Mecca is the modern home, not the ancient one

Mecca is the modern home, not the ancient one


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The golden door of the Kaaba was built by Al Saud, and inside the Kaaba was made by Al Saud… Italian tiles and a marble box containing Cambodian incense and French perfume… Even the stones of the Kaaba were placed by Al Saud, as evidenced by the fact that the stones with which the first Kaaba door was blocked were of the same stones. Kaaba.

Every building in the Haram was built by Al Saud

All the hotels and buildings surrounding Mecca, including the Clock Tower Hotel, were built by Al Saud, and there is an expansion project for Mecca… in the form of Las Vegas.

Even the Shaytan monument that pilgrims throw was designed by Al Saud, and even the inventions that were introduced to get rid of the problems of Hajj crowding were made by Al Saud.

All the transfers of Hajj sites… took place during the reign of Al Saud, even the names of the doors of the Haram are named after the kings of Al Saud.

I did not find any small trace that belongs to a time before the time of Al Saud, even the names of places and sites. I did not find any name that belongs to an ancient time before Al Saud….. There is no door or place that is still standing to this day and belongs to the ancient time and its name still remains. There is no chapter called the Prophet’s Chapter, nor the Companions’ Chapter, or the Ibrahim’s Chapter, etc.

The trick they used to convince people was that the Sauds and Wahhabis considered the antiquities linked to polytheism and did not care about the antiquities in front of the expansion of the Holy Mosque and Mecca.

Illusion and deception

If Mecca were the qibla of Muslims, this nation would not have allowed the House of Saud to carry out this work. Rather, Mecca would not have been in the hands of the House of Saud and they would be carrying out these actions with all this great authority and absolute freedom.

Do you accept…that we demolish your ancient monuments and then rebuild them in a modern, new and better way?!

In all the world no person does this work, even an ignorant person does not do this work.

What do you think? We demolish the pyramids and make them more beautiful, bigger and four times more massive. Do you accept?! …Or we demolish ancient temples and build a modern building on top of them.

So how will the matter become… a sacred place that has sanctity in the heart of every Muslim and everyone accepts such an act?!

If the House of Saud is so keen on preserving their grandfather’s old house, and does not touch it with any modernization or renewal… as it is… and they still preserve the old remains of their grandfather… and sanctify them… then how did the House of Saud allow So…and they are among these Muslims, desiring to erase all the traces of ancient Mecca?!

The Sauds are not Muslims….and the spirit within them does not belong to this nation at all.

{The Bedouins said, “We believe.” Say, “You do not believe.” But say, “We submit.” And when faith enters your hearts, even if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not deprive you of any of your deeds. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.)

The Saud family are intruders in the region, and the West planted them to destroy this nation, and Allah has informed us of their news. They are the most infidel and hypocritical Bedouins and the ones who are lurking in your circles.

{They will apologize to you when you return to them. Say, “Do not apologize. We will not believe in you. We have informed Allah of your news. Allah will see your work and His Messenger. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do.” (94) They will swear to Allah to you that if you turn to them, you will turn away from them. So turn away from them. They are an abomination, and their abode is Hell, a recompense for what They used to earn (95) They would swear to you that you would be satisfied with them, but if you were satisfied with them, then Allah is not satisfied with the transgressing people (96) The Bedouins are more disbelieving and hypocritical, and more likely not to know the limits of what Allah has revealed to His Messenger Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise (97) And among the Bedouins are those who take what they spend as a grudge and lie in wait for you. On them is the circle of evil. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

The Sauds are the ones who repelled the Muslims from the real Grand Mosque.

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. (24) They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, while the sacrificial animal was withheld until it reached its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you had not taught them that you should tread on them, and a disgrace befall you from them without knowledge, so that it might enter. Allah is in His mercy whom He wills. If they were removed, We would surely have punished those who disbelieved among them with a painful punishment. (25) When those who disbelieved put in their hearts the fever of ignorance, then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and made them obligated to the word of piety, and they were more deserving of it and its people. And Allah is All-Knowing of all things. (26) Allah has spoken the truth. His Messenger, the vision is true. You will certainly enter Al-Masjid Al Haram, Allah willing, safe, with your heads shaved and cut short, and do not fear. He knew what you did not know, so He made other than that a victory soon. (27) It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religions. And Allah is sufficient as a witness.}

And the Mecca Mosque….is the Dirar Mosque

{Those who have made a mosque to cause harm and disbelief and to divide among the believers and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear: We desire nothing but the best. Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. Those who are purified (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His satisfaction better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the unjust people. (109) Their structure which they built will remain in doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.}



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