical, scientifically and realistically… that the mind that leaves the ground of the Sykes-Picot curriculum, its borders, its history, its time, and its unreal names… will arrive at a simple, not difficult truth… that the entire region must have left. It is the oldest book on earth, and the oldest book on earth contains the texts of the first religion, and it is very logical that the oldest building on earth was the people’s first qibla and their first mosque.. Allah’s nature that created people.

We emerged from a very ancient world….and when we say the ancient world..we mean the law of the first beginning, the first beginning that carried one religion and one language as its first nature, and which migrated to settle and populate the earth.

Therefore…the oldest book on earth is found in Misr, and the oldest building on earth is found in Misr, and next to the oldest building on earth is the shrine of your father Ibrahim, the nature of Allah with which He created people.

While the consciousness that did not leave the ground of Sykes-Picot cannot reach this logical, scientific and realistic law… because the ground of Sykes-Picot makes it believe absolutely that man in ancient times used to emerge from every political border of the earth like worms and multiply until he formed a group. Then he decides to invent a language of communication for him according to his mood, and invent a religion for him according to his mood so that he can live by it. This awareness made the mind believe that every current political border in ancient times, of an ancient language and an ancient religion, must have had a different form than the rest of the other political borders… and even different from today’s reality.

And this awareness… never understands why the inscriptions of ancient Yemen are identical to the inscriptions of Misr, and why statues of the so-called Sphinx are discovered in Yemen with inscriptions in the script called Musnad.

And this awareness… does not understand why it seems ridiculous and complete nonsense when the West writes all this history for us, and makes in the Levant an ancient goddess named Ishtar who loves a Allah named Adonis, and as soon as we leave the borders of Sykes-Picot and move to Iraq, we find the goddess Ishtar. She has a new lover, whose name is July.

This awareness… is not understood by something called first instinct, and that belief is a first instinct and not an invention that we imagine according to mood, and instinct emerged from a first truth of the first human and is not a game of mood.

This Sykes-Picot mind was never the consciousness of the people in the region. This consciousness replaced the law of the ancient world and the first instinct that was present in the consciousness of the people in the past… and it began to appear since the entry of Napoleon and his soldiers… so the region was occupied and Its residents were subjected to brutal killing, displacement, and starvation. Then the region was divided between the occupiers according to political borders… Then the book and the rest of the ancient writings of the region that came out of the first book were forged, and the printer wrote a date and time for each divided piece of land with names. A new one based on an imaginary calendar, to form new, separate identities that ensures the continuation of the division in favor of the forces that divided the region.

Then build the Dirar Mosque to be the new center for the ancient nature of the people… to create a new time and a new history for the first nature… and to be the new direction of direction for the people to establish the foundation of the new Sykes-Picot in the region with its history, time and new names, as an authentic reality that it was. People since ancient times, and to establish the awareness of division, fragmentation and division, i.e. the Sykes-Picot world, in the minds of the residents of the region.

Why Mecca Dirar Mosque?

If you observe and carefully examine the story of Mecca that was presented to the Muslim… you will find that it is impossible for this story to have emerged from an ancient, natural, innate world, or for it to be 1,400 years old.

Because this story has a major role in establishing the foundation of Sykes-Picot, the story further confirms and confirms the mentality of today’s borders, as for 1400 years it has been dealing with the region as borders just like today, while the borders of today’s countries were formed from the modern period.

For 1400 years… Mecca has been dealing with the name Yemen as a political border like today, and with the name Oman as a political border like today, and the Levant as a political border like today, and Iraq as a political border like today, and it views Misr as a political border like today, and Morocco as a border. Politics like today.

The Messenger, who was born in Mecca, sends messages to the region regarding the new religion, and he carries the Sykes-Picot mentality. It sends a message to Iraq as a border state, a message to the Levant as a political border, a message to Misr as a political border, a message to Oman, a message to Bahrain, and a message to Yemen.

