Placing Taiz within the Saudi aggression project against Yemen

Placing Taiz within the Saudi aggression project against Yemen


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Is it an exaggeration to say that Taiz is just a media card to serve the aggression against Yemen? No, it is not an exaggeration. It is the clear truth for those who use reason to analyze events and the situation in Taiz. We are tired trying to clarify this truth in several ways. It is true that I deliberately and intentionally used the provocative method in raising this issue more than one time, and for no reason other than an attempt to get out. From that sweeping wave that is sweeping the social networking sites and media channels in the name of Taiz, and the emergence of different voices in the vision of that wave in a provocative way, until this faint and different voice appears more clearly in front of the noise of this wave, and perhaps to create a brainstorm, you can deliver a harsh slap to the situations. Hypnosis led by this wave. Saudi Arabia has a project that it is trying to arrange in Yemen, whatever the cost. This is a fact that all Yemenis agree on and does not need discussion. In light of this war led by Saudi Arabia and its coalition against Yemen, it needs a voice inside Yemen. Its project serves the media in a direct and indirect way, and it arranges its project with direct and indirect propaganda according to the variables of the war taking place, but because almost all the cards have been revealed, the direct media that serves its movements, positions and actions will not have a response, especially since Saudi Arabia does not constitute There is no acceptance among the Yemenis in general, so they have no solution except the indirect way to carry out this task inside Yemen. How can Saudi Arabia create media and indirect propaganda to serve its project? The groups, parties, and personalities loyal to Saudi Arabia have been exposed to everyone, and in the general picture they serve Saudi Arabia and will not be a neutral party. Therefore, Saudi media channels deliberately make the battle religious, sectarian, regional, or territorial. Through these things, awareness can be penetrated and directed indirectly to their project. But the difficulty is that this matter cannot turn into a massive wave if it does not have a regulating stand. Saudi Arabia was able to find that organized carrier to serve its project indirectly, and this strong carrier will be Taiz, by benefiting from two factors capable of making that carrier. The first factor is subjective and the second factor is objective. The subjective factor, let us be frank, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are those who raise the name of Taiz as a unique identity that has a unique identity from the rest of Yemen, as a state of privacy that separates it from others. It may be a bad phenomenon and it may have healthy aspects in it, but the most important thing is that those who bear the name Taiz represent a dense population and are found everywhere. In Yemen, and indeed in all facilities of the governmental and private sectors, institutions and organizations, therefore, investing in this advantage by starting from their deep-rooted culture of unique privacy will be a very powerful weapon. Therefore, it is difficult for many of those who always raise the name of Taiz to understand what is going on, because they start from that idea that is deeply rooted in them in analyzing what is going on. We review all the ready-made questions and answers in an attempt to explain what is going on when you say, why only Taiz and not the rest of the governorates? The response is because there is hatred for Taiz, or because Taiz is the starting point of the Yemeni revolutions and the rest are submissive and are defending themselves. When you say, why is Islah only in Taiz? They left Sanaa, Dhamar, Ibb, and others, only Taiz, and we saw Al-Zindani and field leaders of Islah at the beginning of the war in Taiz, the response is that the matter has nothing to do with Islah, for Taiz is bigger than partisanship, etc., It is difficult for them to understand that the action on the field is organized and partisan, and there are even some who began to realize this fact, and began to understand the media role of Taiz in serving Saudi Arabia, and say that there is no importance for Taiz now except for propaganda, and when he presents this idea of his, you find everyone mocking this, and He tells you what is happening in Taiz because Taiz is the most important strategic region in Yemen, so this brutality in Taiz is because of its importance, and they mock those who say that Taiz is not important to the Saudi agenda except the media, as if they want destruction and killing in Taiz in order to prove to the world that Taiz is important with evidence. Issued by the news, this means responses that are more psychological than realistic. And when it is said in the media that cities and regions that are not in Taiz Governorate were liberated from the Houthis and Saleh without the devastation that occurred in Taiz, the response is ready that the matter is a lie and a falsification and they say that the matter is a deception, that there must be devastation and destruction to prove liberation anywhere. It is as if we were faced with the idea that victory can only be achieved through destruction and not through reason, and when you say, “Leave destruction and devastation,” they say to you, “Taiz is legitimate, and you must not surrender, and you must be victorious.” And when you say, “Victories are for Allah’s supporters,” they say. If it were not for the foreign conspiracy, they want to destroy Taiz, otherwise the Houthis would not have won. It is as if we are either an attempt at the psychological self and