Mecca is a fabricated story to hide the truth of the Qur’an – 4

Mecca is a fabricated story to hide the truth of the Qur’an - 4


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In the previous article, we arrived at an approach to the scenario of the story from which the Qur’an emerged, relying on the rules and theories of the Western approach to understanding the texts of the Qur’an, which are:

There was a large and important meeting in the past, on whoever reads ancient heavenly sacred tablets, and the Messenger Muhammad was able to copy those tablets and write them correctly, and he read them in the correct and correct manner that is compatible with the modern language of his people, and this work was inspired by Allah, and there was a meeting between the children of Israel and a witness from the children of Israel testified to the authenticity of his work, while there were those who rejected the work of the Messenger Muhammad, and they denied him, because they wanted those tablets to be spoken in the ancient non-Arab language even if it was not understandable… and they said about him that he Bafak came. And they fought the Qur’an of the Prophet Muhammad.


But if this imaginary story that we have woven is true, or close to being true, and the Qur’an emerged from this story, in which a group rejected the Qur’an and disbelieved in the Prophet Muhammad’s recitation of the Book, then the essence of the disagreement is not religious, as they are of one religion, but rather the essence of the disagreement is the Book. Then they must have another reading of the book that is different, and it will be a foreign reading in the ancient language that remains today.

Is there a religious group that still believes in Islam and has a holy book other than the Qur’an, or one similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language?

If we think a lot and reflect deeply, we will reach a striking and dangerous point, and it may cause us to rewrite the previous story in a completely different way, and according to a new, different approach.

Why ?!

I believe that relying on the theories of Western approaches to linguistics and the history of languages, and the plans of Western scholars in classifying the world’s languages and the relationships between them as universals, is what brought us to that story, and caused us great difficulty in understanding the texts of the Qur’an… in fact, a cause of obstruction.

I believe that this Western approach was developed in this way to create awareness that prevents people from realizing the truth of the Qur’an and understanding the speech of the Qur’an properly… because I see that the mind that follows this approach can never reach the true story of the Qur’an and understand the speech of the Qur’an.

The Western approach to understanding language is based on three points:

● Language was acquired by humans from animals

This point is taken for granted in the awareness that was founded on Western approaches…. But the question is: If every animal on earth has a language to communicate between itself and another animal of its kind, then a bear has a language with another bear, and birds have a language, and insects have a language. .

The question is:

How did bees acquire the language of communication between them?

How did animals acquire this language of communication?

And did every animal acquire it from another animal?!

Is it possible that animal communication languages are innately present in them?!

If man is part of the animal kingdom, then why cannot the human condition in this matter be considered as part of the general state of the animal kingdom, and the language that man possesses be looked at with the same perspective with which the languages of animal communication are looked at…and what applies to the rest of the creatures Does the snake also apply to humans?

Why is language not an innate nature found in humans?!

If man…is the first animal in the ladder of evolution, and the first man was without language…how will he communicate and understand with the rest of his species?

We have animals that communicate with each other and can determine places and can tell their members about a place…and they can realize the need of others for food and drink, and they can know the location of danger and inform others.

And we have animals that have distinct sounds…so why didn’t the first human have distinct sounds (tongue = language)….and used them to communicate with others?

● Language is an evolving organism

Yes… language is a living organism… the language’s vocabulary develops, and the meanings of its vocabulary develop and change.

But if language is evolving… Was there in the past a single human language from which the rest of the human languages that exist today splintered?

This belief… is completely consistent if we believe that language was an innate nature that existed with humans in the beginning.

But the development of language… does not mean the disappearance of the first language or its non-existence… because there are things around us whose names cannot disappear from the first language that was with man.

I believe that this development in language is the reason that gave the first ancient texts their sanctity, because their sanctity is linked to the memory of the first man, and their function is not, as we thought, according to the Western approach of modernity and development, but rather their function is to protect the memory of man. The first is to realize the awareness of the ancient and preserve its first belief, and this requires preserving and maintaining that language in order to understand the memory of the past and compare it to today… and not changing the old language and developing it… preservation does not mean against development… preservation is preserving the language. The first one in which the doctrine was written.

And this is the point where we made a mistake previously…. because it is very logical, that preserving the initial meaning of the sacred texts is the correct logic that should be, and it should be the essence of the dispute, and not changing it and developing it….. because Changing it is considered a distortion and falsification of the truth.

● The Arabic language is a Semitic language and developed from previous languages.

This Western classification of languages, and the West’s inclusion of the Arabic language in the category of Semitic languages, and this evolutionary plan for languages that the West established, which made Arabic emerge from previous languages such as Canaanite, Aramaic, Syriac, etc., is not based on a scientific basis, but rather It is based on Roman time… The plan depends on the history and time that everyone studies, and the history and time were written by the West and not written by a general reference.

According to current history and time, Judaism appeared in time carrying a book written in Hebrew, Christianity came after it carrying with it a book written in Syriac, then Islam came after it carrying with it a book written in Arabic.

This history and time…makes the ordinary, simple man…believe that the Aramaic language was the only one that existed in the world…then it developed into the Hebrew language, and dominated for a period of time. Then the Syriac language developed from it, and dominated for a period of time, and finally the Arabic language developed from it.

So, had it not been for this history and this time… the West would not have written language plans in this way… and no creature on earth, including Western scientists, would have been able to establish correct scientific rules… to understand which language preceded the other, and which language split. From the other.

This indicates that history and time are the first and only reason for drawing these plans in this way… and the issue entered into the formulation of the foundations of linguistics according to the methods of the West… while history and time were written by people… and We do not realize at all how true that time and history is.