It is not right for the Messenger of Mecca to send a messenger with one message to Iraq and the Levant at once, and it is not right for him to send a messenger and one message to Misr, Sudan, Libya, and Tunisia.

It is not correct for a messenger to be sent with one message to Oman and Bahrain. It is not correct for one messenger to be sent with one message to Yemen.

Also…the Messenger, who was born in Mecca, dealt with Yemen currently with a clear Sykes-Picot mind, but he did not expect unity to occur between Yemen, north and south, because when he sent his message to Yemen, he dealt with Yemen according to its division before 1990 as north and south, so he sent a Messenger. To the North and a Messenger to the South.

And more than this… The Messenger who was born in Mecca 1400 years ago dealt with North Yemen with a clear Sykes-Picot mentality… He sent to North Yemen a person associated with one sect, and he sent to the south of North Yemen another person linked to another sect, as if he deliberately intended to send two people. Two for the manufacture of two doctrines for northern Yemen before 1990. Although one person was enough for Yemen…just as one person was sent to Misr and Oman.

As for the most clear and prominent point of Sykes-Picot’s mentality in the story of Mecca… it is 1400 years ago and the story of Mecca has been dealing with Najran as not being part of Yemen, even though it is a natural extension of the geography and population of Yemen today… it is dealing with Najran. It is like today’s reality, which is within the borders of the Al Saud state, who are in charge of managing the affairs of Mecca for the residents of the region.

As for the conquests of the story of Mecca, they are the conquests of Sykes-Picot in a way that is 100% identical to today’s reality…the Levant, Palestine, Iraq, Misr, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Oman, Bahrain, Iran (Persia), and Turkey (Byzantium).

As for the most important point… the story of Mecca is the reason for the creation of sects for Muslims. If it were not for this story, sectarian awareness would not have been deeply rooted in the consciousness of the residents of the region and turned them into separate, hostile sects.

This is not a real story that happened to a religion, this is a fabricated story…. This is not a story of natural nature, this is not an old story, this is a modern story, this is a story written by the mind of Sykes-Picot to confirm today’s reality, root it, and cultivate it in the consciousness of the people of the region.

This is a story designed for a newly built mosque to be a new direction for people after they repelled people from the ancient first house…Al-Masjid Al Haram.

Indeed, Mecca is modern. Even a blind person notices its modernity. There is no trace of it being old, even the house in it. Its stones are stuck to cement and its interior is covered with Italian marble. Everything is modern.

{Never stand in it for a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand in it. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify themselves.}

This is a story written by a modern consciousness… This is a story written for a modern mosque, so that it would be a mosque of harm, disbelief, and division among believers, and an aversion to Al-Masjid Al Haram.

And it is He who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is Seeing of what you do. Those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a guard for those who fought against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will swear, “We only intend the best,” and Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. “Never stand in it for a mosque.” Foundations on piety from the first day on which you are more deserving of standing therein are men who love to purify themselves, and Allah loves those who purify themselves. They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, while the sacrificial animal was held back until it reached its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you would not have taught them that you should tread on them and disgrace befall you from them without knowledge, so that Allah may enter into His mercy from If He willed, We would have punished those who disbelieved among them with a painful punishment. When those who disbelieved placed in their hearts the fever of ignorance, then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and made them obligated to the word of piety, and they were more deserving of it and those who deserve it. And Allah is All-Knowing of all things. Allah has confirmed the vision in truth to His Messenger. You will enter Al-Masjid Al Haram, if He wills. By Allah, we are safe, with your heads shaved and cut short. Do not be afraid. He knew what you did not know, and He made other than that a near victory.