it is trying to prove itself only in front of the other, and the matter has nothing to do with a national issue. On top of all this, when you talk about these topics and the discussion reaches the inability to prove the arguments, awareness reaches an idea that misappropriates the logic that you hate Taiz, or are insidious or have an agenda against Taiz. This is not the logic of the common people, but unfortunately even educated people, and it is as if I am not Yemeni, and no. Taiz belongs to me or to Yemen, and the residents of Taiz only have to talk about it, otherwise the accusation will be present, and when a person from Taiz criticizes the matter, they become somewhat receptive to the criticism, and if its intensity increases, betrayal becomes a present word. The objective factor means five to us. For years, we did not understand the way the media directs public opinion. Public opinion responds to the direction of the media without feeling. Through technological progress, you can now use its capabilities to create issues and create a new awareness in what serves the interests of political forces. A massacre occurs in Dhamar. The second day we will see. Save Taiz campaign from the Houthis, which is besieging it and depriving it of water and food. The due date of a political or fact-finding committee is approaching. We see a campaign called “Don’t Accept Bronash,” by exploiting a child’s screams and publishing unrelated pictures to confirm the child’s reality. Something new is happening and a new media campaign is taking place. And because it is Taiz, everyone is flocking, even those who do not see the matter as such are afraid to talk about it rationally for fear of being accused of being hostile to Taiz or being prejudiced against its people. The general public, educated people, and intellectuals agree with this, and they cannot understand what is happening and this approach except from the standpoint of The conspiracy and the belittling of the blood of Taiz, and what was happening in Yemen was only in Taiz. Yemen has been bombed for months in an ugly way, but when it comes down to it, everyone becomes blind and does not want to understand, and the question arises: what is the benefit of this intimidation happening in Taiz? Because it is a fact, and this is not the case. Rather, it is an organized work behind the media, an intelligent awareness that directs by linking the media channels to create an event and pumping the media space with pictures, analyzes and news to confirm it, and whoever lives among the media is unable to understand and therefore rushes. He directly reports all the events as if he were living them, and most of these people are expatriates in general. When an expatriate far from the homeland hears news about Yemen or about his family, he is filled with terror and feels that something big is happening. The expatriate always sees everything terrible and big except in peace or in peace. the war . The two factors were invested by Saudi Arabia and made Taiz a sacrifice for the success of its project in Yemen. What’s the solution? Now, based on the above, we can think of solutions to the problem, and these solutions are directed to the authorities responsible for the military media in Yemen, so that they can take them into account in their media materials and at the same time be material for the average reader. We said that the problem of Taiz has two factors. As for the objective factor, Fahla is to clarify the direct relationship between any crime committed by Saudi Arabia anywhere in Yemen, as it is immediately followed by a crime in Taiz that is attributed to the army and the popular committees. And re-publishing the history of every Saudi massacre in Yemen so that the person understands the context and begins to understand the game of the media that is trying to distract and distract awareness from the Saudi massacres, and that its mission is to cover up Saudi crimes or attempt to. We should also not forget to link every new political position in the negotiations or the emergence of a new awareness, as it is followed by an event in Taiz to also cover up or destroy any new awareness. As for the subjective factor, I think that flattering introductions about Taiz should stop, such as talking about its uniqueness, such as the dreamer, the capital of culture, the heart of Yemen, the civil project, and all of these labels when talking. Why? Awareness must emerge from the state of exclusivity and privacy that makes the mind incapable of understanding what is happening, because it understands what is happening in Yemen as something and what is happening in Taiz is a special case. Those centralities in his mind that hinder him from understanding must be dropped, and he is drawn to understand what is happening. It is taking place in Taiz that it is part of a complete Saudi project in Yemen and it is not a special case in Taiz, until awareness becomes aware of Taiz’s connection to everything that is happening in Yemen within the Saudi project, until awareness becomes linked to the entire situation. But criticism must be careful and constructive because it represents extreme sensitivity. This is the reason behind our repeated talk about the necessity of not mentioning the uniqueness of Taiz in any conversation because it hinders the mind from understanding and that it is not a radical treatment but rather a temporary masturbation process that ends, which makes some people sensitive to it and understand it in a way of hatred or hostility. We are now from a starting point. A responsibility to address a reality that is happening now, and not for the sake of psychological battles that do not serve our jihad against the enemy that is waging brutal aggression against us.

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