Therefore, it is not possible to formulate a correct scientific approach to understanding language, without writing true history and correcting time.

When we talked in previous articles about deconstructing the region’s time… we found in the history of the region three historical gaps related to the three religions, and we said that if we wanted to reform time and history, we believe that the issue needs to compress history and time, and this will make us obtain a time gap. One from which religions emerge.

We said that if we wanted to analyze and describe that gap, we would find that the end of the time gap…in which there are similar historical events.

End of the gap

One appearance of two books (the Qur’an and the Old Testament)

The emergence of several languages at once (Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac)

One appearance of several kings (Ptolemy, Constantine, Haroun and Al-Mamun)

Here we will note important points.

There is a very large match, with only a slight difference in order, but the quality of events is identical

■ When we emerge from this gap… we will encounter kings who performed similar deeds… famous kings… whose names were associated with sacred religious books… and who cared about culture… …and they translated many books.

■ Also, when we emerge from the gap….we will have in our hands…two holy books….very similar in topics………that is, they deal with the same topics, they deal with the same religious stories…… Even if one of them exceeds the other in its historical stories….. The first book is an Arabic Qur’an and the other book is a Hebrew book, the Old Testament.

■ Even the names of the languages of the Bible are similar

Arabic = Hebrew

Important question:

Why, after we emerged from the gap in time… did we get two sacred texts… dealing with the same topic… but in two different languages… and from one Allah?!

So is the origin of the story… a very old sacred religious text… that was translated and a new, completely different and forged text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this order… so that no one could… Access to the story of the Qur’an?!

And is the origin of the story and history: What is the natural and true language of the first sacred religious text.. and what is the original religion of the time?!

Is the religious group that we arrived at and believed in our previous article that it will adhere to Islam until today and will possess a sacred book other than the Qur’an, or similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language, nothing other than Judaism, which owns the book of the Old Testament written in a foreign language, crooked, and similar to the Holy Qur’an?!

I think we have arrived at a logical answer, so the first question is regarding the religious group that will embrace Islam and will carry a book different from the Qur’an.

If we search for a group that believes in Islam and possesses a book other than the Qur’an, we will never find it… and there is nothing before us except Judaism… which the Muslim believes is a religion from Allah… and possesses A book similar to the Muslim book, but in a different style and with a crooked foreign tongue.

I believe that it is……. the true, logical and realistic story, which we have arrived at by relying on a new approach that is completely different from the Western approach… and I believe that it is the approach capable of interpreting the texts of the Qur’an correctly and soundly and resolving all contradictions in interpretations. The texts of the Qur’an that came from the books of the Ottoman heritage.

So what will be the story from which the Qur’an emerged?!

“In the past, a people came from a foreign environment to an Arab environment in which the Messenger had invaded or occupied… and they wanted to translate ancient, heavenly sacred tablets that existed in an Arab environment… and the Messenger copied those tablets, and read them in the proper and correct manner.” In the original, natural Arabic language, and this work was inspired by Allah, while these non-Arabs lied and disbelieved in the Book of Allah and distorted the Book, then they wrote books resembling the Qur’an in a crooked non-Arab tongue…and they created a religion for these new books, because they wanted to hide it. Fact. And they want to fight the truth, Allah, and the Messenger, so they fought the Qur’an of the Messenger Muhammad and his people.”


We will try to make a comparison between the story that has reached us from the Ottoman heritage books about the environment from which the Qur’an emerged, and the previous story that we have arrived at according to the Western approach, and the new story that we have arrived at according to our new approach.

Environment (Ottoman heritage): pure Arab + Jewish

Environment (Western approach): Pure Arabic

Environment (new curriculum): Arabic + foreign

Environmental religion (Ottoman heritage): worshiping idols

Environmental religion (Western approach): One religion – the Messenger and his people

Environmental religion (the new approach): Islam confronting disbelief

The Liars (Ottoman Heritage): An Arab tribe (the people of the Messenger)

Deniers (Western approach): Arab people (the people of the Messenger)

Deniers (the new approach): non-Arab people (not the people of the Messenger)

The essence of the dispute (the Ottoman heritage): a new religion

The essence of the dispute (the Western approach): an old book

The essence of the dispute (the new approach): A sacred heavenly book

Reasons for the dispute (Ottoman heritage): Not abandoning the religion of one’s fathers and grandfathers, the worship of idols

Reasons for the disagreement (Western approach): The Prophet’s people wanted the ancient non-Arab spoken word for the tablets on which the ancient texts were written.

Reasons for the dispute (the new approach): A non-Arab people who were not like the people of the Messenger wanted to distort the correct pronunciation of ancient tablets on which sacred texts were written and turn it into a perverted non-Arab pronunciation.

What the deniers said about the book (the Ottoman heritage): This is something we have never heard before. The Messenger came with new words.

What the deniers said about the book (the Western approach): The meaning of the ancient texts must be preserved.

What the deniers said about the Book (the Western approach): This Qur’an must be abolished, so they wrote a book that resembles the Qur’an with a crooked foreign language, and they created a religion for its sake, to defeat the Muslims.

The religion of the unbelievers (Ottoman heritage): idol worshipers + Al-Yahoud

The religion of the unbelievers (the Western approach): believers in Allah

The religion of the unbelievers (the new approach): devils


This is the summary of the true new story, approved by the seal of the Holy Qur’an.

{That is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous.

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort them after they had understood them while they knew? And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with each other, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you about it before your Allah?” Their tongues are with the Book so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say a lie about Allah while they know.}


We will formulate a complete formulation of the rules of our new approach, and then we will re-read the texts of the Qur’an according to this approach.

But in an upcoming part



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