News about the reality of the story of two brothers

News about the reality of the story of two brothers

11/19/2020 0:00:01

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Three different stories that revolve around two brothers.

1 – The story of the two brothers (Musa and Haroun)

■ The story is news

■ The story took place at the time of the appearance of (Pharaoh and his soldiers)

■ The story revolves around a person (Musa), whose father is unknown, and who was raised when he was young in the care of a rich family who was an enemy of his (Pharaoh).

■ When this person (Musa) grew up, a brother (Haroun) appeared to him without knowing the story of his birth.

■ The brothers (Musa and Haroun) seem different

– Different parents

That is, brothers from a mother and not from a father

{He said, O son of a mother, do not seize my beard or my head. I was afraid that you would say, “You have divided the Children of Israel,” and you did not heed my words.}

-Different in shape

Haroun has a beard and Musa appears to be without a beard

{He said, O son of a mother, do not take hold of my beard or my head. I was afraid that you would say, “You have divided the Children of Israel,” and you did not heed my words.}

– Different in tongue

Haroun was more eloquent than Musa

{And my brother Haroun is more eloquent than me, so send him with me}

■ This person (Musa) was given the Book, and his brother (Haroun) was also given the Book.

{And We have given Musa Haroun Forkan a light and a reminder to the righteous.}

■ This person (Musa) killed a person, and his brother (Haroun) almost killed him.

{Allah said, “Indeed, I killed a person among them, so I fear that they will kill me.”}

{And when Musa returned to his people, angry and regretful, he said: “Wretched is that you have left me behind after me. Have you hastened the command of your Allah?” and he threw down the Tablets and took hold of his brother’s head, dragging him towards him. Ibn Umm said, “Indeed, the people weakened me and were about to kill me, so do not let your enemies gloat over me and do not place me with the unjust people.”

■ (Haroun) succeeded (Musa) and it seems that he did not succeed in succeeding (Musa). Musa became angry with his brother (Haroun) because the people weakened him and almost killed him.

{And Musa said to his brother Haroun: “Be my successor among my people and make amends, and do not follow the path of the corruptors.”}

{And when Musa returned to his people, angry and regretful, he said: “Wretched is that you have left me behind after me. Have you hastened the command of your Allah?” and he threw down the Tablets and took hold of his brother’s head, dragging him towards him. Ibn Umm said, “Indeed, the people weakened me and were about to kill me, so do not let your enemies gloat over me and do not place me with the unjust people.”

■ After (Aarun) came the Samaritan who said (messing).

{He said, O Haroun, what prevented you, when you saw them going astray (92) not to follow? Did you disobey my command? (93) He said, O son of a mother, do not seize my beard or my head. Indeed, I was afraid that you would say, “I divided the children of Israel, and you did not heed my words.” (94) He said, “What is the matter with you, Samaritan?”

■ The Samaritan committed a sedition related to creating a new (Allah) for people.

{So he brought out to them a calf with a mooing body, and they said, “This is your Allah and the Allah of Musa, but he forgot.” (88) Do they not see that he will not return to them in words and will not do them any harm or benefit? (89) And Haroun had said to them before, “O my people, you have only been tempted by him, and indeed your Allah is the Most Merciful, so follow me and obey my command.” (90) )}

{He said, “What is wrong with you, Samaritan?” (95) He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the traces of the Messenger, so I rejected it, and so my soul begged me.” (96) He said, “Go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘There is no harm.’ And you have an appointment that you will not break. And look to your Allah, to whom you have remained devoted.” We will burn him, then We will blow him up in the sea [with explosives].}

■ There was strife and misguidance in the land after Musa… because of the adornment of the people and the Samaritan.

{He said, “Indeed, we have tried your people after you, and the Samaritan has led them astray.” (85) So Musa returned to his people angry and regretful. He said, “O my people, did your Allah not promise you a good promise? Did the covenant become long for you, or did you want wrath from your Allah to come upon you, so you broke my promise?” (86) They said, “We did not break your promise with our kingdom, but we were burdened.” Wearing burdens from the adornments of the people, so We threw them away, and so did Al-Samari throw them.}

{He said, O Haroun, what prevented you when you saw them going astray? (92) Not to follow, did you disobey my command? (93) He said, O son of a mother, do not seize my beard or my head. Indeed, I feared that you would say, “I divided the children of Israel, and you did not heed my words.” (94) He said, “What is the matter with you, Samaritan?” (95) He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the Messenger’s trace, so I rejected it, and so my soul asked for it.” (96) He said, “Then go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘No touching,’ and you have a promise that you will not break.” And look to your Allah, upon whom you have remained devoted. We will certainly burn him, then We will scatter him in the sea with blasts. (97) }

■ There was a difference in the book after (Musa)

{And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}


2 – The story of the two brothers (the two sons of Adam)

■ The story is news

■ The story took place in an unknown time

■ The story revolves around two brothers who did one job. He accepted the work of one of them and did not accept the work of the second.

■ The brothers look different

One of them is jealous and loves to admire himself at the expense of the truth, even if he is forced to kill his brother

■ The story (My Son Adam) seems related to the topic of the book.

Because the revealed speech… after the story… speaks about whoever kills a soul as if he had killed all of mankind, and about the messengers who brought clear evidence in the Book.

