Muhammad Pasha’s war against Al Saud is a big lie

Muhammad Pasha's war against Al Saud is a big lie


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The Egyptian historian Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti, a contemporary of that era, narrated Muhammad Ali Pasha’s reaction to the fall of Diriyah in writing the history of the wonders of antiquities in biographies and news, saying: “The holy month of Dhul-Hijjah began on Friday in the year 1233, and on the seventh of it, good news came from eastern Hijaz in a correspondence from Uthman Agha al-Wardani, Emir of Yanbu.” That Ibrahim Pasha took control of Diriyah and Al-Wahhabiyyah, and the Pasha was greatly pleased with this news, and his boredom and anxiety went away, and he bestowed blessings upon the missionary. At that time, they fired many cannons from the citadel, Giza, Bulaq, and Azbakeya, and the missionaries spread out over the houses of notables to collect tips.”

When the news of the fall of Diriyah reached Istanbul, all parts of the Ottoman Empire rejoiced at this news.


A large empire rejoices in its elimination of a tribe of 100 people, and the ruler of a large country who fought in many countries fires cannons with this victory… strange and strange.

Only 50 people with rifles were able to wipe out this state from the ground…and a huge empire celebrated the elimination of a tribe who wore leather slippers and knew nothing but sheep and grazing.

It is a clear intention to exaggerate the presence of the House of Saud for the sake of an upcoming role for them, and an attempt to hide their upcoming role in the region.


As for the traveler Routier, he narrated in his book a trip from Tbilisi to Stamboul, which witnessed the killing of the last imam of the first Saudi state: “I saw with my own eyes the execution of Abdullah bin Saud, the imam of the first Saudi state, whom they killed in Hagia Sophia Square opposite the Palace of the Saray Gardens, and that the Turks put his head after They cut him into a cannon nozzle and threw it. As for his body, they hung him on a pole and spread a piece of cloth over it with Turkey written above it all, and they pinned him with a dagger. His companions were executed on the same day in various places around Stambol in the month of November 1818 AD.

See how keen this traveler is to describe this man as an imam, and how keen he is to call it a state, which was nests, tents and camels at that time, and how keen he is to confirm the incident of this man’s killing, and to exaggerate in depicting the execution process, and As if he wanted to confirm the matter for some purpose…and as if we could not be certain of this date except through the testimony of a foreign traveler confirming the truth of this man’s murder.

But this stupid traveler forgot an important point:

How did he know that it was the first country…for Saudi Arabia?!

He does not call it the first… except because he knows that there will be the second and third names.

A lying man and this history is fake


The Ottomans, Muhammad Ali Pasha, and the House of Saud… were one group, and the story of Muhammad Ali Pasha’s war against Wahhabism is not true at all. Rather, Wahhabism was one of his works… They were implementing one project in the region, making the Dhirar Mosque and the new narrative of Islam, and for this reason The printer has been banned from the region for 300 years.

The role of Al Saud in this project is to manage the Dirar Mosque.


Note: This man, who was said to have been executed in Turkey by the Ottomans, and the Ottoman Empire rejoiced at his killing (Abdullah Al Saud), had a baby boy and named him Turkish because of his strong love for the Turks, or perhaps because his origins were Turkish… from the Khazar-Dunmeh Al-Yahoud.


{The Bedouins are more severe in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely not to know the limits of what Allah has revealed to His Messenger. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. And among the Bedouins are those who take what they spend as a debt and lie in wait for you. The circles of evil are upon them. Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. Those who built a mosque, causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers, and as a guard for those who fought Allah and His Messenger before. And let them swear that we only intend the best. Allah bears witness that they are liars. Never stand in it for a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day. You are more deserving that you stand in it. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify. Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His pleasure better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a cliff? And it collapsed with it in the fire of Hell. Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. Their structure which they built will remain a doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.}

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