Indeed, Ibrahim was a nation obedient to Allah, upright, and he was not of the polytheists. Grateful for His blessings. He chose him and guided him to a straight path. And We gave him good in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous. And when his Allah tested Ibrahim with words, and he fulfilled them. He said, “Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people.” He said, “And of my descendants.” He said, “The unjust will not attain My covenant.” And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail, “Our Allah, accept from us. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing. Our Allah, make us Muslims to You and from our descendants a nation that submits to You. Show us our rituals and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful. Our Allah, send among them a Messenger from among themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and the wisdom and purify them. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Most Merciful. Then We inspired you to follow the religion of Ibrahim, upright, and he was not of the polytheists. Allah has spoken the truth, so follow the religion of Ibrahim, upright, and he was not of the polytheists. ¤ Indeed, the first House established for the people was the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. ¤ In it are clear signs, the station of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it will be safe. And to Allah is the duty of the people to perform the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is Self-sufficient of the worlds. ¤ And when We made The house is a place of rest for the people and a place of security. And take the place of Ibrahim as a place of prayer. And who is better in religion than he who submits his face to Allah and is a doer of good and follows the religion of Ibrahim, an upright one, and Allah took Ibrahim as a friend? And whoever turns away from the religion of Ibrahim except he who fools himself? And We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous. He was not. Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim and was not one of the polytheists. Indeed, the people most worthy of Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this prophet and those who believe, and Allah is the Guardian of the believers. A group of the People of the Book wished to mislead you, but they mislead no one but themselves, and they do not realize it. And they struggled in Allah as He deserves to struggle. He chose you and did not make On you in religion is the burden of the religion of your father Ibrahim. He called you Muslims before, and in this so that the Messenger may be a witness over you and that you may be witnesses over the people, so establish prayer and pay zakat and hold fast to Allah. He is your Master. So what a good Master and what a good Helper. Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after what Knowledge came to them out of envy among themselves, and whoever disbelieves in the signs of Allah, then Allah is swift in reckoning. And if they dispute with you, then say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows me.” And say to those who were given the Book and the unlettered ones, “Have you submitted?” If they have submitted, then they have been guided. But if they turn away, then it is up to you to convey the message, and Allah sees His servants. Rather, those who wronged followed their desires without knowledge, so who guides them? Allah has gone astray, and they have no helpers. So set your face upright to the religion. Allah has created the nature upon which He created people. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know.

That is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous. ¤ A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. ¤ Bringing good tidings and a warner. But most of them turned away, so they did not listen. ¤ And they said, “Our hearts are concealed from what you call us to, and in our ears is deafness. And between us and you there is a veil, so act. Indeed, we will work.” The tongue of the one to whom they insist is foreign, and this is the tongue. Clear Arabic ¤ Indeed, those who deny Our verses do not hide from Us. Is the one who is thrown into the Fire better or the one who comes safe on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you will. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. ¤ Indeed, those who disbelieved in the Remembrance when it came to them, and indeed it is a Mighty Book. ¤ Falsehood will not come to it from before it or from behind it. Download From Hakim Hamid

It is He who has revealed to you the Book, some of which are clear verses that are the mother of the Book, and others that are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous of it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah,” but none remember except those of understanding. And We have not sent. Before you, there is no messenger or prophet, unless he wished. Shaytan made his wish, so Allah cancels what Shaytan casts. Then Allah establishes His verses, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. To make what Shaytan casts a test for those in whose hearts is a disease and whose hearts are hardened. Indeed, the wrongdoers are in far-off discord. We do not abrogate a verse or make it forgotten. We Better than it or similar to it. Did you not know that Allah has power over all things? Allah erases and confirms whatever He wills, and with Him is the Mother of the Book.

And thus We sent it down as an Arabic ruling, and if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you will have in Allah neither guardian nor protector. And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an so that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it, and warn of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt, a group in Paradise and a group in the Blaze. And before it is the Book of Musa as a guide and a mercy. And this is a book that confirms the Arabic language, to warn those who do wrong and good news for the doers of good.

The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and He sent down with them the Book with the truth to judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth from the truth in which they differed, by His permission, and Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.

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