{For this reason We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul for other than manslaughter or corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed all of mankind, and whoever saves a life, it is as if he had saved all of mankind. And indeed Our messengers came to them with clear proofs. Then many of them after that were transgressors in the land.}

{Indeed, those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance We have sent down after We have made it clear to the people in the Book – those are cursed by Allah, and cursed by the cursers.}

■ The sacrifice seems related to the evidence in the book

{Those who said, “Allah has covenanted with us that we should not believe in a messenger until he brings us an offering that will be consumed by fire.” Say, “Messengers before me have come to you with clear proofs and with what you said. Why did you kill them if you were truthful? (183) And if they deny you, then indeed messengers before you have lied. They came with clear proofs and proofs and the enlightening Book. (184)}

■ In other aspects, there is an indication that the story talks about making sacrifices for (gods)

{Had they not been aided by those who took gods as sacrifices other than Allah, but rather they went astray from them, and that destroyed them, and they were not inventing them.}


3 – The story of the two brothers (Jane and Jack)

■ The story is real

■ The story took place at the time of the appearance of (Napoleon and his soldiers)

■ The story revolves around a person (Jean Champollion), whose birth story is unknown, and who was raised when he was young in the care of a rich, aristocratic family.

■ This person (Jane) had an older brother (Jack).

■ The brothers (Jane and Jack) look different

– Different parents

Because Jean’s features were different from his brother’s, Jacques. Jean’s skin was strikingly and strangely dark in a French family, while Jacques’s skin was white.

-Different in shape

From the pictures, Gene appears to have a beard, unlike his brother Jack, who does not have a beard.

■ The brothers (Jane and Jack) were interested in deciphering the writing of ancient Misr, but Gene was the first to decipher the writing, and his brother (Jack) was the one who compiled the dictionary of Egyptian writing after Gene’s sudden death.

■ It is logical that the issue of translating the oldest book on earth, which represents the first memory on earth, logically imposes the occurrence of killing in order to carry out a corrupt act on earth.

According to the story… (Jean) deciphered the Egyptian inscriptions in France, but after he visited Misr and sent letters to his brother (Jacques) saying that he had now read the Egyptian inscriptions easier than in the past, and he also talked about discovering something huge that would cause embarrassment. It is severe and requires confidentiality when talking about it.

This reference made by Jin confirms that he may have been subjected to a secret assassination.

■ (Jack) is behind (Jane) and it seems that he did not do well with (Jane).

After Gene returned from Misr, he turned into a different person, and became introverted, isolated, and religious. Then, suddenly, Gene died of a mysterious illness, and at that time he had not finished writing his dictionary of ancient Egyptian writing. Then his brother, Jack, ) To undertake the task of producing a dictionary of ancient Egyptian writing.

Therefore, many do not know that Jean Champollion, who deciphered the Egyptian inscriptions, was not the one who compiled the dictionary of ancient Egyptian writing, but rather his brother (Jacques) who compiled the dictionary.

■ The story says that Jin was the one who said “mesas,” but it seems that it was an unknown person who said it.

Ra – M S S

■ That unknown person is the one who created a sedition related to creating new gods for people that people do not know and have not heard of the names of those gods.

Ra – Amun – Osiris – Isis – Horus – Thoth

■ It is logical that the issue of translating the oldest book on Earth, which represents the first memory on Earth, imposes a very high possibility of great magic occurring on Earth.

Because this book represents the true memory on earth, and falsifying it means making people inside a great magic.

And this is what is actually observed in reality… A great magic happened in the land and the region, after Napoleon’s invasion, the translation of Misr’s inscriptions, and the entry of the printer that printed history books for us whose sources we do not know.

People carried the trappings of the West and the charm of that unknown.

■ It is certain that ancient Egyptian writing has been forged.

Because the Qur’an corrects the reading of the first word translated by that unknown person.


Three stories about two brothers…and all the stories share points:

● Each story talks about two brothers who participated in the same work

(Musa and Haroun)…they brought the book

(Jane and Jack) …..participated in deciphering the inscriptions of Misr

(My son Adam)… They offered one offering

● Each story talks about a brother who did something after his brother

(Haroun)… did something after (Musa)… behind his people

(Jack)… did something after (Jane)… compiled the dictionary

(The murdered brother)…. He did something after (The murdered brother)…. He concealed his evil

● Each story contains an incident (murder)

The story of (Musa and Haroun)…a murder incident

The story of (Jane and Jack)… There is a high probability that an assassination will occur

The story of (my son Adam)… a murder incident

● Each story is linked to a (book)

The story of (Musa and Haroun)….the book

The story of (Jane and Jack)… Ancient Egyptian writing

The story of (my son Adam)… clear evidence of the Book

● Every story that happened after it (the making of gods)

After……the story of (Musa and Haroun)….the calf

After…….the story of (Jane and Jack)….the shepherd of Amun Osiris

After…..the story of (Adam’s two sons)….an offering to the gods

● Each story is linked to (the Qibla)

The story of (Musa and Haroun)… (the houses in Misr)

The story of (Jane and Jack)…after which (Mecca) appeared.

The story of (My Son Adam)… came after the story of (The Holy Land of Musa).

● Every story is followed by corruption that spreads throughout the earth.

After….. (Musa and Haroun)…. there occurred…. strife and misguidance in the land

After… (Jane and Jack)… magic happened in the land

After…… (my son Adam)…… there was…. corruption in the land


By reading the two reports found in the Qur’an, and by reading the reality… after Napoleon’s invasion… it happened:

Misguidance, sedition, magic, corruption and murder on earth.


Now… think and research with us… and give us your logical and realistic perception based on the readers’ speech.

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