Prophecies predicted the appearance of the white man and their departure to occupy countries

Prophecies predicted the appearance of the white man and their departure to occupy countries


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When you read the history that happened over the past 500 years, or since the West went out to the rest of the world to occupy it, you will find stories in it that talk about prophecies that appeared among many peoples that were subjected to occupation, and they all talk about the appearance of the white man in their land who will kill its inhabitants and destroy their civilization.

Among those prophecies that I read about are three prophecies.

– A prophecy from the Philippines

This prophecy came from a Muslim leader in the Philippines, through a vision he saw in his dream, where he saw many ships landing on the coast of the Philippines, carrying soldiers carrying weapons that produced fire, and they brutally killed the residents of the Philippines and burned their homes… The Muslim leader told his family. With this dream.

After many years of this dream… the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines and the Muslim leader who saw that dream was still alive. They committed brutal crimes while carrying firearms with them, and the Filipino leader resisted this occupation until he was killed by the Spaniards.

– A prophecy from West Africa

This prophecy came from a king in West Africa, a vision he saw in his dream, where he saw white men entering his country, brutally killing his people, destroying his kingdom, and becoming the rulers… The king told his family about this dream.

After many years of that dream… the French and British arrived on the coast of West Africa, and committed brutal crimes while carrying firearms with them.

– A prophecy from America

This prophecy came from a wise Indian, who predicted the appearance of white men coming on many ships and carrying firearms, who would occupy their land and destroy their civilization.

Many years after that prophecy…the West arrived in America, and they committed widespread genocide while carrying firearms with them.


– Regardless of whether these stories of those prophecies are true or incorrect, the question is why history did not deal with us like other peoples, and did not write such stories that talk about a prophecy that talks about the West before the West entered our land and occupied and killed. And slaughter its inhabitants.

– If the stories of these prophecies are true, then we are in the Arab region like the rest of the peoples of the earth, then why did not a prophecy appear to us like the previous prophecies, or why did our popular heritage, which is rich in numerous prophecies that talk about many things around us, not preserve a prophecy that talks about the West before they entered us? ?

-Why isn’t there actually a prophecy in our authentic cultural heritage that talks about this while we don’t know?

If we assume that we actually have a prophecy and we do not know it, and if the previous prophecies came from a king, a sage, and a leader, then from whom should such a prophecy come from?

I believe that in our cultural structure, there is a word (prophet) which is derived from the word (prophecy), so why should there not be a prophet who told us a prophecy about the appearance of the white man?

We have many prophets in our popular culture, so why didn’t we inherit a prophecy from one of them?

But the nucleus of our cultural structure considers that the highest and greatest personality in it is a person who carries a great religious character and bears the name (the Prophet), so why is this not the (Prophet) in our culture whose role it was to tell us such a prophecy about the appearance of the white man in our land?

If the prophet really told us a prophecy, where can we look for the text of this prophet’s prophecy in our culture?

I believe that we cannot find this text in printer’s books, because they do not have the quality of reliability. Texts can be written and attributed to a prophet.

So where can we find this text?

I believe that there must be a reliable text, and if we wanted to search, we would find that in the nucleus of our culture there is a very sacred religious text that was inherited from generation to generation through the issuances, and this text is the Holy Qur’an, and when we reflect on the Qur’an, we will find that the Qur’an speaks to us about a prophecy that has an ambiance. It resembles the reality of the West on earth, occupation and killing, and this prophecy is the prophecy of (Musa and Pharaoh).

If we go to reality and try to match it with the details of the prophecy in the Qur’an, we will find that there is a great match.

* In fact, the West’s first entry to us was through Napoleon, his army, and his scholars. In the Qur’an, Pharaoh had soldiers and his magicians with him.

* In fact, the first place Napoleon occupied was Misr. In the Qur’an, Pharaoh talks about his occupation of Misr and its rule.

* In fact, the story of Napoleon’s occupation of Misr was mainly linked to ancient religious writing in Misr, and in the Qur’an, Pharaoh’s prophecy revolves around the Book of Allah, which bears the attribute of antiquity.

{We recite to you the news of Musa and Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe. (3) Indeed, Pharaon exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects. He weakened a group of them, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. Indeed, he was of the corrupters.}

{These are of the tidings of the unseen which We reveal to you. Neither you nor your people knew them before this, so be patient. Indeed, the end is for the righteous.}

{O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner (45) and a caller to Allah by His permission and as an illuminating lamp.}





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